cliffordkiizer · 3 years
An Alternative to Fire Department Ordered Fire Watch
Many times the fire marshal may order that the property owner hire a fire watch guard. Now there could be numerous reasons for this which include that the property is used to store combustible chemicals, or there are people working with open flames within the structure, like with welding equipment. Regardless of the reason, once it is ordered, you will need to hire some fire watch guards or even multiple guards. However, there is an alternative. 
Understanding why the fire marshal may have ordered a fire watch guard is key.  You can start by asking them, and if they say something about your sprinklers not working, you can alternatively get those fixed and not have to hire one. Even then, we lean in favor of recommending businesses that they hire a fire guard. Having one can add an extra layer of security against fires to your business. 
Below we’ll look at an alternative to hiring a fire watch ordered by the fire department. 
Install Fire Alarms and Sprinklers 
One of the reasons why the fire department may recommend that you have a fire watch guard is that either the fire alarms and sprinklers aren’t working or don’t exist. The building safety code often requires that you have fire alarms and sprinklers. However, on buildings under construction or being renovated, these systems may not be present, in which case you need to hire a security guard for fire watch. 
If your building isn’t under construction or not being renovated, we’d strongly recommend that you check all the fire alarms and sprinklers to fix ones that aren’t working. Then ask the fire department to rerun their audit. If anything that should help, do away with the recommendation or order. 
A Fire Watch Guard is Worth It 
Many business owners and building managers may see hiring a fire watch guard as being an added expense, especially if their sprinklers are working. However, when you consider that these professionals only cost around $30 on average but could potentially save you millions in fire damage, the extra cost certainly looks worth it. 
It would help if you also kept in mind that fire alarms and sprinklers only kick in when there is a fire. Often the fire has kicked up quite a bit of momentum before the alarms sound, and by then, there is nothing much anyone can do. On the other hand, a fire watch guard can help prevent major infernos by putting out small fires even before the smoke reaches the alarm, making them worth it. 
While there is always a way to get around not having to hire a fire watch guard, it is worth having one on board. In fact, we’ll go so far as to say that having a fire watch guard in your building offers peace of mind knowing that you will not have to suddenly deal with the financial stress associated with fire damaging your property and potentially injuring people inside the building. 
 The post An Alternative to Fire Department Ordered Fire Watch first appeared on The Fast Fire Watch Co..
Via https://fastfirewatchguards.com/an-alternative-to-fire-department-ordered-fire-watch/
source https://californiafirewatchguards.weebly.com/blog/an-alternative-to-fire-department-ordered-fire-watch
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cliffordkiizer · 3 years
5 Reasons Why You Need a 24hr Fire Watch Guard
Construction managers, business owners, and commercial property owners are all naturally concerned about the potential of a fire on their property or the property they are responsible for working on. Whether it is a building that’s brand new, one that’s undergoing repairs, or general maintenance on a commercial site, the abundance of flammable material could pose a fire hazard. Not to mention the use of power tools on the site and the fact that some substances are combustible in enclosed spaces is a formula for disaster. 
While you should have fire insurance coverage, you should also have 24hr fire watch guards, which offer peace of mind and will prevent potential fires before they become devastating. In this article, we’ll take a look at five reasons why all property owners and building owners ought to invest in a fire watch guard. 
Help to Avoid Loss of Life and Injury 
Fire watch guards are trained to watch out for signs of a potential fire. If there is a fire, they are trained to report and work on mitigating damage. The prompt reaction by a professional can help avoid the potential loss of life and injury of workers, visitors, and everyone else on the site. If anything, that’s one of the leading reasons to invest in a professional 24hr Fire Watch service. 
Mitigating Damage to the Property 
Fires are vastly unpredictable. What might seem to be a small flame a few seconds prior may soon turn into a raging inferno. Fire watch guards are trained and certified professionals who don’t underestimate the potential of a disaster. That’s why they are, in some cases, the only people who can help limit if not prevent damage to your property or a construction site by detecting an issue early on. 
Keep Maintenance Routine Logs 
Having meticulously kept maintenance of routine logs is the evidence you’ll need to provide the insurance company and local officials in the event of a fire. By having a 24hr Fire Watch around, you can be sure that these records are being kept the way they should. 
Ensuring that Businesses Follow OSHA Fire Prevention Guidelines 
The OSHA fire prevention guidelines help prevent and minimize the chances of a fire. Professional fire watch guards can ensure that the guidelines are being followed. Many times insurance companies will require that these guidelines are followed, or they may refuse coverage. 
Meeting Local Requirements 
Local authorities will often require that a 24hr Fire Watch guard is on duty at a construction site. If that’s a mandatory requirement where you are working, then you might as well have a certified professional. 
24hr Fire Watch guards can help by mitigating and preventing fire damage to your property. The price you pay in the way of their hourly or weekly wages is far less as compared to the potential millions in property damage they can save you from. Not to mention ensuring that your business or site adheres to the strict guidelines laid out by local regulators. 
Please visit: https://fastfirewatchguards.com
The post 5 Reasons Why You Need a 24hr Fire Watch Guard first appeared on The Fast Fire Watch Co..
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source https://californiafirewatchguards.weebly.com/blog/5-reasons-why-you-need-a-24hr-fire-watch-guard
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cliffordkiizer · 3 years
Do You Need a Fire Watch Guard?
