clerisy-fc · 2 years
Prompt #3
Frowning, Tici stares down at the metal on his anvil.  His teacher stands watching, waiting for the miqo’te’s response.  After a moment, the frown on his face clears and he purposefully walks over to the forge with the metal in hand.
His mentor’s gruff voice echoes in his head, even as the dwarf silently watches his apprentice.
“Getting a good, even temper on your material is the most important part of your metalworking.  If you start with a bad medium, you get a bad end product, even if it’s the most gorgeous piece in the world.  That counts for more than just crafting…bear that in mind.”
Face twisted in concentration, U’Tici’s sensitive ears listen for the tell-tale sound of a good binding of the metal to itself.  When the pure, sweet note finally rings out from his anvil, he grins over at his guide, who lifts a tankard at him in silent salute before downing it in one gulp.
When the miqo’te finally lays his hammer down, he looks down at the simple blade he’d made.  Small, but strong.  Just the beginning, but he knows he’s learning from the best.
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clerisy-fc · 2 years
Prompt #4
Rubbing her temples, Tutela tries to ease the headache that had been building all day.  She could have sworn members of the Bibliothec were supposed to be more intelligent than the ones she’d had to deal with all day.  Certainly she’d done many foolish things in her time, but surely she’d never been that incompetent?
For twelve’s sake, there was a damned reference section they could search and mammets to ask for assistance.  Grumbling under her breath, the lalafell nearly stomps her way into her quarters, determined to not deal with anyone else she didn’t have to explain things to like a simpleton for the rest of the day.
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clerisy-fc · 2 years
Prompt #5
Wincing, the once-viera feels her hip shift.  With every step, it’s clear that this body she’d made for herself was sub-par.  She’d been in a rush, cutting corners, and now she was paying for it.  Sofyah could feel the stone of her thigh starting to crumble, making her pick up her pace as carefully as possible.  She needed to get back to her workshop, back to safety.  She needed to transfer herself into one of her better bodies and figure out exactly what she’d done wrong with this one so as to not repeat it next time.
Hurrying past Conroy and Ahavael in the kitchen, she presses a hand against the cracking joint, trying to hold herself together even as her other arm starts to creak ominously.  Slipping into her room, she gives a sigh of relief as she spots her pale yellow auracite sitting innocently on her workbench.  Leaning heavily against the door, she stares at it before forcing herself up and across the room towards her biggest form of protection.
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clerisy-fc · 2 years
Prompt #7
Striding out the Glory Gate, Lett’s hand tightens on the pommel of her sword as she thinks back over the most recent conversation she’d watched Alphinaud and Shio have with Lord Vauthry.
How dare he treat the people of Kholusia like pawns? Why is Gatetown in such disrepair?  Wicked White…What the hells happened while she was gone?  And what the hells was Ran’jit thinking, supporting this madness?
Stalking alongside her small wife, Lett keeps her eyes open and manages to bite back a growl.  There would be the devil to pay later…
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clerisy-fc · 2 years
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Groaning softly, Luna throws herself towards the nearest desk, looking for cover. Her nuoliths dance gently around her, ready to provide healing whenever she is prepared.
A laugh from her teacher is her only warning before a bolt of lightning speeds towards her, her nuoliths forming the shield at the last possible second.
The little raen growls and manages to slip away again, careful to follow the rules set. One of these days, she's going to get him...even if it'll be a lucky shot.
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clerisy-fc · 2 years
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Soraya is a dancer of various styles, all of them keep her thighs incredibly strong.
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clerisy-fc · 2 years
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Thighday Week 1 - Ahavael likes to dress up in small clothes and go read while sitting on Conroy's desk. It's fun to discuss things while simultaneously trying to fluster him.
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clerisy-fc · 2 years
Mina's Invitation
Hi! I’m Mina!  Mama said I was allowed to invite people over to see our FC house!
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I’m always looking for new friends, so I hope you come visit us.  The address is Shirogane, Ward 17, Plot 28 on Malboro (Crystal DC).
