clockworksampi · 6 years
Started watching My Hero Academia, because I need something to watch while I eat, and I already rewatched the eternity of Konosuba again three times in the past three months.
Initial impression after three episodes: I don’t care about any of these children. Just give me more All-Might. Right now. Just give it to me. I know you have it.
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clockworksampi · 6 years
If Rumia was devouring you, where would you prefer her to start though?
I would prefer for her to rip apart my throat and get it over with. That would take a lot of weight off my shoulders.
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clockworksampi · 6 years
Touhou Shower Thought
If most youkai/gods/spiritual beings (such as Suwako or Cirno) in Touhou are created as opposed to born (such as Yoshika or Tenshi) does this mean a majority of them don’t have belly buttons? 
Like, does Rumia ever start tearing into someone and wonder why all humans have this weird knoll on their stomachs? Nah. She probably thinks it’s like a ‘tear hear’ indent, but for humans.
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clockworksampi · 6 years
Today at work I got into an argument which ended in me shouting, “My Little Pony is the pinnacle idol anime!” from across the room. At which point the argument ended, likely because everyone realized how right I was.
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clockworksampi · 6 years
I just realized the reason why Yukari is so good at reading people and playing mind games is because she has a degree in psychology. 
Honestly, a lot of things about her makes a lot more sense when you consider that she majored in social sciences. The excessive sleeping, the tendency to speak in riddles, the reality breaking powers. It all just falls into place.
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clockworksampi · 6 years
Rewatched One-Punch Man. Mumen Rider is still the best. Thought I would remind you, you know, in case all zero of you out there were ever worried about him not being the best.
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clockworksampi · 6 years
Sampi’s Touhou Prompt Theater Act V
Never stop never stopping.
 Rei’sen and Nemuno, Lost, suggested by taberone: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13670457/chapters/38276756
 I’ll be completely transparent. I don’t have a good reason why this prompt was months late, but the bad reason I have is because I got back into Skullgirls, and immediately remembered why I got out of Skullgirls; because it’s the best fighting game ever made and when you’re not playing Skullgirls, you keep asking yourself, ‘Why am I not playing Skullgirls?’
  Yes, prompts can still be submitted, so please, do so to your heart’s content. Rules here: https://clockworksampi.tumblr.com/post/169889843217/touhou-prompts
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clockworksampi · 6 years
Random Touhou Headcanon V
Because Maribel is based in part on Patrick Hearn, who was Greek-Irish, it stands to reason that Merry is also Greek-Irish.
Additional headcanon: She also has the thickest Irish accent.
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clockworksampi · 6 years
Current Status: Listening to Nightmare Diary.
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clockworksampi · 6 years
Okay, so, wait. Is it historically accurate/Touhou canon that Futo married Tojiko’s father? 
Futo was Tojiko’s step-mom?
Futo murdered her step-daughter in cold blood over a religious grudge?
Is this true? Because it changes my opinion of the character somewhat if it is.
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clockworksampi · 6 years
You never realize it until you start colouring your Frames in Warframe after Touhou characters, but there are only a few overall colour schemes in Touhou.
Like, how does one live while being acutely aware that Remilia, Alice, Keine, Eirin, Komachi, Yuugi, Nue, Kogasa, Yoshika, Seija, Iku, Seiran, Doremy, and Clownpiece all share the same basic red, blue, white, black colour scheme?
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clockworksampi · 6 years
Touhou 15.5 Epiphany
The main problem in Touhou 15.5 is perfect possession.
It was started by Jo’on and Shion, who are thieves.
While fighting them with perfect possession, they have the ability to swap partners with you at will.
Ergo, they can take your possessions.
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clockworksampi · 6 years
Random Touhou Headcanon IV
Due to barley being a teenager when taking the Hourai Elixir, and because she was born over one-thousand years ago, when humans were naturally smaller, Mokou is, in actuality, extremely short. She probably looks up to meet Marisa’s eyes.
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clockworksampi · 6 years
Rare Sampi Hot Take
Nightmare Diary is a good song.
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clockworksampi · 6 years
Sampi’s Touhou Prompt Theater Act IV
The promptening refuses to not continue.
 Reimu and Aunn, Kindness, suggested by dizzyhmuffin: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13670457/chapters/35782551
 So this took much, much longer than I anticipated (what else is new, right?), and, for once, it’s not because Warframe is an incredibly addictive game. It’s because I am really, extremely bad at the cute and heartwarming. My mind just refuses to grasp it. Where’s the macabre humour, the dark irony that barely conceals threats upon livihoods, where, when you get down to it, are the puns? Thus, this was a page one rewrite not once, not twice, but three times. Possibly a little overboard for a proptfic, but I refuse to upload something I feel is below par when I know I can do better. Standards are the only thing separating us from the humans.
  Yes, prompts can still be submitted, so please, do so to your heart’s content. Rules here: https://clockworksampi.tumblr.com/post/169889843217/touhou-prompts
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clockworksampi · 6 years
There are days where you spend hours staring at an open document, typing here and there, but, ultimately, ending up with only half-finished ideas and no tangible progress.
And then there are days where you wake up after two hours of sleep, scarf an entire loaf of bread, down it with a can of ginger ale, and hammer out two pages like it’s nobody’s business.
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clockworksampi · 6 years
Random Touhou Joke I thought Of And Have Been Laughing At For The Better Part Of Three Hours
Yukari is one of Reimu’s oldest foes, as well as one of her most long-standing ones.
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