cleosmemories · 4 years
cleo’s memories
Cleo scratched at her dry skin, she was dead again yet she was still human and felt all the pain and itching that humans feel. She sighed and torn off a piece of skin, wincing since it hurt a lot more than it usually would. she looked up as the Deadquarters and smiled a little, at least she wasn't alive anymore. There was a noise and she turned her head to see Ren sitting next to her, he smiled and chuckled. "Heya captain."
She chuckled and returned the smile. "Yo Grimdog, how's it going?"
"I had a question..."
She looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "Shoot."
"Are you gonna be a zombie once demise is over or just go back to being human?"
Cleo froze. She'd never even questioned that maybe, just maybe, she could go back to being human. Back to how she was back then... Back before when she wasn't Zombie Cleo, back when she was the young Cleo Captins.
Ren watched her little face journey and frowned in thought; "how did you become a zombie anyway?"
Cleo smiled and took a deep breath. "Funny you should ask..."
Cleo Captins was a young lady from a small suburban town, she was in training to become a teacher and adored children, especially her younger siblings. It wasn't anyone's fault that the town was right next to a science facility and it wasn't anyone's fault that no one noticed when some of the workers acted strange when they came home.
Cleo had been on her way to the shop, it was kinda late in the evening and she only needed some milk. She didn't question when someone wobbled up to her, slurring slightly, she assumed it was a drunk and tried to push him away. But then he bit her.
She felt the pain coursing through her body and felt a hand on her shoulder and suddenly she was Zombie Cleo once again and Ren was looking at her with a worried expression. "You alright Cleo? You don't have to continue if you don't like it?"
She shook her head. "I have to tell someone sometime. So-"
So there she was, at home again, nursing the wound. She didn't understand why it was such a bad wound and was very worried by the fact that it was turning black around the edges. she went to turn on her laptop so she could google it but saw the veins on her wrist were black.
During that night she experienced the word pain she'd ever felt, her entire body felt like it was burning and her brain felt like it was inside a loudspeaker with pumped up bass. She couldn't sleep a wink and it took all her energy not to scream. Luckily she ended up passing out before she woke any of her siblings.
When she awoke she felt hungry, very hungry. She could barely shamble down the stairs and open the fridge, she didn't fancy anything in there. She wondered what she wanted, then one of her siblings walked downstairs.
Every part of Cleo was screaming that this was what she needed. She found herself terrified and rushed outside. She decided to skip breakfast and go for a walk, she bumped into some creep she knew in the woods. one who had been creeping on her younger sister a few days ago.
"I probably should've fought a little harder to keep my cool, he didn't deserve that..."
"Hey, I of all people know how hard instincts are to fight, I'm impressed you lasted that long."
Cleo smiled. "Thanks, Ren. So after I bit him I, well first off it was the best thing ever, like it was everything-"
Everything her instincts had told her it would be, she couldn't help but eat and eat and eat until she'd had her fill, then she shambled off to get to work.
When she got there, the receptionist, carol, nagged her for being three minutes late. Cleo just ignored her and went to the classroom she was working in today. God she hated Carol.
After around an hour she had to excuse herself, her instincts were screaming at her once more. She sat down in the medical room for a little bit, telling the nurse that she just had a headache.
After a while, Coral came in, telling her she had to get back to work and to stop being so lazy. Cleo kept telling Carol that she felt ill and she'd get back to work in a little bit but Carol was having none of it. Cleo sighed and tried to grin and bear it but she had had enough or Carol.
"So I snapped, I snapped and I bit her, right in the shoulder. She tasted as bitter as she acted and I only took a chunk but oh did she scream. So I had to run, I ran out of the school and saw other people running out of their workplaces. Most of them had similar wounds to mine. That's when I realized I was no longer human, I was a zombie. And this was the apocalypse." Cleo sighed, letting Ren put his arm around her.
She watched the town become a groaning shambling mess, she noticed that the ones that died before turning or had their brian bitten into became more animal-like, no real thoughts. yet the first few were just humans with the tendency to bite.
Cleo ran, finding a boat of humans attempting to escape the zombies. She hid her wound and climbed aboard, she wasn't green yet. She quickly rose through the ranks to become the captain and she managed to hide, crewmates went missing sure, but they were at sea, that was expected. Then someone walked in on her digging into the cuts of one of the crew. They saw her skin beginning to rot and cried zombie. the rest of the crew came running, they were so betrayed and tries to throw her overboard but Cleo saw red, she screamed. she bit every member of her crew, retaining her position as captain until the crew, so mindless to steer a ship, drove it into the rocks. as her skull cracked on the rocks she found herself transported to a place she'd never seen before, that told her she had died in a hardcore world and had respawned in a new one, she had no clue what those words meant but at least she was safe.
"Wow Cleo, that's quite the tale." Ren seemed genuinely impressed, Cleop thanked him and told him that that's why she doesn't want to be human again, she lost the right.
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