clawsandwings-blog · 5 years
halloween or christmas building snowmen or snowball fights cotton candy or popcorn balloons or glitter ghosts or aliens space or the ocean penguins or flamingos
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clawsandwings-blog · 5 years
@revelermontgomery Prompt: “Let me explain.” Time: 11:44 PM Where: Heaven’s Tavern Status: Closed
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Business has been slow today. Which came to no surprise. It was a weekday, and while some loyal customers would come any day of the week to Heaven’s Tavern, few of them stayed late into the night. Misty could not blame them. With recent headlines, staying out did not seem safe anymore, even if Heaven’s Tavern was a source of safety for many of the locals.
Misty had been entrusted with closing up today. It was not too difficult — just a few tables to wipe, a few drinks to put away.
Yet as she was in the middle of cleaning up, the doorbell jingled and her gaze is forced upwards. In the doorway stood a face she has known since childhood, from newspaper articles to television interviews. It had not been until recently that it manifested itself in person to her though, making more frequent appearances in her life in the form of a living, breathing person.
Rowan Alexander Montgomery. Son of the former president. Renown addict. Her father’s recently announced soulmate.
Misty was not judgmental. She had always preferred getting to know somebody than relying on rumors. However, when it came to who was in her father’s company, she could not help her instinctive dubiousness and cautiousness based on what she knew. She loves her father, deeply, and wants nothing except his utmost happiness.
That was why this surprise appearance from Rowan, after all the times she has caught glimpses of him here and there, pleases her. He was assertive and assertiveness, to Misty, was good. It meant that a person was willing to take risks.
So any potential reservations she had about Rowan faded away. They could start with a clean state. That would be for the best. So she sends him a nod of acknowledgment, curious but reserved smile tilting on her lips. Misty turns back to some abandoned half-filled glasses on the counter, continuing her task as she speaks.
“Explain what, pray tell? I’m listening... And it is nice to meet you, by the way, Rowan. I was wondering when our paths would finally cross.”
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clawsandwings-blog · 5 years
Deadwood was almost exactly how she’d left it all those years ago. Sure there were more businesses, a few more people, but it’s essence had remained the same. Good people, trying their best to live their lives and try not to draw too much attention to how supernatural they were. Sariel had spent most of her day in her new home, trying to make it feel like a place where she would like to go after a long, hard day. 
Her one picture of her and Misty from the day the little girl was born was right on the table as you walked into the front door, right next to the bowl where you could put your keys in it and move further into the house. It was the first and the last thing she saw every time she left her knew home.
Flying had always been one of Sariel’s greatest joys and past times. It didn’t matter if she’d been an angel for nearly 500 years, the majesty of seeing the world from above was never lost on the being who’d seen the Earth before the skyscrapers and all the buildings, when it had been just mostly land and farms. She walked out to her back yard and let the glamour drop, looking at her wings with a smile before moving them a bit and getting enough momentum that she started to lift off the ground.
She flew over each section of the town, marveling at the differences, and then she flew over Lake Vernon and Hawthorne Cemetery, finally making her way over to Black Hills forest. When she saw a young woman grazing her feet across the water and gasped when she finally saw the wings form on her back. Misty. Dear God, she though, unsure of herself in this moment. Her daughter’s wings were beautiful, not white like she’d thought they would be, but still beautiful. And she was beautiful as well. Without much forethought she landed close to where the girl had made her place in the tree. She felt the young girl’s gaze toward her direction and she stepped out of the shadows and into the moonlight, letting her own wings be shown.
“I–” She started, suddenly realizing that she didn’t know what to say. Without another thought it came out. “You’re so beautiful…”
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The sudden presence made her flinch. Her wings flutter outwardly and wrap around her front as though to defend herself from a potential attack. Misty’s eyes are wide and she holds her breath in a sudden silence which overwhelms her. For once, shock replaces her tranquility, flowing steadily in her bloodstream. She is utterly paralyzed.
Yet she does not scream nor does she back away. Rather, she stares, observing every detail on the woman — her blonde hair, her light wings, her strangely familiar eyes. But Misty knew that she has never seen her before. No, had she ever been in the presence of an angel aside from Lovanna, she would have surely known. They had a particular, otherworldly aura about them as though they belonged among neither the mortals nor the earthly immortals.
