clawmarksx · 6 months
Task 019.
Sometimes I still feel it. I don't know what they did to him, or where he is now. I haven't seen him since... everything... I don't want to know either, diary. I don't want to know what happened. Part of me feels that whatever it is, he deserved it. Part of me feels like if I was ever in his situation, I wouldn't have stopped, either. I think... if someone did that, if someone killed Eden, even by accident - I wouldn't be able to stop unless they were dead.
I still have Eden... and she still has me. I may be selfish, but that's all I want. That's all I need. Yet even now, with things being happy, with us being happy - I can't shake the feeling of fear that he will pop back up. Angry, raging -- full of vengeance now not only for his daughter, but for what they'd done.
Diary, I just... I have to make sure that if he, or anyone else in their family comes back, I stay ready.
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clawmarksx · 6 months
"Could be both. Wouldn't be that surprising, would it?" She smiled. That also was a joke - since she was no longer in the Chateau, she didn't really have that to worry about either. "Mmm. Happiness and heartburn. The only appropriate goal with greasy foods." The wolf laughed and gave a nod of her head, sitting down in the chair.
"I don't think we ever got to names - but I'm Evie. Though Pool Hall Girl has a nice ring to it. I'd recognize it even in a room full of people."
Her brows furrowed for a second. "Pizza... you mean that circle bread stuff? With the red sauce?" She held her face for a second before laughing. "I'm just joking. I have, I promise." She teased. "Pizza makes the heart happy. It's in the grease, you know."
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clawmarksx · 7 months
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Fucking Summer.
Again.They'd gotten separated again. For a while, it seemed like Summer was doing better. She was taking the whole chaperone thing more seriously. Evie wondered if sometimes she forgot that Evie was a prisoner. While Evie wouldn't do anything, she also knew how the city viewe her.
The voice caught her off guard, and she turned to face Felix. "Oh! Sorry. I was looking for my... friend. She's a brunette, shorter than me, has bright blue eyes. Her name is Summer."
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Felix was getting off of another double as he bought a coffee from a temporary cart on the street. Holding the steaming cup of joe he couldn't help but scan the crowd. Now more than ever he was always on alert. Seeing someone he approached them and asked, "You look lost. Do you need some help?"
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clawmarksx · 7 months
Her brows furrowed for a second. "Pizza... you mean that circle bread stuff? With the red sauce?" She held her face for a second before laughing. "I'm just joking. I have, I promise." She teased. "Pizza makes the heart happy. It's in the grease, you know."
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She remembered him. He'd taught her a couple of moves when it came to playing pool. It was funny that they'd meet again while Summer was chatting with yet another of her friends. "Hi there," she smiled. "I remember you from the bar. It'd be hell to go against you in pool," Evie gave a small laugh."Glad you took pity on me."
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clawmarksx · 7 months
She remembered him. He'd taught her a couple of moves when it came to playing pool. It was funny that they'd meet again while Summer was chatting with yet another of her friends. "Hi there," she smiled. "I remember you from the bar. It'd be hell to go against you in pool," Evie gave a small laugh."Glad you took pity on me."
Eli was sitting on the patio of Covaire Slice a beer and a pepperoni pizza sitting in front of him as he scrolled through ideas for new tattoo designs. His arms had been bare for way too long. He hated looking in the mirror at all that new skin on his arms. But beyond one or two old tattoos that he wouldn't mind having back. He could put anything he wanted to on his arms. Start totally fresh. He wasn't being exactly covert about what he was scrolling through on his phone as he ate a slice of his pizza. He looked up when someone approached him.
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clawmarksx · 7 months
It was all beautiful.
Evie was used to the finer things in life - the beauty that surrounded the world, but even she was in awe of the beautiful event that Covaire had thrown. The dresses were spectacular - her own included. The talent was top-tier, with some friends in attendance, but some that she didn't know as well. That worked well.
Even being here put her in close proximity with so many other. Sure, she may not have been in the acting field like many of them, but being a model came with its perks, an invite to this prestigious event being one of them.
"Evie!" A voice called from the side, shortly before Evie felt an arm wrap around her waist. Her sweet, chestnut-haired friend, an actress in attendance, was by her side in an instant. 'We have to go back in. The awards are going to be starting soon!' Without haste, the girl tugged Evie from her spot.
They made it back to their seats swiftly and without disturbance, ready for the announcement. It was time. The Oscar for the Best Actress in a Leading Role.
A smile crept up to Evie's lips, and she crossed one lengthy leg over the other as Cate Blanchett opened the envelope to reveal the winner - Eden King.
