classystar12 · 3 years
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Financial freedom. It can sound like a nice theory. But the truth is, it’s possible for anyone to achieve. And I mean anyone – even someone who once had tens of thousands in student loan debt like yours truly. No matter what financial troubles you have today, there’s always a way to get back to black. Perhaps trying a budgeting app is your first step.
In this article, we’ll dive into the importance of financial freedom and share some financial freedom tips, including a few that worked for me.
What is Financial Freedom?
Financial freedom is about taking ownership of your finances. You have a dependable cashflow that allows you to live the life you want. You aren’t worrying about how you’ll pay your bills or sudden expenses. And you aren’t burdened with a pile of debt.
It’s about recognizing that you need more money to pay down debt and maybe increasing your income with a side hustle – we’ll get to that in just a minute. It’s also about planning your long-term financial situation by actively saving for a rainy day or retirement.
10 Game-Changing Financial Freedom Tips
Understand Where You’re At
Look at Money Positively
Write Down Your Goals
Track Your Spending
Pay Yourself First
Spend Less
Buy Experiences Not Things
Pay Off Debt
Create Additional Sources of Income
Invest in Your Future
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classystar12 · 3 years
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classystar12 · 3 years
Need Traffic? Here's How to Get Visitors to a New Website
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“How do I drive more traffic to my online store?”
At some point, that thought crosses the mind of every entrepreneur selling online.
Maybe you’ve invested time and effort in setting up your store and tweaked everything for launch, only to open up shop and wonder where all the traffic is. Maybe you’ve seen steady growth over the past six months, but hit a plateau on traffic and sales. Or maybe you’ve been successful with one traffic-driving tactic and you’re curious about what tactics you can try next.
Whether you’re trying to attract your first customer or your 1,000th customer, generating more traffic to your online store is a crucial part of growing your business. If your site is properly optimized for conversions, getting an increase in web traffic could mean more customers and more sales.
What you should know about increasing website traffic
From a marketing perspective, the good news is the process of getting your first customer versus your one hundredth is the same. But for traffic to successfully result in sales and profit, there are some essential prerequisites to ensure that traffic converts and the cost is sustainable. You should be asking yourself:
Is this a good product? A “good product” means that it’s good enough for your audience and passes their implicit cost-benefits analysis.
Is there a large target market? A market is a group of people already spending money on something. Are people buying the same type of product?
Is there an addressable target market? An addressable market is a group of people with visible shared qualities, already spending money on something. Is there a market segment you can focus on?
Is there a great product story and/or compelling copy? You might have a clear “why” for the product in contrast to competitors, but you need to translate that pitch to compelling web copy. Does your product pitch resonate with them enough to purchase?
Is there a low-cost way to reach this audience? The goal should be to keep customer acquisition costs low. Are there multiple ways you can reach potential customers?
How to drive traffic to your website
i gathered gathered a list of 20 proven, high-impact tactics for driving more traffic to your online store.
Navigate this guide:
Run paid social media ad campaigns 1. Facebook ads 2. Instagrams ads 3. Pinterest ads 4. Google Ads
Engage in conversation on social media 5. Get friends and family to share 6. Proactively engage on Twitter 7. Post your store to Reddit 8. Drive excitement with contests and giveaways 9. Offer time-sensitive discounts
Reach new audiences with influencer marketing 10. Send free samples to Instagram influencers 11. Reach out to bloggers and press 12. Write a blog post featuring influencers and their advice
Attract customers with content marketing 13. Write blogs to provide information or solve problems 14. Produce podcasts to reach new audiences 15. Use video to educate or entertain
Use SEO to increase your store’s discoverability 16. Write titles that match search intent 17. Write irresistible meta descriptions 18. Leverage internal links 19. Add long-tail keyword variations to your pages 20. Stand out with rich snippets
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classystar12 · 3 years
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Looking for new business ideas to start 2021 off on a positive note? Here are 21 winning niches backed by data that show growth potential. With rising search volumes, these are guaranteed to be selling like crazy in 2021, so don't miss out!
1. Resistance Bands
2. Beard Oil
3. Accupressure Mats
4. Laptop Skins
5. Infrared Thermometers
6. Cat and Dog Beds
7. Vintage Rugs
8. Garden Accessories
9. Jigsaw Puzzles
10. Power Tools
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classystar12 · 3 years
Need a Catchy Business Name? Find Ideas With These Tips and Free Name Generators
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Choosing the best brand name can have a major impact on your small business.
A snappy, memorable brand name gives you an immediate advantage when starting an ecommerce business. It makes it easy for potential customers to remember both you and your product and can set you up for long-term success.
Odds are you’ve got a lot on your plate right now. Between determining your target audience, what products you’ll sell, and how much startup funding you need, things can easily add up.
So if you’re having trouble coming up with the perfect business name, it’s normal. This guide will walk you through how to brainstorm your business name, with name generators and examples to help you find the best one for your business.
Free business name generators to help find company name ideas
Coming up with catchy, meaningful ideas can be challenging, and it often feels like all the good names are already taken.
