clinesmaddie-archived · 4 months
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Madelyn Cline at Jack Lowden and Saoirse's Wedding in Count Mayo, Ireland at Ashford Castle on May 18th 2024
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clinesmaddie-archived · 4 months
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clinesmaddie-archived · 4 months
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I'm guessing from one of my friends I saw make it for the first time, and it's definitely bittersweet to be talked about. However, I believe the experience of the Met Gala makes it almost worth it to me. Of course and I'm all for a good Ted talk actually. Awe, I'd never forget, I'll probably be texting you a month early to make sure you're good to go.
If it’s about being a big name on people’s lips then I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing. Do I want people to be talking about me that much that I get an invite? No…but also yes? Aw I’m truly flattered that you’d like me as your plus one and I promise not to bore you to death with Ted talk all evening. I’ll come back to you in a year and see if you remember inviting me!
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clinesmaddie-archived · 4 months
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Just the world showing you love, Nicky. Yup, I'd love to see you in one and I'd also love to see you and Taylor do a comedy as you mentioned in that portrait video. I'll share with you over our date. I adore Taylor, so let him know I'd never intrude on anything between you two and I'd even go on a friendly date with him too. I'm glad to hear and I'd love to if you would.
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——- That's the weirdest thing i've heard still, honestly. i'm embracing it as much as i can. a sitcom ? ah, okay — you want me to join in. i think i can do that. i feel like doing a sitcom would be fun one day. you'll have to share about the show with me one of these days. trio to beat — love the confidence. extremely, only because he's so passionately in love with me. you make a guy happy, pretend or not. um — would you like to go on a friends date ?
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clinesmaddie-archived · 4 months
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I'm confident in us and this idea, it'll be one for the books and we'll have the attention until the very end. My buddy, Nick Galitzine would be perfect for the love interest/future guy friend. How popular he is now, he'd definitely help boost ratings and I might have told him and he sounds interested. We'll be a trio Hollywood loves and adores. I agree, it was my comfort show and I miss my girls. I love a good ending. I did hear sometimes shows get cancelled and get brought back much later. So I'm still hoping and praying for '2 Broke Girls'. No rush, take your time, but if I finish, expect to hear from me and we'll also see then what we can do.
I love it. I'm all in for the fun times and a show that grabs everyone's attention, because if not, what is it for? I want to hear all of your ideas, you have a privileged mind. And now that'd be juicy! It could definitely stir things up in the best way. And you're right, if after that he could hang around, that would be top tier. Yeah, I can't believe not many people know about the existence of that show, it was really good. Cancelling stuff halfway through totally stinks. I'm all about wrapping things up nicely, not leaving them hanging. There's been a trip pending for a while, so count on me to swing by when I'm Stateside. We'll talk about everything in detail.
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clinesmaddie-archived · 5 months
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I'm all for this, come see some final set action here before we wrap and let me show you one of my favorite places to unwind after a long day. Then we'll have a fun girls night, much needed. Amazing and I'd like to think I am. Um, I flirted with a couple people and seeing what happens. I also have a date to go on because Nicholas Galitzine said if he was single he'd date me, so we played on the joke and made a friendly date out of it. What about you, girlie?
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I'm having these days off so please, let's meet up and share some time together. life is not as fun as it is when you're around. how is all the filming going on? you're rocking it as usual? and before we meet up to share some drinks and girls time, give me some details about your life, fill me in and don't hide any details.
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clinesmaddie-archived · 5 months
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Sweet Maddie? Now you have me blushing here, Anya. I'll pick you up at the airport, lovely. I'll make it the best few days ever for you as my way to say thank you and own you back for this.
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——- Thank you, i can easily say the same about you, my sweet maddie. on my way now, i made some time for you, so you really own me. a few days, just for you, love.
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clinesmaddie-archived · 5 months
Message To 📱 Awsten
awsten : friends like me, okay, for a moment i thought it was flirting. a break to enjoy collecting myself, not rushing greatness but yeah time with my girl and kids are a plus, definitely.
awsten : when would you like to see me again ? maybe we can make it happen. don't alert, make it happen because you adore me.
Madelyn: And if it was? We can friendly flirt right? You'll come back so strong and so great and with hair to match. The world can't take!
Madelyn: Right away, omfg! Where are you even? Missed you at the party. I want to know what's up, boo. I'll make it happen, no worries. I'd never miss your big moment.
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clinesmaddie-archived · 5 months
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I'm guessing it's just being a big name on people's lips? Just my guess, if I figure out anything more, I'll let you know. I just figure because I saw a couple people there for the first time who have been really names on people's lips lately. Hoping they come more often. I'd love you as my plus one, and you'd look so beautiful, but thanks for the compliment. I think Ted would show us up, but I'm open to that.
