Chapter Two: Thicker than Water Walking Dead
Clementine Sits on the trailer hearing walkers from outside. She heard gunshots from outside. Hey i saw you ran into there come on out said Molly. Clem holds her knife out. Listen to me if u want to survive come with me or die  i couldnt care less said Sam Clem grabs aj and ran with molly. Holy shit your a girl and you got a kid with you said Sam. Yeah i know i protecting him with my life cuz his parents are dead said Clementine. Aj looks at clem. Well you dont have to tell everybody clem said aj. Sorry she wanted to know about it so i have to tell her. Yeah but im a bit sad said aj. I mean you right....but its hard to say i understand. He nodded and contuined walking. We not far from my group said sam. They walk a bit longer and saw there people there. Who the new girl said Zack. This is Clementine and little guy name AJ said Sam. Well its nice to meet you Clementine and aj said Joe. Mhmm nice to meet yall too. Come on we gotta go said sam. Where we going ask clementine. Up north Going a place called King Star. King star ask clementine? Yea rumor said there food water hot baths n a great wall feels like home to be honest. said Zack. We dont know untill we go up there said Joe. Well sounds like a good place lets go then said Aj. They walk a path to the north. About 5 days later they saw a Cabin. We could stay here until tomorrow said Sam. they walk inside checks 4 walkers n Sees where the place safe. They sits down around the lanter. Well Its cozy than being out there said zack. Yeah it is said Clementine. Clem i have a qestion ask Sam. What is it? How did you survive out there all by yourself? Well i didnt survive by myself Me my friend his dad and his Dad friend helps me survive out there. Whats there names ask joe. The dad friend name Kenny  and the kid dad name Lee there was best friend always got each other back. Like brotherhood said Sam. The kid was mine age His Name was Tromane Hes the one always keep on me we have each other backs, we was like two peas in the pod, Fighting...Surviving.Its how i survive the outside world. Tromane helps me survive even when i was about to give up. said clementine If you dont mind asking.....how did they died ask Joe. Joe thats fuck up man...said zack. No its fine. Kenny died from a car crash by me he was showing me how to drive gear and i lost controlled and bump into the tree he save my life and got...eaten. Lee was bit He save my life by being a badass went through a herd of walkers and he helps me and tromane out from this...marsh house....Tromane saves my life too.....I fell down from walkers hes came out of no where n helps me up. I was on his back n he was carring me to safety. Until he got tired n fell down. He told me to take care of kenny and aj n i ran. He fought off the walkers when we got seperated. I havent seen nor heard of him snice. said clementine. I-Im sorry clem said Sam Yeah im sorry to hear about them they sounds like good people. Yeah they where I just hope that they up there in heaven and having a good time. I open my eyes and Looks around. Another day....Another life in hell my friend. 
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Chapter one: Days gone by (Part two) The walking dead
I walked and saw walkers coming and hold out my knife out. I song a part of the song. Ön the road again". i start killing them by stunning them by the knee and stab them in the head. I look at my watch on my left wrist. I got a flashback about the past. Listen to your heart you always strong and always have a heart untill you died always keep an eye out to the people that you close to. I remeber looking at young Clementine. Like Lee said keep an eye for the one you love. I hold my chest. But how can i if she gone? i said. I lay my head back n flet a gun pointed at the back of my head. Listen kid i know you don´t no trouble and so do i said Javi. Yeah well pointed a fucking gun back of my head isnt a way to say hi to a kid escpally to me.Stand up yelled Javi. I stood up but looking forword. David ( Javi older bro) comes out and pointed the gun at my leg. He shot my leg and i fell down. I hold my leg and crawl. Nice going bro said javi. Your welcome said David. They took eveything from me everything but my knife. So your name is Tromane you got dogs tags means you got family was in the army huh said David. I havent said a word but legs was bleeding out. They walk away left me to die but im not dying today. I stooch my ass againts the rock. Man reminds me a girl thats fucks somthing up put i always helps her at the end huh Tromane i talked myself. I took off my shirt and wrap my leg and feels better than before. I got up and started limping to a road. Meanwhie Clementine was running away from the walkers and ran into a trailer. She busted down the door and blocked the door with a bookself. AJ cried and cries and the walkers heard him. They tried to get in, Clementine tries hum her a song ( Alive Inside). AJ clams down and looks at the windows. Its ok aj we safe in here and they out there. 3-4 days later i comes up to a car crash. Maybe there meds for this damn leg. I look inside the car n there was nothing inthere but broken glass on the front seat. I walk and saw a body. I turned the body over and see an eye patch an hat with look like kenny hat back in the day. I check the body and saw the photo of a man with a kid and a wife. Wait am min...Thats Duck and Kayta.... No that means...i look at the hat closely. It is him. i back up a bit n holds his hat. I wear this i mean i hope he dosent mind. I walk to a path n it was cutting short for a day so ran.
