clint-birdofprey-blog · 12 years
//hi are you still with us? :]
Sorry! I am around, but things were kinda dead for me, so I haven't been posting. :P I was going to be active again after Christmas.
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clint-birdofprey-blog · 12 years
Clint laughed, "I'm salty sweet and crunchy? Remind me to work on that." He squeezed her hand, "Good, because there is somewhere I want to take you, not my apartment, I swear." He winked, "At least not yet."  
Pale in Beauty: clint-birdofprey: Pale in...
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clint-birdofprey-blog · 12 years
// I am still alive I promise! Busy times for me! D: 
I will get to replies now! 
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clint-birdofprey-blog · 12 years
Sorry guys for my absence this week! I hope you all survived Sandy well, going to go through my messages and what-not now, thanks for your patience. :) I'll be on tonight if you want to shoot me a message. :) 
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clint-birdofprey-blog · 12 years
Hawaii Residents:
There’s a tsunami coming. According to local news, they’re giving free bus rides out of the tsunami zone. All islands are on alert.
(Please boost the hell out of this.)
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clint-birdofprey-blog · 12 years
// So hey guys! People still owe me, FYI. 
However! If I am not on for a couple of days, it is likely because I lost power due to this Super Storm. I live in an area that will be effected so.... yeah! Fun stuff. 
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clint-birdofprey-blog · 12 years
// SORRY! 
I have been super sparse this week with Halloween costume making and tests and so on. TT.TT I will try to get to replies tonight! (assuming I have anything to reply to).
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clint-birdofprey-blog · 12 years
Clint raised their joined hands to his lips and kissed the back of her hand. "Good, I think you'll like it. Salty, crunchy, and surprisingly sweet." He nudged her with his leg, "What are you singing for your next set?" 
Pale in Beauty: clint-birdofprey: Pale in...
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clint-birdofprey-blog · 12 years
Awwwww. BB. :( I am sorry. :( 
I’m sorry guys.
I know I have replies to do.
But I’m sitting here sobbing my eyes out.
‘Cause my dad is an asshole.
And my mom just tries to cover for him.
He doesn’t have the right to down my business I started when I was sevenFUCKINGteen.
No, it’s not as successful as it needs to be.
But I’m pulling more weight than ANY of my fucking classmates are.
AND I’m in school to gain more credentials.
But it doesn’t matter.
I’m just a joke to him.
Always have.
Always will be.
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clint-birdofprey-blog · 12 years
// So I'm on... And have nothing to respond to... Herp a derp. 
Let me know if I missed something please? 
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clint-birdofprey-blog · 12 years
Clint spotted her easily, from the description Fury gave him, blond, about his height, and knows how to blend in. Fury did say she would be armed, but so far there was no sign of anything that she could defend herself, unless her purse was lined with lead, and he had an arrow for that. 
He watched her make a small purchase, then thought now had to be the time. He didn't want to dilly dally, tonight was chili night in the tower. 
He whipped out his bow, and thought over his arrows, he selected an armour piercing one, to be on the safe side, there was nothing Fury hated more then a botched job. He clicked a button, and waited, taking aim. 
Clint walked to the edge of the building for a third time, checking again the distance to the ground, about 25 stories, and mentally calculating where he would need to stand to take his shot. He sighed, Fury always sent him on the easiest missions recently, it was as if...
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clint-birdofprey-blog · 12 years
//I love how my parents got me a Nook preloaded with about 40 books.
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clint-birdofprey-blog · 12 years
An unusual meeting| Clint and Charlie
Clint walked to the edge of the building for a third time, checking again the distance to the ground, about 25 stories, and mentally calculating where he would need to stand to take his shot. He sighed, Fury always sent him on the easiest missions recently, it was as if there were nothing challenging left. Which was super annoying. All Clint wanted was a little action back in his life, but apparently that was too much to ask. 
He took his place a couple of feet back, so the people mulling about on the street below wouldn't catch sight of him, he remembered once he stood too close and someone thought he was about to jump. He sighed again, and took his stance, he had about five minuted until his target would be in sight, unguarded and vulnerable  like everyone. 
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clint-birdofprey-blog · 12 years
// I shall be on tonight answering things! Send them my way! :D 
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clint-birdofprey-blog · 12 years
Reblog if Steve Rogers for President.
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clint-birdofprey-blog · 12 years
Is it not TMI Tuesday? LET'S DO THIS, ask us stuff!!!!!
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clint-birdofprey-blog · 12 years
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New England earthquake survivors are predicted to be recovering from tonight’s 4.6 earthquake that struck Lake Arrowhead, Maine at 7:12 PM, for quite some time. The picture above is just a glimpse at some of the damage caused by the natural disaster.
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