... So why does she feel like she has known this woman her entire life...? Those eyes, those eyes...
The compliment makes the reality of the situation crash down on her. Immediately, her face warms with an unfamiliar coat of crimson, and she takes off from the branch. Yet she hardly goes far. She only gets on the other side of the tree, barely hiding behind its girth. Her fingers curl around the bark, and she peaks out from behind it at the angel. Like a turtle retreating into its shell, her usual assertiveness replaced itself with a childlike timidness.
You’re so beautiful.
“Who are you?” Misty finally breathes out, not a trace of fear in her face — only awe. Awe at seeing another angel, awe at the other’s own beauty, awe at the peculiar feeling bubbling in her chest.
She does not understand what is happening to her; she wishes to though.
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clawsandwings-blog · 5 years
Where: Kaffiene
Phoenix had made herself at home at a table in one of her favorite coffee places. She’d been studying, or trying to at least, but kept getting distracted by the comings and goings around her. The truth was she did her best studying back at the house and even at the Astoria Library. Things had gone back to normal for Phoenix, but she never let herself forget the dream and her brother’s words to her at the end
“Come find me…”
Finally, she gave up on studying and cleared off the table of her computer and notebooks. She took out her deck of tarot cards and started to shuffle them. Phoenix had always been fascinated by watching tarot readings that her mom had done, and she was a quick study when the woman was willing to teach her the meaning of each and every card. Her great memory had helped in connecting the pictures on the cards to their respective meanings. The deck she used was specifically her mothers, just as her necklace and grimoire was.
She stopped shuffling and put her hands on top of the cards, taking a deep breath to focus in and out. Silently, she started, “hear my plea, what message do you have for me?” She let her hand there for a single moment before she let her fingers graze the side of the deck of cards, letting the intuition guide her. When the moment felt right, she cut the deck of cards and pulled the top one, flipping it over.
XVI-The Tower–which is normally a semi positive card. However, it was now reversed. It bodes of a crisis, looming on the horizon even though you are trying as hard as you can to avoid it. These breakdowns will help you break down your reliance on something false. The tower is built on faulty foundations and it must fall. It will be humbling, and it will teach you so much about yourself.
She sat back in her seat, unsure what to say. Then she was pulled out of her reverie by someone bumping into her table. Her green eyes looked up for a moment, blank, until she focused on the person in front of her. “Sorry…I’ve kind of taken up a lot of room.”
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Misty had always loved��Kaffiene.
It was not a grill nor her father’s tavern, but Misty could roll with coffee shops too. They were cozy and peaceful, allowing solitude for tired workers and students throughout the day. Or, hungry individuals like herself.
She pushes the door open, the scent of cupcakes baking and coffee brewing immediately sweeping over her. Misty practically makes a beeline for the counter, already pulling out her wallet as she asks, “An iced coffee with a bacon sandwich and one of those muffins, please. Yes, those- Thank you.”
Soon, a plate of food with napkins and a cup are in her hands. She looks around the coffee shop, undisturbed by how most of the seats were taken. Kaffiene was always busy during the morning hours.
Maneuvering through the shop, she eventually spotted a table with one side empty. Although somebody occupied half of it, with a deck of cards in the middle, Misty does not mind. She bumps against the table, murmuring, “Sorry,” as she put down her items on her side of the table. Taking a seat, she finally looks up at the other individual right as she speaks.
... And a strange sense of nostalgia strikes her when their eyes meet. Gold mixing with green.
Memories of two girls playing in the woods and prophetic dreams of a boy slaughtered passed through Misty’s mind. She still remembers the news spreading through Deadwood like wildfire, of a family broken by a tragedy.
“No, it’s fine,” she murmurs, gently, already voicing her revelation, “It’s been a while, hasn’t it Nix?”
She wonders if Phoenix remembers her. They may have known each other in childhood, but it has been years since then. Many, many years that has led to disconnect, and recently, guilty concern on her end. Misty has heard... Quite a bit about what happened to Phoenix and she has not seen her around since the incident that sparked those rumors. A part of her had thought Phoenix moved away after it.
It was all so sad, so unfortunate, yet Misty was glad to see her again, after all of this time. She wonders if Phoenix’s cards would call this unexpected meeting the works of fate.
