claydanceco · 4 years
Quarantine: Connected by Dance
Quarantine: Connected by Dance
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By Duncan Roy
The world is slowly crawling out of a lockdown. For many physical contacts is a distant memory they ache to feel. Dance is no exception. Some 27 weeks ago, on a cold Thursday evening, the President of our great republic put our country on a lock down, and added a curfew as topping. It was a dish well served to protect us all. Everyone else where in the world was doing the…
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claydanceco · 5 years
By  Florence Ndagire Ssenyonjo
I am Florence, married, with 2 children. I am a leader, a creative, an entrepreneur and a pastor at my home church Worship Harvest. I haven’t always been this way as I can see your mind already racing wondering how does one dance with all these hats? Let me take you to the Genesis.
I have always loved dancing since childhood. In high school I was part of several dance groups. When I joined university I still wanted to dance. God knowing the desires of my heart, He led 3 women to create a space where they would share with other dancers the experience and skills they had. Those ladies were, Nancy Kacungira, Catherine Nakaweesa and Marianne Mwase. They held an audition which I fearfully signed up for. Gosh, I’ve never been so eager to get the results of whether I had qualified or not. You guessed right. I did qualify not because I was the best dancer but because they saw a gift in me that they could develop.
Catherine & Nancy
Catherine, Norah & Nancy
We started classes. Everything was technique driven as opposed to the creative dancing I was used to. Learning technique requires patience and in a dance class am that child who is always asking “Are we there yet?” Cathy was patient with me. We later became very good friends with her and from her I learnt so many things and grew in my technique. I embraced many genres and I took part in different pieces.
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Catherine, Amito & Florence; Taken January 2018 at the launch of global Dance Network in Uganda
With time she became very busy. She started travelling around the world going to different dance spaces representing her country and all the dancers at home. Every time she returned, we didn’t get chocolates, hahaa… but we got a chance to learn everything she had learnt and seen. She became our source of exposure.
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Shot from the Beautiful Feet Production “Virtue”, Kampala 2012
But guess what? The group was falling apart because of her absence and no leadership. As God would have it (not my doing but God) I stepped up to lead. Literally forging my way into leadership as I didn’t have much experience leading a dance group. I learnt on the job. I organized us. We later got a name and organized ourselves to have regular workshops facilitated by different skilled dancers from around Kampala and once in a while other countries. We got different platforms to perform like the annual Christmas cantata, rotation at different Watoto Church celebrations, Dance Transmission, Dance week, Bayimba Arts festival etc.
We grew in number. We became that dance company that gives as many people an opportunity to Discover who they are (identity & gifting), Develop their gifts and Belong (be part of something life changing that’s bigger than themselves). We Danced. We cried together. We ‘fought’, argued and went places together.
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I later met a wonderful man as I served with Watoto Child Care Ministries. We fell in love. I had no clue he also had the same passion for dance like I did. When I found out, I invited him to join Clay. We dance together.
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A couple that dances together, stays together!
In 2014 we announced that we were getting married. The group broke out in excitement for the step we were about to take in our relationship. Being young people (most people being at university) they didn’t have much financial support to offer so what they did was to hold different fundraisers to raise funds for our wedding. They donated items in kind that we sold and raised money for our wedding. It was the wedding of the year. Stephen and I got married on 28th November 2014.
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Stephen & Florence Ssenyonjo on their wedding day
In January 2016 we received our first born Eliorah Joy. She’s a dancer. Because of change in life dynamics; having a family, moving church and later having to pastor a Worship Harvest Location, I passed on leadership to Lillian Alyinza and Duncan Roy Kawooya my dear friends. They have led well. They have not only ensured continuity so that many more young people can Discover their gifting, Develop and have some where to Belong they have pushed boundaries, created new platforms for people to perform and raised other leaders.
This year as Clay celebrates 10 years, we’ll be celebrating 5 years happily married in November. We’ll also be participating in the concert which we count a huge privilege to be apart of.
TO ALL CLAY; The sky is the limit. Write your name in the stars. Don’t stop at nothing but excellence. God has given you gifts your job is to develop them and serve the world with them.
Much love,
Florence Ndagire Ssenyonjo!
  Humans of Clay | Meet Florence Ndagire Ssenyonjo By  Florence Ndagire Ssenyonjo I am Florence, married, with 2 children. I am a leader, a creative, an entrepreneur and a pastor at my home church Worship Harvest.