If the fire marshal orders you to hire a fire watch services company for your building, you may quickly start to feel overwhelmed. Fire watch services are commonly misunderstood and overlooked as a fire prevention technique. However, the truth is, these services are vital and implementing one doesn’t need to be a hassle.
In this article, we’ll discuss when a fire watch is needed and what this service provides to your building in your time of need.
When Would I Be Required to Hire Fire Watch Services?
There are a handful of reasons why you may be required to employ the services of a fire watch guards company including:
Broken or malfunctioning fire alarm, fire sprinkler, or fire suppression system: If your fire alert system is out of order for more than four hours in 24 hours, you are required by law to implement a fire watch. Be sure to check with your local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) to ensure you’re adhering to local requirements as they may be more stringent.
Hot work being performed in the building: Hot work includes; welding, torch use, or any other flame and/or spark-producing activity. This is particularly relevant in building sites.
Large events or dense crowds: Any area that has a large gathering of people can create a fire hazard and safety concerns. Fire watch services are required to protect the crowd from the dangers of flames in a crowded, condensed area.
How Do I Hire a Fire Watch Company?
Hiring a fire watch company that you can rely on is important for many reasons. First, you need highly trained and skilled fire watch guards to keep a vigilant eye on your property to protect it.
You may be tempted to use some of your regular employees as fire guards, however, this is not advisable as they do not have the proper training and expertise to execute properly and most securely. There are trained and certified fire watch guards available, on-call 24/7 for your fire watch needs.
It’s important to keep in mind that since most situations that require a fire watch are emergent in nature, the cost to hire professional guards will likely be more than if the event was planned. That being said, the price you’ll pay to hire expert guards is a small price to pay when you consider the potential consequences your building could suffer without them.
When Will the Fire Watch be Terminated?
The answer to this question will depend on the reason for the watch in the first place. If you hired a watch for an alarm system outage, you should be able to excuse the guards as soon as the system is safety restored and tested.
For hot work watches, it’s common for fire guards to remain on duty for at least 30 minutes following completion of the hot work project. As always, be sure to check your local regulations to see what requirements apply to your situation. Remember, you can never be too careful when it comes to the threat of a deadly fire.
For more information call 1-800-899-7525 or visit https://fastfirewatchguards.com
Via https://fastfirewatchguards.com/do-you-need-a-fire-watch-guard/
source https://californiafirewatchguards.weebly.com/blog/do-you-need-a-fire-watch-guard
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cliffordkiizer · 3 years
Does Your Business Need Fire Watch Services?
If you’re wondering whether your business needs fire watch services, then this article should hopefully be able to assist you in making that decision. 
When owning a business, keeping your property and your employees safe should be your number one priority, as failing to do so may create a poor working environment, which could be bad for business. 
That’s why you need to keep all of your members of staff safe at all times. Factories, warehouses or jobs that require manual labour can all have fire hazards, so preventing the spread of fires you need to have certain equipment, or trained staff on hand to ensure your business doesn’t succumb to an accidental blaze. 
That’s why its incredibly important to have a working alarm and sprinkler system, to prevent the spread of a fire and to alert members of your team of an incident. A fire can occur at any stage, whether that’s through a faulty product or an accident by a member of your staff. 
Hiring The Fast Fire Watch Company can be a great help to your business, as it could save lives and protect your business. You can hire a fire watch service for one of two reasons. Firstly, your business could be a high risk business, as you may deal with highly reactive areas that can cause fires. If this is the case then a fire watch service team is something you should definitely have in place. Secondly, you could have a malfunctioning alarm or sprinkler system, and if this is the case, then a temporary fire service team should be put in place to constantly man the buildings. 
What does a fire service team offer?
The service that these teams provide is constant surveillance of red zones (high risk areas) whether that be via camera footage or by having a man on the ground constantly accessing an area. When a fire does occur these officers, will alert the emergency services to ensure they arrive on the scene as quickly as possible. If your fire protection technology is in place, then alarms and sprinklers will automatically turn on to help prevent the spread of a fire. 
As mentioned above, this isn’t always the case and, in the instance where your protection technology is faulty, and thus the reason you’ve hired a fire service team, then the team will ensure all of your members of staff are out of the building. The fire service team will already have systems put in place for a real fire and will also know the safest and quickest way of exiting the buildings they’re there to protect. Although fire service teams are not fully trained firefighters, they will attempt to put out a blaze if it is safe for them to do so. 
If your business is either a warehouse or factory that faces fire risks, then hiring a fire watch services team is a great way to give you peace of mind. Your company will be in safe hands twenty-four hours a day, with constant surveillance that’ll keep you and your staff protected. 
   Via https://fastfirewatchguards.com/does-your-business-need-fire-watch-services/
source https://californiafirewatchguards.weebly.com/blog/does-your-business-need-fire-watch-services
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cliffordkiizer · 3 years
5 Things You Should Know Before Hiring A Fire Watch Guard
Fire watch guards are security professionals that help protect building sites and office spaces when alarms or sprinklers are not functioning properly. Employing a professional security fire watch guard can help protect your property if a fire did ever start while your fire protection technology wasn’t working. Fire watch security guards, however, do much more than just act as the first at a fire, so we’ve conducted a short list of a fire watch guard securities duties. 
