clearworldllcusa · 1 year
Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels are not only becoming more widespread on a global scale, but c applications are becoming more diverse. Let’s take a closer look at why exactly PV panels are on the rise in the first place.
A key component in the prevalence of PV panels is that they can be incredibly flexible. Solar panels are no longer just for rooftops. Building-integrated photovoltaics, or BIPV, allow for solar panels to be completely integrated into the infrastructure. And replacing traditional components of a building such as a skylight or a facade. ClearWorld panels are also literally flexible. Not only can they adapt to any environment, but the panels can also wrap around any size or shape pole to be retrofitted onto existing infrastructure.
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In addition to flexibility, solar PV power is also scalable. A scaled few kilowatts of power on your neighbor’s rooftop from the same panels. And it can produce few hundred megawatts of the same renewable energy. PV tends to scale easily, which supports mass production and product standardization, and eventually drives down costs.
Lastly, solar PV panels are on the rise due to the creative applications we see in smart cities across the globe. Flexible solar panels, like ClearWorld’s RetroFlex, allow for a solar takeover. Everything from light poles, trash cans, park benches, and more can be powered by the energy harvested from our solar PV panels. With creative solutions, flexibility, and scalability, it’s no wonder innovative architects, engineers, and urban planners are turning to solar PV. For them to complete their renewable projects.
The coming year is sure to hold promise for PV and its widespread use. As we head toward a more sustainable future, ClearWorld looks forward to learning more about PV’s benefits and installations. And also, embracing this technology in our own devices. To get more info visit our website.
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clearworldllcusa · 1 year
The solar street light industry is growing exponentially with governments and organizations across the country and the globe offering incentives for solar installation. Over 200 city mayors and city managers have committed to going 100% renewable by 2030 in the United States. This growth is also fueled by the increasing cost of traditional fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas power plants while renewables are decreasing. Renewables just surpassed fossil fuels for the first time ever last month. The government of India plans to replace 35,000,000 street lights and almost 800,000,000 incandescent light bulbs with LED lights.
Due to the fact that solar street lights can be utilized off-grid and independent of the power grid, they are extremely in demand for lighting rural locations. The only real caveat is to make sure that there is plenty of sunlight to charge the batteries. Some solar lighting providers such as ClearWorld utilize batteries that can store power for as long as 8 days on a single charge. Their solar lighting systems can charge even during long periods of cloudiness for as long as a month. The cylindrical design of their solar panels is also wind resistant to over 150 mph making them a favorite along coastal regions that get major tropical storms.
Top Trends In The Solar Street Light Market
In addition to providing alternatives that are cost effective, efficient, and off-grid, solar street lights also reduce the load on the power grid. Unlike traditional lighting where terrain can make trenching and cabling near impossible in some areas, solar street lights can be installed virtually anywhere. Solar street lights also come with the advantage of bearing low or even negligible maintenance costs, low wiring efforts and no transformer costs for off-grid lights.
Education is a major factor in growing the solar LED street light market that is still dominated by traditional lighting rivals and utilities that don’t see the writing on the wall. Company stakeholders and customers alike are still juggling the cost of installation and energy savings with the new technology. For some regions there just isn’t sufficient sunlight to justify solar. Alaska for example, has over two months of complete darkness so a system there would need to be comprised of a combination of solar and wind energy.
The Asia Pacific region is one of the highest volume users in the solar street lighting market globally and this trend is unlikely to change. China and India represent the vast majority of people on the planet and therefor are the biggest users of power. Europe and North America will remain major players in the solar street light market because the technology is more readily accepted and more governments are committing to moving to 100% renewables.
ClearWorld is a growing solar street light market leader with installations in over 80 cities and 10 countries. The company also has major solar lighting installations on military bases and in local, state, and National Parks. Get more information contact with us!
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clearworldllcusa · 1 year
According to a new market forecast released by the Northeast Group based in DC, the total investment in solar LED and smart street lights will exceed $50 billion over the next ten years. These solar street lighting projects are reducing expenses for utility companies and cities by billions.of dollars for energy and maintenance costs.
This new Smart Light Technology not only includes Solar Street Lighting but also other Smart City Technology such as automated surveillance, 5G communications, WiFi, USB charging stations, intelligent parking and more. With these new solar street light poles the future of Smart Cities is being realized today.
LED lighting alone has historically resulted in energy savings of over 60% for cities and utilities. Adding solar street light poles updates the city’s infrastructure and results in zero energy costs. There are many local and state governments that are offering tax incentives and rebates to help pay for solar street light installations in addition to federal programs. Finance companies have been getting in on the action lately as well, seeing the obvious potential for profit.
The prices for this new smart technology have been falling and are now inviting forward-thinking companies to get it on the new frontier of providing smart services for Smart Cities. Companies that provide solar LED lighting solutions can add additional revenue by making deals with communications providers to offer their services on solar light poles throughout cities all over the world. Read more https://clearworld.us/solar-led-street-lighting-leading-the-way-in-smart-cities/
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clearworldllcusa · 1 year
Solar Farms Good For Michigan Farmers
Solar farms and farmers have historically had a love-hate relationship but that is changing rapidly as farmers embrace the stable income that solar brings. Many states have enacted laws that limit the use of farmland for solar farms after being pushed by conservationists. Michigan, however, just recently had over 5,000 square miles opened up to solar farm development by a new government ruling. Farmers are actually in favor of it because it gives them a new income stream they can rely on.
