class301-blog · 7 years
We are sorry to come to you today with solemn news. Considering that the dash has been just dead for the past week, response towards the poll was very little, and there hasn’t been any new interest, the admin team has decided that it is time to close the roleplay for good. Thank you to everybody who showed interest. We are sorry that it has to be this way. We hope that you at least had fun the short while that it lasted.
Sincerely, Admin Jughead & Betty.
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class301-blog · 7 years
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THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS ARE UNDER NOTICE. all the accounts listed below have been inactive for over a week. according to our rules, they’re allowed a probation period of two days to either become active or request a hiatus with a deadline. failure to accomplish either will ensure in removal from the group.
@plumosity @xdetonative
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class301-blog · 7 years
when is the next ac?
For now, we have semi-officially decided on sundays as our noticeboard day of the week, so a post should be up later today.
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class301-blog · 7 years
lmaoo u weren't being rude, some people are just so unnecessarily sensitive nowadays. btw, which of the cliques are u looking to get filled up quickly? i'm still having trouble deciding on a role :L
Any of the roles would come in handy, truthfully, but I believe the sweethearts, the billionaire club and the ruff boys would be really useful right about now! And, of course, more mystery gang members, if that interests you, anon!
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class301-blog · 7 years
Is it okay for people to approach members to establish relationships before their character is accepted? That might be helpful for anyone who's trying to figure out how their character fits with the others.
As an admin, I don’t have problems with that, especially if the characters’ roles are connected. So that depends on the member’s availability to talk – not that I believe that would be an issue, but, technically, they’re only required to be open for plotting after the members are accepted, so one thing to keep in mind is that we could do little about any of them preferring not to discuss before acceptance.
Also, just as a reminder, the application would still have to go under regular evaluation, and it would still be a possibility that it would present issues that need fixing, despite the existence of previously established connections with muses. Basically, plotting with the members isn’t a guarantee of immediate acceptance. So these are just things that could occur that you should have in mind when reaching out to members.
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class301-blog · 7 years
you didnt need to be rude to that anon, they were just trying to help???
I didn’t mean to be rude, I was just confused since I didn’t understand exactly what they had meant by the term they used, and hence failed to see how it connected to our issue. I’m sorry if it didn’t translate well, I don’t have my icon pack on me right now – that could have helped a bit.
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class301-blog · 7 years
a more engaging event might help too, the first one was pretty like, basic
See, that’s the problem we’re currently facing. The first event was a mixer, a way to get things started. To have more engaging events, we rather need a few cliques to be present, since some roles were very prominent in Jisoo’s life (and death). Our hands are kind of tied, and that is the very reason why we’re reaching out for our members.
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class301-blog · 7 years
how nice a blog looks is often a factor for joining an rp but it was just a suggestion sorry for upsetting you
I wasn’t upset, I was just confused! No worries, but thanks for the input. We’d just like to wait a little longer until we change themes, since it’s been such a short while with our current one.
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class301-blog · 7 years
maybe a theme update could bring in more members?
A theme update? As in, getting a new theme for the blog? But... how exactly would that help?
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class301-blog · 7 years
Hello, fellow members.
This is the admin team coming today to you with a preposition. To be truthful with you all, both admins love this roleplay very dearly, but the lack of members occupying some of the very key roles to the plot progression - as well as people potentially interested in taking them - has made it difficult for us to imagine a way to give you all events that further the story, instead of just fodder. We do not want to close this roleplay, but also we feel like we need to take some kind of action. So today we give you all two choices, with the pros and cons that come with them.
what this means is that people will the allowed to make multiple muses on the same blog, thus taking up enough roles to allow us to do something with the plot. it is crucial that at least half of the people are willing to take on more than one character for this to work. this will help with furthering the plot, instead of just staying static, but also it will require a dedicated community and will limit the amount of potential new people that can join.
we don’t change anything. we keep the format as a traditional roleplay. this gives us more chances to expand our community with new people, but also likely, as interest in the roleplay has been very low these days, would mean that a large chunk of the roles will stay unoccupied and the plot might not move forward significantly.