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clawsandwings-blog · 5 years
misc sentence starters
“  i wish i knew how to talk about it.  ”   “  you don’t have to talk, we can just sit together.  ”   “  i don’t want to be alone anymore.  ”   “  i wish i could hate you.  ”  “  take a seat, we’re gonna be here a while.  ” “  i need you to trust me.  ”   “  i missed/miss you.  ”   “  she/he won’t listen to me.  ” “  let me do this for you. please.  ”   “  is there anything else you want to say to me?  ” “  tell me something happy.  ”   “  promise me.  ” “  i just want/wanted to help.  ”   “  let me explain.  ” “  i didn’t/don’t need you to understand, i just wanted/want you to support me.  ”   “  i’m on your side.  ” “  i’ve got your back, okay? ” “  please, tell me you have a plan.  ” “  stay with me tonight.  ” “  don’t go. please.  ”   “  i’ve been alone for so long i’m afraid i don’t know what it’s like not to be.  ”   “  talk to me.  ”   “  i did what i had to do.  ” “  we can’t keep going on like this.  ” “  i’m just tired.  ” “  i’m scared.  ” “  it’s okay to be afraid. fear can be good. use it.  ” “  it’s better to expect disappointment.  ” “  hope is dangerous.  ” “  i like seeing you smile.  ”   “  you look beautiful.  ”   “  be patient with her/him. they’re trying. ”   “  i’m trying my best and it’s not good enough. it’s never good enough. ” “  i’m starting to think i’m just fucked up.  ”   “  have a drink with me.  ” “  she/he is better off without me. but i guess that’s their choice.  ” “  you can’t dictate what’s best for someone else. ” “  can i help you?  ” “  i thought you’d like this.  ” “  do you wanna get out of here?  ” “  walk with me?  ” “  well, shit.  ”
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clawsandwings-blog · 5 years
@devotedsariel Time: 4:37 AM Where: Black Hills Forest Status: Closed
How difficult it was, to find peace in the state of the current world.
Yet Misty felt it here, deep in the Black Hills Forest, by a lake that only she knew about. Nobody ever dares to venture out as far as she has, much less this late into the night. But despite her benevolence, Misty is not known was being cautious. She is curious and explorative, and to a weyrwolf, a forest was a playground and a potential home.
“If only you knew... If only you knew... Of how much I love you...”
She sings the quiet tune to herself in moderation, an old song whose sources she could not recall. Her wings are invisible as she gradually glides across the water, giving the illusion of her walking in it. She grazes it, occasionally looks at the reflection of the moon in it. Remembers who she is.
Misty’s wings soon return, a deep brown unlike a usual angel’s, and she abandons the lake in favor of a tall tree stationed near it. She soars upwards, landing on a branch, and then looks down. Takes in the scenery for what it is. Enjoys the silence while it lasts.
And she does not notice a set of eyes watching her from afar like they always have.
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clawsandwings-blog · 5 years
open! time: anywhere around 7-8 p.m. where: anywhere outside & around rapid city
oh, to live without chronic migraines as a side effect of what he thought of as predicting death. maybe it was more of a constant warning instead of a side effect - his body’s defense system against… what? the future? he supposed it was something like that. nonetheless, when they got particularly unbearable, he let himself crawl out of his lair and get some fresh air. a change in scenery was always a good thing, yes? yes.
he found that not-so-good things always helped him cope. he had already started to warily watch how many painkillers he took a day, but this was different. once he was a few minutes away from the luxurious building he didn’t want to be seen smoking in front of, it was only seconds until he had a lit cigarette between his fingers. each drag felt like an eternity, and while he knew the relief was temporary, it calmed him in the moment.
there was a point in his walk where he stopped to finish off the cig before he continued, but he didn’t really quite register where he was. there were shops and restaurants around, but he didn’t really seem too interested in paying attention to anything but his current task. that was, until he noticed that there was someone within close proximity of him - and had been for a moment, and he couldn’t tell if they were looking at him or not.
“sorry. don’t wanna stink up your clothes,” he spoke up with a small clearing of his throat, taking another puff of the cigarette as it burned closer to the filter. he turned his head away from said person to blow the smoke, and he felt himself oddly bemused by the fact that his current surroundings were somewhat unfamiliar. he paused, before he turned to them, “um, where am i?”