24/7 Surveillance
If you hire a reliable security guard fire watch then the first thing you can expect is a thorough inspection of a building. This enables the fire watch guard to understand the layout of a building, which will allow for quick, easy and safe exiting of a building should a fire occur. Fire guards are incredibly vigilant, patrolling the grounds of an office space can often become tiring, which is why they will offer 24/7 surveillance via cameras as well as having a guard on the ground. 
The first on the scene
Should a fire occur at your property a fire guard safety watcher, will contact the fire department immediately. They are not trained to tackle full scale blazes, and it would be unsafe for them to do so. So, contacting the emergency services as quickly as possible is the safest method to getting a fire under control. 
Becoming the alarm
The reason you’d ever have a fire watch security guard in your building is because your alarms, and sprinkler systems are malfunctioning. A fire guard will be the first person to alert people within the office space or factory of a fire and ensure everyone leaves the building quickly and safely. 
Logging fires
If a fire does occur at your property, then a fire watch guard should conduct a log of the event security. Logging the event ensures that future fires can be put out much quicker. If fires are common occurrences at your place of work, then logging them into a system ensures you can have tougher surveillance in hot bed areas, preventing more fires in the future. 
Keeping your business well-valued
A fire guard safety officer also adds an extra level of value to your property. In a case where you hire a surveillance full-time and not just when your property is having fire protection issues, a fire safety officer will add a value to your business. Fire security guards don’t just keep fires at bay, they also keep potential thieves at bay, giving 24 hour protection. 
In summary, all of the points above prove exactly why a security guard fire watch officer is crucial for your business, whether it’s a temporary measure while your business has maintenance works, or a full time job. The work of a fire security team is vital in keeping your business afloat, especially in these current times, when working in an office or warehouse is less prohibited due to the coronavirus pandemic. With The Fast Fire Watch Company, you’ll have peace of mind that your business will be protected. 
Via https://fastfirewatchguards.com/5-things-you-should-know-before-hiring-a-fire-watch-guard/
source https://californiafirewatchguards.weebly.com/blog/5-things-you-should-know-before-hiring-a-fire-watch-guard
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cliffordkiizer · 4 years
What Is Fire Watch Security?
This short guide will give you all the ins and outs of fire watch security, the benefits it will bring both in terms of safety and overall business cost. 
Fire watch security is a team or sometimes an individual who’ll look after your property, to help prevent the spread of fires. 
Whether it’s a risky manoeuvre of a piece of equipment or a repair on a part of a building, a fire can start at any given moment, especially in warehouses and factories that are high risk. Fire watch security teams are a great asset to a company to help prevent in-house fires. 
The national fire protection association states a fire watch team as a team or individual who follow the tasks of contacting emergency services during a fire, ensuring the safety of the building’s occupancies during a fire and someone who will extinguish small blazes. 
Just from the small tasks above, its easy to understand why a fire watch guards team is absolutely vital for your business. 
The work of a fire watch security team doesn’t end at preventing the spread of a fire. They’ll be on hand twenty-four hours a day. This constant surveillance is good practice to ensure everyone within your business is following the basic health and safety rules. 
Often fire watch security teams are brought into a business during a transition period of old and new fire protection technology, or when your fire protection technology is malfunctioning, and thus deemed unsafe. Hiring a temporary set of fire watch security staff when your fire protection isn’t working is an absolute must. If a fire was to start the security team would be the first on hand to prevent the spread and contact the emergency services. 
According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) over five hundred million dollars’ worth of fire damage occurred in manufacturing businesses alone from 2014-18, which shows the severe impact that fires can have on businesses. This is why it is important for you to ensure your business is fully protected before an incident occurs. 
While working for you, a fire watch security team will conduct thorough searches for potential high risk areas. These searches tend to be an hourly occurrence, checking that your members of staff are adhering to the health and safety rules, as well as spotting any potential high-risk zones. Doing this will hopefully prevent fires from every damaging your property. Fire security teams will also regularly test your fire protection equipment, with scheduled alarm testing once a month, this not only ensures your alarms and sprinkler systems are working, but it also gives your employees an understanding of the best ways to exit a building during a fire. So, should a real fire occur your team will be well prepared. 
Fire watch security teams are a great addition for your business, and a professional team will adhere to many rules learnt during fire guard safety training. Fire watch guards should be well equipped with the necessary tools when a fire does occur and will even attempt to tackle a blaze if it is small and safe to do so. In summary, these fire watch security teams are a vital part to a business, and you should most definitely hire a professional team to help protect you and your employees. 
 If you need fire watch services please contact The Fast Fire Watch Co
Via https://fastfirewatchguards.com/what-is-fire-watch-security/
source https://californiafirewatchguards.weebly.com/blog/what-is-fire-watch-security
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cliffordkiizer · 4 years
Are Fire Watch Guards Considered Essential?
Fire watch guards and fire alarm systems help reduce the risk and potential damage of accidental fires. 
There are few things that can be more disastrous to the efficiency and survival of a business than an accidental fire. As a building owner or company director, this may place fire preventative measures including fire watch guards, amongst the top of company priorities.
However, with the COVID-19 pandemic, certain services have had to be put on hold if they are not essential. Below, we outline the importance of fire watch guards and why they have been deemed an essential service.
What Are Fire Watch Guards?
