claudiathehacker · 8 years
“Well it’s that just a coincident. If we get caught can I flirt my way out of it?” She joked with a laugh. Of course she wouldn’t do that, but she still liked joking. “Alright, I say we go fast until we get to Mr Johnny, what do you say?”
He held on for dear life as the hacker pulled him to his car.  “As fast as Johnny Law will allow,” he smiled.  “No that’s not a nickname for the cops; I’ve plotted the fastest route to avoid schools and neighborhoods and there’s a speed trap cop on the route named, I shite you not, Johnathan Lawson.  I guess the rule’s the same for anyone with a name that sounds like something: it’s going to sometimes dictate your future.”
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claudiathehacker · 8 years
“Yeah, until you get trampled by horses, which apparently has happened way too many times.” She said laughing before she picked another out, hovering her hand over each of them as she picked. “Okay, then there’s this one. It apparently will change your hair color? What?” She said raising an eyebrow. “But,” she added. “After a few days of use you use your hair. Oh that’s just fantastic isn’t it?”
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claudiathehacker · 8 years
“No not the whole place, which is why we have to be careful when we go in. You’ll stay in my room with me. I have friends, well I consider them family, who live here with me. They also work at Warehouse 13. There’s the grumpy old man Artie, Myka who’s actually pretty cool, Pete who’s a fully grown child, and lastly Steve who I’m scared of in this situation because he can tell when people are lying. It’s kind of like a power.” She said sighing. “I’m afraid he’ll ask me the wrong question and he will know what’s up.” She said rolling her eyes. 
She got out and headed for the door, putting her finger to her lips to signify him to stay quiet as she opened the door, and started sneaking up the stairs to her room. The room was big, but not too big. There were computer and any other electronic part you could think of scattered everywhere from her building, and taking things apart. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting visitors today.” She whispered as she made a ‘my bad’ face.
~ Some Artifacts Need Updating.. ~
While he didn’t fully understand what she was talking about he did understand it was a form of protection. The fact that they where moving at such high speed fascinated him. The trees and other roadside objects zoomed by, he was sure that horse drawn carriages couldn’t even go this fast.
As they rolled to a stop, the place in his view began to make sense with her description. “ Yeah I’m ready. So this whole place is yours? ” he asked curiously. His first digit claw on his right hand pressed the release button for the seat belt. He watched her grab the handle of the car door and open it which he also mimicked before slipping out of her car and taking a look around.
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claudiathehacker · 8 years
Claudia looked at him when he said that they looked dangerous. “Well, lets be honest. They are all very dangerous.” She said before turning back and picking one out. “Alright how about this one, Jack Duncan’s Spur. It gives you the ability to track something or someone. But according to description, horse’s are gonna be startled by you.”
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claudiathehacker · 8 years
Claudia practically ran outside, pulling him along as she got in the car. “You’ve gotta drive fast cause the kittens need us!”
“Good choice,” he smiled, claiming her hands and twirling her into his arms.  “Onwards to the shelter.”
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claudiathehacker · 8 years
Claudia raised an eyebrow. It was weird to think of a place without windows. Foreign to her really. She wasn’t use to thinking about things that happened way back in time, but this certainly helped keep her mind on that type of thing. Maybe she should do more research a little further back, she thought to herself.
She chuckled at his comment about the seatbelt. “It’s just to keep you safe in case there’s an accident. Like if I lose control, which won’t happen cause I’m pro,” she joked. “Or, if another car loses control and hits me.” She explained.
She looked over when she asked what a B&B was, and she smiled. “My home. It’s short for bed and breakfast. It’s kind of like a place with a lot of rooms. I guess you can compare it to a place you usually stay at for a vacation, or on a trip when you aren’t near your home. But this is my home.” She said as she pulled up to the place and parked. “Ready to go in?”
~ Some Artifacts Need Updating.. ~
He shook his head. “ Nothing like this. Even the castles I had been to never had anything like this. .. Im sorry I just.. “ He snapped out of his curiosity and watched her with her seat belt. He fumbled with his own. Grasping the buckle and pulling the nylon strap out as far as he could until it met up with the buckle she had pointed to. It was a bit of an uncomfortable feeling.
“ Im not sure about this part.. You just freed me from being restrained and now you want to restrain me to this metal box? “ He asked jokingly.
His ears perked up and panned around the cabin of the car listening to the music his eyes grew wide. This day in age had so many interesting things. Every moment that passed brought on a new and more exciting thing.
“ So what is a B&B? “ He turned his head and asked curiously.