We have made a survey you can fill here. We will make the decision based on the results we get. Thank you all so much for being a part of this.
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class301-blog · 7 years
Kang Seulgi / Park Sooyoung ( red velvet ), Choi Jinri / Gong Seungyeon / Lee Yoobi / Ahn Sohee ( actresses ), Lee Hyeri ( girl’s day ), Park Jiyeon ( t-ara ), Kim Jisoo / Park Chaeyoung ( blackpink ), Goo Hara ( soloist ), Bae Suji ( miss a ), Yoo Shiah / Kim Jiho ( oh my girl ), Ahn Solbin ( laboum ), Kim Jungeun ( loona ), to name a ( not so ) few.
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class301-blog · 7 years
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THE FOLLOWING FACECLAIMS ARE RESERVED. the deadlines listed below expire at 23:59PM of the corresponding date, according to GMT. we currently have 9 available roles.
★ [ 06/04 ]. JEON JEONGGUK, bts & BOOMER ( rb ). JUNG SOOJUNG, f(x) & UNSPECIFIED ( n/a ) + LEADER ( mg ).
★ [ 06/05 ]. LEE TAEMIN, shinee & GENIUS ( os )  --- ext. KIM JENNIE, blackpink & BLOSSOM ( pp ).
THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS ARE PENDING. their statuses of evaluation are indicated individually, next to them.
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class301-blog · 7 years
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THE ACCOUNTS BELOW HAVE EXPIRED. their faceclaims and roles are now available for roleplay. please unfollow the tagged urls.
CHU SOJUNG, wjsn & SHARK ( bc ) --- @honeyxhae JUNG HOSEOK, btw & BRICK ( rb ) --- @ecnsoo KIM JISOO, blackpink & LINK ( bc ) --- @seoeunx SEO JISOO, lovelyz & WEIRDO ( os ) + DRUMMER ( od ) --- @whimsicalstarfall
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class301-blog · 7 years
I'm super interested in this rp, but I'm wondering if it's still active? I have bad luck of joining rps right around inactivity and closing time so I don't wanna jump into anything without looking into it;; but this concept is really cool and I hope it's still active!
We’re currently an active group, but I’d frankly say our dashboard hasn’t been busy since opening. I’m sure everyone has their reasons why, but, objectively, this is our reality.
This is a laconic answer, I’m aware, but, personally, I feel inadequate answering this question, since I can’t guess each person’s standards for activity. What I can recommend to you, anon, is clicking around our masterlist and test it yourself, since I’m sure that would be the only way for you to reach a personal conclusion.
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class301-blog · 7 years
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NAM JAEHYUN is the #16 on the class 301 rollcall list. born on date, 1999. links up with the brunch bunch ( ginger ) and the olympians ( center of defense ). voted most likely to murder park jisoo? let’s run by the evidence.
he’s always running back and forth between grief and high delight.
born the youngest of three, nam jaehyun had exuded the traits of introversion at the outset. partly attributed to small town life, his thoughts and observations typically came before any outer influence.
his parents get a divorce before he can count to one-hundred. it’s a rough split, and is definitely one of the more serious sources of his rather premature emotional turbulence. at the age of four, when jaehyun asks his mom if she is ever going to get back together with dad, she tells jaehyun that she loves his father, but also that they were not meant for each other.
dad moves out from jinhae to busan in a heartbeat, where jaehyun and his two older sisters spend the occasional weekend. the nam siblings could not have possibly loved one parent more than the other; they understand that some people simply cannot be together.
in general, jaehyun lived a pretty comfortable childhood. dad is a successful investigative journalist working in the city. mom is jinhae’s pediatrician, which meant not only a relatively high standard of living for her family but also lots of friends for her kids.
everyone knows ms. nam. most everyone loves her. as for those who don’t? well, it’s very likely they’re merely envious. mom is both beautiful and intelligent, after all.