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Another full moon was coming soon, and with full moons came more visits to her favorite gymnasium in Rapid City. It was homey and secluded enough for Misty to attend it in peace, boxing any pent-up energy away. She was cautious during these times, tiring herself out to adequate levels so she would do nothing rash in the heat of the moment. After a few years, she has gotten good at it and has fallen in somewhat of a routine; she hopes it would not fail her, especially during times where the persecution of supernatural creatures were headlines that would pop up on news apps.
She had been scrolling through an article on a bench which she has been occupying for the past half hour as a “break” from her session. Misty should have been heading straight home, really, with the sky getting darker. But she trusts herself enough to stay out a little later. Besides, she was hungry and was not looking forward to a forty-five minute long drive home on an empty stomach.
A smooth apology and a whiff of smoke, flooding her sensitive nose, broke her concentration. Misty reveals none of her discomfort though, turning off her phone and tilting her head back to look at the stranger; her curls, swept up in a messy bun, move with her. He seems disheveled, lost. Almost as though to confirm her suspicions, he asks her a question that causes her to reveal a small smile.
“You’re in Rapid City, sweetheart. Right in its heart,” she tells him, pointing out all the thriving shops and stores, filled with customers.
Although Misty is unsure if that is enough to elevate his confusion, so she kindly offers, “Are you looking for something in particular? I’d like to think I’m pretty familiar with this place if you need to be shown around.”
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clawsandwings-blog · 5 years
Where: Rapid City, somewhere between Chestnuts and the Mercer Apartments
When: 9:02pm
“I really don’t know why this conversation couldn’t wait until I got home Orion. I mean if he’s sleeping it’s really in everyone’s best interest to just let him, we can wash everything in the morning.” Violca spoke to her brother through the phone as she wondered down the scarcely illuminated streets, the click of her heels echoing off the pavement. Though her voice was perfectly level, her eyes were narrowed as she scanned the darkness, cursing the lack of street light present and her uncanny ability to forget where she parked. She damn well couldn’t levitate her Jeep to her location, so for the moment she accepted her mundane task with human like slowness. “Look I’ll be home in like 30 minutes, just leave Kane be, okay? Yeah, yeah… love you.” 
A near silent beep signaled the end of her conversation, the phone tucked away and focus returned to the task at hand. Rounding the next corner, the wytch was immediately aware of the approaching presence of another. Their steps were slow, almost purposely so, 2 or 3 beats behind her own. She could blame it on the drugs clouding her mind, or the sheer lack of sleep, but some of her senses were dulled and a finger could not be placed on the strangers origins. So, for the second time tonight, human like tactics were resulted in. “If you’re looking for someone to mug, I highly suggest someone else, and that you go fuck yourself. But, if you’re looking for company and some fun, step right up mate; I know how to play one hell of a game.” 
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The clank was so quiet, so subtle that no regular individual would have been able to hear it amidst the busy streets of Rapid City. Yet Misty’s ears twitch when it happens, her heightened senses triggered, and her curious amber eyes draw themselves to the keys lying on the cement. A woman talking on her phone unknowingly abandons it, the click of her heel left in her wake. At this time of night, most people would have moved on, too anxious about what a potential pursuit could offer them.
But Misty was not like most people. After over five years of driving in and out — or flying in and out — of the city at late hours for night classes at Astoria University, she beheld nothing except love for the vibrant city. So she had no qualms about leaning down and picking up the fallen key, tracing it with her thumb and then looking up at the woman. She was already turning the corner.
Misty knows she can catch up to the stranger with ease but is more discreet and careful with her steps, still swift. When she crosses the street corner, she soon is only a few steps behind the woman and slows. Just as Misty is about to call out to her, the other says something first, threatening then suggestive.
But Misty is unperturbed and her assertiveness bests her. Within a few unnaturally quick steps, she twirls her heel and is standing in front of the woman — stopping her in her tracks. Her closed hand extends towards her, sharp painted nails glistening under the dim streetlights. Then, her fingers uncurl, revealing the other’s key.
“I think you dropped this, sweet pea,” Misty says with a quaint tilt of her lips, brushing off the woman’s earlier statement. Glancing over her face, she looks oddly familiar Misty, although she cannot pinpoint why.
