McDonald’s France releases gay ad campaign: “Come As You Are”
McDonald’s France has released a gay ad campaign entitled “Come As You Are,” which promotes McDonald’s being a place where you can be yourself.
(via ItzJeffy)
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McDonald’s France releases gay ad campaign: “Come As You Are”
McDonald’s France has released a gay ad campaign entitled “Come As You Are,” which promotes McDonald’s being a place where you can be yourself.
(via ItzJeffy)
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I functioned as a male until a few weeks after my 56th birthday. I choose the term “functioned” advisedly, because my relationship to my birth gender was fraught from a very young age. Indeed, it has only been since I gave myself permission to function in the world as I felt inside, that I appreciated the full depth of the anxiety and conflict which I had carried through a lifetime of trying to live up to the expectations of others.
Excerpts from a powerful speech by Catherine McGregor, the world’s highest-ranked transgender military officer. She’s the Director of Research and Analysis in the Office of the Chief of the Royal Australian Air Force, and she came out as a trans woman in 2012. Read more over at BuzzFeed. (via gaywrites)
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A panic attack took precedence. She called to cancel and apologized as though her panic was an insult to me. It wasn’t. I was impressed that she didn’t make up a lie. I know it’s hard to be that honest.“
Christine Cissy White, “Being Real About Trauma Symptoms”
In light of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we’re working with RAINN to highlight survivors and their stories. If you need help, please visit our FIND HELP page or call 800.656.HOPE (4673) to be connected with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area. You can also find RAINN’s online hotline here.
(via twloha)
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Hey, if you still miss your pet that is okay. I don’t care if it is years later and you still cry because they were not there this morning to greet you in that one of a kind way they did. It isn’t trivial, it isn’t stupid, and you are not weak.
It is okay that you still miss them.
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Years of being bullied taught me that if people can’t read your gender, they will demand to know. Being constantly asked what I am is far more distressing for me than for people to assume. No one will see me as agender. My discharge letter said I was “accepting” of that – but the truth is that I am only resigned to it. I have no choice. There also is no societal role for me to transition to. What does that even mean for an agender person? What does it mean for any gender? Before I had my first appointment, I went to an introductory session where they assured me that they treat non-binary people. But if they still base surgery recommendation on “societal roles” of gender, then it’s no surprise I’ve never heard of a single positive experience from a non-binary person in a GIC. What the rest of society doesn’t realize or see is that trans people are often stuck in this conundrum to receive any medical treatment. If a trans woman wants to be “taken seriously,” she better show up to her appointments in a dress and demonstrating her societal role. If a trans man wants to be seen as serious enough to get surgery, he better not paint his nails. The gatekeeping standards set upon our shoulder is a concentrated version of 50s gender roles we have to bend to in order to get help.
A Case of Cis Regret | Lola Olson for the Huffington Post (via gaywrites)
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Just a reminder
Bi girls aren’t secretly straight
Bi guys aren’t secretly gay
Pansexuals aren’t attracted to everyone
Nor are they attracted to pans
Bi and pans don’t all want a threesome
Bi and pans are not more likely to cheat
Asexuality is not celibacy
Nor are asexuals plants
Aromantics don’t need to be fixed
The ‘a’ in LGBTQA stands for asexual not ally
Demisexuals and polysexuals exist
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