cloudsworn · 3 months
personally i think i’m just gonna follow the trailblazer around, at least when i first get there. beyond that i don’t think i’m going to do anything specific.
hey, that sounds pretty good to me! they're always near the drama after all... and i for sure know if you're on the express you're gonna be living good, too! been vaguely considering it myself.. or at least making it so i'm always running into them somehow you know?
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cloudsworn · 3 months
hey!! i have an hsr dr too. always good to see someone else going there :3
oh, of course!! i've been playing since launch so i'm pretty attached to everyone in it... i figured itd be a pretty good starting point!! still pretty unsure on how i'd like to start though admittedly fhakjsfh
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cloudsworn · 3 months
log 2.
okay. hi. so this update came quicker than i thought.
last time i mentioned my main goal was to get back into everything, and it still is, but i've suddenly been hit with a sudden excitement for everything.. it's a nice feeling i think.
i have a couple drs ideas in mind but i'm having a bit of trouble thinking about which to put my main focus on which is.. a problem i have not had in a good while. suffering from success... i'll let you know if i decide on one, yeah? happy shifting! - cloud
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cloudsworn · 3 months
aaagh.. making ren.trys take so much time. but i do think mine should be done today...?
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cloudsworn · 3 months
log 1.
waaa... long time no see.
figured i'd want to restart this kind of things with updates, kind of give a general idea of my progress and how i want to do things? like this i figure i can probably manage... something fhks
anyway, my life here has been hectic <3 but i'm getting back into the swing of things, slowly? right now my main goal is to get back into shifting as a whole- my break was long. so i feel like though i want to return.. its a bit difficult to get the next direction in order? weird feeling! ill let you know if i get any major updates, yeah? see you later. happy shifting. - cloud
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cloudsworn · 3 months
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cloudsworn · 3 months
hello there!
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i'm cloud, nice to meet you. i wouldn't say i'm new to shiftblr, but i'd definitely say i'm new to talking in it. i'm not the best at being social, but i'm a shifter who's done it before and wanted to try my hand at restarting my journey after a very long break.
most of my drs are games or some other media- h.sr, gen.shin, pj.se.kai, the like! hope to get along. a bit more info:
im 17 years old (18 in july!)
usually keep shifting and my personal life separate, but i don't mind you asking any questions!
characters in my pinned are some major faves of mine, but i've got a ton, can't lie. the ones most important to me will likely get some sort of respective tag
my activity is stupid sporadic- so don't feel afraid to ask for a discord if you want a more surefire way to reach me.
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cloudsworn · 3 months
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cloud ☁︎  18 ☁︎  rentry ☁︎  
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cloudsworn · 3 months
testing testing. . . cloudsworn returning shortly, promise...
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