The syllables hadn't fully left the woman's mouth yet before she had already begun clapping - along with the other celebrators in attendance. She could see the shorter redhead stand and make her way to the stage.
There she is, she thought. Her.
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clawmarksx · 9 months
The house is clean again, the only traces of what transpired were damages that hadn’t yet been repaired, which for the most part was furniture of the unimportant kind. Eden had cared very little that they hadn’t been alone. Draping herself over Evie the second she laid eyes on her. Soaking up as much of her as she could. She had apologized once they were alone, for not being there, for not protecting her.
She had given Evie very little personal space after that, not that her little wolf seemed to mind. “Take a bath with me?” either out in the jacuzzi or in their bathtub. She wanted to be skin against skin because sitting beside her wasn’t enough.
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. . . 
She could smell her love’s intoxicating scent before she even felt her near. “Hello,” she smiled, nuzzling her head back against Eden. There was solace in being back together with her. Evie had been so worried. A bath. Evie turned her head into Eden’s direction and her lips pressed at what she could feel was the vampiress’ cheek. 
“If you just want to see me naked, all you have to do is rip off my clothes,” the wolf teased, and smiled. “I would love to. We nee more time together,” as if they’d spent a second apart. 
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The house is clean again, the only traces of what transpired were damages that hadn't yet been repaired, which for the most part was furniture of the unimportant kind. Eden had cared very little that they hadn't been alone. Draping herself over Evie the second she laid eyes on her. Soaking up as much of her as she could. She had apologized once they were alone, for not being there, for not protecting her.
She had given Evie very little personal space after that, not that her little wolf seemed to mind. "Take a bath with me?" either out in the jacuzzi or in their bathtub. She wanted to be skin against skin because sitting beside her wasn't enough.
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clawmarksx · 9 months
I still can't see.
I'm writing this because I know there is pen and paper, and I've written in you more than enough to know the dimensions of the paper, but I don't know how it's coming off. I don't know if it's correct or wrong. All I know is... I still cannot see. For over a week now, I have not been able to see Eden's face, or her beautiful cinnamon hair. I can smell her, and that alone comes with some... peace, but I miss my vision.
The doctors say that they don't know how long it will take for it to come back, so until then, I guess I'm stuck. I'm grateful that I didn't hurt Summer. She's still my chaperone, and she still helps me when Eden is not here. I can't say I'd have been as trusting or helpful now. With her, it's almost better that I can't see her. I've apologized, but I still feel guilty. But still, I appreciate her...
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clawmarksx · 9 months
“I prefer raw, but cooked is easier to digest. Raw food can have things that make me sick, and send me right back here.” Tesla nodded when she said she’d bring an assortment. “That sounds like it’ll be good.”
Then Tesla puzzled over the new name. “Gold locks, like locks of hair! Goldilocks is amenable. I will add it to the few other names I have acquired. Is there a nickname I should address you by, Evie?”
. . . 
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“Evie is the nickname unless you find another one you want to call me.” She teased the girl before giving a nod of her head. “I’ll be right back with some cooked ham, then. We don’t want you to end up back in the hospital, or with a prolonged stay,” she smiled and stepped into the hallway to wave down her chaperone. 
Summer had no qualms with leaving right then to get the food with Evie. It gave her nursing friend the opportunity to go back and get caught up with her patients before they came back. All in all, it took about thirty minutes for Evie to return, an when she did, she walked into the hospital room with a brown bag full of foo. Cooked ham. 
“Here you go, goldilocks. Fresh from the grill at the restaurant.”
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clawmarksx · 10 months
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c1: Core
Smoke – dark smoke raised up in the sky. It’s all she can see from Cansu. “What the fuck is that?” Her voice was soft, and she raised a hand to her forehead, to block out the sun. Evie was a curious creature, and she wanted to go check it out, but the threat kept her from moving. The threat of getting in trouble, and the threat of trouble. Her phone buzzed at her hip, and she took her phone out.
‘Stay where you are. I’m on my way to take you home.’ From Summer.
She didn’t respond, but her fingers worked hard to text Eden – ‘Are you okay?’
c2: Control
Home was where she wanted to be, but now that she’s there, she’s irritated. She’s worried. She’s scared. Where is Eden. “I need to go find her. “ Summer is immediately against the idea until a shrill sound fills the walls of the home, sending them both to their knees. Evie feels it – she feels her skin ripping open, her body morphing until she stood as a wolf – snarling and angry, her eyes wild and her teeth baring white and hungry… at Summer. Summer was older than her, she knew that, but in the moment, it didn’t matter. Evie rushed her, her mouth open to snap at her, as Summer’s arm looped around her neck, and the two began to fight.  
s: S E N S Ǝ S
She still rattled her brain trying to remember exactly what had happened between her and Summer. She didn’t remember much of it, but had woken up outside of her home, naked and covered in blood. She’d taken it upon herself to now look fore her Client. She had not seen her, had not heard from her, and with the city in destruction, she could slip through without being noticed as long as she kept her cool. At night, it was easier – or so she thought.