You must be doing something right to continue to get invited, so go you. I went once and then my invites seemed to get lost in the mail after that. I'm trying not to take offence. I would be honoured to be your plus one, I just don't know if I'd be able to look as gorgeous as you do and I'd let the team down. Or we'd both get shown up by Ted.
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clinesmaddie-archived · 5 months
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Madelyn Cline at Nova Melody's 1st Birthday Party in Malibu, California on May 10th 2024
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clinesmaddie-archived · 5 months
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You're the internet's boyfriend, we love what you don't about yourself. Embrace it, it won't change anytime soon. Maybe a sitcom? I might have this idea with someone and maybe you could be a love interest to one of us or a guy we briefly fight over then be-friend. You join the cast and we're the trio to beat in Hollywood. Is Taylor a jealous one? Awe, for the pretend situation, I'd be honored to go on a date with you. So, for reals, do we go on a friends date?
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——- No idea, you, annie and the internet need to relax. oh, well, thank you, dear. what would we even make together ? i'll let taylor know so he doesn't get jealous or anything. oh um — for the pretend situation, i guess i'd just say um — would a beautiful girl like you do me the honours and let me take you out on a date.
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clinesmaddie-archived · 5 months
Message To 📱 Awsten
awsten : you can't say shit like this to me. however, definitely the plan to have our fall out boy moment. i really think a break can help bring out the best.
awsten : i'm going to really hope you do, because i'd love to see you.
Madelyn: I'm sure you will though, sorry I'm confident and believe in my friends like you. Plus a break to enjoy the girl and kids, yes?
Madelyn: Awe, you're sweet and I'd love to see you again, so I'll be planning on it and alert if I can't for any reason.
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clinesmaddie-archived · 5 months
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Yup, and thank you, babe. From what I know this or one more could be it though as the writers kinda planned to end it with four or five seconds. I'm sure too, but I'm not rushing anything, just enjoying things for now. Well, it's basically because this guy said if he was single he'd date me, so we started talking about what if he was how it'd go, so now I'm going o a friendly date with this guy. I'm sure and congrats, you know if I ever marry you'd probably be mine as well. I'm patient for more greatness from you. Just enjoying yourself and some work or got other things going on?
You got another season? Damn - I'm well behind on that one. Congrats on that one, babe. I'm sure that you're going to land a date soon and if not - then there's something wrong with people. Never heard of a pretend date in my life before but good for you. The wedding was magical - got to be a maid of honor for the first time ever. The album is... a thing. Slowly. Hopefully.
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clinesmaddie-archived · 5 months
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I'll always hope, but really have to see with the crew and the audience. If it does well with a four, maybe even a five, we might keep going on Netflix's demand even if the writers and all had other plans. Just so long as it's still good and has a good ending whenever that happens is my true hope in the end. Yeah, it must have a bit of a weird and slightly empty feeling until the next project.
I will keep things crossed for you as well. It is a great show so I hope we get a few more seasons. I can't imagine how that feels. I mean, I always feel odd once I've put out a record, toured it and move on. It's so odd. So I can't imagine how you feel after being with a character for years.
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clinesmaddie-archived · 5 months
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Yes, exactly, we'd have such a hell of a time, and a show that'll just have the world hooked. I also might have a love interest idea for either one of us, or for both of us in an episodes that causes a minor stir between us. If we get him on the cast as like our guy friend or something after, I'd be through the moon. Yes, let's do it, the moment we can get together for this. It was and I'm just imagining and hoping both girls got married, their guys managed to put aside their differences and they're all friends til the end. I'd also like to think the cupcake business truly happened for them. I hope, or some end the ties movie to give us some closure. Um, if you could come and visit, I'd love you forever.
You get me! I can feel it too. The chemistry would be off the charts. We'd have audiences hooked from the get-go, just waiting to see what antics we'd pull off next. That's a brilliant idea! We should totally whip up some teaser clips, show the world a taste of what we're capable of. They're gonna be clamoring for more. Yeah! It was such a bummer to hear it got cancelled, especially after that cliffhanger ending. Hopefully, they'll reconsider or maybe another network will pick it up. Got all the time for you and this! I know you must be busy with your show, so I can just jet off to visit you and get this started.
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clinesmaddie-archived · 5 months
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I'll come to you, I'm finishing up some filming on my show, but I'm missing you so much. My life feels so empty without you in it. Please tell me you won't be busy before I get to you, because I so need some girl time with you.
Hey, angel face! where are you these days? hopefully NYC or LA because it would mean I'm going to see you soon, I'll be in nyc for a couple of days and then back to LA and I'm counting the days to see you again!
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clinesmaddie-archived · 5 months
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Awe, you're such a sweetie and I appreciate that about you. Yes, come, do it, hurry and I'll show all the best to one of my faves. Please, spare a few days and come out for me.
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——- That you are and i appreciate that about you, darling. not at all, i'd love to come see the set in case it's my last chance to depending on schedules and all that jazz.
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