To help you find that perfect moniker, we’ve put together this list of business name generator tools to make sure your brand gets off on the right foot, plus five brainstorming strategies to get your creative juices flowing.
Name Mesh
Hipster Business Names
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classystar12 · 3 years
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classystar12 · 3 years
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With new products popping up around the internet, we’ve decided to freshen up this list with the trending products to sell in 2021.
Some argue that you shouldn’t sell trending goods, or whatever everyone else is selling. But I know from experience that that isn’t true. Here’s why: I added trending products to one of my stores and saw people frequently visiting and making repeat purchases. All because I had listed the most interesting and in-demand items. What I concluded is that if we ride the wave early, there’s a good chance to make a profit in a short period.
Another advantage of selling popular products is availability: In addition to the rising stars on platforms like Oberlo, you’ll be able to find a great selection of trending products on wholesale marketplaces such as Handshake.
Let go of self-limiting beliefs that you can’t make money with trending items. Consumers are willing to pay top dollar for hot new products as they look to earn bragging rights of being the first to try them. With that in mind, here’s a list of the top trending products to sell in 2021. Feel free to choose the one that excites you most.
Trending Products to Sell in 2021: Products High In Demand Right Now
If you’re wondering what products are trending now, we��ve got you covered. Here’s a list of items that are piquing interest all over the world.  
Laser Hair Removal
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2. Head Scarf
3. Detangling Hair Brush
4. Hair Wig
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classystar12 · 3 years
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Customer retention is more valuable than customer acquisition.
Some people say it costs five times as much to earn a new customer than it does to retain an existing one. Others say that retaining customers is seven times more valuable. And finally: “Acquiring a new customer is anywhere from five to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one.”
Okay, so perhaps the exact numbers are a little fuzzy. The point, though, is that customer retention is cheaper, more profitable, and in lots of ways easier than customer acquisition.
What Are Customer Retention Programs?
Customer retention programs are simply activities and tactics brands take to improve the customer experience.
The objective of these programs is to encourage customers to repurchase while also advocating for the brand’s product or service.
Customer retention programs can take several forms, but we’ll keep it to tactics that are designed for ecommerce store owners like you.
Let’s dive into some of the customer retention tactics thatwill give your customers the incentive, opportunity, and desire to come back to your store for another purchase.
Benefits Of Customer Retention
Here’s a quick rundown of the benefits you’ll see from implementing retention strategies for customers:
A five percent increase in retention rate will increase profits by 25-95 percent, according to Harvard.
Builds brand awareness and reputation by word-of-mouth advertising from your loyal customers.
Gives you the opportunity to build constructive relationships with your customers.
Allows you to identify and fix flaws by receiving feedback and listening to your customers’ needs.
Loyal customers are more willing to try or experiment with your new products. Six times more likely, according to studies.
Your customers are more willing to be forgiving of mistakes if they feel loyal to you, which means fewer of those fly-off-the-handle angry customers.
How to Improve Customer Retention:  10 Best Practices
There are a lot of ways to carry out customer retention marketing. From interacting on social media, email marketing, and setting realistic expectations, here are the best practices for increasing your customer retention rate.
 Set Realistic Expectations
 Create a Loyalty Program
 Pay Attention to Questions
 Pay Attention to Complaints
 Be Active on Social
Target Customers on Social
Use Email
Market to Your Customer’s Interests
Engage in Social Responsibility
Be Honest
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classystar12 · 3 years
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the worlds first  startup
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classystar12 · 3 years
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Sales: How to Take Gorgeous Product Photos for Beginners
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The perceived value of your products and the trustworthiness of your brand are often judged based on the quality of your visual presentation. That means having high-end, beautiful product photography can go a long way.
However, not every online store owner can afford to invest in a professional photography studio when they’re just starting out. DIY product photography provides a great alternative, and as long as you know the proper tools and techniques, taking compelling product photos is well within your grasp.
At-home product photography studio—what you need
Showcasing your ecommerce products with high-quality images can be the winning difference between a conversion and no sale at all. This is particularly true if you’re distributing your products on marketplace sites like Amazon, where they are displayed alongside those of your competitors, or on social media, where people interact with your brand.
The perceived value of your products is directly impacted by the quality of your product photography.
When you’re just starting out, getting your product images shot can be an intimidating prospect, because good ecommerce photography can be expensive. But there are hundreds of product photography tools to help you get the job done yourself.
As retailers with lean start-up roots, we understand this more than anyone, and as a company that works with small businesses everyday, we also know that sometimes the money’s just not there. If that’s you, and your budget is tight, have you thought about taking the DIY approach to taking your own images? It’s not as hard as you might think.
There are lots of techniques for shooting successful product photography, but the one I’m going to show you is commonly known as The Window Light Technique.
From someone who takes products photographs everyday, this tutorial has been specifically crafted for business owners on a budget, and it’s been designed to be simple, while producing excellent, professional product photography that gets results.
Gear is at the heart of photography and can be really exciting but, typically, it’s the aspect most people become confused about.
