clientsnow · 3 years
Clients now Technologies is the best SEO Company in Ahmedabad providing result-oriented SEO services to our clients. Hire us as your the best SEO Ahmedabad agency to get guaranteed 1st-page keywords ranking in Google search results.
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clientsnow · 4 years
Grow your business  next level with Clients Now Technology
Clientsnow Technologies is one of the Best Local SEO Company, Web Designing, Web Development, Digital Marketing in Ahmedabad with more than 5+ years of experience in designing and development of web applications and has successfully completed more than 400+ projects for client's around the India. Our main objective is Local SEO and Develop the website/app based on the Client's customized requirements which helps them succeed in their business targets.
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clientsnow · 4 years
YOU HAVE A WEBSITE AND DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU CAN DO TO GAIN TRAFFIC AND GET LEADS? You have a good new business idea,registered your domain name?However, can you make sure that it's easy for Google and alternative search engines to find and rank? In this pdf we will guide on how you can improve your seo and We've listed seven first steps below every time you start a brand new website to make sure it's designed from the bottom up to rank for your target keywords and drive as much traffic as possible from organic search.
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clientsnow · 4 years
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You have a good new business idea, registered your domain name?and started building your own website? However, can you make sure that it’s easy for Google and alternative search engines to find and rank? SEO can be a lengthy method and the unit of results area is rarely immediate, however the main steps you are taking when launching a new website will have a huge impact on the website’s potential to rank your words in Google. Target key and start driving traffic, leads, and sales. Get it right from the get-go, from an SEO perspective, and you’ll save hours and hours of work in short order fixing a website that wasn’t originally built with SEO in mind. We’ve listed seven first steps below every time you start a brand new website to make sure it’s designed from the bottom up to rank for your target keywords and drive as much traffic as possible from organic search.
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Web indexes empower more established destinations. Keep in mind that it takes some effort to rank in the web indexes, so start with your “coming soon” page to reduce wait time after submission. The bots don’t care if there’s a “coming soon” message on the page; they care about content, slogans, and customer experience. Your next long page is a source of potential customers. Incorporate a solid source of inspiration here, and entice guests to fill out a lead structure, perhaps by giving them something like a PDF management, video, section in a giveaway, or detailed infographic in return. Keep adding to this lead summary and keep these leads until the site is complete. This page can help build your image. Express all the data on your page with the voice of your image. Use top-notch images on the page. Make sure all information is up to date. You can start partnering with clients, even without a full site. Associate your “coming soon” page with your web-based media presence. Use your developing online media to make noise about the new website and its content. Reach out to people to entice them to visit the site when it ships. Tell everyone that something significant is just around the corner. You could squeeze out ads and make it easier for the press to reach you. Incorporate a media pack on your “coming soon” page. Your multimedia drive should be attractive, bright, and easily accessible. It should incorporate all of the fundamentals about your business and your site, and this is one more possibility for you to enhance the content of this page with a rich and attractive substance. In your press kit, include:
logos that media contacts can download and use;
all contact information for you and the company; your mission statement and company overview; a section of frequently asked questions, biographies for you and your main staff; a summary of the media coverage to date. Update the kit frequently. Not only will this ensure that it is more comprehensive, but it will keep search engines seeing new content here regularly. Make sure to make the kit on standard web pages so it can be linked and ranked. If you’re still not convinced, remember: Google has advised webmasters to use a”coming soon” page in the past.
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It is absolutely critical to start building your social media community before your site launch. You want to make sure you already have a loyal following who invest in your business when the launch occurs. By engaging your audience on relevant social media platforms and sharing great content, you are building trust in your brand and business and building your reputation as an authority. Make sure you have complete profiles on all the big ones (Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google ) and any other platform that specifically targets your target audience. Connect each profile to your “coming soon” page and make it easy for people to follow your social media presence and get launch updates with the click of a button.