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We’ll start in the yard!  This is my favourite spot to sit and have a snack in the sun when mama makes me go outside instead of reading inside. Mr. Fuzzlekins likes his tea with lots of sugar, though Sunny doesn’t let me use as much as he’d really like.  
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Sometimes I like to pretend to fight like papa with Lulu and the training dummy, it’s so big!  And I have to watch out for some of the chocobos in the stable, most are friendly, but I think Mei’s is hungry all the time and Lett says that it could eat me in one bite!
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Going inside, I like to get into the fruit and other snacks that Elucia and Sunny keep in the kitchen.  They’re always so tasty!  Though, I do have to share the sweets with Gloyn, she’s got a bigger sweet tooth than me according to mama Sofy and Blodyn.  Mama and papa said I shouldn’t have too many, but Elucia always sneaks me extras when they’re not looking.
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Going upstairs, there’s a bit with drinks I’m not allowed to have for a long time, but there’s also a stage!  I saw a bunch of the adults playing on it and we’ve had a few costume contests on it too!  The costumes were all so pretty! I like singing and dancing for Mr. Fuzzlekins and Lulu like Amis plays her instruments for other people.
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Going all the way to the basement, there’s a library for everyone that my papa has been working on with mama for a long time.  I have a whole play area to myself by the stairs!  Though, I do have to share with Alba when Marisol and Gologa have to go do something, but that’s okay!
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I don’t like being stuck behind the gate, but mama, mama Sofy, and papa all say it’s to keep me safe, so I guess it’s okay for a bit.  I do like all the stuffies I have, though.
Oh! Now it’s time to go to my room!
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My room is through here, my bed is shaped like a carbuncle and so are my slippers! I don't understand why the adults look annoyed and also laugh about my slippers, though.
I have a pretty nightlight that looks like stars and the moon, and it makes me feel safe when I’m going to sleep at night!
Let me show you Papa’s study!
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Look at all the books!  Isn’t it amazing?  Most of them are too big for me to read yet, but papa says that he thinks it won’t be long before I can start going through his shelves.
I hope you visit soon!  I can’t wait to meet you!
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I’m going to sit here and wait for papa to get home, he should be back soon and I’m feeling sort of sleepy.
(Screen credit - @aurelia-polyps - Thank you SO much for making Mina come to life!!)
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clerisy-fc · 2 years
I adore this idea. I'd love to see Alba and Mina involved in this!
I'm trying to think of an OC kid daycare type scenario. You have two kids, yeah? Tell me about them?
Also, tell me about any other blogs with kid OCs that I should look at?
Meeps has 2 children, Fae'a and Asami. Fae'a is 10 (almost 11) years old, Asami is around 6 months old now.
Fae'a is relatively well behaved. He's used to being around adults, not so much children his own age. He has a carbuncle named Fishsticks that he plays with. He likes climbing up to high places. He's very intelligent and loves reading. He's very curious and will ask a lot of questions if he sees you doing something he doesn't understand. He enjoys baking and fishing. He's a proud big brother and has his baby sister's routine memorised incase anyone needs help with her.
As for blogs with child characters~ @scholarlostintime and @the-littlest-kojin and @traveler-of-light all have OCs with young children! @snow-covered-moon's Shuri has a large family. I can't remember all their ages, I just know they range from the oldest being around 10(?) to the youngest being around a year old.
I'm guessing you are wanting OCs who currently have them. I know more mutuals who have OCs with children in the future, but they haven't been born yet in their timelines. @firelightmuse, @the-song-of-the-swan, @the-fox-and-the-dragon to name a few!
Edit: I just remembered that @lizzy-of-the-dotharl-tribe also has a baby in her timeline! She also has 2(?) other children in the future.
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clerisy-fc · 2 years
Taking a breath and shoving down the primal fear from her childhood, Lett manages to make the foreign yet familiar words fall off her tongue.
