claudiacp · 4 years
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Salvador Elizondo
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claudiacp · 4 years
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claudiacp · 4 years
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Primero de poeta - Patricia Benito
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claudiacp · 4 years
Un huésped
No sos mío no estás en mi vida a mi lado no comés en mi mesa ni reís ni cantás ni vivís para mí.
Somos ajenos tú y yo misma y mi casa.
Sos un extraño un huésped que no busca no quiere más que una cama a veces.
Qué puedo hacer cedértela pero yo vivo sola.
Idea Vilariño
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claudiacp · 4 years
Estoy pensando en ti ya hace una hora tal vez media no sé.
Idea Vilariño
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claudiacp · 4 years
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Paolo Roversi The Voyeur from Acne Paper No.13, Spring 2012
“What is perfect? Beauty is a mystery to me, a deep mystery, I love not to explain why I like this and why I don’t like that, I just live and feel my emotion. That’s why I’m an artist, because I’m taken by some emotion. … Inexplicable, and I don’t know why. If I know, it becomes automatic, and this is not how beauty should be. But this mystery is the engine of my work. Every day I research beauty, I am dreaming of beauty all the time.”
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claudiacp · 7 years
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claudiacp · 11 years
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DIY: Tie Dye Cheat Sheet
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claudiacp · 11 years
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claudiacp · 11 years
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 «Un hilo rojo invisible conecta a aquellos que están destinados a encontrarse, sin importar tiempo, lugar o circunstancias. El hilo se puede estirar o contraer, pero nunca romper»
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claudiacp · 11 years
"El problema no son los sueños, me gusta soñarte. El problema son los amaneceres, despertar y no tenerte, abrazar la nada… Ese es el problema, soñar contigo y despertar sin ti."
-La chica de adamantium (via hachedesilencio)
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claudiacp · 11 years
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claudiacp · 11 years
Sometimes you meet a person and you just click—you’re comfortable with them, like you’ve known them your whole life, and you don’t have to pretend to be anyone or anything.
Alexandra Adornetto (via rainydaysandblankets)
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claudiacp · 11 years
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Nelson Mandela life and times infographic
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claudiacp · 11 years
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claudiacp · 11 years
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claudiacp · 11 years
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It was 44 years ago today… Beatles’ Rooftop Concert.
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