The sky seemed so much darker. It was as if night flooded down, pouring a black paint over everything it touched until…
“I can’t see…” her voice shook. It wasn’t the night – it was her. “I can’t see.”
p: Power
It was three days since she’d lost her vision, and she was still blind. Another girl from Cansu had found her, and she had brought her back to Cansu and tried to calm her. They had been hiding out there. “I need to find her,” Evie whispered. At least she’d been able to wash the blood off her. The lingering scent remained – she didn’t have to see it.
The other girl shook her head before speaking, “You cannot find her if you get yourself killed, Evie. You must stay here. When it’s safe, I’ll take you back to your house. Maybe she will be there.”  
e: Elemental
She’s not in the West side –  or even in Cansu anymore. She and the other girl have made their way back to the East side, and she’s in the home that is familiar to her -- but even Evie hears of the news of what happened there. Her anxiety is sent to a new level. She has friends there, and Eden does, too. This was not good.  A feeling of despair sinks into her bones. Life after this, if she lived at all after this, would not be the same. She felt helpless. She couldn’t help others, couldn’t help her Client, and couldn’t help herself. At least… however… she hadn’t killed her chaperone.
h: Hunted
They left at the right time, it seemed. The girls had considered leaving Cansu and going to her coworker’s downtown apartment, but Evie’s anxiety and inability to be consoled and swayed redirected them back to the East side before the West side burned and before the bomb left mangled bodies and buildings in its wake.
She’s sitting in Eden’s office, with Summer by the doorway, and her coworker sitting beside her. “Who hated the City so much that… that they just didn’t care who they hurt.” The stench of death in the air, even from the East side alone, was nauseating.
 “Who could do something like this?”
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clawmarksx · 10 months
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Evie. It was always interesting to see how people would take their names and shorten them. Evangelina was a lovely name. But she did seem to fit more of an Evie. It suited her. He watched her as she looked over the cases that she could see comfortably. And nodded his head. “This isn’t even a quarter of it.” 
Elessar caught the word chaperone but said nothing about it for a moment. Letting her talk about the pieces and what it was she liked about the idea of them. When she asked her question Elessar smiled again and said, “That’s easy. The answer right now  is - you. Why a prisoner, without her chaperone, is in my shop is a story that I am very interested in.”
. . . 
She froze for a moment — fuck. Evie at least wanted to talk with Eden to go over options. “I— it’s not that I’m without her, necessarily...” He didn’t speak like he was angry, but Evie didn’t trust any clients outside of her own. There were perhaps only a handful of people in Covaire that she trusted at all. “She’s at one of the shops near here picking up an order, I just didn’t want to leave, because I didn’t know which one.” 
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“I didn’t even realize that she left left to get it until she sent me a text that she’d be right back.” It was an honest response. “I promise, I won’t touch anything, or mess anything up. But if you prefer I leave, I could just wait outside for her.” 
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clawmarksx · 10 months
“What can you do?” Ana asks. Suddenly feeling like she wouldn’t want anyone else than the woman in front her for treatments. So she hopes her question will send a somewhat obvious message to the younger shewolf. 
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 "Good, good. My nose didn’t lie to me then. Evangelina. Or Evie for short. Alright———which one do you prefer and I’ll call you that, yeah?“ Ana’s smile matches Evie’s, if only to reassure her that the length of a name is no bother to her. "I’m Ana. It’s nice to put a face to the scent. Eden really looks happy, so that’s great news. She’s always been nice with me and respectful of my boundaries, even when I was still a prisoner.” Ana is a very private person, but this is different as she doesn’t want Evie not to know.
. . . 
“Me?” She sounded a bit surprised — as if expecting that the other woman would want someone much more experienced. Though, Evie was surely good at what she did. She even had her own clientele list. “I offer a variety of massages - Swedish, aromatherapy, deep tissue, or hot stone.” 
“If you wanted one of those, but also wanted esthetician services as well, I can get Emma to work on something for you after your massage. She’s very sweet. They are looking into training for me, but I haven’t started yet.” 