{Feo Ul, O Loveliest of Branches, I wish to speak with you.}
Running her hands over the soft, pale cloth adorning her body, she feels strangely bare with none of her armour or weaponry, deliberately set aside to hopefully give her a better chance of this mad venture succeeding.
There is a scoff and a small bell-like noise that precedes the appearance of the King.
"Impetuous mortal, foolish mortal! You should know that only my [lovely sapling] is permitted to call me…"
The fae's voice trails off as they note the lack of iron on the viis in front of them. Raising an eyebrow, they wait for Lett to explain herself.
Taking another breath, Lett manages to suppress the flinch as she meets Feo Ul's gaze.
"You know we both love Shio. I would like to know if it is possible for us to not be at each other's throats any longer, if only for her sake?"
The pixie King's face softens slightly.
"True, we do both love the little thing."
The face clouds back up for a moment, wings fluttering as they seem to pace in the air.
The Viis waits patiently, watching impassively as the fae makes a decision.
"No more iron in Shio's home! I know you need a space to store it, so find a room for it or something, but no more wearing it at home. As soon as you come in the door, it comes off and you stay dressed just like you are now."
Lett makes a face, but nods, knowing the King isn't finished.
"And! You need to accept that my lovely Shio is not just your mate. You're lucky that I'm contemplating sharing her at all with a mortal." Lett's face grows angry and she opens her mouth to answer. "Oh stop that, silly thing. I know that she loves you and that she would be terribly distressed for me to demand her attention to myself."
As Feo Ul flutters in front of her, Lett takes a breath and lifts her hand, showing the offering of honey and sweet bread she'd brought for the occasion.
A little smirk grows on the tiny face. "You came ready to bargain. What do you ask of the Fae?"
Lett takes a breath and lowers her gaze for a moment. "Listen for her. Protect her when I can't. You have…powers…that I do not."
When she raises her eyes again, she's taken aback by the softness on Feo Ul's face. She watches warily as the King flutters closer to her, reaching out with a tiny hand to brush away a stray hair in her face. "I will, Lett Fyth."
Placing the offering on the little table, Lett turns and heads back inside, intent on following her agreement with the King of the pixies.
Her wife's other love.
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clerisy-fc · 2 years
Tilting his head, Tenu listens to the sounds her fingers produce. Knowing better than to hum along, he studies the sleek black body of the instrument, then lets his eyes drift up to study Amis's face, pleased that she was enjoying herself so much.
Keeping an ear out for any sign of distress in her breathing, the Viera stands and stretches. Using the desk, he sorts through his findings of the day, body moving slightly to any tune that the small Xaela comes up with as she learns the instrument. He allows his mind to drift, enjoying the companionship of the mute songstress.
Leaving the mountains with her was the best thing he'd ever done.
Placing the purchased plaque on the door of her studio, Amisgalgüi fiddles with it for a few moments to make sure it is straight. She can't read it herself, but she trusts the seller that it says what she requires - "Amis Qalli Songwriting Services".
Satisfied that the plaque is straight and affixed firmly, the petite Xaela moves into the studio, the room soundproofed and the back half of it full of instruments. Moving over to the desk, she places down a smaller sign, this one listing her rates - rates that the signmaker nearly choked upon seeing, but Amis knows the value of her musical skill.
Finally, she takes a stack of parchments, all marked with a map of Radz-at-Han and marked with the Qalli emblem at her shop, and sets out the door, harp in hand, intending to hand them out to anybody who asks her questions about her music, as well as leave a stack at the nearby inn.
Maybe with these accoutrements, she will get some more customers in - she always does love getting colourful and unique customers, all wanting their own styles of music, and she can write them all.
((This is an open RP I'm putting up! If anybody wants to have a mute Qalli write them music, please feel free to respond! She is mute and illiterate, but she's quite clever and she wants to write your songs!))
