cleodcnvers-blog · 6 years
“Yeah I mean, ghosts are scary and all. But have you had clean up after a bunch of hyped up children after a screening of The Emoji Movie? Yeah, I didn’t think so. I didn’t think the floors could get any stickier, but this is a perk; constantly surprised by everything.” 
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cleodcnvers-blog · 6 years
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cleodcnvers-blog · 6 years
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“god fucking damn it…” they huffed out, barely louder than the passing wind. they had just crashed their bike, laying flat on their back, an inch or so away from the cycle. “i really hope no one saw that.” they said, dazed.
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“what now? you’re gonna have to get up eventually. and i saw that, so it counts.” cleo was standing over theo, “and we should probably get that thing fixed. and get you a helmet. just saying. and at the risk of sounding like your mother, i think you might have a concussion, so.”
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cleodcnvers-blog · 6 years
“cleo,” he began, giving her a sorrowful expression. “…you go to the dry cleaner’s?” he asked, knowing it didn’t have anything to do with what was currently going on, trying not to crack a grin. sure, he felt terrible that she seemed to be in a bad mood, but he had to laugh at the situation or else he’d be crying over pizza. “okay– i can hook you up with a new work shirt,” he promised, watching his skateboard slowly roll to a stop on the sidewalk as he moved to stand. “and a good excuse. and some floor pizza! i’m sorry, cleo! please forgive me!”
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“shut up...” she tried to furiously blink away the tears of frustration, because cleo had a reputation. she didn’t cry. cleo didn’t cry, she just dip-dyed her hair to hide her feelings. if she was frustrated, she’d go punch an office chair, or a person. not cry on the sidewalk. but she didn’t have it in her to any of those things right then. “i’ll fix this shirt, it’s too old anyway...it’s fine, okay? just...give me a second. and that’s your pizza! i dropped it!” cleo calmed down after a second, “i’ll..fix it for you or something...”
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cleodcnvers-blog · 6 years
Echo Records wasn’t typically very busy at this time of night, but it was an understatement to say that Dottie took her job as a clerk very seriously. She thought of herself as a provider and hero of music, whether she was on stage or behind the counter, adjusting her name tag and periodically sneaking her rat ‘Whiskers’ an apple slice through the spaces in his cage–– which was (against her boss’ will) also perched on top of the counter. 
“Finally,” she breathed out, mostly to Whiskers as a customer finally entered the store. “If you need any help, let me know!” 
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“Do you guys have a bathroom? I think I’m having a...how do I put this politely, a lady’s accident downstairs.” Cleo went out on walks, it was a thing people still did. But the moment she felt something go wrong, this was the first store she could see. “Also, do I know you from somewhere?”
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cleodcnvers-blog · 6 years
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          ‘ do you ever like — think about the snapchat hot dog ? and wonder how that guy’s doing ? i know his glory days are totally over, but i kind of miss him, y’know ? i miss his crazy hot dog backflips, ’ torrance muses, eyes drifting off into the distance almost longingly. there’s a few seconds of peaceful silence, before she locks eyes with the person in front of her, a box of mike & ikes in each hand. ‘ anyway ! as i was saying, we ran out of milk duds, sour patch kids and swedish fish, but i do have a bunch of mike & ikes in stock. does that work or will it like, totally ruin your cinematic experience ? ’
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“mention any of those food items to me in one sentence, and i’ll barf all over...what even is this?” after a while, all the sweet and the soda smells just became one giant collection of a godawful movie theatre smell that made cleo’s stomach turn a wee bit when she had to think about it. tuna sandwiches never sounded more appealing. “just wanted to ask if you wanted to go on break. the things are in the middle of showing terminator 2 i think.” 
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cleodcnvers-blog · 6 years
“'scuse me,” connor said, quickly maneuvering around on his skateboard to keep from hitting innocent pedestrians. it was a rare day; the weather had been consistently getting colder and rainier, and yet there were still some nice days sprinkled throughout– this was one of them. connor never imagined running a quick errand might be this difficult, but he was also really baked, and the pizza place was right there, and he was ready to munch. he was zoomin’ down the street downtown towards the beach, pizza box in hand. he was a free man– nothing could stop him now!
well, except maybe the person who had suddenly appeared in front of him. “oh, shi–” the word wasn’t even completely said before the collision had him slipping off the skateboard and onto the ground, pizza flying out of his hands, pepperoni-and-pineapple-covered slices slapping down on the pavement. “noooo!” he hollered. that plant had hopes and dreams. and it was ten dollars he would never get back. gaze traveling from the pizza to the person he’d run into, he gritted his teeth, as if to physically embody the word yikes. “i’m… my bad.”
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“c’mon, dude! dry cleaning comes out of my pocket!” this was just the icing on the cake of one of cleo’s bad days. she had stormed out of the house after a fight over hot water, figuring she could grab a coffee at work before she settled behind the counter. only if that row hadn’t taken the entirety of her morning, and if her “office” even had a coffee machine. 
so there she was, running like she was on fire, to the movie theatre. partly in blind rage, partly in fear of being late; cleo hadn’t heard the wheels on pavement till it was too late, and the commotion left her confused and the wet thud of pizza hitting the floor, alongside her and him just...made her so, so sad. “fuck off...” cleo clearly needed a minute; besides, she was five minutes late, so what was another hour? 
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cleodcnvers-blog · 6 years
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Candy Jar (2018) Directed by Ben Shelton
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cleodcnvers-blog · 6 years
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cleodcnvers-blog · 6 years
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Yvette Monreal as Senna Galan in Matador (2014)
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cleodcnvers-blog · 6 years
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cleodcnvers-blog · 6 years
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The Phantom (1996) dir. Simon Wincer
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cleodcnvers-blog · 6 years
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I Made A Mess - Skam Italia Episode 7
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cleodcnvers-blog · 6 years
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cleodcnvers-blog · 6 years
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A Simple Favor (2018), dir. Paul Feig
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cleodcnvers-blog · 6 years
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o shit waddup !!! it’s mousse aka irl jake peralta aka a sleepy Mess aka the party for one !
about me; 
i’m mousse, and i’ve been on tumblr for a while now. i can be found on many socials, feel free to ask! most notably found on my indie right here. i like making gifs a lot, and if you’d like to check that out, you can click right here somewhere! i would love to get to know everyone here and please feel free to hang out in my IMs for plots and stuff! 
and now....
about cleo denvers;
idk what i had written in her app, but this is what i have so far for her;
1. 23, works at the local cinema. she’s the quiet type, doesn’t talk a lot or even talk shit. makes a terrible gossip partner for reasons. 
2. grew up with her aunts and their loads of children. her mother had her and then dumped her here while she works in chicago. her mom’s a radio jockey, and cleo wanted to do the same when she was growing up. 
3. singing wasn’t her number one. she grew up on Tupac and Eminem, gravitated to pop, listens to Childish Gambino and is currently repeating Vince Staples’ new album. but girl knows more pop and indie than rap. 
4. she’s queer af. but because cleo is so closed off and VERY painfully shy, she’s never dated and never experimented. wouldn’t know if someone was flirting with her unless told explicitly. 
5. girl’s a scorpio, and she’s got some anger management issues. we don’t talk about those.
6. i was gonna say that her voiceclaim would be Katelyn Tarver, but then i remembered that Yvette can sing and therefore, we’re keeping it as is. 
7. that’s pretty much it, im sure more will come out soon, but idk. thanks for reading this far! 
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cleodcnvers-blog · 6 years
tag dump !!!
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