Firewatch guards offer an array of additional benefits than other fire protection services. In general, they help maintain fire equipment, identify potential fire hazards, safeguard the perimeter of the property, and keep track of the events throughout the day.
Why Fire Watch Guards Are An Essential Service?
The purpose of a fire watch guard is primarily to prevent the outbreak of a fire to prevent critical risks such as damage of property and the loss of life. 
Fire guards play an important role in safeguarding the potential loss of profit, property, and human life. This makes them an essential service that needs to be available despite the pandemic. 
Prevent fire outbreaks 
Fire watch guards typically patrol outside to ensure that the fire system is operational and to protect the area from any fire outbreaks. 
According to the law in many states, hiring fire guards to patrol their properties is a requirement for some business, multi-residential or commercial property owners. This is in the best interest of businesses. Failing to hire a guard could hold the company liable for violating state laws relating to fire control and safety.
Flagging fire hazards
One of the most important aspects of fire control and prevention is to identify fire hazards before they occur. 
A typical office building has countless combustible components, which can make it the perfect storm for a fire outbreak. Common fire hazards include old or loose wiring, heating equipment, and combustible materials. 
Fire guards have extensive knowledge of the materials that cause fires. They can provide property walkthroughs to identify the components that increase the risk of a fire spread. After the inspection, they will change the environment to eliminate or minimize the fire risk of the property.
Maintenance of fire equipment
The good maintenance of fire equipment is essential in putting out fires before they spread out of control. 
Some of the most important fire protection equipment to have on-site include a smoke alarm system, fire extinguisher, and automatic sprinkler system. Fire guards are able to inspect, assess, and flag the equipment that needs repairing or replacing. 
Although the equipment is not expected to be used all the time, fire guard services make sure that they are kept at a good standard. This ensures that they function properly when needed.   
Fire patrols
While securing the area, fire guards patrol the property to scan for potential fire hazards. A fire hazard may be an exposed wire near a combustible material that could ignite and spread fire throughout the property.
Certain properties, such as government buildings, hospitals, and other critical services, are at greater risk of fire hazards and require additional protection from fire services. In addition to monitoring the fire hazards on the property, fire guards also patrol to protect the areas from potential arsonists. 
Monitoring and tracking
As they complete their tasks throughout the day, fire guards also monitor and log all fire-related observations and activities. The record holds important information, which can provide a safety net for the owner. For example, they could use the records for insurance claims, investigations, and to inform future decisions regarding fire safety systems.
Fire watch guards are an advantage to any business at risk of a fire. They are key to the success of fire-safety systems, which safeguard the life and success of typical property-based businesses.
Fire guards are trained and experienced professionals. In terms of fire safety, you can confidently trust them to protect your business, property, and lives of your employees or tenants. Fires can cause unimaginable destruction so it is clear why fire watch guards are essential services.    
Via https://fastfirewatchguards.com/are-fire-watch-guards-considered-essential/
source https://californiafirewatchguards.weebly.com/blog/are-fire-watch-guards-considered-essential
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cliffordkiizer · 4 years
PRESS RELEASE: Businesses Turn to Fire Watch to Remain Open After Protests
Fire Watch Services by The Fast Fire Watch Company are being preferred by businesses to ensure the best response to a fire on the premises, especially in the aftermath of the recent protests when installed fire alarms may not be working.
Hollywood, FL: According to announcements released by The Fast Fire Watch Company and George Navarro, the company has seen an increase in demand for its fire watch services in recent times. The waves of protests that swept across the country highlighted the need for hiring a professional fire watch services company. This business is run by retired firefighters who have the experience and instinct to do the right thing to prevent fires and quickly control one before it gets out of hand. The Fast Fire Watch Company has offices all over America. Businesses cannot afford the risk of a shutdown or pay hefty fines that dereliction in ensuring fire safety attracts. This fire watch services company fulfills short or long-term needs through a smooth operation that begins with a free, quick estimate followed by timely deployment of fire watch guards for temporary or long fire watch security.
According to sources, The Fire Watch Company has completed more than 10,000 watch patrols. It continues to rank the most trusted fire watch guard services because of its commitment to customer service and by having a tried and tested system in place. Guards are on standby to arrive at the jobsite fully equipped and on time. The emergency-trained guards comply with city and state ordinances, maintain a log, and monitor the area. They can quickly identify hazards and will work with the local authorities. Once a project is completed, the guard turns in all the logs to the Fire Marshall.
For more information, go to https://fastfirewatchguards.com
George Navarro of Fast Fire Watch Company said, “If your fire alert system is out of order for more than four hours in 24 hours, you are required by law to implement a fire watch. Be sure to check with your local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) to ensure you’re adhering to local requirements as they may be more stringent. Another reason is hot work being performed in the building; this includes welding, torch use, or any other flame and/or spark-producing activity. This is particularly relevant in building sites. Any area that has a large gathering of people can create a fire hazard and safety concerns. Fire watch services are required to protect the crowd from the dangers of flames in a crowded, condensed area.”
Sharing insights on the hiring of a fire watch company, Navarro said, “Hiring a fire watch company that you can rely on is important for many reasons. First, you need highly trained and skilled guards to keep a vigilant eye on your property to protect it. You may be tempted to use some of your regular employees as fireguards, however, this is not advisable as they do not have the proper training and expertise to execute properly and most securely. There are trained and certified fire watch guards available, on-call 24/7, for your fire watch needs. The price you’ll pay to hire expert guards is small when you consider the potential consequences your building could suffer without them.”