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clerisy-fc · 2 years
Resettling the pack on his shoulder, Tenuto flicks his eyes around the area of the shop. His gaze falls on the new plaques, grinning at the professional design.
With a critical eye, the Viera double checks the spelling and prices he and Amis had discussed before the plaques has been ordered. Pleased that they were perfect, he makes his way in the door, noting the silence.
Looking around the shop, Tenu pokes through some of the loose papers before settling into a chair, waiting for his companion to return.
Placing the purchased plaque on the door of her studio, Amisgalgüi fiddles with it for a few moments to make sure it is straight. She can't read it herself, but she trusts the seller that it says what she requires - "Amis Qalli Songwriting Services".
Satisfied that the plaque is straight and affixed firmly, the petite Xaela moves into the studio, the room soundproofed and the back half of it full of instruments. Moving over to the desk, she places down a smaller sign, this one listing her rates - rates that the signmaker nearly choked upon seeing, but Amis knows the value of her musical skill.
Finally, she takes a stack of parchments, all marked with a map of Radz-at-Han and marked with the Qalli emblem at her shop, and sets out the door, harp in hand, intending to hand them out to anybody who asks her questions about her music, as well as leave a stack at the nearby inn.
Maybe with these accoutrements, she will get some more customers in - she always does love getting colourful and unique customers, all wanting their own styles of music, and she can write them all.
((This is an open RP I'm putting up! If anybody wants to have a mute Qalli write them music, please feel free to respond! She is mute and illiterate, but she's quite clever and she wants to write your songs!))
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clerisy-fc · 2 years
Perched atop the cliff high above the sea, a lone Viis stares into the distance.
The seals had failed. She had failed. All she could do now was keep as many people safe as possible, herding them towards the Crystarium, as far from the shores as possible. All she could do was slay the minions of her lost love, tears in her eyes and resolve in her heart.
She had promised to do whatever she could to keep the people safe if her wife fell to the Light. No matter how she longed to join her beloved, she kept her promise, day after day, sword swing after strike.
And when the lightning flares around her, when the sea rises up, it's all she can do to hold her ground and watch.
And weep.
When plans fail,
When things go awry,
Sometimes the greatest hero becomes a monster.
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The oceans around Norvrandt are no longer safe.
The Light receded for a time. It seemed like a dream.
And then the Warriors of Darkness failed, and the shining sky once more swallowed the night.
And at the same time, the ocean... Changed.
Crossing above it became dangerous, as bolts of lightning would erupt from the blazingly bright sky and strike down any Amaro.
Crossing it on boats was even more fraught with risk, as waves would rise and crush the vessels like kindling.
And survivors would report a looming figure, gold and alabaster, rising to walk atop the waves. Adorned with wings made of stormy seawater, crackling with lightning about its entire form, the visage of this new Sin Eater was that of the last, best hope for Norvrandt.
Shio Shinju, once all-loving, trying to save everybody she could.
Now, the Lightwarden Agape.
Weep, traveler.
And stay away from the water.
For all the difference it will make.
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(This artwork done by the lovely and skilled twitter.com/Junji_Seishin who I cannot recommend highly enough)
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clerisy-fc · 2 years
Frowning, Sofy bends over her work table, making the cartridges for the gunblades of Marisol, Nehir, and herself.
Sweating, she struggles with the Astral elements, carefully working the Umbral to not overwhelm her body as she crafts each piece of ammunition.
Perhaps it was time to pass this off to someone else...
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clerisy-fc · 2 years
The viis sighs and adjusts her grip, firming back up before swinging at the dummy again.
She growls softly and lunges at the straw-stuffed target, scoring a solid mark on it.
"Good.  Just like that."
With a grunt, she repeats the feat three more times before the voice rings out again.
"Enough for now, Lett.  You're doing well.  This is just the start, no need to push too hard."
Looking up at her mentor, Lett offers Ran'jit a wobbly smile, the hand on her shoulder giving her strength to see things through.
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clerisy-fc · 3 years
It's long and has spoilers, Lett meets Thalassa...sorta. You have been warned.