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claydanceco · 5 years
Dance was something I always wanted to do. I was introduced to it while in primary and high school. So on leaving high school and while at University, I joined the Watoto church choir as my ministry and often looked on with envy at the select few who got to dance for God. A desire burnt in my heart to express my worship to God in form of dance. I waited patiently hoping that one day such opportunity would present itself.
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There were various church dance groups at the time but I was not drawn to them for whatever reason; I guess I just didn’t belong there. My first opportunity came with the 2008 Watoto Conference; my sister Karen H. Kimuli who was in choir told me of an opportunity she had heard of to dance at the conference. Needless to say, I was overjoyed at the opportunity and took it without looking back, so much that at the first practice I showed up in my work clothes, a pink shirt and black almost A-line skirt not knowing that one needed dance clothes. More interesting was the fact that I did not have any dance clothes in my wardrobe. Of course this did not deter me. While experiencing this opportunity, I met with Merian Mwase who desired perfection and pushed us to the very end in order to deliver excellence as one of our church core values.
At the conference, the less than 10 minutes of performance were worth every minute spent in rigorous practice for the past two weeks. I blossomed the entire time; I can still remember the movements of the larakaraka piece. The ladies who did Bakisimba dance were Karen H. Kimuli, Norah and Hellen (a lady who passed on a few years ago) and we who did Larakaraka were Gyda Oyenbot, Cissy and myself. We were honoured to be part of this.
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After the conference, I was basically elated hungrily looking for the next opportunity to dance which was not so forthcoming until there was an announcement to join an upcoming dance ministry under Watoto Worship. the ministry is what later became CLAY Dance Company, or CLAY as  many have come to know it over the years. As it was announced on the Church news, I could feel my whole body and spirit move in excitement at the long awaited opportunity to finally dance; just the thought of it now brings back very fond memories. I told all that I could master the courage to tell that I would be going for the auditions.
Audition day came and by then I had acquired a few clothes that could pass for dance clothes. I walked into the audition knowing that my most known or comfortable genre was traditional dance so I was not sure what to expect. We started with a contemporary piece to the Barlow girl song One more round which all of us were to learn as taught by Andre one of our international friends who we have met along the way; and thereafter each of us would do a solo in the genre of our comfort. I can assure you I didn’t clearly see how to do the traditional so I opted for salsa and some contemporary movement I think. Our judges for this audition were Andre, Merian Mwase and Catherine Nakawesa. I got a call back thereafter and most of it is history by now.
After some time, a showcase was organized and we really gave it our all in preparation. The other dancers who got a call back as far as I can recall were; Cmo Atuha, Aziza Shirazi, Florence Ndagire Senyonjo, Linda Mpanga, Louis Snappy, Nicholas, Barbara Nayiga, Arthur Mwanje, Joanne Buganda, Jasmine Namjua, Ernest Wolf, Jacque Tumusiime and others I may not readily recall. Some few joined us thereafter as time went on. We staged the showcase under the direction of Merian Mwase, Catherine Nakawesa, Andre, and some other external instructors from Break Dance Project Uganda and traditional dancers such as Sylvia. We also had input from teachers like Nancy Kacungira, Samuel Lutaaya and Jessica among others. The input was great and we were learning what it meant to dance, choreograph and go beyond bounds to learn dance besides what we knew and were comfortable with.
The showcase happened. What was appalling was the impact on watching our video of the showcase. Most of our jaws dropped because the energy we felt we were exuding was almost 80% less on the video recorded. We felt disappointed and the energy we had come with to watch the video dwindled by the minute. Catherine and Merian, our pioneers, had to give us a pep talk so that we could be encouraged to continue pursuing our dream of dance and ministry. I can’t help but laugh looking back at that moment at church, when we were so miserable thinking we had disappointed our enthusiasts including my Aunt Apophia, my sister Karen and my brother Edgar who had shown up among others and packed Watoto Church Downtown auditorium. One of the first lessons we learnt was that what you deliver on stage has to be about 200% of what you think you are actually delivering and that the level of energy you deliver in practice is what will flow through on show day
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Watoto Conference 2010 found us already charged and was yet another opportunity to perform and tell the Watoto Children’s story alongside them in dance and drama. It didn’t leave us the same. Through the same interaction with CLAY Dance Company, an opportunity presented itself to go to Ecole des Sables in Senegal. I was blessed to share this with Catherine Nakawesa and I was glad to have her on board because I am not the adventurous kind but walking this journey beside her away from home always felt like home. I learnt and grew a lot. The Artistic Director Patrick Acogny once told us that we will not be the same once we came back to our countries. That after 2 months away, the growth would be evident. I could write a book on the whole experience; it was nothing short of amazing.