Contact Information: Name: Noah Navarro Company: The Fast Fire Watch Company Email: [email protected] Phone: 1-800-899-7524 Website: https://ift.tt/2wi7aVn
Via https://fastfirewatchguards.com/businesses-turn-fire-watch-services/
source https://californiafirewatchguards.weebly.com/blog/press-release-businesses-turn-to-fire-watch-to-remain-open-after-protests
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cliffordkiizer · 5 years
Who Do You Call When You Need A Fire Watch Guard?
Whether your building’s fire alarm system is on the fritz or you need to hire fire watch guards for upcoming hot work, you may not know where to start.
We’ll break down who to call when a fire watch guard is required and what additional steps you need to take to ensure you’re compliant with local fire safety regulations and that your building or site is protected.
General Fire Watch Requirements
As soon as you know that you need to hire a fire watch company to look after your building, you must act swiftly to ensure you get the proper fire watch guards in place.
Upon determination that your fire protection system is rendered inoperable, your local fire department needs to be notified immediately. Once notified, it’s the responsibility of the Fire Code Official to determine the level of protection required and dictate the actions necessary to secure public safety and restoration of the fire alarm system.
If the fire marshal determines that fire watch patrol officers are necessary, it’s then up to you to hire them from a fire watch company, or risk paying additional money should the fire marshal have to supply the guards for you. After contacting the local authorities, your next call should be to a reputable fire watch company to secure properly trained personnel to keep watch over your site.
Once a watch is in place, the guards must always have at least one reliable means for notification to the fire department should there be a threat or danger.
Fire Watch Checklist
As soon as the proper authorities have been called and you begin implementing your fire watch, you must begin following the policies and procedures listed in your fire watch checklist.
Don’t have a checklist yet? Here’s what information you need to gather and put together for your checklist to ensure that emergencies situations are as smooth and safe as possible:
Contact phone numbers for the local fire department and your preferred fire watch company
The layout of the building
Instructions for posting emergency signage
Instructions for notifying occupants in case of danger (usually a whistle is used)
Your fire log and instructions for completing it
Finding the Right Fire Watch Company
In your time of need, you must have a dependable company you can turn to deploy trained guards quickly and efficiently. Most certified companies with fire watch guards for hire offer 24/7 service so they’re available to you when you need them the most.
Emergency services will cost more than scheduled services, however, it’s a small price to pay to keep your property and community safe from the threat of fire in the event of your emergency alert system is malfunctioning.
Here are some important factors to keep in mind when you’re hiring a fire patrol company:
24/7 availability
Trained, licensed and certified guards
Familiarity and compliance with federal and local fire watch requirements
Adherence to your specific plan of action and training in reporting in the designated fire log
 If you are looking for a reliable fire watch company visit https://fastfirewatchguards.com
Via https://fastfirewatchguards.com/who-do-you-call-when-you-need-a-fire-watch-guard/
source https://californiafirewatchguards.weebly.com/blog/who-do-you-call-when-you-need-a-fire-watch-guard
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cliffordkiizer · 5 years
Fire Watch Guards For Hire
If the fire marshal orders you to hire fire watch guards for your building, you may quickly start to feel overwhelmed. Fire watch services are commonly misunderstood and overlooked as a fire prevention technique. However, the truth is, these services are vital and implementing one doesn’t need to be a hassle.
In this article, we’ll discuss when a fire watch is needed and what this service provides to your building in your time of need.
When Would I Be Required to Hire Fire Watch Services?
There are a handful of reasons why you may be required to employ the services of a fire watch company including:
Broken or malfunctioning fire alarm, fire sprinkler, or fire suppression system: If your fire alert system is out of order for more than four hours in 24 hours, you are required by law to implement a fire watch. Be sure to check with your local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) to ensure you’re adhering to local requirements as they may be more stringent.
Hot work being performed in the building: Hot work includes; welding, torch use, or any other flame and/or spark-producing activity. This is particularly relevant in building sites.
Large events or dense crowds: Any area that has a large gathering of people can create a fire hazard and safety concerns. Fire watch services are required to protect the crowd from the dangers of flames in a crowded, condensed area.
How Do I Hire a Fire Watch Company?
Hiring a fire watch company that you can rely on is important for many reasons. First, you need highly trained and skilled guards to keep a vigilant eye on your property to protect it.
You may be tempted to use some of your regular employees as fire guards, however, this is not advisable as they do not have the proper training and expertise to execute properly and most securely. There are trained and certified fire watch guards available, on-call 24/7 for your fire watch needs.
It’s important to keep in mind that since most situations that require a fire watch are emergent in nature, the cost to hire professional guards will likely be more than if the event was planned. That being said, the price you’ll pay to hire expert guards is a small price to pay when you consider the potential consequences your building could suffer without them.
When Will the Fire Watch be Terminated?
The answer to this question will depend on the reason for the watch in the first place. If you hired a watch for an alarm system outage, you should be able to excuse the guards as soon as the system is safety restored and tested.
For hot work watches, it’s common for fire guards to remain on duty for at least 30 minutes following completion of the hot work project. As always, be sure to check your local regulations to see what requirements apply to your situation. Remember, you can never be too careful when it comes to the threat of a deadly fire.