There’s no necessity to spend a large portion of your budget on high-tech equipment, so keep an open mind and try not to overspend on gadgets that do the same job lighting your product as a $5 piece of card can do. You can probably do this natural light setup for $20 or less if you already own a camera.
What you're going to need:
A camera
A tripod
A white background
White bounce cards made of foam board
A table
The right room with a window
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classystar12 · 3 years
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classystar12 · 3 years
Driving Traffic but No Sales? Here's How to Diagnose and Improve Your Store
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In an online store’s early days, it’s not uncommon to draw hundreds, even thousands of visitors, but for some reason... no sales.
Assuming you're driving the right traffic, figuring out exactly what is stopping these potential customers from making a purchase can feel like solving a mystery with few clues.
There are a number of factors that play a part in a customer’s decision to make a purchase, from details as small as the color of your "Buy Now" button to choices as big as the way you weave your brand story.
Like any diagnosis, you need to objectively evaluate every potential cause in order to root out the actual problems before you can fix them.
So take a step back from the online store you’ve poured hours into building, look at it with fresh eyes, and ask yourself the following questions:
Is your main navigation easy to use?
Can you move any non-essential pages to the footer navigation?
Does your visual brand look professional?
Does your homepage have a clear call to action?
Does your website copy speak to your target audience?
Does your website look just as good on your mobile phone?
Does your business seem trustworthy?
Are shoppers adding products to their cart?
Are shoppers abandoning their cart?
Is price or payment options stopping them from checking out?
Are you remarketing to your website visitors?
How are visitors scrolling, clicking, and searching your website?
What else could be stopping you from making sales?
Navigate your store like a new customer
Your website won’t be the first experience your potential customers have with online shopping.
Much in the way you expect the fitting rooms in a brick-and-mortar clothing store to be located at the back of the shop, there are certain conventions that users have come to expect from a website. While some may seem obvious, a misstep can easily result in lost sales.
Is you
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classystar12 · 3 years
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classystar12 · 3 years
what is a  Innovative Customer Loyalty Programs to keep customers coming back
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More than 90% of companies have some type of customer loyalty program.
Loyalty programs have proven themselves as one of the most effective tactics for increasing revenue and inspiring customer loyalty. As many as 84% of consumers say they’re more apt to stick with a brand that offers a loyalty program. And 66% of customers say the ability to earn rewards actually changes their spending behavior.
We know that it costs a lot less to sell to repeat customers than acquire new ones—that’s why brands invest in loyalty and rewards programs.
While they can be effective, customer loyalty programs are nothing new. Most fall into one of four categories: points, tiers, social media, and paid programs. That’s why some retailers are looking to shake things up and find innovative new ways to build rewards programs and inspire customer loyalty.
How customer loyalty programs work
Customer loyalty programs reward customers who repeatedly interact with a brand. It’s a customer retention strategy that encourages customers to continue buying from your brand rather than competitors. The more a customer buys or engages with the brand, the more rewards they earn.
Companies can offer points or benefits to customers. And in return, they redeem points for discounts, free products, rewards, or insider perks. The goal is to motivate repeat purchases and build trust between customer and business.
1. DSW
3. Starbucks Rewards
4. Amazon Prime
5. The North Face
6. REI Co-op
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classystar12 · 3 years
Build Your Store With Ease: The 9 Best Ecommerce Website Builders for 2021
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Starting an online store may seem like a daunting task, but it can be rewarding and insanely profitable when done right.
A good ecommerce website builder can help you tackle the hassles of ecommerce and get you set up with a beautiful online store, fast. That way, you can impress customers and start making sales immediately.
There are many easy-to-use website builders for online stores that can help you stand out.
In this guide, we’ve compiled a list of the best ecommerce site builders from around the web. Since you have specific needs for your business, we’ve also given a rundown of each website builder’s most useful features.
9 best ecommerce website builders
Browse this list of online storefront builders you can use to start your ecommerce business:
Finding the best store builder for your businessNow that you know your options for finding the best ecommerce website builder, it’s time to test them out. Each option comes with its own pros and cons, but hopefully you have a better idea of which store builder is best for your business. A professional ecommerce website can take your business to the next level. With all these free website builder options available, there’s no doubt you’ll find the best one to build an online store that you’re proud of, impresses customers, and makes sales for you automatically.
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classystar12 · 3 years
12 Profitable Hobbies You Can Monetize (You Probably Have At Least One)
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We’ve all got our hobbies—pastimes we dedicate some of our spare hours to because we find them fun or fulfilling.
While we don’t typically get into hobbies to make money, some of them can become a stream of income if you take it seriously enough. Depending on how you direct your talents and interests, you can get anything from free stuff to extra spending money to a full-fledged business where you sell things online—all by doing something you might’ve done anyway.
Here’s a list of 12 common lucrative hobbies that make money, whether it’s through freelancing, becoming an affiliate, building an audience, or starting a business.
12 profitable hobbies that make money
Illustration and design
DIY crafts
Brewing beer
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classystar12 · 3 years
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