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claudiathehacker · 8 years
(Yo, so I think someone hacked my account and I’m pissed. I’ve had the same password for a long time, and even saved it on both browsers and it didn’t work on either. I reset it now, but I’m still mad...)
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claudiathehacker · 8 years
Claudia let out a hmmm, heading toward some rows of artifacts that they hadn’t seen yet, looking through them all. She hovered her hand over some, trying to pick which one she wanted to read off, but it was always a hard decision which one to start with.
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claudiathehacker · 8 years
Claudia continued her little dance, only stopping at his question. “Shelter definitely. I’m sure they’ll have some kittens there. It’s always better to adopt, less homeless cats that way. Victory for cat kind!” Claudia said grinning as she held her hands up in the air. 
“Lets go!”
“Heh, guess you’re right,” he remarked.  Part of the reason he agreed was because she raised good points.  Another part was his inability to say no to her with these kinds of things.  Mostly because he loved watching her do that victory dance.  It was rather elaborate.
“Yeah you did,” he hugged her warmly.  “Cats on Youtube or are we going to the shelter?”
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claudiathehacker · 8 years
Claudia looked at the wolf man when they got outside, seeing his reaction to the sunlight. “You okay? Need sunglasses? They’re purple, but stylish.” She joked around with a grin. 
She saw how crowded he was in his seat and reached over to press the button for it to go back some before she watched him tap on her windshield. “It’s like a window. Do you have windows in your time?” She asked him, more out of curiosity. “It’s so that bugs don’t kill your face while you drive. Bugs are assholes.” She said as she got ready to drive, putting her seatbelt on. “Put yours on too.” She told him, pointing to the belt, then the latch. 
“It latched there.”
She put the car in drive, starting to head toward the B&B, shrugging at his question. “Honestly, either one. Everyone calls me both. It depends on the events that are taking place I guess. So whatever you prefer I’m cool with.” She told him as she relaxed back into the seat, putting on some music. 
“This station rocks.” Claude said as she turned the music up.
~ Some Artifacts Need Updating.. ~
His ears lowered a bit and he nodded in agreement. “ I do not wish that on anyone. “ He again shivered, feeling the fur along his spine stand on end. 
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claudiathehacker · 8 years
You okay, Claudia?
Claudia? Who was Claudia? Oh, right the body he’d possessed. “What do you mean?” Her voice sounded very monotone. 
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claudiathehacker · 8 years
Claudia looked over when she was thanked and furrowed her brow. “It’s cool, I don’t mind. I wouldn’t want to be stuck in that thing that whole time.” She commented. “It looked painful. I don’t think anyone really deserves that. It’s not right.” She told him.
She started walking through the warehouse, walking toward the exit and easily slipping past the half deaf Artie. Before proceeding she pointed to him and mouthed, “Artie.” She gave a strange look and shook her head as she thought about how many times he would make her stand and write, ‘I will not touch artifacts in the warehouse again.’ Probably two hundred this time.
She opened the door, heading to her car. “It’s well... I mean it’s relatively big but it might be a little cramped for you. But it’ll only be a few minutes and we’ll be there. The B&B is not even five minutes away, not long at all really.” She promised with a shrug as she unlocked it and walked to his side to open the door for him.
“After you,” she motioned with a playful smile, before proceeding to her side of the car and started the engine. “Okay, you ready?” She asked him before she said. “Nice to meet you Tadhg, I’m Claudia Donovan. People just call me Claude most times though.” She said shrugging.
~ Some Artifacts Need Updating.. ~
Looking down at the areas where the bindings had been he saw the small holes encircling his wrists and ankles, unfortunately he was unable to see the owns along his neck where the collar had sat.
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claudiathehacker · 8 years
Claudia smiled as she worked on the other chain, nodding as he explained. “There is a way, but I think that we should probably wait until this mess is over with and Artie is less mad at me before I go touching anymore artifacts in this place.” She told him as the cutter slices through the other chains quickly.
When she was finished she set the cutter back in her bag and put her hands out in a triumphant manner. “And done.” She said as she bowed, laughing. “Now I think we should probably clean those wounds so if you follow me, I can get you back to the B&B where I stay and clean those up, but don’t make a sound once we get there.”
She grabbed her bag and put it around her shoulders. “You ready? You’ve gotta ride in a car.” From what she heard it sounded like he was from a different era, so she went on explaining. “It’s a metal structure that allows you to travel at higher speeds than just walking.”
~ Some Artifacts Need Updating.. ~
He perked his ears to the sound of the cutters. The device was very interesting and unlike anything he had seen before. As the first was cut he saw the excited manner that she reacted in, it brought the right side of his lip up over his teeth in a form of a smirk.