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clawsandwings-blog · 5 years
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i. overview
Species: Eclipse Blooded Weyrwolf / Angel
Full Name: Misty Wahya
Birthday & Age: September 15th, 1996 / 23 
Rank: Beta
Occupation: Student/Waitress
Neighborhood: Black Hills
Residency Status: Born & Raised in Deadwood
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
ii. personality
+ tranquil, radiant, forgiving, & maternal.
- irresponsible, perfectionist, assertive, & transparent.
iii.  about the species
perhaps the most human of all species, there is nothing to truly single them out from the humans at all. one can be born a weyrwolf or they can be turned by another in wolf form, or in transition / on a full moon / only by born weyrwolves. they’re said to be created by wytches, much like vaympires who they hold natural aversion too due to their undead nature. wolves are aggressive by nature due to their animal instinct, although with time and willpower it can be tamed.
created by the gods, angels exist to keep balance in the world. they keep humans from eradicating themselves and everyone else, while also maintaining the sanctity of their own species. they work stealthily in the background and ensure that the decisions made will not destroy our world, though sometimes things slip through the cracks. they aren’t the soft fluffy winged angels people expect, many of them are war hardened and haven’t been “soft” in over a thousand years.
iv.  the past
her name was supposed to be short for “mystical,” for she was truly somebody special.
misty was born into an unaccepting and doubting world, one that wanted to deny her existence. yet the hands that tended to her were so kind, one weyrwolf and one angelic; neither pair belonged to her mother, who flew faraway at her birth. this did not bother misty when she was young though. to her, dario and lovanna was all she ever needed.
her childhood was a happy one, even though she knew she was different from “normal” children (normal children couldn’t scale forest trees with ease, they couldn’t hear other people’s thoughts). misty remembers running through the woods, skipping rocks across ponds, playing jump rope with her friends, tending to animals on her family farm (especially the llamas). some of them were “normal,” some of them were not. however, misty noticed that some of them got treated like they were less than others. 
so she carried the love she experienced in her family life to them; misty looked out for others, following in her father’s footsteps, and becoming a maternal figure to those around her, something her mother had never done for her. if somebody needed help, she would be their safety net, even as young as she was.
her weyrwolf side was slower to develop than her angelic side. from a young age, lovanna would take her to nearby hilltops and teach her how to fly, linking her with the glee of flying through an open sky. she taught misty how to control her powers. she retained the purity of an angel, never experiencing the carnal urges of a weyrwolf.
when misty hit the age of eleven, this changed.she hit puberty and received her first menstrual cycle, and almost as though it was a “coming of age,” around the same time, upon a full moon, she turned for the first time. despite having grown up around weyrwolves, misty was wholly unprepared for how much the full moon would overwhelm her. it took over her and soon enough, her poor father was dealing with a rabid wolf running around the tavern. he did not catch her before she managed to dig into one of the unfortunate horses on their farm, but he did prevent her from getting out into the woods, where she would have drawn attention to the locals.
misty felt ashamed and repulsed at what she had done, shaking at the idea that she had taken something’s life. but soon realized that she was not at fault for something she could not control; she learned to forgive herself. in turn, Misty learned the importance of forgiving others. sometimes people committed acts that they would later regret.
in due time, she learned how to control herself and her weyrwolf urges. she ate meat frequently and any violent urges were regulated by tiring them out through physical activities, like boxing and rock climbing. misty never wanted to harm another being again.
misty attended high school with many of her childhood friends and it was there that she truly blossomed. she was an overachiever, excelling in everything she did. in academics, she always received superb grades; in athletics, she was always the quickest and strongest; in social life, she was both the popular and the kind girl. perfectionism was a trait she fell to, often staying up far too late studying or spending all of her energy focusing on others.
yet at the same time, misty could be so flawed, so irresponsible. she lingered too close to humans, almost accidentally exposing her identity on many instances. with a warm smile and a smooth explanation though, people’s doubts often subsided. but it was obvious that there was a part of her that ached for more than what she had; she yearned for freedom that she could not have. freedom that everybody deserved, freedom that lit a flame of justice within her.
misty made sure to be kind to everyone, regardless of who they were, never casting a judgmental gaze.
some individuals did not reciprocate this, however.
when she was seventeen, near another full moon and during a particularly stressful week, a rather unkind student at her school was bothering her in an isolated study hall room. they had since freshmen year, jealous of misty’s social standing. she never held it against them though. after all, she knew better. her angelic side gave her the intelligence to infer that this student must have been self-projecting onto her. but this particular time, the student crossed the line. they did not only criticize her, they began to drag her family’s name through the mud, cruelly hissing into her ear. and then, a twisted comment left them with a sneer.
