claytcnjeong · 4 months
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Before We Go (2014) dir. Chris Evans
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claytcnjeong · 4 months
"Me? Cooties? As if, now I just know you're lying." Cj scoffed under his breath, as if that was the most terrible thing he heard. Of course, one thing he learned from working in the pediatrics was that kids tend to over exaggerate. "I think it is you who has cooties, you seem like the type to kiss and tell." He jokingly said as he waved down the bartender, ordering himself a drink and pointed to hers, "And I guess I'll buy her one as well, even though she is terribly mean to me."
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"Don't play coy," Her eyes narrowed playfully at him for a moment before she went back to her drink. Esmeralda was definitely not giving CJ any more of a boost than he already needed. "Last I heard from the kiddos, you had cooties and those are very contagious, you know."
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claytcnjeong · 4 months
Tea: you like gossip? or to keep to yourself?
"A little bit of both, with close friends I find myself gossiping with but with coworkers, I would have to be very close to consider gossiping with them. Because you know they say never trust your coworker or something like that."
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claytcnjeong · 4 months
"You heard rumors about me? Damn, didn't know I was so popular." He said smugly, with a wide grin on his features. He enjoyed bothering certain people, purely for their reaction majority of the time. "I mean I could, I am a great story teller from what the kids say. I'll even give you a kiss goodnight."
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Watching the man pull up a chair to sit besides her already set the tone for the evening. CJ, as per usual, was being himself which meant he'd bug her for however long that would last. "I would, but I'm pretty sure that's something you're into, last I heard," Esmeralda pointed out taking a sip of her drink. "Besides, you've already made yourself very welcome pulling up a chair all cozied up next to me. What's next, you're gonna tell me a bedtime story?" She added. Okay, she'll admit, the last part...she was being playful. She wouldn't let him know that, however.
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claytcnjeong · 4 months
👀 real thoughts on Julia?
"She's pretty cool, I consider her my work wife because she's always scolding me over something funny. I think work would be kind of boring if we weren't on the same shift together but I'm pretty sure she gets tired of my shenanigans." @drjuliasato
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claytcnjeong · 4 months
After a long shift, CJ usually found himself making his way back home or stopping by Ezra's to bug him for food, but usually his way home was the main goal. Except tonight when he decided a drink or two wouldn't hurt, the weekend went by too fast and he definitely needed a drink to take the edge off from such a stressful day. "Ouch Romero, way to make me feel welcomed." Clayton said in a sarcastic tone as he pulled up the seat to sit besides her. "Might as well throw a slap in that greeting to really make me feel welcome."
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It was one of those nights, nursing a migraine with a cranberry vodka. The day had been an absolute shit show to say the least, between nearly losing a patient, someone fucking up during rounds and her having to clean up the mess. Esmeralda sighed, doom scrolling on her phone as per usual, taking slow sips of her drink. This peace was short-lived, having the strangest feeling that someone had been watching her. Her eyes flickered upward and it was already too late. Forcing a smile, she said, "Jeong. Why am I not surprised to find you here?"
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claytcnjeong · 4 months
"A ghost robin hood, didn't he steal money and gave it back to the poor. What will you do as a ghost, seek revenge on people's wrong doings?" He asked teasing.
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"what deal do i need to make with whatever saint my parents think is at the pearly gates to let me come back and be a ghost robin hood." no cuffs or cell bars can't hold a ghost, it seems almost fool proof!
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claytcnjeong · 4 months
"You know, you do have a point. But if I wasted years to become a doctor, I would use that to my full advantage. Mid conversation? Hey I'm a doctor by the way and so on and so forth." Cj said smugly. He raised his brows in surprise and grinned, "Really? What did you think my name was?" He was curious on what he looked more like. "Nah no meaning, my mom just really liked the name Clayton, it was between that or Aiden I guess. But my dad said it's based off a high school crush or something." @drjuliasato
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“Nurse Jeong isn’t too much of a mouthful, it just seems a little stiff when we’re in a none professional setting.” She coughed a little, clearing her throat, willing herself to loosen the fuck up, contemplating having a drink to aid with that but worrying it would be a slippery slope. “Clayton, it’s not a name I’d have thought for you if I’m honest. Is there some meaning behind it?” Genuine interest laced through her tone. She knew why she’d been given her name, it was practical, no frills, like her parents. “Ah, I’d hate to put your reputation in jeopardy.” @claytcnjeong
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claytcnjeong · 4 months
"A host? You think I'm a host? I should feel flattered but I also feel offended you think that I'm a host." Cj laughed, it was an absorb idea and he was certain his mother would've had a heart attack if she found that out. "Aw...not even a ring pop?"