Via https://fastfirewatchguards.com/fire-watch-guards-for-hire/
source https://californiafirewatchguards.weebly.com/blog/fire-watch-guards-for-hire
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cliffordkiizer · 5 years
[contact-form-7] Via https://fastfirewatchguards.com/30464-2/
source https://californiafirewatchguards.weebly.com/blog/untitled
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cliffordkiizer · 5 years
Who do you call when a fire watch is needed?
Whether your building’s fire alarm system is on the fritz or you need to hire fire watch guards for upcoming hot work, you may not know where to start.
We’ll break down who to call when a fire watch is required and what additional steps you need to take to ensure you’re compliant with local fire safety regulations and that your building or site is protected.
General Fire Watch Requirements
As soon as you know that you need to hire a fire watch company to look after your building, you must act swiftly to ensure you get the proper fire watch guards in place.
Upon determination that your fire protection system is rendered inoperable, your local fire department needs to be notified immediately. Once notified, it’s the responsibility of the Fire Code Official to determine the level of protection required and dictate the actions necessary to secure public safety and restoration of the fire alarm system.
If the fire marshal determines that fire watch patrol officers are necessary, it’s then up to you to hire them from a fire watch company, or risk paying additional money should the fire marshal have to supply the guards for you. After contacting the local authorities, your next call should be to a reputable fire watch company to secure properly trained personnel to keep watch over your site.
Once a watch is in place, the guards must always have at least one reliable means for notification to the fire department should there be a threat or danger.
Fire Watch Checklist
As soon as the proper authorities have been called and you begin implementing your fire watch, you must begin following the policies and procedures listed in your fire watch checklist.
Don’t have a checklist yet? Here’s what information you need to gather and put together for your checklist to ensure that emergencies situations are as smooth and safe as possible:
Contact phone numbers for the local fire department and your preferred fire watch company
The layout of the building
Instructions for posting emergency signage
Instructions for notifying occupants in case of danger (usually a whistle is used)
Your fire log and instructions for completing it
Finding the Right Fire Watch Company
In your time of need, you must have a dependable company you can turn to deploy trained guards quickly and efficiently. Most certified companies with fire watch guards for hire offer 24/7 service so they’re available to you when you need them the most.
Emergency services will cost more than scheduled services, however, it’s a small price to pay to keep your property and community safe from the threat of fire in the event of your emergency alert system is malfunctioning.
Here are some important factors to keep in mind when you’re hiring a fire patrol company:
24/7 availability
Trained, licensed and certified guards
Familiarity and compliance with federal and local fire watch requirements
Adherence to your specific plan of action and training in reporting in the designated fire watch log
If you’re looking for a profession fire watch company call 800-899-7524 or visit https://ift.tt/2wi7aVn
Via https://fastfirewatchguards.com/who-do-you-call-when-a-fire-watch-is-needed/
source https://californiafirewatchguards.weebly.com/blog/who-do-you-call-when-a-fire-watch-is-needed
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cliffordkiizer · 5 years
Is Fire Watch Needed For Hot Work?
In short, yes, fire watch services are required for hot work.
Hot work is one of the leading causes of industrial fires and has been responsible for many significant fire losses. Anytime heat, flame, and sparks are mixed with an industrial setting, there’s the potential for catastrophe.
To prevent fires, fire watch services are required for construction sites with flammable work.
What is Hot Work?
This type of work is often synonymous with welding, burning, brazing, soldering, grinding, and torching. These are all common occurrences on a building site as this type of work is required to get the job done.
Sparks and molten materials can be scattered and dispersed more than 35 feet during welding, grinding, and cutting projects. It’s not unusual for the sparks and slag to reach temperatures of 1,000 degrees F or more when thrown from hot operations. A temperature of this magnitude can easily ignite wood, paper, flammable liquids, and any other combustibles found on site.
All designated areas should have at least a 35-foot clear radius of combustible materials, however, this is not always achieved, leaving the site vulnerable to the threat of fire damages. It’s often difficult to achieve a 35-foot radius around an entire site at any given point due to space restrictions and the number of moving parts on a building site.
Additional fire hazards from these areas include:
Sparks: Sparks from tools can fall through the cracks in the floor or other openings, thus leaving the potential for fires starting in hidden locations.
Heat on pipes: Pipes or other metals that come in contact with combustible walls, ceiling, and roofs can lead to fire through conductive heating.
Working on one side of a wall: Work on one side of the wall can lead to combustibles igniting on the other side.
Ductwork: Ducts and conveyor systems can carry sparks to distant combustibles.
Fire Watch Services for Hot Work
With so many variables and so many potentially dangerous situations, it’s vital that professional services be employed at all construction sites with hot work. Trained guards act as human fire detectors, keeping a close eye on not only the area where the work is being performed but also the areas where the sparks can reach and wreak havoc.
Hiring fire prevention services for construction sites is not only a good idea, but it’s also mandatory per OSHA (Occupations Safety and Health Administration). There are permits required to perform this work as well as other regulations that must be adhered to for safety.
You must check with your local AHJ (authority having jurisdiction) to define what specific regulations you must follow before you begin any kind of construction site work that has fire dangers.
The safest and most effective way to protect your construction site and the people in and around it is to enlist the help of professional fire watch guards who know the requirements and are trained in fireguard best practices.