Featuring @the-littlest-kojin 's Thalassa and Shio Shinju.
Reappearing back on the Ragnarok, Lett wastes no time to run right back off the ship, screaming her fear and rage and longing at the nest high above Ultima Thule.
"Shio! Pearle! Why?!"
Rushing back into the ship, she frantically shouts "send me back!" at whatever loporitt she comes across. The sorrow on their little faces tells its own story, making her crumple even as she walks down the gangplank once again.
Weaving her way through the shades of Midgardsormr's family, the Viis finds a spot as close to the nest as she can. Collapsing to the ground helplessly, she stares up at the nest, tears coursing down her face, desperate for her Perle.
The soft noise beside her is ignored in favour of staring upwards, but the quiet voice makes her whip her head around. The hope that had bloomed quickly died when she spotted the woman beside her. So like her Perle, but the scales she so loved weren't there and the sparkle in her eyes was different, not to mention just how tall the woman was compared to Lett.
Her eyes drift back to the nest. "Who are you? You look like Shio, but you're definitely not."
"My apologies for not being her. I am Thalassa, once a Word of Mitron and Azem. Hades would say Shio is me, but lesser, broken. Sundered. He is wrong."
Lett flicks her eyes over to the larger woman for a moment, studying the features on her face. "How are you here? If you're sundered, then you're dead."
A soft laugh emits from Thalassa. "Think on it, I'm sure you know the answer. How are you feeling in this moment? Who or what do you need and want?"
A deep sigh. "Shio."
A pause. "Dynamis."
Thalassa nods, gazing up at the nest. "Just like everything else here, I was brought into being by desire and emotion. Specifically, your need to see Shio."
Slowly, the Amaurotine shade speaks, her words slow and measured. “You know, I can tell that Shio really does love you. More than she can say. She is so sparing with her tongue.”
Lett shifts her gaze fully to Thalassa, taking comfort in the words and the shape of the Amaurotine's face. "I know. And she is just as deeply loved."
As the taller woman turns to return the look, she offers a small smile before fading, leaving Lett staring up at the nest, feeling much more secure than she had after Shio had sent her away.
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clerisy-fc · 3 years
A Day with Mina
This is pretty long, so I'll put it below the cut. Reading Conroy's mun's writing about Conroy and Mina, I thought I would write something for Ahavael and Mina as well. I hope you enjoy <3
Walking down to the dockside stalls, Ahavael grins as she watches a tiny pair of ears bouncing along in front of her. Mina’s pealing laughter always seemed to ring out the loudest when she was riding one of the carbuncles her parents conjured for her.
Lengthening her stride, the roegadyn easily keeps up with her daughter as they head towards the first of the shops they had on their list. “Do you remember what we’re doing today, bunny?”
Happy blue eyes look up at her. “Nana!”
Ahavael laughs softly, plucking her daughter off the carbuncle’s back, tickling her. “Yes, tea with Nana, but first, we have to get a few things, remember?”
In a mixture of her parents, Mina’s face scrunches and her head tilts as she tries to think. She brightens and looks up at her mother. “See-cil, biscuit, press-ent, book!”
The roe laughs louder, nuzzling the little viera in her arms. “Cecil does always give you biscuits, doesn’t he? And you forgot a couple of things, sweetling.” Watching the little face scrunch again, Ahavael tilts her own head. “Do you want me to tell you or do you want to try to remember?”
After a moment, a decisive nod. “Tell me, pwease.”
“Good girl for remembering your manners. We need to find that book for your papa, see if there’s any new people to ask for feathers, and talk to a few people before we can go see your nana and grampa.”
A tide of toddler speak rolls out of her daughter’s mouth in excitement as she is reminded of the plan for the day. Laughing again, Ahavael strokes Mina’s hair. “Calm down, bunny, use your words.”
Setting her back down on the carbuncle, Ahavael is able to discern her daughter’s actual words for the most part as they continue on.