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Well-optimized, actionable content will drive tons of organic traffic to your site, even when it’s still very new. There are no shortcuts here; you need your content to be of high quality. And while you should keep that content long after your site launches, you should already have a healthy content pool at launch. This is because web crawlers will visit your site for immediate indexing, and you want them to have enough information-rich content to index from day one. Long-form content, in particular, will provide depth to your new site that cannot be replaced, and it simply ranks higher in search results. Also, sometimes it’s a good idea to start pre-submitting a blog. This will allow you to make pre-launch announcements, add ongoing new content, and build a bit of SEO authority and enthusiasm. Hopefully you will be able to attract some links too. Plus, when you start making press releases, you’ll have your blog ready for news sources and consumers to refer to for more information.
Along these same lines, you need multiple pages within your site and each one must be optimized. Include long-form, high-authority content that your target visitors will use on every page. Don’t reinvent the wheel from page to page; instead, make sure each page is in focus and useful. Remember to use keywords, particularly long tail keywords (your site won’t rank for big terms right away), on every page and in page titles. Put your keyword database so your site works on all pages. You want to make sure that you have created a fantastic and optimized page for every possible aspect of the business before the launch occurs. At that point when it is distributed web crawlers will archive the pages accurately and (ideally) give you some underlying rankings.
When I mention guest blogging to link to your domain, I don’t mean spam or self-promotion. I mean producing some of your best work to share with audiences on the sites you admire. When done right, guest blogging is a fast and powerful way to drive traffic to your site and leads to your email list. It also allows you to gather your credibility and inevitably become an influencer. Look for the best guest blogging opportunities by reviewing sites in your niche and finding out what types of guest posts they would like to see. You can also search for the keywords and phrases you want to associate with to see where people are reading and writing about those topics. In conclusion, you can basically search for “visitor blog vacancies” or “compose for us” along with your special word or phrase.
A directory simply lists the sites and companies and breaks them down by categories and subcategories. By getting your website to appear on the correct sites before launch, you have created authority for your “coming soon” page that will carry over to the rest of your If the directory is well known and widely used in your area of business, it will be worth it. Make sure you know that the directory is a real powerhouse in its field before paying.
These core sites include,but not limited to these sites only: Yelp Best of the Web Bing Places
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clientsnow · 4 years
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In the current Era, having a site is noteworthy for any business. Everyone needs everything on their fingertips today. Various people are indicating associations in the current globe to selling their things on the web. In this situation, web design engages a lot. In selling your things on the web, it accept a critical activity. A site reflects the business before the customer. So destinations are required to progress and sell the things in the current globe.                                
                           Essentialness of a web specialist
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Organizations can’t go all over and attempt to clarify their items and sell them. Sites permit them to discuss clearly with every individual about their items and administrations. Sites are equipped for advancing organizations without much cost.A site’s measure of snaps is more noteworthy if the site’s look is alluring and engaging. There is additionally probability that customers will get great responses. Viable web composition gives an engaging look to your site. On the off chance that you actualize the right procedures, options and utilize productive web composition strategies, at that point it will in the long run improve your raking on the web crawler results page which will wind up boosting your deals. Along these lines, sites can be closed to assist you with expanding your incomes. A person who is a web specialist must have imaginative abilities and experience. The utilization of custom models and procedures in the plan of sites can help the client increment their organization incomes. Site structure is key as it impacts the perspective on your picture by your group. You can either have an effect on them to remain on your page and study your association, or leave your page and change to an adversary. A lovely site engineering enables you on your site to keep up your leads. A specialist web authority enables you to make a connecting with website. A master web expert sees his customers ‘ essential. He gives explicit thought to the site’s substance, logo and plans so the site pulls in customers ‘ thought and grows their period of remain. An extraordinary substance depicts your things obviously to the clients. Guarantee your substance is brief and candid. No one enjoys scrutinizing gigantic substance. Plans helps with pulling in individuals. By using legitimate watchwords, he attempts to make your site SEO friendly.This improves the page situating of your web crawler results and besides improves your website traffic. A compelling site enables visitors to be changed into clients. Early introduction is the last impression Everyone figures it out
                               First impression is the last impression
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Everybody realizes that the early introduction is the last impression. To establish the main connection unprecedented, the expert web specialists are significant. By making a remarkable site, a talented web specialist can give your organization a lift. Today, numerous web specialists are set up to satisfy the developing essentialness of website composition administrations. These organizations help different firms to discuss their business. It is fundamental to utilize a legitimate website architecture organization for every business. To do as such, they ought to make a rundown of three to four such firms and afterward pick one of them which they believe is the best. You should take their past clients ‘ sees. Today, a website composition organization furnishes items with all the information from the leaflet. Web Designing Companies are attempting to utilize the best architects to fill in however many clients as could be allowed. In short, a web composition can be supposed to be one of the key strides to help your incomes and benefits.