Via https://fastfirewatchguards.com/is-fire-watch-needed-for-hot-work/
source https://californiafirewatchguards.weebly.com/blog/is-fire-watch-needed-for-hot-work
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cliffordkiizer · 5 years
Find A Reputable Fire Watch Company Near You
Your building’s success relies on your fire protection system working properly. So, what happens when the system malfunctions? The answer is, you quickly hire a fire watch company to supply you with trained guards.
But how do you know you’re hiring a reputable company? We’ll tackle what to look out for and how to hire a reputable fire watch company in this article so that you’re prepared should you ever need these services.
Why You Should Always Hire A Professional Fire Watch Company
First things first, you should never attempt to perform the fire watch yourself or designate your employees to do it; here’s why:
You and your regular employees are likely not trained and experienced in proper fire watch protocols.
You and your regular employees also have other duties that can distract from the important task at hand of keeping a vigilant watch over your building.
Should there be any kind of mishap or accident during the watch, you could be looking at massive fines, penalties, and even possibly a shut-down of your building.
The safest, most effective way to ensure the security of your building, compliance with fire regulations, and the safety of your community is to hire professional guards.
Where to Find Professional Fire Watch Guards?
If you’ve never needed to hire fire watch personnel, you may not know where to find them. Many security companies offer these services.
Security companies with fire patrol officers for hire is the most effective way to implement a fire watch. These companies are usually available to you 24/7 whenever you need them, and their guards are trained and experienced in conducting an efficient watch.
How to Find a Reputable Fire Watch Company
Finding a company that you can trust is important. One of the best ways to ensure you’re hiring a reputable company is to ask around for recommendations.
If you know other business owners or building managers in your area, it’s worthwhile to ask them who they use. Referrals are usually a great place to start because you’re asking people you know and trust to help steer you in the right direction and most people won’t recommend a company to you that they had a bad experience with.
Another good place to look for recommendations is your local fire department. The fire department is always involved in situations that require a fire watch, so chances are they are aware of and frequently work with these companies and can help hook you up with one that they trust.
If you don’t have any luck going the referral route, you can always take to Google to look for fire watch companies near you. You can take a look at their website to see what types of services they offer, what kinds of accreditation and training they hold, and more.
If your need is not emergent, you can contact several local security companies to get a quote and a feel for their customer service and way of doing business.
The bottom line is, you need a reliable fire watch company on your side that you can trust should you ever require their services. It’s worth your time and effort to find a company that you can count on when you need them the most.
Via https://fastfirewatchguards.com/find-a-reputable-fire-watch-company-near-you/
source https://californiafirewatchguards.weebly.com/blog/find-a-reputable-fire-watch-company-near-you
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cliffordkiizer · 5 years
Understanding Fire Watch Requirements & Regulations
If your building has a fire alarm system and/or a water-based fire protection system, you are required by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) to implement a fire watch should any part of your fire alarm system malfunction. This regulation falls under NFPA code 101, Life Safety Code (LSC). 
This article will help walk you through fire watch requirements and regulations so that you have a clear understanding of your duty when it comes to the fire safety of your building.
Fire Watch Requirements & Regulations: The Basics
Under NFPA regulations, if your fire alarm systems are impaired for greater than 4 hours in a 24-hour period, you are required to hire fire watch. For water-based fire protection systems, that window is a little bigger. If your water-based system is impaired for more than a 10 hour timeframe, fire watch services are required. In any case, the local fire department must be notified.
While these are the requirements under the NFPA, there are other authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) in your area that may also have requirements. The requirements from AHJs may be either stricter, or less strict and may also include additional requirements based on local coding. In these cases, the strictest requirements would apply.
Many times, there is confusion around when a fire watch can be implemented. There’s a misconception that fire alarm systems must be out of service for more than four consecutive hours before the building owner can call in a fire watch. This, however, is not the case. This requirement applies in situations where the sum of all outages in a 24-hour period exceeds four hours.
Fire watch requires the continuous patrol of all areas of the building affected by the fire alert system outage. These services are on guard, looking for evidence of fire, smoke, or any other abnormal conditions that may jeopardize the building or those inside of it.
If a dangerous or life-threatening situation is discovered by fire watch personnel, they are required to immediately contact emergency authorities and alert occupants to the emergency, while ensuing their safe exit of the building.
Fire Watch Service Duties
Fire watch guards are in charge of checking all occupied areas of the building, as well as the unoccupied areas. Unoccupied areas include storage rooms, closets, crawl spaces, and any other concealed area. For this reason, it is important that those conducting the fire watch be very familiar with the building and the equipment inside it.
Additionally, fire watch requirements and regulations state that fire watch patrol must also know the location of all fire alarm station and fire protection equipment in the building should they encounter a fire.
Finally, all activities associated with fire watch must be documented properly inside a designated log. Any fire watch personnel hired must be trained on proper logging techniques.
Fire watch services must remain in effect until the entire system is restored and until all necessary inspections and tests have been conducted to verify that the systems are fully operational.
Ensuring Compliance
When it comes to understanding fire watch requirements and regulations, policies can sometimes become complex due to the multiple AHJs that have jurisdiction and must be notified. If you’re a building owner, it would be in your best interest to get familiar with the local jurisdictions that govern your fire watch rules and regulations before you’re in a situation that requires fire watch services.