“you’re such a freak, misty, you know that? i know you don’t got a mom. i heard she left you when you were young. can’t say I’m surprised either. If it were me, i’d have abandoned an ugly girl like you too.”
it had been a terrible mistake on her end, to lose herself in the instinctive fury boiling within her. however, since the first time that she turned, she did. nails sharpened, growl audible, she grabbed the student by their shirt and shoved them against the wall. they stared into her glowing eyes in shock, paling. 
her breaths came in deep and heavy, restraint battling for control over her body, preventing her from turning. eyes pained, from shame and fury, from how close she was to losing herself to this ancient anger.
“please leave,” she had managed to whisper, grip loosening on the torn shirt, “i don’t want to… hurt you.”
and they did, trembling hands holding themselves to their chest; only shooting a brief, frightened look back before the door slammed shut. in a fit of frustration, misty wound up pushing over an entire cabinet, kicking it, once, then twice, before her eyes began blurring with tears; for a few minutes, she could only cry, in disbelief with herself.
she expected for them to report her, for her to finally be exposed for once and for all. but to her surprise, they never breathed a word about it and neither did she.
a note of apology was slid into their locker and in a twist of fate, the two wound up growing closer and becoming friends. they taught Misty a special type of patience, the kind that allowed her to forgive even the worst of people. she became maternal towards them, learning about a difficult home situation they had. so she gave them a second home, a real home; herself. 
hence, the black hills pack expanded.
v.  the current
ACT IV: 18+
blunders were inevitable for misty. she was still young and learning. her successes outweighed blunders though and she grew into a splendid woman with a bright future. misty connected with her inner self, tapping into a mind not riddled with strange urges, only with loving thoughts. her bitterness at others, except her mother, washed away during her teenage years with maturity.
misty knew she wanted to help others, especially those who were lost, like dario and lovanna did. she sought to be like them. however, she didn’t know how exactly she would do that. so she pursued a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education and a bachelor’s degree in social justice studies, double majoring. she figured that would set her up for whatever she would want to do.
although she should have been done getting her degrees by now, misty decided to live at home during college and continue to work as a waitress at her father’s tavern. this has held her back a bit, leaving her another few months to finish her degrees, particularly since she just transferred to online school. she doesn’t mind though; she likes leaving a part of her focus on her hometown and family.
especially with the recent headlines in the news potentially changing everything misty has ever known.
vi. connections
✗ DARIO WAHYA -  he was a bit lost on how to be a father, but he learned over time. he loves you more than anything and would lay down his own life for your’s in a heartbeat.
✗ SARIEL -  you are so forgiving and you want to forgive her for abandoning you and your father, but deep in your heart there is still resentment for what she did. maybe if she returns you’ll have a reason to forgive her, even after all these years you still hope.
✗ LOVANNA SWANPOEL -  she’s been in your life for as long as you can remember. she was your babysitter and one of your first friends. she’s basically the fun aunt you’ve always wanted. you don’t know what you would do without her.
Her face claim is MORGAN ANTUSH and she’s played by HAZEL.
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clawsandwings-blog · 5 years
name/alias: Hazel
one fun fact about yourself: I absolutely adore anything fantasy related and am loosely working on an original story that takes place in a fantasy world.
favorite supernatural creature: Such a difficult question! I love all supernatural creatures, but my favorites have to be mermaids, sirens, wendigos, and witches. They’re all so entrancing to me.
favorite supernatural-themed media: Do books count? If so, Carry On by Rainbow Rowell, without a doubt. It is about a vampire/wizard named Baz and a “chosen one” wizard named Simon who fall in love with each other throughout the book alongside an amazing plot. I would highly recommend it to anyone, especially if you’re looking for well-written mlm content! She’s currently working on a sequel called Wayward Son.
favorite type of roleplay event: Anything and everything related to plot or character development.
favorite faceclaims: I actually do not use faceclaims all that often, but I love Pia Kristine Cruz. She’s so beautiful.
dream au: Only one? I have many, my friends. Something based on The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang would enthrall me though!
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