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Chapter one : Time gone by Part one (Walking dead)
It was a cloudy hot day and Walkers was everywhere.Clementine is 17 years old, Aj (Alvin Junior) was only 4, and Kenny was only 45. Kenny was showing Clementine how to drive stick. That´s good Clem u doing better than i thought said Kenny, Kenny smiled and feels happy to see clementine driving. Its fun to drive alot funnier than driving the bike said Clementine. Yeah i bet it is now wait till we go to flordia im going to teach you how to be a sailor said kenny. Hahaha i dont think im ready for that Kennth said clementine. Oh you will so will Aj. while they driving i sit against the rock thinking and thinking what am i going to do next wonding where im going to go. I hold my knife out saying Tromane on it and getting flashbacks. Listen to me protect the people that you love said lee. There always group dont have to trust them everytime but always keep an eye out. Protect ur friends and family. I remeber my dad told me keep an eye out on Clementine but we got speratied by walkers when we was young. I was surviving when i was 10 so was Clementine so i havent seen her about 7 years. I heard walkers coming n i hold my knife out n getting ready. Walkers comes out of no where n i hit them in the knee and stab them in the head. Well i need to move on and not thinking about the past Tromane. I grab my backpack and start walking. Clementine hits a bump on the road and lost controll and crash into a tree. She check on Aj and see hes fine but where was kenny? She looks outside the car and saw kenny body she got out and ran to kenny body. KENNY!!!!! Im soooo sorry! Its ok my friend but Clem i cant feel anything said kenny. Thats good said Clementine. NO Clem i CANT feel anything means i cant feel my legs,arm,nor body.said kenny. No i cant lose you too like i lost Tromane and lee!! Yelled clementine. Hey listen to me You not leaving i am. He saw the walkers going after aj in the car. HEY ASSWIPE Come get me. Come on kenny try get up said clementine. He push clem and yelled at her> Go now dont look back yelled Kenny. She ran to aj and grab her and she start running. As well Kenny is eating up alive and died like a good ass hero.
(part two coming today so dont trip)
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Chapter one : Time gone by Part one (Walking dead)
It was a cloudy hot day and Walkers was everywhere.Clementine is 17 years old, Aj (Alvin Junior) was only 4, and Kenny was only 45. Kenny was showing Clementine how to drive stick. That´s good Clem u doing better than i thought said Kenny, Kenny smiled and feels happy to see clementine driving. Its fun to drive alot funnier than driving the bike said Clementine. Yeah i bet it is now wait till we go to flordia im going to teach you how to be a sailor said kenny. Hahaha i dont think im ready for that Kennth said clementine. Oh you will so will Aj. while they driving i sit against the rock thinking and thinking what am i going to do next wonding where im going to go. I hold my knife out saying Tromane on it and getting flashbacks. Listen to me protect the people that you love said lee. There always group dont have to trust them everytime but always keep an eye out. Protect ur friends and family. I remeber my dad told me keep an eye out on Clementine but we got speratied by walkers when we was young. I was surviving when i was 10 so was Clementine so i havent seen her about 7 years. I heard walkers coming n i hold my knife out n getting ready. Walkers comes out of no where n i hit them in the knee and stab them in the head. Well i need to move on and not thinking about the past Tromane. I grab my backpack and start walking. Clementine hits a bump on the road and lost controll and crash into a tree. She check on Aj and see hes fine but where was kenny? She looks outside the car and saw kenny body she got out and ran to kenny body. KENNY!!!!! Im soooo sorry! Its ok my friend but Clem i cant feel anything said kenny. Thats good said Clementine. NO Clem i CANT feel anything means i cant feel my legs,arm,nor body.said kenny. No i cant lose you too like i lost Tromane and lee!! Yelled clementine. Hey listen to me You not leaving i am. He saw the walkers going after aj in the car. HEY ASSWIPE Come get me. Come on kenny try get up said clementine. He push clem and yelled at her> Go now dont look back yelled Kenny. She ran to aj and grab her and she start running. As well Kenny is eating up alive and died like a good ass hero.
(part two coming today so dont trip)
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You know what it feels like being beaten, almost to death? Peaceful. It felt like I was floating away. And then I woke up again.
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