Via https://fastfirewatchguards.com/understanding-fire-watch-requirements-regulations/
source http://californiafirewatchguards.weebly.com/blog/understanding-fire-watch-requirements-regulations
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cliffordkiizer · 5 years
Why You Should Hire Fire Watch For Your Special Event
Fire spreads at lightning fast speeds. In fact, once a fire breaks out, your life could be in danger just a couple of minutes later.
Fire needs oxygen to burn, and people need oxygen to breath. Unfortunately, a rapidly burning fire will win the war over oxygen and cause anyone who’s in the way to suffocate, suffer burns, or worse.
If you’re hosting a special event of any kind, it is imperative that you do everything you can to keep those in attendance safe from harm, including the harm associated with fire. In fact, it’s your duty to do so.
How do you keep your guests protected from the dangers of fire? You hire professional fire watch services for your special event.
Special Event Fire Watch Services
Any event that has a large gathering of people should have certified and trained fire watch guards on duty, keeping a close eye out for fires and fire hazards.
Some of the common types of special events and venues that require fire watch services include:
Movie sets
Trade shows
Sporting events
Large speaking engagements
School campuses
If you’re planning a special event of any kind, it’s your responsibility to make sure that the proper fire safety precautions are put into place.
What Do Special Event Fire Watch Guards Do?
Fire watch guards are highly trained and certified in fire protection and alerting. They are tasked with the important responsibility of keeping a vigilant watch over the event and ensuring there are no fire safety hazards present.
The main tasks performed by special event fire watch personnel include:
Consistent monitoring of all areas of the venue.
All actions are logged in a designated fire log.
Immediate action in the case of smoke and/or fire, including calling 911 and alerting those who are on the premises.
How To Hire Fire Watch For Your Special Event
Anyone who’s ever planned a special event knows that there are a million details to be accounted for, and preparation can take weeks, even months. While it may feel inconvenient to add another task to your to-do list, hiring fire watch for your event is an absolute must.
Finding the right fire watch team for your event can be easy as long as you know the following:
1. What needs to be protected: In order for fire watch personnel to best perform their job duties, they need to know details about the area or venue that they need to cover and any potential hazards that exist.
If you are unsure of any risks or hazards associated with your event, you can request an on-site evaluation before your event.
2. What you’re looking for in a fire watch team: What kinds of things are you expecting your fire watch personnel to do? Do you want them to be trained and certified to ensure maximum safety and efficiency? Do you have a budget that you need to stay within?
Taking some time to think about what exactly you need when it comes to hiring fire watch for your special event will make the hiring process much smoother and easier, and ultimately, will make the day of the event run smoother and safer as well.
Via https://fastfirewatchguards.com/why-you-should-hire-fire-watch-for-your-special-event/
source http://californiafirewatchguards.weebly.com/blog/why-you-should-hire-fire-watch-for-your-special-event
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cliffordkiizer · 5 years
How Much Does A Fire Watch Typically Cost?
No one likes to be in a situation that requires them to request the assistance of an emergency service. Fire watch services are typically services that fall under the emergency category, however, not always.
Whether your alarm system quits working, or your sprinklers are malfunctioning, you need professional help to keep watch over your building until the issues are resolved.
So, what do fire watch costs look like? This article will break down what you can expect financially should you ever require these services.
Fire Watch Services
Guards trained to keep watch over your property in the case of your alarm system failing are usually best hired from a licensed and certified security company.
Fire Watch companies have professionally trained and licensed security guards for hire for all types of situations, including fire watch.
Before we jump into the costs, it’s important to understand that the cost to hire a professional fire watch team is going to be higher than if you were to recruit just anyone to perform these duties. That being said, professional services are the safest, most logical option.
It’s the duty of the property owner or manager to make sure that your building and those people in and around it are safe from harm. The best way to ensure safety is to go with a professional service who has specific training and can implement uniform standards for maximum efficiency, while remaining compliant with the fire marshal and state laws.
Fire Watch Costs
The cost of professional fire watch services will depend on a few different factors, including; the company you hire from, the experience of the guards, and whether they are armed or unarmed. In this case, guards securing a building with a malfunctioning alarm system do not typically need to be armed.
Unarmed guards cost slightly less than armed guards. On average, you can expect to pay between $12-$20 per hour for an unarmed guard.
The more experienced or further trained and certified the guard, the more the hourly rate will likely be. Additionally, you can expect to pay more when the services required are emergent in nature.
The good news is, you can have access to qualified guards anytime, 24/7. Unfortunately, an emergency call in the middle of the night to dispatch fire watch guards will not be cheap, however, it’s necessary.
Avoiding Fines and Additional Costs
Did you know that failure to hire proper fire watch guards in the case of an inoperable alarm system could cost you hundreds in fines and even cause your building and operations to be shut down?
If you’re a property owner or manager, and your building’s fire alarm system and/or a water-based protection system is not working, you are required by state law to implement a fire watch.
Rather than run the risk of incurring additional expenses and the possibility of a complete shut down of your property, you’re best served to give a call to a professional company with guards for hire right away. The safety, security, and integrity of your property depends on it.
Via https://fastfirewatchguards.com/how-much-does-a-fire-watch-typically-cost/
source http://californiafirewatchguards.weebly.com/blog/how-much-does-a-fire-watch-typically-cost
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