cliodna-creevey · 11 years
Merlin it's quite bright out
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cliodna-creevey · 11 years
Oh, th-that's really nice b-but I think I'll f-figure it out
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It's like I never left...
Oh well maybe we could study together! Help each other catch up on everything.
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cliodna-creevey · 11 years
Oh, r-right. T-that too.
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I feel like I-I I'm already behind, and I just got here
It's like I never left...
For support, I mean. 
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I’m kind of behind on a few classes, I’ll indulge in more fun activities once i’ve caught up.
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cliodna-creevey · 11 years
Yes, p-perhaps. I always enj-joy having friends ar-round,
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Y-you shouldn't work too hard though. Fun is also r-required
It's like I never left...
That’s good to hear. In time perhaps ‘okay’ will turn to a more positive adjective. Having friends around might help. Very well, drowning under the weight of many courseworks but besides that, I am well.
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cliodna-creevey · 11 years
Yeah, I um, I feel...okay. It's cer-certainly strange being back here after b-being home for s-so long. I'm ex-excited to see everyone again t-though. How are you d-doing?
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It's like I never left...
It’s not your fault, everyone was just pretty shaken but nothing compared to what you must have gone through. Are you feeling better?
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cliodna-creevey · 11 years
T-thank you? I, uh, I m-missed everyone here t-too.
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It's like I never left...
Your absence was felt by others, I assure you. An evermore present ghost lingering in our minds.
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cliodna-creevey · 11 years
I um, I'm not too sure. I think-think I like it
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It's like I never left...
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cliodna-creevey · 11 years
Oh um, I-I didn't know a-anyone was listening.
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I, um, I suppose yes. Th-that's all that's changed
It's like I never left...
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cliodna-creevey · 11 years
It's like I never left...
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