Cecil had outdone himself this time. Apparently the man still had his contacts and knew they were on the way to tea with Eugenia, offering Ahavael an entire box of Mina’s favourite biscuits, aside from the one her daughter was munching happily. The roegadyn grins at him and offers him a box of her own, watching his reaction.
“Miss Rayne, this is just lovely!” The old man coos to the tiny viera as he takes out a picture she’d drawn of him and her and his biscuits. He looks back in the box and starts, lifting his eyes to Ahavael. “Lady Rayne, this is too much!” Pulling out a lovely throw blanket and a bottle of the best Gyr Abanian wine she could find, he tries to hand it back to her.
Laughing again, Ahavael shakes her head. “Never too much for the one who helped Conroy, Cecil. And it’s Ahavael, you know that.” She leans down and presses a kiss to the top of the man’s head, ignoring the bright blush to his cheeks when she pulls away. “For now, however, Mina and I have business to attend before we can sample these most excellent biscuits with her nana.”
Scooping up her daughter and deftly wiping away the crumbs and tiny bits of chocolate, Mina and Ahavael wave cheerfully at Cecil before walking towards their next destination.
The lalafellin woman seems to brighten as Ahavael and Mina walk up to the desk. “Lady Rayne, Lumina.”
Mina squirms to get down, hurrying around the desk to hug the woman, making her bluster good-naturedly before hugging the tiny viera back.
Mina manages to slow her excitement long enough to ask the expectant lalafell her normal question. “May I..pul-eeze..know if an-ee-one new has come to the eye-land?”
Beaming at the little viera, the World Affairs Official pulls a small paper out from under her book, offering it to Mina, who hands it to Ahavael. “These are the people that have come through that would be amenable to your request. You will find most of them at the Last Stand and a couple have business in the Agora. If you hurry, you may find them…” She trails off as Mina takes off towards the restaurant on the other end of the dock.
Offering the woman a biscuit from the box, Ahavael grins and then darts after her daughter. Catching her, Ahavael scoops her up, scolding lightly. “Bunny, you know better than to run off like that. It’s not safe, remember?”
“Sorry, mama, ‘cited.”
Pressing a kiss to Mina’s head, she conjures the carbuncle again, settling her daughter on it’s back. “I know, sweetling, just try to remember, alright?” Heading off towards The Last Stand, they reach it quickly, Dickon spotting them and gesturing towards the corner of the patio near the water with a grin.
Sliding off the carbuncle, Mina walks over to the new faces, one by one, followed by her mother.
The earnest little face looks up at a ferocious looking Hrothgar. “May I…pul-eeze have tree feathers from your ‘boco?”
The man looks up at Ahavael with a raised eyebrow, prompting her to explain how Mina is trying to collect as many different coloured feathers from adventurers, one for each herself and her two friends as possible. With a nod, he takes down their address, promising to send the feathers as soon as possible or bring them himself.
Mina’s face brightens and she smiles sweetly up at him. “Tank you!”
She heads off to the next adventurer, the process repeating itself until she’d covered all the new people.
Ahavael scoops up her daughter and goes to speak to Dickon, paying for the meals of each adventurer who had agreed. Dickon knew by now to not tell who’d paid and just grinned as Mina offered him one of Cecil’s biscuits. With a wave, they head off to the Agora, both to finish their shopping and their feather requests.
By the time they made it to the Rayne estate, Mina had calmed down enough to sit for tea, making Ahavael smirk to herself a bit as she adjusts the bag on her hip. Reaching into it, she hands the wrapped gift to the tiny viera, smoothing her hair as they walk into the sun room, greeting the waiting eldery elezen couple with a smile.
“Nana! Grampa!” Mina shrieks in delight and rushes over, babbling a mile a minute, telling them all about her day while shoving the wrapped gift into Eugenia’s hand.
As Ahavael surveys the sight, she sighs happily. All that is missing is her loves, busy elsewhere.
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