when he’s thirteen, jaehyun loses his eldest sister to a car accident. that night, he smashes all the windows in their garage with his bare fists. mom considers having him psychoanalyzed or whatever, but ultimately decides against it.
in a town like jinhae, word gets out quickly: nam jaehyun had a mental breakdown.
but just because someone’s dead, doesn’t meant you forget about them, for god’s sake—especially if they were about a thousand times nicer than the people that are alive and all.
still, he’s got his best friends by him. well, at least, what was left of them. jaehyun is a good kid; he follows the rules, treats others how he wants to be treated. he’s always had a strong moral compass, thanks to his mother’s spunk and sisters’ moxie. anyway, it was just a silly vandalism incident. of course, nam jaehyun, a good kid, wouldn’t be involved in such a thing. he’s not like pepper. right, jaehyun?
because he’s good, jaehyun doesn’t drink. he takes the blame for the soccer team’s car accident, much to his own aversion (read: sister’s death). when he’s out completing his community service hours, he can’t tell if he regrets getting into that car or not.
people liked seeing jaehyun and jisoo together. there was just something about the pair that could make you happy, even if you were just looking at them.
pretty much everyone likes jaehyun. there’s not much not to like: he really is a good kid. he’s kind—selfless, compassionate, empathetic. he does well in school, averts substance abuse, is a great center of defense, and is also really, really cute.
and he doesn’t plan on staying in jinhae. small town life suffocates you. jaehyun has his eyes set on seoul, where he can study political science and philosophy and other shit while being surrounded by thousands of people who certainly won’t stick their noses into his business. maybe he can take his mind off jisoo while he’s at it, too.
of course, when he leaves a place, he’d like to know he’s leaving it.
so don’t ever tell anybody anything. if you do, you start missing everybody. everything.
on the night of jisoo’s murder, jaehyun claims he was at home studying for a calculus test. that morning, though, he had coincidentally bumped into jisoo while out on a walk with his dog, speaking with him briefly about soccer before trying and failing to discuss the possibility that jisoo might’ve started doping after the car crash. jaehyun notes that jisoo seemed somewhat anxious. when jaehyun asked jisoo if he was alright, jisoo responded affirmatively, and they parted ways. later that evening, jaehyun had sent him several texts inquiring why jisoo hadn’t shown up to soccer practice, but they were left unread for obvious reasons.
“jisoo? er, i don’t know. i mean, i don’t know where to start. we’ve been friends from as far back as i can remember. were friends. like, when we were kids, he taught me how to kick around a ball and told me we would be play in the world cup when we were older. sometimes he’d come over and say he wanted to play video games with me but really he’d just be staring at my older sister, yoona, the whole time.”
“to be honest i think jisoo was a pretty stand-up guy. he kept his fair share of secrets, but don’t we all? besides, he’s always had my back — even when things went to shit. for a long time, i loved him like a brother. i just wish he was more careful. maybe he could’ve kept less secrets, too.”
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class301-blog · 7 years
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MOON NABI is the #07 on the class 301 rollcall list. born on september 14th, 1999. links up with the brunch bunch ( pepper ) and the mystery gang ( the spy ). voted most likely to murder park jisoo? let’s run by the evidence.