Through the years, CLAY Dance Company has interacted with teachers from all walks of life, different countries and genres. God has gifted us that way. When we started out as CLAY Dance Company, what we see now and the hundreds of dancers that we have interacted with leaves us awe struck at what God has done amongst us. As CLAY Dance Company started to grow, various disciplines were groomed amongst us including; whoever arrived first for practice had to make sure the dance space was mopped and clean, not wearing any form of jewellery during practice to prevent accidents, hugging and greeting everyone and inquiring as to their welfare before practice started, not talking or having non dance discussions during practice, Paying attention to whoever is in charge of the class session, practice being closed and fun clubs not being entertained during practice, everyone should be in position to learn whatever is taught for the day and so much more.
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L-R Edna, Jessica, joanne et al at the Watoto Church Cantata 2010 Photo by Ismail Kezaala, Daily Monitor
In the growth of the Company, many more practices have been incorporated and embraced such as intentionally reading the word, reaching out to the community of other dancers and so much more. Our leaders have also taken gifting to another level. They have purposed every year end in the Christmas season as we remember the birth of Jesus Christ to give Christmas cards and gifts to the members who have been part of the journey throughout the year including the teachers, dancers and visitors, which is heartwarming. How can I conclude without making mention of the culture of photography. We love to take photographs in and out of season. We are always ready for a photo and I am sure our archives will speak for themselves.
Some of the giftings over the years!
CLAY Dance Company has not been a place void of struggles, tears and disgruntlement. These have been present in every phase but these have made us stronger in character, personality and resilience. It is never easy when you have multitudes of talent in one space and a few less opportunities like a small stage and limited time; CLAY Dance has managed and still tries to work through these phases while still growing and grooming the next generation of dancers. I have written a lot and feel like there is so much more I could put to paper. Maybe one day I will write a book on my life in CLAY Dance Company. So as a CLAY Ancestor (proudly so) I am grateful and honoured to have this family which I saw as a baby and now see as a ten year old. It is amazing, awesome, loved and so much more in one bundle of joy.
All in all, CLAY Dance Company was and still is a dream come true for me. It was a breath of fresh air at the time I needed it and it continues in this stance. I thank God. The very essence of the life of a dancer in our dance; CLAY Dance Company. Discover. Develop. Belong.
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Humans of Clay | Meet Edna Winifred Dance was something I always wanted to do. I was introduced to it while in primary and high school.
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claydanceco · 5 years
By Lillian Aliyinza
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  Life is Good!.What can we give back to god, save for a good dance. December 2018; Photo by Watoto Church
The psalmist in Psalms 116:12 said
What can I give back to God for the blessings He’s poured out on me (us)? I’ll (we’ll) lift high the cup of salvation—a toast to God! I’ll (we’ll) pray in the name of God; I’ll (we’ll) complete what I(we) promised God I’d (we’d) do, and I’ll (we’ll) do it together with his people.
 What a season and a year to celebrate the goodness of the Lord through the ministry He as entrusted to us with. For the people that joined us this year thank you for coming, we bless God that you did for the puzzle was made perfect because you came. For the people that have been around through the years, we thank you for staying. You have given this puzzle the various shapes. To the ancestors, you are the hard board on which Jesus laid the foundations of this amazing dance ministry.
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CLAY Dance Show Case Sept 2009: L-R Barbara, Julio-Bradley, Ernest, Nicholas, Catherine, Cmo, Edna, Florence, Jessica, Aziza, Michael and Sarah. choreography by Drew
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Some of the original members of CLAY Dance Co. L-R, David Jessica Mumford, Cmo Atuha and Joanne; looking like the original cast of Wakanda. Taken December 2010.
2018 has been such a great year; we thank God for the leadership of the church that has continually given us the resources and believed in the facts that dance is worship that does impact lives.
We kicked off the year with a great workshop facilitated by our friends from Soul Expressions. They took us back to our roots of contemporary dance. We learned rolls that boy or boy we have really utilized the entire year.