He lowered his gaze as he sat there and thought deeply about what he was used to seeing. “ Honestly it depends.. On how wealthy you are or where you are from. Anything from hides to finely woven fabrics. Robes.. Tunics.. Armor made from leather and various metals. “ He stated.
“ When I was younger my clann was rather poor. So hides and what we could fashion easily. I wish there was a way I could just show you. “ He told her looking slightly frustrated with his vague explanation.
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claudiathehacker · 8 years
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Claudia wasn’t really Claudia, though it was a wonder that no one had even noticed. She didn’t seem to know what to do with the computer, she just stared at it, and it took someone three times calling her name to even raise her head. “What do you want?” She asked.
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claudiathehacker · 8 years
Claude shook her head when he said he was entitle to help her. “No, it’s cool really. He’s not actually going to hurt me. See, he’s like a father to me, not that I really remember mine to compare, but he’ll just be really mad. I kinda do it to piss him off sometimes, just because.” She shrugged. “But, if you could not hurt anyone that’d be cool. Then Artie can’t yell at me and tell me I fucked up again.”
She said as she got the lock cutter ready. “And you can have my food, really. I know where we are this time so I’m not going to get lost. I don’t really need it that much.” She said before she stood with them in her hands again.
She watched as he held out the chain for her, nodding as she brought the cutters up. “Alright, careful. Stay still.” She said before she pressed the button on the side and slowly pressed down on the chain, and it fell off with very little effort. “One down. Yeah!” She said with a grin.
“What are you use to seeing as clothing by the way?” She asked as she reached for the other chain to start on.
~ Some Artifacts Need Updating.. ~
The fact that she told him that she made it for herself with the intent of consuming it herself helped him more than her explaining to him what was in it. 
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claudiathehacker · 8 years
Claudia raised an eyebrow when he sniffed the sandwich. “Dude, it’s a chicken sandwich. Like chicken, mayo that type of thing. I promise I didn’t poison it. I made it for myself.” She pointed out as she pulled two more out. “This is all I have. Normally I keep a few in case I get lost down here.” She said as she unwrapped them and held them out. 
“Yeah, I was the one that released you. Still trying to decide whether or not I did a bad, or a good cause if I don’t decide soon then that old man is gonna rip my head off.” She said rolling her eyes. “You’re in warehouse 13. Your coffin was confiscated because it wasn’t safe to be in society.”
As he pointed out her clothes, she frowned, “excuse you. I love my clothes and think they are very fashionable.” Why she was being sarcastic to a werewolf, no one would ever understand. Even she didn’t know why she’s doing it. “This is the twenty first century dude, it’s all around. 2016 man. These clothes, this hair it’s all part of the trend. Except, you know I obviously wear it better.” She joked. 
“As for whomever you’re talking about, I really have no idea who ‘they’ are.” She said, using her fingers to put quotes as she spoke. “But, I still don’t know whether I can trust you dude. Like, I feel really bad and wanna help you out, but I wasn’t even suppose to touch that thing. Obviously I never listen to Artie because he’s so fricken uptight, and needs to learn how to adventure a little, but I don’t know how far I’m willing to go to prove that point.”
She was more thinking out loud now. What the hell should she do? Okay, if she died then that’s the least of her worries when Artie finds out so she shrugged and rolled her eyes. “Alright, well whatever you could do to me isn’t as bad as what I’m in for later, so how do I get those things off you?” She asked gesturing to the chains. 
“Wait!” She said as she set her duffle bag down and grinned. “Hell yeah, tesla lock cutters.” She said pulling them out. “And who says my inventions are useless?” She joked. “Okay, so this is what is going to happen. You have to stand really still okay? This has a high energy source that makes it possible to cut through even the hardest of medals. One false move and you could be hurt, and I really don’t feel like explaining more to Artie than I already have to. Deal?” She said as she stood in front of him. 
Sometimes it seemed like Claudia lacked brains when it came to common sense. She was standing in front of a werewolf, talking to it like it was all nice and normal. 
~ Some Artifacts Need Updating.. ~
His ears twitched and panned toward her as he listened to her talking to herself. She was clearly afraid that he would kill her and he had no idea who this Artie was. He had no memory of anyone by that name or even.. This place. He looked around the large warehouse or as much of it that he could see.
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claudiathehacker · 8 years
(Hmmmm this M!A is slightly difficult to do cause I have to act out another person whom I know nothing about, no name or anything. But I’m still thinking! And I’ll create a starter by the end of the night before I go to bed!)
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