Reblog if it is totally, 100% fine to send anonymous comments to your muse pertaining to the events in your RP
( originally by imlostinthesnow, archived here)
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He's just kinda sitting out in the park and painting what he's seeing. It didn't matter to him that it was cold. The snow was pretty and he was bundled up well enough.
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I'm gonna be even more ancient on the 10th. :) Like.....73 or 74....what fucking year is it? I was born in 1896.
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"I'm not going to run...But you know it's sad when they want an old man to come fight for them. I'm in my 70's. I'm old. Too old to be running around." Yes, he was physically 38, but legally he was over 70.
He's looking through his mail, sipping coffee. The mug nearly drops from his hand when he notices a letter from RED.
"No....No no no no no no no."
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"Thankfully my contract is expired, however....you know how they operate... I am glad to have you though. It gives me some confidence."
He's looking through his mail, sipping coffee. The mug nearly drops from his hand when he notices a letter from RED.
"No....No no no no no no no."
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He's being asked to come back to RED as a Medic and he's like, ": ) No."
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He just put the letter down on the table and slid it over, shaking as he did so. He swallowed hard, looking Jane in the eyes.
He's looking through his mail, sipping coffee. The mug nearly drops from his hand when he notices a letter from RED.
"No....No no no no no no no."
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He's looking through his mail, sipping coffee. The mug nearly drops from his hand when he notices a letter from RED.
"No....No no no no no no no."
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Pharmaceutical, however.....
[He's made his own medication so he can breathe around other people.]
You know....I haven't done any medical things in a while.
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You know....I haven't done any medical things in a while.
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"Glad to see the Deutsche is back."
He quietly sips his tea.
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I'm thinking of giving Jim a Christmassy event too :0
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"Yeah....I found out about him recently because he was nagging me to get out more and that socializing is good for my mental health." He rolled his eyes.
"I know that it's good for me, but holy fuck he can nag. James is at least more tactful and will be nicer about it and more suggesting of it, but Jay is more commanding. He doesn't talk to me much...but now that I know he's there, I can feel him...if that makes any sense."
Jim sighed softly.
"Well...at least I'm out of my apartment for now, and that they are rather helpful."
"Hey Jane....Um...it's been a while. Sorry about that."
"Jim." Jane looked up. Bathed in the flickering light of the menorah candles and the soft blue glow of the small Christmas tree, he looked tired and melancholy as ever. His smile, however, was genuine. Standing up, he reached out for his dear friend and creator.
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"He's the main reason I was able to remain relatively sane. It's...nice having him to talk to. Jay though....He told me I had to leave my home sometime, that it wasn't healthy to stay in all the time. I think he was worried in his own way. It was just oddly...I dunno...sweet of him?" It had been very odd, hearing Jay being concerned with him. Though he was probably concerned with them as a whole with Jim in the driver's seat. He often wondered if Jay even had feelings.
"But yeah....I do know how your thoughts can get at times... I'm just glad you're okay."
"Hey Jane....Um...it's been a while. Sorry about that."
"Jim." Jane looked up. Bathed in the flickering light of the menorah candles and the soft blue glow of the small Christmas tree, he looked tired and melancholy as ever. His smile, however, was genuine. Standing up, he reached out for his dear friend and creator.
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"...It's alright, I forgive you...Um...Would you like some company while you wait?" He smiled back, chuckling softly. Jim couldn't stay mad at Jane.
"I'd love to meet Fritz someday since anyone who could capture your heart like he had has to be lovely."
"Hey Jane....Um...it's been a while. Sorry about that."
"Jim." Jane looked up. Bathed in the flickering light of the menorah candles and the soft blue glow of the small Christmas tree, he looked tired and melancholy as ever. His smile, however, was genuine. Standing up, he reached out for his dear friend and creator.
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Send “bonk” for my muse to accidentally run into a wall or door.
Send “I meant to do that” for your muse to run into a wall or door. 
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"For a while...I wasn't alright, but I am now embarking on the path to being closer to what would be considered as alright...I'm at least more alright than I had been."
Jim pulled away only enough to where he could pat Jane affectionately on the cheek. He had a very fond look upon his face, glad to have gotten out of his rut in time for the holidays...though he did miss Hanukkah.
"It's been too long since we've spoken. How have you been? How is everyone?"
"Hey Jane....Um...it's been a while. Sorry about that."
"Jim." Jane looked up. Bathed in the flickering light of the menorah candles and the soft blue glow of the small Christmas tree, he looked tired and melancholy as ever. His smile, however, was genuine. Standing up, he reached out for his dear friend and creator.
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