Watoto Church then launched Sisterhood to which we (mostly the ladies from CLAY) privileged to be a part of, performing, Pieces as well as Different Drums. This turned out to be a tour over the next 2 months that went to Watoto Church Gulu, Worship Harvest Naalya and the Makerere University Norwegian Dance Festival. This was an amazing experience as the abundance of the women of CLAY Dance has always been a given , we asked God for some men, and they came in droves, droves so many that we could not contain them. For all the men that signed up, returned, or decided not to take a break this year, we celebrate you as well.
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Different Drums: Watoto Sisterhood
For the first time we understood why God has blessed us with numbers as we were able to do a split rotation. Thanks to the amazing gifts of Michelle and Karen who choreographed “LOYAL, done over 4 Sundays in 2 teams. What a blessing it was. We were also able to share this dance with the special needs awareness day organized by the Mukisa Foundation where our Sarah Ampumuza works. The special needs experience really challenged us as we experienced children with special needs enjoying dance to the fullest and yet us being full and able bodied, many at times give excuses of how we cannot dance because it is “hard” or it is not “my dance genre” It showed us that if God made us whole then we can’t afford to return to him, a half-baked and lame sacrifice.
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Easter came along and the dancing angels (in white, oh how that color follows us everywhere) showed up to convey the resurrected power of Christ which does live in each one of us. Sometime in June, Power, Sex and Money (PSM) held a panel discussion on Arts & culture featuring our team leader Duncan Roy Kawooya. CLAY Dance shared in that experience with the dance “Joy”.
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Anne, Vero, Lydia, Martha and Vanessa all expressing pure joy!
We are forever grateful for the partnership that has grown with the Batalo East team who gave us an opportunity to be part of the Batalo Dance Festival this year where we danced a piece titled “Rend Your Heart” which was birthed in Joel 2 and depicted the struggles we all go through, telling the story of how the enemy can use that opportunity to come in and put us down but then eventually the light of Jesus shines forth and redeems us from the enemy’s fangs. This dance reminded us that there is no place; our Lord would not go to rescue you. We were honored to share this story again at Power FM Presents in September. We are grateful to Andrew Amanyire for having taken the role of project Manager and lead choreographer for our submission to Batalo Fest 2018 and to Batalo East, for the monthly equations from which we continuously grow. Furthermore they selected two of us (Mijumbi Lydia and Andrew Amanyire) to be part of the MUDA Dance 2018 Exchange programme that was held in Tanzania, and they ably represented us.
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Ace Amanyire with the Batalo East Team at the MUDA Dance 2018 Exchange in Tanzania
God has taught us over the years that all that we do should exude His love for people and we were honored to be part of a dance outreach alongside our friends from VTC Dance Crew from The City Church in Luzira who did an outreach in Kilombe, that involved a joint community cleaning up, collected “praise worthy” items inclusive of bags, shoes, clothes and others that we gave away as we danced and shared the gospel. Many people gave their lives to Jesus, enjoyed lots of dance and even experienced a stampede…..but that’s a story for another day.
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  Clay Dance’s Karen at the outreach in Kilombe
This year has seen us take a leap as God launched us into the corporate world. We were honored to be part of the launch of two big projects in two big companies. First was URA where they launched “All hands on Deck” where we did a stomp dance to help raise awareness about an internal campaign they were having during April 2018. Second was NSSF “Hi Innovator” launch, for which we did flash mob codenamed “teamwork”. We truly thank God for such amazing opportunities and we believe that this is just the beginning of the amazing territories He is taking us to because He says that wherever the sole of your feet step there you shall take possession.
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the gang at the launch of NSFF’s Hi Innovator Program; L-R; Namata, Maria, Mercy .W., Barbara, Vero, Jose, Patricia Mercy .I., Lydia, Trem, Emma-Hark, Prima, Mugi, Mij, Bella, Lillian, Karen, Hizzy, Ruth, Brandon, Joanne, Milky, Byron ansd Anna
We once dreamt that Clay Dance would go viral and well we are living our dreams. We officially went international first by being part of the launch of the Global Dance Network in Uganda which was facilitated by our very own Solomon Mugabi and Catherine Nakaweesa alongside the Carol Smolek from Global Dance Network. The international appeal didn’t stop there; as we were part of the Nsiimye tour as Sandra Suubi launched her album “Nsiimye” for which we did feature on her interview with CNN as she shared her story.
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  Clay Dance at Sandra Suubi Nsiimye Tour. Photo by RytahUg
As the winds of blessings blew on, they sent us Shafik our longtime friend and Kate Stoddard, the dance team leader at Hillsong Church Australia. Shafik has an amazing warm up that am sure we cannot forget but he taught us body awareness and how to play around with the three (insert word) of dance (Space, time and insert word). Kate on the other hand took us to the “foreign land” of ballet and this greatly improved our technique. We are absolutely grateful to the both of them.