MOTHER - His mother is as innocent as she is beautiful but not even growing up in a quaint town like Jinhae could spare her from the evils of this world. She dropped out of high school in an attempt to escape the rumors surrounding her name and ends up in Seoul and in even more situations that make her odds of survival shrink to unlikely. Yet, somehow, he found her before all hope was lost. From one pained smile, he could see there was still a light that shone beneath the filth that had been piling up on her. He’s much older; fifteen years older, in fact. But he is kind and gentle and that’s all she has ever wanted. He is a successful man and has the power to whisk her away from anything that can hurt her, just like a King in a fairy tale. Their union is an unlikely one and whispers continue to follow her, but it’s different this time. She knows that she has earned the unconditional love and support of a soul that matches hers. No one can hurt her now. She is safe. FATHER - He has blood on his hands and the more he tries to wipe it off, the more it spreads until it’s caked onto his fingers. The blood dries and hardens and he fears there’s nothing to keep the digits from curving into sharp claws only capable of drawing more blood; causing more destruction. Yet, somehow, She found him before all hope was lost. From one pained smile, she could see there was still a light that shone beneath the filth that had been piling up on him. In that moment he knew that he’d found what his heart had been yearning for. Something pure; a lonesome dove to protect and nurture. Her grace warmed his heart and her tears of happiness washed away the blood on his hands, at least, in his mind. He treats her like a queen, the word “no” never passes his lips, at least, not until her child is born. BROTHER DEAREST - He’s a hellion. From the moment he greets this world and draws breath into tiny lungs; he’s wailing. From the moment his legs can carry him; he’s flailing, knocking down everything in his path. His mother tries to calm him but even as a child, he overwhelms her. Her husband still loves her as much as the day they met and anything that upsets her must be removed. Taeho is removed. He’s taken to a home for “special” children and abandoned there until he’s worthy to be in his mother’s presence. A BOY NAMED BUTTERFLY - He never tells her “no.” Not even when she decides on a new name for their first born. They’d settled on something quite masculine and formidable weeks before, but one look into big cat eyes blinking inquisitively changed her mind. “No, not like a butterfly…like a kitty,” she corrects her husband sweetly and turns her attention back to the quiet child in her arms. “Right, Nabi? Nabiya…Nabiya.” She sings him to sleep cooing the name and his father can’t help but wince from rekindling fear that had been smoldering in his gut. Weren’t they stacking the deck against him a little early? It reignites. HOME SWEET HOME - The big city of Seoul is no place to raise a child and as much as they’ve enjoyed traveling all across the globe on a honeymoon that’s lasted, literally years; it’s time to settle down and play house. They’re sure relocating to Jinhae is the best thing for their children. Yes, children. Taeho is collected from Europe and he fits even less with the picture-perfect couple now that there’s a brand new baby to love. His Korean has suffered terribly during his time abroad. He needs special care to catch up with the other children. His mother loves him cautiously but focuses on the baby. Her husband ignores him. They hire a nanny to raise him. And when that one quits, they hire another and another. CHILDHOOD - A lot had already happened to his family before Nabi came into the picture but he was their hope. He was a good boy; the child that they’d wanted. Curious but obedient, clever, quick, and sharp. He was thoughtful and empathetic and sweet. Taeho was the opposite. He was mean; a bully. He was much bigger and older and Nabi was obviously the bane of his existence. Nabi understood there was a difference between how he and his brother were treated but he could only attribute the contrast to how disobedient Taeho was. If he’d just behave, his parents wouldn’t be so hard on him. Nabi didn’t realize that wouldn’t have changed anything. For all the times he was teased and picked on to tears or beaten, he kept his mouth shut. If his parents asked what had happened, Taeho’s story was repeated word for word from his bloodied, split lips. He was like his father; he could take a beating and get back up. He would endure hardships on his own until he found a way to settle things himself. Taeho was bigger and stronger, but Nabi was smarter and it wasn’t long before he’d learned exactly how to take away the enjoyment from Taeho seeing him hurt. 7th GRADE - School changed everything for Nabi. He took off running and never looked back. He was bright-eyed and thirsty for knowledge. He was confident and smart and stood up for kids who were picked on because he knew how that felt. He had friends in every class, but a small group that he felt personally close to, a few kids that he felt were special and he trusted them, implicitly.
Despite being like his father and surviving his older brother’s bullying, Nabi was still very much like his mother. He had the same innocence, the same trust in the universe; an unwarranted faith that he could present his true self to the world and the world would not pick him apart or rip him to shreds until there was nothing left.
Like his mother, he was wrong.