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"Third? You better start asking for rings. Could pawn them off and you'd never have to be a host again." Eden grinned over the glass of her cocktail before taking a sip. "I could propose, but I have no ring. Just an offer to buy you a drink."
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claytcnjeong · 4 months
"Then I guess it all depends on the person."
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"People like to hold out hope that they're not second best, but rather belated first choice. I don't make the rules."
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claytcnjeong · 4 months
"Those three or four pieces are valuable, now they will never get to experience being eaten, tragic." He dramatically said smiling. CJ nodded his head, "I love cold pizza sometimes, heating it up seems like a crime--just doesn't taste right to me."
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"Accidents happen." Chase shrugs. Although maybe he was more trying to brush past it because it was a little embarrassing. He bends down and picks up the few pieces, a little laugh leaving him. "It was like three or four pieces of noodle." He smirks, standing back up and tossing the few pieces onto the empty plate. "I could never let you sit at home and eat cold pizza alone, that's just sad." He teases, knowing he does it too. "Cold pizza does hit though, doesn't it?"
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claytcnjeong · 4 months
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"....Am I what?" He asked again curious on what his question going to be. "Are you having...what you call it...creative block?" CJ always knew that people with a creative bone did suffer those creative blocks, which was probably why he never followed after that path. He found himself better at being a nurse.
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——- ❝ Are you.. ❞ roman's voice trailed off from the question he was trying to ask, gathering his thoughts fully. was this someone actually supporting in ? the other time that happened he almost got a record deal to make his first album. he was just lucky he managed to get a chance at acting before he was back to a bakery or bartending job. ❝ i'm not sure i could make music now. i've been doing pretty well for myself with acting now, ❞ he finally said, as he fidgeted with one of the few rings on his fingers that day. ❝ um — yeah sure. i'm down if you are. ❞
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claytcnjeong · 4 months
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"Hey, if you're passionate about something like that...then why not chase after it. After all, life is pretty short to not too." CJ agreed whole heartily at the thought. He was always up for those who chase after their dreams, after seeing patients who have regrets, he tries to do things that wouldn't have him regretting anything. "Hell we can go to the local bar that does karaoke if you want."
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——- ❝  Can't say i'm not craving a karaoke night together sometime. ❞ roman admitted with a laugh before giving a nod. ❝  hey, it's nice to hear you got good music taste from your parents. mine didn't really give me much other than show me they weren't ready to be parents — until my little sister was born. ❞ he shared as if it was nothing, because to him it was. it why he spent more of his teen years with his aunt and didn't really know his sister. ❝  definitely some questionable ones, but i also love exploring music because it's always changing. it's also why i always wanted to be in music. ❞
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claytcnjeong · 4 months
"What? Now that is really messy. Like...why would you result to being second best to someone like that? I almost feel bad for the woman who became second choice, almost."
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"The most bizarre? That this one woman was in love with her mailman, who used to be her best friend in school, but he wound up marrying her other best friend that no longer talks to her. A love triangle gone horribly wrong." Nira makes a face, waving it off. "Way too much mess for such a small town."
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claytcnjeong · 4 months
"Now that would be a sight to see, even I would be more than amused to see it happen." CJ couldn't help but to laugh at the image in his head. "I guess you do have a point."
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"its a favourite visual of mine to imagine twenty octogenarians in 2028 throwing it back in the nursing home." she'd seen way too many videos on tiktok of groups of friends dressing up as old people to head to the club, and to be honest, it looked fun as hell. "the only requisite is to be good looking, so why not try. "
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claytcnjeong · 4 months
"CJ works, definitely easier to remember and it's not such a mouthful like Nurse Jeong, you know not many people get my last name correctly. Which is why I tend to go by CJ at work and Clayton outside." He shared the little information with a slight smile. "Oh please, no need for that. My reputation would be on the line."
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“I’m going to call you CJ, if that’s okay? Nurse Jeong sounds too formal, and I’ve heard people around the hospital calling you CJ before.” Her tone was a little stilted because this kind of forward casual interaction wasn’t something she was very familiar with. Especially in this kind of setting, it was hardly the world of fact she normally immured herself in. “It would be pretty embarrassing, plus I’d be forced to recant it as an anecdote at the nurses station and I’m not sure you’d like that very much.” @claytcnjeong
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claytcnjeong · 4 months
"I promise, it won't be a doodle...an eagle maybe but no doodle." He knew he wasn't helping with saying an eagle but he was beyond excited to pick someone's tattoo for once. "i won't even put Clayton's bitch, no matter how tempting that is."
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Carlos chuckled, shaking his head at Clayton's playful insistence. "You know, Clayton, I trust you about as far as I can throw you," he teased, a lighthearted twinkle in his eyes. "I don't think my first tattoo should be some random doodle though, ya know?" @claytcnjeong
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