clockwork--frog · 4 years
Jamie Hyneman: great reactor, great explainer.  Not so great actor.  He’d be a solid “Let’s go behind the scenes and see what kooky contraption the Hynie-man is creating today” guy.  Show that he’s building a double sized wrecking ball and let him explain how and why.  Show him building a meat man simulator and let him explain why.  Have him take out the pop gun and fire off, all the while giggling behind the walrus moustache.
But don’t ask him to read lines.
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clockwork--frog · 4 years
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The Nib ( @thenib ) is doing a whole month of queer comics and I was honored to contribute this one! You can read all of the other comics I’ve done for them here, and here is my comic from last year’s Pride Month. You can find more of my comics, including my Genderqueer series, on instagram and you can support me on patreon or on ko-fi if you’d like to help me keep making this work :) 
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clockwork--frog · 4 years
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these comic strips restore my faith in humanity! #EthicalMemes
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clockwork--frog · 4 years
hey, you're a minor right? just wanted to let you know that you're probably not asexual and its just a phase. just wait until you're older
Funny, my dad said the same thing.
Hey anon, do you think I’m too young to know I’m homosexual, or bisexual, or pansexual, or literally any other sexuality?
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clockwork--frog · 4 years
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Hello beautiful people
My name is Abigail. And I am a disabled queer black woman. Thursday was my 21st birthday. And I am really in need of a computer for my final year in college. I am a psychology major and am currently doing a heavy load of data analysis and completing a remote study that requires SPSS and STATA two data analysis programs. Last year I was able to buy a cheap laptop to use for my course and complete the rest on school computers. but this year I am doing remote learning for the beginning part of the semester and that laptop just broke. After failing all my classes due to a severe depressive episode mixed with ADHD I really need to be able to have proper resources to do well. I am asking to please share or donate my cash app is $softbrowngirl and Venmo: Abigail-Antoine-2
Anything helps, I appreciate this community that has welcomed me since I was 15. Thank you guys 💚💚💚💚
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clockwork--frog · 4 years
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white people using their privilege to educate, a concept!
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clockwork--frog · 4 years
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clockwork--frog · 4 years
I remember when I first found out the truth about “Somali pirates” I got chills because of how horrific the truth was and how insanely creepily well the media had twisted the situation. Every single fucking article making it seem like these “pirates” were just after money or something holding innocent people hostage and I never gave it a second thought, why would I? There was no indication that people were trying to legitimately fight off disgusting imperialism that left nuclear waste in their waters, that over 300 people have died from radiation sickness, that Europeans have been stealing Somalia’s seafood because they overfished their own waters and the indigenous fisherman are starving and so these “pirates” emerged to deal with those stealing their country’s natural resources. The truth is enough to make anyone sick to their stomachs.
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clockwork--frog · 4 years
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bunny buddies
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clockwork--frog · 4 years
maybe instead of 'minors shouldn't be on the internet' it should be 'if you can't respect minors get off the internet'
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clockwork--frog · 4 years
im trying this again, i hope the gofundme helps with visibility. please reblog, i dont have a large social circle to help signal boost. thank you so much everyone!
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clockwork--frog · 4 years
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Внебрачный сын пчелы и тигра…
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clockwork--frog · 4 years
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clockwork--frog · 4 years
I work retail, and have for many years now. I'm not an easily fazed person and have a Talk No Shit, Take No Shit mentality. However, I also have a pretty intense anxiety disorder on top of other mental health issues and when I started 6+ years ago there were some customers who got to me.
So, to all the workers facing Karens and Kens out in the wild, here's my advice - cry.
If you have the type of relationships with your coworkers and managers that will support you, don't try to hold it in. Cry like the overworked, underpaid peon you are.
Nothing terrifies an asshole Karen like the indisputable proof that their actions/words are affecting you as a real live person. They feel perfectly entitled to cuss out a cashier over a wrong order/no cash policy/ face mask mandate but when that person starts to cry and asks them why they'd say such mean things? A whole other story, my friend.
There's no way to make that situation look good to the manager they demanded to speak with, either. My manager literally got a security guard fired for being so verbally abusive he made one of her employees cry.
This strategy has multiple benefits -
1. You're not standing there trying to pen up your emotions, crying is a great physical release for negative emotions and you may very well feel somewhat better afterwards.
2. The person who precipitated the situation is forced to not only see you as a person with feelings, but also has to confront the fact that their abuse has consequences beyond themselves.
3. It can actually give your higher-ups leverage to address these situations. 'They yelled at my employee' is one thing, but 'They yelled at my employee until they were in tears' is a waaaaay worse offense. A good manager can use that. Hell, it can get a security guard fired!
tl;dr: We live in a capitalist hell but we can work the system and cry at work to shame awful customers
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clockwork--frog · 4 years
yes 2020 has sucked like a ravenous kirby but in november we finally get to vote that hateful orange turd out of office so eyes on the prize ya’lls
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clockwork--frog · 4 years
Nonbinary people with large bellies, thick thighs, lots of chest fat, back rolls, soft arms, big butts, double chins, and round faces, etc. are always nonbinary.
Fatness does not, and cannot, in any way undermine your nonbinary-ness.
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clockwork--frog · 4 years
it’s okay to be non-binary.
it’s okay if your gender is uncommon.
it’s okay to have a xenogender.
it’s okay to use neopronouns.
it’s okay to exist as you are.
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