And like before, Nabi clamped his jaw shut when fingers were pointed at him and bore the blame on his own; a sacrifice to angry adults who said he was just like his troublemaker brother, just like his father; a thug from Seoul that made his fortune from the misfortune of others. They were criminals.
He was a criminal. JOHN THE APOSTLE - “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” He is shaken to his core, but the sentiment gives him desperately needed strength and before long, the man’s name is inked into his skin, among other things. He justifies the actions of his so-called friends and his own inaction. It takes a long time until he can swallow over the lump in his throat, but with an entire month of mandatory self-reflection, it gives a sensitive and now jaded boy like Nabi a lot of time to plan. PEPPER - The walls go up on every side. Walls to shield a tender heart and what is left of his pride. He hands the key to Cinnamon and puts on a mask before facing his peers. He’s not going to let anyone hurt him again. He’s determined to smile and laugh and brush off everything thrown his way. He faces his adversaries with a cold glint in feline eyes. If they’re expecting a delinquent; a rebel, then he won’t disappoint them.
THE SPY - He keenly observes those around him and assesses the given situation. Whether it’s comforting words that purr forth from thick lips or a lashing from a sharp tongue that brings an uncomfortable truth to light, Nabi has the power to say what others wish they could, but wouldn’t dare. He’s allied himself to many secret causes throughout the span of his high school years and has forged alliances where not even his close friends would think it possible. It’s rumored that at least half the crimes he’s taken credit for aren’t his own.
It’s also rumored that his main motivation for pulling in favors in an attempt to find out who really murdered Jisoo, is because he knows there are few people the town would rather see punished for the crime than himself.
“I already told you.” His tone is flat but the edge of his words begins to sharpen. He’s been there for hours, repeating the same information to one ugly mugged cop after another; each one more disbelieving than the next. “We saw him coming out of his mom’s office. I don’t remember what day it was…Sunday? Tuesday? I don’t fucking remember.” Arms unfold from his chest and clasp behind his neck. Annoyance that had been pinching his face is gone once the youth stretches from side to side in the hard chair in which he’s been sitting for far too long. He should have a parent or guardian present or legal representation, but a phone call is not offered and he’s too proud to ask for one.
“And the night of the murder?”
“At home, with my family… like every night.” His answer is the same as he’s said before and his tone is just as smug. The truth is that it doesn’t matter what he told the police; they wouldn’t believe him anyway. However, the alibi he’d chosen was too clearly a lie. Any police officer and anyone who lived within a mile radius of the Moon’s lavish home could tell you that his parents were rarely home simply from the amount of noise complaints that were called in on any given night. The couple was almost always off on some exotic getaway, doing their best to put the love of Gomez and Morticia Addams to shame.
“Yeah and I bet you, and dear old dad, and your addict brother all took turns with her… like every night.”
It’s clear that the officers are frustrated and what better way to incite the rage of a teenage delinquent than insulting his precious mother? Indeed, Nabi feels bile rise and burn the back of his throat, but he swallows his fury, as he’s practiced. He smirks as he lifts his eyes to the older man and smiles; vicious and cold, as he’s practiced.
“Yeah… something like that.”
He operates largely behind the scenes; habitually conducting business in dark hallways and empty classrooms. He considers himself, amongst other things, a sin-eater; a necessary evil. He deals in secrets and lies; some that are his own, but many that are not. He’s deceitful and whether it’s to help or to hurt isn’t ever clear. He holds sway over student, teacher and parent alike but you won’t catch him gloating or showing his cards until the moment is right.
He’s a Joker in this House of Kings and Queens. Jinhae High’s very own Least Likely to Succeed.
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class301-blog · 7 years
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THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS ARE UNDER NOTICE. all the accounts listed below have been inactive for over a week. according to our rules, they’re allowed a probation period of two days to either become active or request a hiatus with a deadline. failure to accomplish either will ensure in removal from the group.
@bctaewoo @honeyxhae @seoeunx @ecnsoo @whimsicalstarfall
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