                                        Responsive Design
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Responsive plan is more basic than any time in recent memory with the improvement in cell phones. Your crowd will utilize an assortment of gadgets to get to your site, including advanced mobile phones, tablets and work area pc’s. On the off chance that you need to keep these on your page, you need to ensure that every individual has a great encounter. Responsive plan ensures that, paying little heed to the gadget they use, your crowd has a sound encounter on your site. Your site will adjust to your PC to ensure your site is custom-made to suit your gadget. To keep leads included and keen on your site, this is significant. You need to develop your image when you’re endeavoring to get new leads for your organization. You need your crowd to acquaint themselves with your image, so when they are set up to change they pick you. Hand crafts are fundamental since they help make your site reliable. You need similar text styles, styles and formats on your site over each page. In the event that you have a particular format on each page, at that point it will make you site look amateurish. It likewise corrupts your image picture among your intended interest group as they won’t comprehend what hues to connect with your image. Organizations ought not spare a moment to spend money on planning sites. After the site is prepared, they will get more in return. Site will pull in more clients and increment deals. Generally, a site that can work on any stage is fundamental for any organization, especially little and new.
For more information on website creation and website design 
 visit : https://www.clientsnow.in/
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clientsnow · 4 years
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clientsnow · 4 years
clients now is the best digital marketing company in ahmedabad giving the best seo oriented results since many years to its clients.
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clientsnow · 4 years
With how open the web is today, OK trust me on the off chance that I revealed to you the quantity of individuals who go online consistently is as yet expanding? It is. Truth be told, “consistent” web use among grown-ups expanded by 5% in simply the most recent three years, as indicated by Pew Research. Also, despite the fact that we state it a ton, the manner in which individuals shop and purchase truly has changed alongside it — which means disconnected advertising isn’t as compelling as it used to be. Promoting has consistently been tied in with associating with your crowd in the perfect spot and at the perfect time. Today, that implies you have to meet them where they are now investing energy: in the web. Enter advanced promoting — as it were, any type of advertising that exists on the web. Advanced promoting incorporates all advertising endeavors that utilization an electronic gadget or the web. Organizations influence computerized channels, for example, web indexes, web-based media, email, and different sites to associate with current and planned clients. A prepared inbound advertiser may state inbound showcasing and advanced promoting are essentially something very similar, yet there are some minor contrasts. What’s more, discussions with advertisers and entrepreneurs in the U.S., U.K., Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, I’ve taken in a ton about how those little contrasts are being seen over the world. 
             How does a business characterize advanced promoting?
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DIGITAL MARKETING is characterized by the utilization of various computerized strategies and channels to associate with clients where they invest quite a bit of their energy: on the web. From the site itself to a business’ internet marking resources — advanced publicizing, email promoting, online pamphlets, and past — there’s a range of strategies that fall under the umbrella of “computerized showcasing.” The best advanced advertisers have an away from of how each computerized showcasing effort bolsters their general objectives.
Also, contingent upon the objectives of their showcasing technique, advertisers can uphold a bigger mission through the free and paid channels available to them. A substance advertiser, for instance, can make a progression of blog entries that serve to produce leads from another digital book the business as of late made. The organization’s online media advertiser may then assistance advance these blog entries through paid and natural posts on the business’ web-based media accounts. Maybe the email advertiser makes an email mission to send the individuals who download the digital book more data on the organization. We’ll speak more about these particular advanced advertisers in a moment.