She smiled. “Ana. That’s a pretty name. You can call me Evie if you’d like. Most of my friends do.” Hearing her speak of Eden caused her own face to brighten. “You were a prisoner, too?” Evie had to assume for different reasons than her own. The other wolf didn’t have a collar like she did. Nor did Evie see a chaperone.
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“It’s funny... our... our first meeting could have gone much differently, but we’re both pretty clever with words and had a humor moment,” she remembered it so fondly, and her tone attested to that, “...and here we are now.” It had saved her.
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clawmarksx · 10 months
Elessar enjoyed that he’d startled the girl. That small sharp uptick in her heart beat. He smiled at her tease and said, “You seemed a little preoccupied with your phone. But it’s a talent. Not to be noticed.” He didn’t apologize for scaring her. But he did give her a small disarming smile which some people could interpret as an apology if they wanted to.
He watched her a little more intently as she spoke. He nodded his head when she said she’d never been in before. No, he would have remembered her. He nodded again when she asked if he was the owner. “Yes. I’m the owner. Elessar Cohen.” He moved a little closer to the girl as he gestured to the glass cases. “I do have a lot of unique pieces here. Have you ever been in a pawn shop before? It’s not just about how many of an item were made. All of these. They all have their own story. Each piece is completely individual on how it came to be here.” He glanced up. “Just like you. I’m sure there is a story as to how you ended up here in my shop.”  
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. . . 
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“I was, I apologize,” being preoccupied wasn’t the best way to get around the city. It was a bad habit to pick up. It could get one killed, actually. She knew that from her time in the Chateau. For the most part, clients did not need a valid reason to hurt someone. They’d make their own. Evie had first-hand knowledge of that. 
“Elessar,” she repeated his name and smiled. “I’m Evangelina— Evie.” Her eyes turned to the glass cases, and she looked over the trinkets there. “They’re beautiful.” Unique. “i can only imagine the collections here...” 
She glanced over when he spoke again. “There is, yes. I was curious and my chaperone was sweet enough to let me indulge in that curiosity. I like unique items — whether ideally pretty or not — everything has it’s own story, like you said.” Evie looked back to the cases, “Which piece, to you, has the most interesting story?”  
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clawmarksx · 10 months
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Elessar knew everything that happened in Lost & Found. For a man his height he had always had the uncanny ability to be completely unobtrusive when he wanted to be. It helped him in the shop when people were just perusing the shelves. He would just melt into the background of the shop as he watched others looking into the cases. He watched the young wolf as she looked at her phone and had a muttered conversation with -who he assumed- should be on the other end of it. 
Listening to the continued conversation Elessar finally spoke up in response. “That does sound hypothetically true. Though it would depend on a few things.” Once he spoke and drew her attention he took a moment to visibly size her up. He had already been observing the woman before but now he made sure that she knew it. “Can I help you find anything?”
. . . .
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The man’s voice took her by surprise and she jumped, putting a hand over her chest. “Oh! You scared me,” Evie let out a soft, nearly out of breath laugh. “Stealth is your strong suit, huh?” She was teasing. Truth be told, perhaps she just needed to be more aware of her surroundings. She had been a little lost in her own world. 
At his offer, she smiled and lightly shook her head. “I’m okay. I’m just looking, really. I’ve never been in here before, and I figured it would be a fun place to look for one-of-a-kind things, you know? Just... anything that catches the eye, really. It doesn’t disappoint.” There were many things that were beautiful - some she wanted to get for Eden, some for herself and the home. 
“Are you the owner?”
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clawmarksx · 10 months
. . 
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Be right back! Don’t leave. 
“Goddamn it, Summer,” Evie whispered under her breath as she read the text message. Evie enjoyed her chaperone — she and Summer got along very well... but her chaperone was starting to need a chaperone at this point. It wasn’t like the girl had gone far - she never did, but being left in a store worried Evie. 
The wolf wondered if she should tell Eden, or if perhaps she could ask for her client to request something... different. Evie wasn’t in the prison anymore, but she was still very much a prisoner. She either had to stay indoors or with a chaperone at all times. Leashed, in a sense. 
But Evie wasn’t one to go out seeking trouble. She pressed her lips together, sighing through her nose as she continued to look at the trinkets in the store. “Hypothetically... I guess it’s safer in here than it is out there,” she whispered to herself in a low breath. At least in here, she could give the illusion of being with her chaperone until Summer got back.
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clawmarksx · 10 months
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clawmarksx · 10 months
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Halloween meme † in costumes: Jessica as [sexy] red riding hood (True Blood, 4x12 - 5x01)
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