cloudiorchid · 2 years
It’s Aimsey (edit on the left, original photo on the right)
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cloudiorchid · 2 years
This week has been wild.
My younger cousins aged 9 and 11 came down to visit us from Queensland. They stayed for two weeks and left today.
My sister and mum went up to Queensland unironically on the same week for a camp.
This week we went rollerblading which I enjoyed but struggled with it. By the end our legs were sore and we were tired.
The next day we did lazar tag. One of the teams sucked and should have been disqualified because they kept breaking the rules but no one let them.
See you next week.
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cloudiorchid · 2 years
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A few photos from last week 🤍🍄🪷
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cloudiorchid · 2 years
just because you make a mistake once while writing doesn't mean it going to ruin your career its just one error and as humans we all make errors, it just how we work
Just in case nobody told you, you are a good writer. Yes, you can always improve, but that doesn’t mean your writing sucks. Stop undermining your talent.
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cloudiorchid · 2 years
Camp day 1 (March 17 2022)
Today a few classmates and I went to a school camp. After encountering with a problem with someones form for the camp we finally arrived at the location of the camp, an hour late. Before we had to go into our rooms, we had to get instructions from our camp leader. I was in a room with a few friends as well as mutuals.
The first activity we did was low ropes. We had a reasonably small course to go around, and we had 2 people on either side of you in case you fell down and hurt yourself. I went on the course first before I became a catcher for my friends. When we finished the course we had to line up in age order, excluding the year.
We then went back to lunch before heading off to our next activity. The flying fox. Personally this was my favourite bit of the camp and I went on it over 6 times because it was so fun. Some of the kids that were afraid of heights didn't participate but encouraged the kids that went down, and helped those like me who couldn't get back up, back up.
The next activity we did was canoeing which I didn't participate in for personal reasons. While the group was canoeing, I spent my time taking photos and writing this in my journal.
We then went back to the main area for afternoon tea before doing our next activity, which was team bonding. We failed most activities but because I'm partially active I was a great team leader and helped us out a lot.
When we finished the activity we went back to the main area for a chill out period before dinner. Some people were playing with the billy goats and the deer the owners had named Bambi, but me and my friends lay in a ditch avoiding society as much as we could.
We then had dinner and when we finished, a few mutuals and friends helped out with dishes. Before we went to bed I asked to play a game of Uno with one of the group leaders, but as more people joined it got louder so I couldn't handle the noise, so I played Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza with a few of my teachers, which was a lot quieter.
One of my teachers was afraid of going into the goats so when one of the kids got in trouble for giving Bambi his desert all the 'cool kids' left the paddock, so me, my friends and the teacher went in. While my teacher took photos of the goats and deer we played around with Bambi, who would occasionally go for people 'crowned jewels.'
We then left as it was getting late. When we got back we realised we didn't know where the 'cool kids' were so the teachers spent half an hour looking for them. But luckily they were found. But it did cause some drama's.
Signing off.
Autumn Moon.
Date of Journal Entry: Thursday 17 March 9:14pm
Date of Tumblr Entry: Tuesday 5 April 11:02 pm
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