Digital Marketing Examples :
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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Content Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Pay Per Click (PPC)
Affiliate Marketing
Native Advertising
Marketing Automation
Email Marketing Online
PR Inbound Marketing
                                    What does a digital marketer do?
Advanced advertisers are accountable for driving brand awareness and lead age through all the computerized channels — both free and paid — that are available to an organization. These channels incorporate webbased media, the organization’s own site, web crawler rankings, email, show promoting, and the organization’s blog. The advanced advertiser ordinarily centers around an alternate key presentation marker (KPI) for each channel so they can appropriately gauge the organization’s exhibition over every one. An advanced advertiser who’s responsible for SEO, for instance, quantifies their site’s “natural traffic” — of that traffic originating from site guests who found a page of the business’ site by means of a Google search.
DIGITAL MARKETING is done across many showcasing jobs today. In little organizations, one generalist may possess a large number of the advanced showcasing strategies depicted above simultaneously. In bigger organizations, these strategies have numerous pros that each emphasis on only a couple of the brand’s advanced channels.
                            Does digital marketing work for all businesses?
DIGITAL MARKETING can work for any business in any industry. Notwithstanding what your organization sells, advanced promoting still includes working out purchaser personas to recognize your crowd’s needs, and making important online substance. Nonetheless, this shouldn’t imply that all organizations should actualize a showcasing Digital Marketing methodology similarly.
                    How long will it take to see results from my content?
With Digital Marketing, it can frequently feel like you’re ready to get results a lot quicker than you may with disconnected promoting because of the reality it’s simpler to gauge ROI. In any case, it at last relies upon the scale and viability of your computerized showcasing procedure. On the off chance that you invest energy building thorough purchaser personas to recognize the necessities of your crowd, and you center around making quality online substance to pull in and convert them, at that point you’re probably going to see solid outcomes inside the initial a half year. Whenever paid publicizing is essential for your computerized system, at that point the outcomes come significantly faster — yet it’s prescribed to zero in on building your natural (or ‘free’) arrive at utilizing substance, SEO, and web-based media for long haul, practical achievement.
                                              CLIENT’S NOW STORY
CLIENT’S NOW TECHNOLOGY is an end to end Information Technology and digital media product management company, offering a range of expertise to help organizations manage the entire product development lifecycle at substantially reduced costs. We take proud to introduce ourselves as a team of young, dynamic and energetic IT professionals who are committed to deliver innovative products and services to our clients who ranges from giant corporate to small scale Clients Now is a leading auto SEO Platform Developed by Clientsnow Technologies Its serving wide range of SEO services to universal platforms. Clients Now is the platform where you can get your business listing on all leading search engines just in quick time. We stand with a big ocean of skilled, innovative as well as creative minds for development, designing and revamping the website.Thus, to give the outstanding results of business rise is our core expertise. Our professionals are skilled with all the latest SEO, mobile technology as well as website development as well as designing. We are a group of highly motivated designer and programmers with a strong desire to excel, and ability          
                                                  OUR ADDRESS
ADDRESS – B 1103, Titanium City Center, 100 Feet Anand Nagar Rd, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015,099249 82323
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clientsnow · 6 years
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clientsnow · 6 years
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clientsnow · 7 years
How to Use Email Marketing to Build Brand Awareness
Email Marketing has been a primary for consumer marketers since the 90s. A few years later, B2B marketers discovered its value, and Email Campaigns have become an important tool for businesses in all stages and industries.
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Yet many marketers just starting in the field are wondering when to use email marketing. Email marketing is a powerful weapon that enables you to cost-effectively communicate with your market in a way that’s immediate and relevant. With email, you can:
Nurture leads
Build brand awareness
Obtain prospects
Build customer loyalty
Generate sales
Once you have a Product or Service you are proud of and want to share with the world, you want to build a brand to attract likeminded people. People who agree on your values, direction or morals and people who see their problems solved by your business there are many ways to attract these people.