It isn’t surprising that farmers across the country are now becoming not only accepting of solar farms on their lands, but even evangelical about it. When one considers that farmers have been hit hard over Trump’s trade tariffs it is no wonder they are looking for stable income and solar provides it. In addition to giving them stable energy costs and saving them a ton of money they are actually earning by leasing their land to larger solar farm developers.
This policy to allow commercial solar panel development in Michigan by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development may set an important precedent that other states can follow. The policy which enrolls 5,300 square miles into the Farmland and Open Space Preservation Program also provides tax incentives that encourages farmers to keep their land for agriculture.
The amount of land involved in this initial enrollment accounts for nearly 10% of the land in Michigan with most of it in the area known as “The Thumb” and the rest in the central part of the state.
Both farmers and solar developers are encouraged to read and fully understand the caveats of the program as outlined below directly from the government PDF of the program:
Pursuant to the Farmland and Open Space Preservation Act, MCL 324.36101 et seq. (the Act) and Paragraph 2 of the Farmland Development Rights Agreement with the Landowner, MDARD, subject to appropriate permitting by the local governing body, may permit structures to be built on property enrolled in the program if the structures are consistent with farm operations. MDARD will work with the local governing body to determine appropriate bonding requirements. Read more
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clearworldllcusa · 1 year
Solar Streetlights in Extreme Weather
The Gulf South is no stranger to bad weather. ClearWorld solar street lights can withstand in even the most destructive forces of nature. Solar powered lights installed in Saudi Arabia where heat is damaging but the lights were made to withstand these temperatures. One of the main concerns in creating lights that can withstand extreme weather conditions is making sure that the important components are hidden from the outside forces. Batteries and controllers must remain functioning and so specific batteries are used to withstand temperature changes. Solar panels are built to last up to 25 years and are insulated from wetness or dust. Specific outdoor solar led street lights components are built for the area they will be installed so they can adapt to the weather conditions.
In Louisiana, we were recently hit hard with a line of thunderstorms and gusts that reached in excess of 110 miles per hour. It produced widespread outages, knocked out power lines and left thousands of residents in the dark for a few days.  This created problems and crimes of opportunity because of downed power. ClearWorld solutions would have been able to keep the lights on for those nights where there was no power and kept residents safe and more secure.  It is when the challenges arise that we recognize the need for more modern solutions to power lines going down.  
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clearworldllcusa · 1 year
How can we protect ourselves from future electrical and weather disaster?
Every industry is rethinking how to produce and consume more responsibly. From an environmental and an economic standpoint, how can technology and new structures be applied to increase efficiency and reduce risk and dependence on antiquated systems?
How can we protect ourselves from future electrical and weather disasters?
How can we implement sustainable technology, create jobs, and rethink infrastructure to improve the quality of life for our communities?
ClearWorld mission began with a streetlight and through our relationships with city leaders and our technology partners, the RetroFlex solution is developed more so as remote battery supply, interconnecting our buildings, cars, and citizens. Read more click on the given link https://clearworld.us/how-can-we-protect-ourselves-from-future-electrical-and-weather-disasters/
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clearworldllcusa · 1 year
Forbes Calls Attention to Solar LED Lighting, Highlights $11B Industry
Forbes recently profiled the emerging solar LED lighting industry in an article titled “When (and Where) Solar LED Lighting Makes Sense,” touting the industry’s explosive potential in terms of widespread applicability and profitability.
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With the estimated worth of the commercial outdoor lighting market at $11 billion overall. Forbes highlighted the transition to LED technologies as an opportunity for manufacturers, distributors, and consumers alike. In 2012, for instance, 54% of the 2 million outdoor solar led street lights installed along roadways and tunnels already used LEDs. Whereas, by 2020, Navigant Research predicts, shipments of LED-based streetlights will have topped 17 million. Read more https://clearworld.us/forbes-calls-attention-to-solar-led-lighting-highlights-11b-industry/
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clearworldllcusa · 1 year
ClearWorld Lights Fight Crime By Keeping Neighborhoods Lit Up While Keeping the Sky Dark
The New York Times recently reported that Oakland’s city rise in crime was directly a result of poor street lighting.  The reason for the city’s lack of attention to addressing and solving the issue was related to the cost of keeping the lights on. And new California regulations to keep the night sky dark.  Cities are burdened by keeping the lights on and old technology takes a toll on the meters. This is leaving city administration scrambling to provide answers. According to the article, Santa Rosa has saved $400,000 a year as a result of removing streetlights and using timers. Further, the problem in Oakland is compounded with a $76 million budget. It’ll not allow administrators to increase lighting for the city, despite crime being up 25 percent since lights went down.