Our very own Daniel Iterera had his nuptials with the love of his life Daisy and we know that many more are coming to us. Clay Dance was very ably represented at the Miss Uganda 2018 where our very own Kwagala Lynette walked away with the Miss Uganda-Central crown. We congratulate and celebrate the both of them.
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As we continue along we draw aspiration from our friends at Vizuri Dance Crew and The Bravas who had amazing concerts, Tonsindika and 7 Stories, for which we both were privileged to be a part of.
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CLAY Dance at the 7 Stories Concert by the Bravaz. L-R: Duncan, Anna, Vero, Daphine-Series, Prima, Mij, Namatah and Ace
The bible says He crowns the year with His goodness as we celebrate the biggest gift to humanity, the gift of Jesus as told through music and dance. We have been preparing and we are excited for what Jesus is about to do in and through us. We pray that God will use us afresh to do just that which He wants to do. We are priviedged to be a part of the annual Watoto Church Christmas Cantata; Perfect Light, which this year marks its 35th run, and we are thankful to God for allowing us to be a part of a congregation with such amazing talent.
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Dancers from the Song Perfect Light: Head Choreographer Andrew Ace (et al) Photo by Watoto Church
Ruth, Lillian, Jean-claire Barbara, Namata, Mercy & Solome: Photo by Duncan Roy
Miraculum; Head Choreographer- kate Stoddard; Photo By Watoto Church
T-256’s Jeremiah Kenneth in all team song- Jesus is; Photo by Watoto Church
Cathy, towering above our lovely Comfort in silent night; Photo by Watoto Church
Miraculum; Choreohpahy By Kate Stoddard & others; Photo by Watoto Church
Trem, Mon and Byron taking in the city views; Photo by Duncan Roy
In conclusion, we just want to give thanks to each and every person that has walked this journey with us throughout the year. We are grateful for your commitment towards the call that God has placed upon your life and we are honored to serve God alongside you. We declare God’s blessing upon you and we pray that He will grant you all your hearts’ desires.
We are excited for next year because we make 10 years and we know that we are moving from Glory to Glory as we Discover, Develop and Belong.
You are dearly loved and You Matter.
We are worshippers
We are family
We are friends
We are fighters
We are warriors
We Dance inside out
There is more
Clay Dance Goes Viral
After all at Clay Dance Co. we are #MoreThanDance#
2018: What a year! By Lillian Aliyinza The psalmist in Psalms 116:12 said What can I give back to God…
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claydanceco · 5 years
Catherine the Great!
This started out as a birthday post but turned into something else. A celebration of Catherine, our version of Catherine the Great! First of all, Happy Birthday to our dance mama, Ms Catherine Nakawesa. For the last 10 years, we had the luxury of watching this incredible dancer work up close.
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Catherine has dropped so many pearls of wisdom, tales of shenanigans, impromptu concepts and room…
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claydanceco · 6 years
Testimony: Aligning the past, present and future.
For countless youth the dance company has been a place of refuge and growth. Here we have the tesimony of Jacqlynne Tumusiime from Uganda, who now is one of our youngest Country Representatives in ICDF. She speaks about her growth as a dancer in her youth, a Christian and more recently as a leader.
One cannot harvest what hasn’t been tilled. We don’t have many seasons in Uganda except for hot…
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claydanceco · 7 years
You Are Worthy
Hola Amigos!
Easter is here!
It is at such a time as this when we also take the moment as a dance ministry to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus through energetic movement! I must add that this is a great opportunity and always an honour to be part of something bigger and it goes without saying, that we take this time to remind each other of God’s ultimate gift to us; His son, to encourage us…
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claydanceco · 7 years
Dance to the Rythm; Words by Michelle Majugo and Janice Aine
Dance to the Rythm; Words by Michelle Majugo and Janice Aine
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In the air there is a rhythm Heard in the pattern of our breathing It’s the kind of thing that tugs at the soul A beat that soaks into the bones Silent yet constant Silent and unchanging A need to give in, and just let go…” I slip into it as a foot slips into a sock
In our veins there is a beat The pounding of our hearts within Sometimes we feel it Sometimes we need to hear it I wear it as a…
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claydanceco · 9 years
Wounds Of Salvation
By Davishio, our resident poet
A one, a two, a three, a jump! Oh no! That stump goes on third! Together, the room reverberates with a thud! Two steps out of sequence? It never sounded so bad. But it goes on seamlessly. The eel frolicking in mud. As breaths go shallow Attention never narrows We breathe together And die as brothers!!
