clemerlthedraw · 10 years
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Hone’s answer to a question on my deviantArt page. 
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clemerlthedraw · 10 years
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4 of 5 Well, Mist sure shows why you should be careful what you wish for; doesn't she? Honestly though, you'd think that guy would know not to go pissing off a creature with phenomenal cosmic powers right off the bat.
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clemerlthedraw · 10 years
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page 3 of 5 In this page, Noel brings up her side of the story with a brief tale of her role as an assassin and the cost of going into a battle unprepared for the unexpected, (Though, to be fair I probably wouldn't have expected her to be so sensitive.) and we catch a glimpse of another attacker. I'm starting to wonder if anyone here knows what's going on.
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clemerlthedraw · 10 years
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Page 2 of 5 In this page we learn a bit about Hone's origins. Turns out, he was in a place of prominence at one point, and was just doing his job. To bad he didn't know how to dodge in smoke. What will we learn in the next page? Stay tuned to find out.
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clemerlthedraw · 10 years
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Part 1 of 5   This has been a long time coming. A series of comics dedicated to explaining how my three headed dullahan became who they are.   I had been meaning to get this out last year, but my computer went and crashed; so I lost a lot of progress in it, only managing to save the first page. I've got to do a lot of things to get the next pages ready, so consider this a bit of a teaser until then. ~Clemerl
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clemerlthedraw · 10 years
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Awhile back, someone asked the graphiteknight how desperate their little red head Pyre was to gain a pair of huge breasts; more specifically, if she'd be willing to sell her soul for them. But graphiteknight's  response of her greatly considering it gave me an idea to introduce her to Ace, who just so happens to offer unlimited transformations and body modifications in exchange for a signed promise of a soul upon their untimely demise. Anyone think she'll fall for it?
Incidentally, This is why I hate working with him; every time I'm doing paperwork, he tries to trick me into signing that dang thing.
Ace belongs to me
Pyre belongs to graphiteknight
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clemerlthedraw · 10 years
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Just a quick doodle in the spirit of Halloween that I may or may not color later.
Coco tries to bring a bit of Halloween spirit to the others by carving a jack-o-lantern and using it to dress them up as the headless horseman. To bad she forgot about her plant powers possibly rearing their head and giving them a fright.
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clemerlthedraw · 10 years
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That moment were you lay in bed, waiting for sleep to take you, when your alarm goes off and you realize that eight to nine hours have passed by.
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clemerlthedraw · 10 years
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Hone: "So, now that we've got that out of the way; Are you the blacksmith of this town or not?" Awhile back, I found an cartoonist/artist who happened to have a dullahan by the name of Lizbeth and I found myself enthralled by the stories, the characters met, and the adventures they would find themselves on. So much so that when I saw an image that said she had a similar ability to my own dullahans' I knew I had to draw them interacting in someway . . . Unfortunately, for some odd reason, this was the first thing that I could think of. Oh well. Lizbeth and her axe belong to this wonderful artist. Hone, Mist, Noel, Coco, and the armor belong to me. ~Clemerl
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clemerlthedraw · 10 years
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Ain't it the truth?
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clemerlthedraw · 10 years
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Holy hell! Has it really been that long since I put up an image? Well it's time I fixed that. Meet the Blooded Blossom, a plant I made based off of the plant of similar name in honor of the Mid-evil area opening in PvZ2.  Similar to the upgrade for the fume-shroom in the first game, the blossom attacks in a 6x6 box around him, casting spells. It has a lot more power then the 'shroom, but takes a few seconds to charge each attack. It also has a minor random effect stats added to each zombie that survives the attack, ranging from freezing slow, poisoning them, making them gassy, turning them around, or turning them into a bonfire; which is as big a problem for you as it is for them. Alt costume: Wares a star and moon pointy hat and a fake Merlin beard. "This blossom had always been told that magic doesn't exist, but he refused to believe these tales and set out to prove them wrong. He returned later missing a tooth but wielding the arm of a zombie warlock and an unlimited arsonal of magic. He was later chased out for being a witch." ~Clemerl
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clemerlthedraw · 10 years
Ever have...
Ever have one of those days where you know you have important stuff to do, yet can't find the motivation to do it?
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clemerlthedraw · 11 years
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Something simple today... Now I want a cookie....
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clemerlthedraw · 11 years
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Time for a coffee brake.
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clemerlthedraw · 11 years
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   Time for some posing practice, as well as showing a little bit of why Hone doesn't like Mist being in control. Personally, I don't blame him.
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clemerlthedraw · 11 years
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Wow. I wonder what he did to warrant this? Especially when you consider how much more happy-go-lucky Noel is compared to the others.
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clemerlthedraw · 11 years
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   So, I got a request recently from a few friends of mine to show what the heads would look like with their original bodies, as well as Coco pre-undeath. I didn't what to just toss them out haphazardly, so decided to go this way; as well the fact that I remembered a little lesson about dreams from my Psychology 101 class. Also, I may have watched to many videos about M&L Dream team before going to bed myself.
Also, awhile back it was pointed out to me that two of my Tri-Dullahan's heads were eerily similar to another pair of characters belonging to another artist. I explained that this wasn't the case, but it still persisted. So, I've given them some tweaking, and surprisingly, I love the change! Noel got her hair combed and Mist got some curls. It's not much, but I still like it more then the templates I started out with.
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