what i get attached to is the images my brains create
my brain intoxicates me with you
it draws the picture for me to get addicted 
why are you doing this to me?
i thought we were working together but no, you want me to starve, to dissolve in my obsessions
you don’t think logically, you don’t know what is good for you, you are sick yourself 
i don’t trust you...
you are the illusionist of all kind, thriving on the illusions you create 
but i don’t like you like this 
let’ see what happens when i take away what you like from you, let’s reverse the roles
i am going to starve you
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I noticed that recently i feel warmth towards girls that don’t look like hot ass girls. When i see them i immediately understand man who are attracted to normal type of girls with normal type of vibes
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Where is the snow
It used to come tocover our faces in its coldfur
To wash the year long heated debates, emotions, events from our red cheeks
The winter is warm, doesn’t let us rest and fall asleep for a while in our new skin
The warmth is old...
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the past filled me 
the foundation of experiences 
allowed me to float 
in the present
be reckless
i knew i can come back to the sweet memory
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i gave you the affection
you took it
you didn’t return it
i gave myself an affection
and the world danced around me 
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Is it what we yearn a love or something else? 
is it because we can’t connect with the trees around us 
or it is because we can’t find a language to speak to ourselves 
is it a pain of not being able to find a form through which we can flow
maybe because this form has not been built yet
you feel love and you dissolve, you are a flow, you fit into this world
when you stop feeling loved, you lose the flow and you lose the form
you try to rebuild the language, you try to speak to yourself 
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is the world talking in sounds
or in words
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I would like to go back to our past
But I don’t know how to talk to you about it
I don’t know how to make it conditional
And is there a point to be emotional
I would like to develop inner more straightforward voice that I could share
It doesn’t guarantee that others will listen
But what other choice do we have ?
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The smiles I used to send won’t return any more
They are hanging in there, not sure if they are there with you still
They changed their tone and are playing their melody now
Without us
Did they ever need us in the first place ?
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Not sure which part of my past I am missing more
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Daydreaming about human interactions
I started to think about man in various different dimensions
different viscerality of man darkness
daydreaming ways in which we could interact
thoughts and dimensions we could connect
who we could be in those times of untouchiness 
times of social distance 
when even glimpse is on a distance 
random topics sparking another level of making us closer 
how creative we can be to find a visceral common ground? 
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