Consciously or not so, I reach out with my arms Not discernible as…
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claydanceco · 9 years
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Linda dear; claydanceco celebrates with you as you graduate from university today. We r so proud of you.May the Good Lord forever shine favour upon your life. at Main biulding – View on Path.
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claydanceco · 9 years
By Davishio
A cold bead of sweat kisses my brow
The rock in my chest palpitates more
My eyes thicken, my sight narrows
As a cold shiver tingles my marrow
It is today, not tomorrow
My mind races, I swallow
Like a convict stepping to the gallows
And my parched throat wallows
Not in pain, fear I cannot allow
This is me
This is the time
Will my step be in sync
Will my turn be a tick
I swoon, my head feels thick
My tummy begins to feel sick
The sound wrecks my psyche
The stage is in sight
My body will soon give up the fight
Pave room for insight
Now is not the time to give up the ghost
Because there behold destiny calls
Like Samson, I push the walls
As the lights turn on
The glare blinds me not
I turn mine off, and let Him lead
I am the dough, for Him to knead
My faculties the crowd for Him to feed
That restless soul in anguished need
I am clay, He the potter indeed
So as I stump and pound, leave the floor to plead.
I rest assured am not in the lead
Emma’s voice will fade
Like a forgotten dream as I gaze
In the infinitesimal abyss of the audience
As the smoke asphyxiates my fears
It is for such a time as this
When creation sees
Not me, but Him
Who moves my sinews, my senses
Who jumps and twists my body
Who lifts my wiggle for His glory
Who makes the devil feel sorry
Who turns mine into His story
Who lifts my soul to the top most storey
I am not me, I am Him
And that’s what entails
Being a dancer for His glory
I am CLAY, He the POTTER
PARADIGM SHIFT; A poem by Davishio By Davishio A cold bead of sweat kisses my brow The rock in my chest palpitates more…
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claydanceco · 9 years
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Find me on Path now! Go to: path.com!
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claydanceco · 9 years
It’s been an interesting 12 weeks towards the end of 2015. 9 weeks of planning the best production the world has ever seen, only second to the birth of Jesus Christ. Third if you add the crucifixion. So I am one tired dancer.  Telling you how tired I am is no way to introduce you to our blog. But when the music stoops and start enjoying the 6 week break, you realise how tired you are. The production here in is the annual Watoto Church Christmas Cantata that has faithfully run for the last 33 years, and it gets better each year. I would like to meet the dancers from.33 years ago, but that’s a story for another day.  For this production 67 dancers got together and choreographed the best of dances ever. So after 9 weeks, my feet were sore, my joints hurt, my muscles ached, but my heart danced and danced. For all these dances were performed to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Majority of the gang was from Clay Dance Co.-the gang whose blog you are reading now. I just felt I needed to use the word gang owing to the fact I don’t use it in my every day speech. I will write about Clay Dance Co or claydanceco as you will find it on a lot of our web presence, another time
I also got an allergic reaction to the stage smoke, and a chest infection left me coughing nonstop. Would I do it all-over again? YES! You can’t pay me enough to stay away. The one thing that scares me is that my body may get too relaxed, and kick-starting it to remember what it meant to get warm and stretch. First few sessions of 2016 may be such a struggle. Six weeks is a long time, all that holiday food, condensed muscles, and hopefully the same waistline leave you yearning for the dance season when you didn’t worry about any of this.
  Awesomeness+ Wilbur from KidPower
The angels
So while we enjoy our hiatus, there’s no break for some of us, we sit and plan for the next nine months, spend time in prayer and fasting, and stay off our feet , hoping to return to the dance floor without exclaiming that “I AM ONE TIRED DANCER!”
ONE TIRED DANCER It's been an interesting 12 weeks towards the end of 2015. 9 weeks of planning the best production the world has ever seen, only second to the birth of Jesus Christ.
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claydanceco · 9 years
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#claydancegoesviral – View on Path.
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claydanceco · 9 years
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AZIZA Belongs. #DiscoverDevelopBelong #claydancegoesviral
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claydanceco · 9 years
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It's been an amazing year....
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claydanceco · 9 years
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