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Recently, a client talked to us about his concerns for citizens being subjected to crime as a result of poor streetlights.  He selected ClearWorld because of the remote reporting capabilities of our lights.  He let us know that having “Smart” lights that tell city administrators when lights go out or when they need to be changed was key to their selection. Also, he indicated that lights with old technology would typically be offline for weeks before a problem would be noticed and reported.  The city attributed a report by the Department of Justice that showed a 35% decrease in crime in well lit areas. Read more
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clearworldllcusa · 1 year
Outdoor solar led street lights
Urban Risks are Different and Require a Unique Approach
Urban areas are complex with highly interdependent systems. With these interdependencies, failing systems can result in cascading impacts that can disrupt the availability of clean water, electricity, and communications. Furthermore, urban systems extend beyond the administrative bounds of a given city to the surrounding areas that also depend on those systems for survival. The complexities of urban risks demand special focus within the new framework of actio—whether on land-use planning to improving governance—so that failure of any single element will not cause cascading collapse of other components.
Local Governments are Key
Since a large part of resilience-building depends on local actions to be more equipped to manage shocks and stresses. It is imperative that local city governments have the right sets of capacities and tools to support appropriate planning and action. This includes basic technical competencies, as well as the ability to make timely decisions. Having enabling policies that allow local governments to more directly access finance and to empower timely response to priorities of the cities is needed.
Urban Resilience Prompts a Different Way of Working Together
Cities across the world face a whole range of challenges, but new risks, like the impacts from climate change, will increasingly strain current systems and governance structures. These risks pay no attention to departmental units within the city. Likewise, no single actor or institution can work alone. An urban resilience framework calls for a process that brings together diverse departments and sectors to identify appropriate measures for preparedness, response, and recovery.
Rethinking Urban
Although “urban” is often described in a manner suggesting a fixed state, we need to rethink urban as a process. Cities are continuously changing—physically, socially, and politically. This means that the profile of risk in a city, too, is ever changing and evolving. The recognition of the importance of cities is also changing. While the immediate concerns of shocks and stresses may trouble municipal government officers and mayors. They should equally alarm Ministers of Finance as cities are the economic engines and centers of innovation for national economies.
Resilience… But for Whom?
With rapid urbanization comes the deepening of socioeconomic inequalities and urban poverty. Marginalized and poor populations in cities may lack access to land, political voice, legal recourse, and a sense of safety, much less basic infrastructure and services. Need to pay the explicit attention in promoting gender and inclusive development within resilience-building efforts for all economic levels.
As a result of these new urban possibilities – all enabled by emerging digital technologies – cities are quickly becoming powerful IoT hubs as they integrate computing, networking, skills, and culture; and spur innovation in areas as diverse as health, transport, and finance. ClearWorld’s Smart City Initiatives provides better security with smarter lighting and remote surveillance camera monitoring.  At nearby parks and campuses, we’ll provide security and emergency call buttons on light poles and USB charging stations options. With the use of RETROFLEX and other related game-changing alternative energy technologies and solutions, proves time and again vast benefits for the environment, economy, and society.
In addition, our retrofitted poles operate on solar power, which is the most abundant renewable energy source on the planet. As a direct effect, there are no harmful greenhouse emissions from fossil fuels. With our products and solutions, air pollution is reduced. Natural resources are preserved. Beyond these immediate, short-term results, the use of ClearWorld’s technology has a much broader range of long-term benefits. Crime rates have decreased, as city streets remain lit throughout the night. Local governments have the ability to re-allocate funds to meet more of a city’s socioeconomic needs. Renewable energy sources also stimulate economic growth, creating new jobs in manufacturing and installation. ClearWorld is a leader in renewable energy and smart city technology
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clearworldllcusa · 2 years
The solar energy potential on Native American land in the contiguous United States is estimated at almost 18 terawatt-hours! This is an insane amount of energy when you compare it to the total utility-scale electricity generated in the entire U.S. was only 4.2 TWh in 2018.
Traditionally the funding for solar development on tribal land has been provided by the federal government, but the funding usually doesn’t provide enough money to cover the cost of the entire project. In addition, poor project management has also hampered solar projects in many cases. As of 2000, there was no access to electricity in over 14% of all Native American households, which is over ten times the national average. Most of these same households also do not have running water.
Read More: https://clearworld.us/solar-energy-on-native-american-lands-has-huge-potential
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clearworldllcusa · 2 years
Solar Street Lighting
America is sadly nowhere near the leaders in this market. Asian countries such as India and China are leading Solar Street Lighting with 44% of the market. While, African countries like Kenya, South Africa, and Ghana are spearheading the Solar LED lighting market on their continent. Germany and the United Kingdom are leading the third biggest market for Solar LED Street Lighting in Europe in 2015. The African market is expected to outgrow the Asian Pacific market in the next couple of years. The World Bank and International Finance Corporation introduced different programs, subsidies, campaigns to promote Solar Street lighting products. This expected growth is the result of these numerous initiatives.
Read more: https://clearworld.us/solar-street-lighting/
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