classyrye · 6 months
it occurs to me, after thirty minutes standing at the stove caramelizing onions, that I love cooking.
I recently mentioned to a friend that I wished my parents taught me more about cooking when I was growing up. he was surprised; he assumed my parents had taught me. well, sort of, I told him. my parents made sure I knew how to feed myself, how to prepare dinner for the family, how to chop and peel and boil and roast. what I meant, though, was that I wished they'd taught me how to love food and prepare food I loved.
my mother did not teach me to caramelize onions. my father did not teach me to make a meatless meal. my parents did not teach me how to make vegetables interesting, or how to create balanced meals that satisfy emotionally as well as physically, and they certainly did not show me the simple pleasure of homemade bread and real butter. (we were a margarine household. NEVER AGAIN.)
the last time I had friends over, this was the menu:
penne with scrambled tofu in a roasted red pepper & garlic sauce
creamy carrot soup with peasant bread for dipping
apple galette and vanilla ice cream
I am very much a home cook. my meals are elevated basics, nothing too fancy. but they do take time. and it is one of the best ways I spend my time.
so I can't help but think, what would have happened if I'd found this love earlier? it was only in my mid-twenties, after I bought a home and had my own kitchen, that I really embraced cooking. but what if it had been during my teen years? what if I could have processed my big feelings in the kitchen? what if mealtimes were sacred? what if I hadn't tracked all those goddamn calories for all those years???
I know not everyone will love cooking. I sometimes hesitate to talk about the life-changing impact it's had on my life, lest I sound like I'm proselytizing. but I was standing in my kitchen after a long day at work, caramelizing onions...and I felt so at peace. when my friends were at my kitchen table, eating my apple galette, I felt contented.
all I want, truly, is to find a lover I can invite into my kitchen who will recognize it as a site of peace and pleasure.
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classyrye · 6 months
i get so affectionate when i’m sleepy it’s disgusting
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classyrye · 11 months
Fuck it I’m speaking my truth. Boobers y’all gotta stop being unnecessarily mean to ConnorEatsPants. I’ve been going through his sf6 vods and every time he references being ostracized and harassed by twitter users, my heart breaks. Connor even said that he no longer mentions being friends with Ranboo and other creators because he doesn’t want boobers to start hating Ranboo for it.
And he’s right btw. Remember when there was a possibility Connor might be in genloss? Instead of being excited or just saying nothing, boobers began linking threads on why he’s such a horrible person and how his inclusion would ruin the project as a whole. We don’t even know if he was joking or not, yet you all still celebrated when he didn’t appear in episode 2. I’m pretty sure Connor will never publicly interact with Ranboo or this community again after the way you all treated him. That’s really fucked guys.
While I understand the want to “hold people accountable” for their past actions, 1) it’s not your responsibility to hold people accountable over the internet and 2) judging everyone on their past mistakes alone is a very dehumanizing and hypocritical way to view other people.
Why is this community all about treating other with respect and kindness, especially when they’re on the spectrum, but Connor is the exception?
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classyrye · 1 year
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*casually draping my arm around your shoulder and gesturing with my other hand*
Now hear me out, pal, what if– what if I think ALL culture, art and writing are important and worth preserving, regardless of who wrote it and whether or not they’re deemed marketable by the capitalist institution?
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classyrye · 1 year
What is a man (a non-comprehensive list):
Frolicking in a field at dusk
Peeling paint on an old house
The smell "Clean Cotton" as a Yankee Candle® candle
Sunflowers facing each other
Embers left over after a bonfire
A threat to the security of Nebraska
Your lungs filled with winter air
Accelerating your car before a turn
Old 50s music about a man's love for his woman played on a turntable
Cracked mirrors
A miserable pile of secrets
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classyrye · 1 year
don't talk to me or my 300 pornbot followers ever again
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classyrye · 1 year
✨ Neapolitan hair ✨
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classyrye · 1 year
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pov you meet a zombie and his severely traumatized son 
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classyrye · 1 year
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classyrye · 1 year
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Wilbur declined to answer questions today
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classyrye · 2 years
Funky colors go brrr
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classyrye · 3 years
and. again i'd like to reiterate that its so fucking clear that people who decide to cancel techno under the guise of him being "antisemitic" DO NOT care about jews in the slightest. i do not actually give a fuck about some minecraft guy tweeting "is hitler a lesbian?"
an orthodox jewish family of three got slashed with a knife in nyc while visiting from belgium during passover. france is banning kosher slaughter in june. antisemitic hatecrimes are on the rise. i do not give a FUCK about performative twitter "expose" threads. stop exploiting our pain just so you can ruin someone's week.
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classyrye · 3 years
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This is one of my favourite images. This is Erets castle which is amazing with all the pride flags and the way it's built, I absolutely love this so much
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classyrye · 3 years
blood // water
short technoblade animatic
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classyrye · 4 years
and I don’t have eyelids
Ranboo: I am Homeless
Ranboo: I have short term memory loss
Ranboo: I am half enderman
Ranboo: And I am new in town
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classyrye · 5 years
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classyrye · 5 years
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I remade a Grease poster of Krotty! It took me about a week of nonstop work. The credit block alone took me three WHOLE days so I’m glad it’s done and I’m glad it looks so good. Tag @vanilladingdong and @kristenmcatee ❤️❤️ * * * * *TAGS* #daviddobrikedit #scottysire #scottsire #vlogsquad #daviddobrik #kristenmcateeedit #grease #zanehijazi #heathhussar #toddsmith #toddysmith #vlogsquadedit https://www.instagram.com/p/BsOiUxwlKs-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bsmi3mvdpuf6
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