“Email Marketing is an excellent channel to build and maintain brand awareness within your space. An email address is an easy exchange but in many cases not valued to its potential.”
Before customers enter the top of your sales funnel, they need to be aware about how your brand (product) is going to help them. Brand awareness has important effects on consumer’s decision making and influencing which brands enter the consideration set.
So the question then would be how aware are your customers about your product offering?
On Our Digital Marketing Platform “Clients Now”, Email Marketing services can support your company to expand and organize a proper strategy to boost ROI. Our Digital Marketing and Auto SEO Platform “Clients Now”, you can send 5000 Emails per day to Subscribers and Customers.
No special skills required, our easy-to-use email marketing system will empower you to send emails in just minutes. Powerful and cost effective you will engage your prospects and customers frequently and effectively.
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clientsnow · 8 years
How to Write Perfect SEO-Optimized Post
Quick seo websitesOne of the best ways to keep getting traffic for your posts is to make them search engine friendly. Every post on clientsnow is like a web page in terms of search engine ranking and you can optimize each post with specific keywords for search engines.
In this Blog, We will share some tips for writing SEO-optimized post that will rank better in search engines. When do post, there are several things that you should keep in mind.
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There is a complete SEO checklist that must be followed.
Writing SEO-Optimized Post:
1. Post Title and Meta Title
First, you need to understand the difference between post title and Meta title.
   Post title: How your reader sees the title of the post on your website.
   Post Meta title: How search engines show your post in search results.
Your post title will be treated as the Meta title. It is important to have your keywords in the Meta title. Keep your post titles less than 66 characters.
2. Post Meta Description
These meta descriptions play a major role in search engine ranking. Meta description is a copy of your post. In 156 characters, you need to add your keywords and create a description that is attractive enough for users to click on it. Meta descriptions are very important. Google sees every post as a different web page so you can rank every post for certain keywords. Meta descriptions are great portion to put keywords.
3. Image Alt Attribute
Google can’t read images. To ensure that search engines can understand what an image is about, you must be sure to use proper image names. Many people make the mistake of uploading images with names like image0034.jpg. This is wrong! When naming an image, keep the name relevant to image itself. For example, if you take image of your products then give proper name to image. I have seen positive results when using keywords in image anchor text (when naming an image), so you should at least use keywords in your image alt text.
4. Interlink and Anchor Text
When writing a new post, it’s always a good idea to link back to old blog posts so that readers will stick around your site for longer and also so that search engines can re-crawl these old posts. This helps in better navigability of your site which reduces the bounce rate- another important SEO factor.
Simply put, when you link to a blog post, you see an option to add a link and a title.
5. Permalinks: Remove stop words
When we write a post, our post titles usually come with lots of stop words. So for example, when we write a post with the title:
“Within Jaipur city packers and movers”
Our post permalink, by default, would be:
Important Note: Never change your post permalink once the post is published.
6. H1, H2, H3 Headings
Using proper H1, H2, and H3 heading tags.
By default, in any SEO-optimized theme, the post title uses an H1 heading tag. So for the next sub-heading, you can use an H2 heading, and then an H3 heading, and so on.
It is always a good idea to use proper heading tags for effective SEO writing, especially when you are writing a long post.
Final list:
  Post title for readers & meta title for search engine (keywords in titles).
  Post meta description (optimize it for better CTR and use your target keyword once).
  Image Alt text (use keyword).
  Interlink within a post using good anchor text.
  Post permalink
   Use proper heading tags (keywords in H1, H2, H3 tags).
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clientsnow · 8 years
Local AUTO SEO Platform - Clients Now
Clients Now is a leading auto SEO Platform Developed by Diginix Media Pvt Ltd. Its serving wide range of SEO services to universal platforms. Clients Now is the platform where you can get your business listing on all leading search engines just in quick time.  http://clientsnow.co.in/
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