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Top image: Rafah before Israeli invasion, November 23, 2023
Bottom image: Rafah during the ongoing Israeli invasion of the city, September 5, 2024
The word you're thinking of is: genocide.
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Countries that have joined or declared their intention to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the ICJ are:
• Nicaragua
• Belgium
• Colombia
• Turkey
• Libya
• Egypt
• Maldives
• Mexico
• Ireland
• Palestine
• Spain
• Chile
Source: AlJazeera
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I am Osama Al-Anqar and my wife's name is Rana Raed Al-Anqar. We have a little girl.
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We used to live in our house in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood. We used to live in peace and security and I had a job, but the war came and took everything from me,
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first of all my brother Mahmoud, who was martyred in the bombing of the Baptist Hospital. He left behind his children and wife, and my brother Ahmed, whose front leg was amputated in the same bombing. I lost my house, my family's house, and my job. Now we have become homeless, moving from one place to another. We are gripped by fear, terror, and hunger. My daughter suffers from extreme fear and panic, and suffers from lack of food and skin diseases due to the lack of water and cleanliness.
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We are in dire need of your help. We call on you to fund this fund to save my family and provide safe shelter, food, drink, and health care. Your donation is no matter what can happen to us in our lives. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your support means more.
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Hello, I’m Ahmed from Gaza😔😔
Life here is filled with daily challenges due to the ongoing blockade and war. My family struggles to secure our basic needs. My parents are ill, and my children suffer from malnutrition due to a lack of food and clean water😥😭😭
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Despite everything💔💔
I haven’t lost hope, but the war has worsened our situation, making it harder than I can handle alone. That’s why I’m reaching out for your help. Every donation can make a difference by providing food and clean water for my family👨‍👩‍👦‍👦
Thank you for any support you can offer🧡
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Help Maryams Family Reach Safety
Each day that the occupation continues is another day that Palestinians will need our help and support to see their land and people freed. I know you have seen many posts like this, but please, I ask you to take a moment out of your day to stop and read this one. Yusra and her family need your help. 🙏
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Yusra is a mother, and wants to get her and her daughter Maryam out of Gaza and into Egypt to be able to rebuild their lives. Her daughter was doing very well in school and had dreams and wishes for her life. Yusra was working hard, you can see her work in these pictures, to create a stable life for herself and her daughter.
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Yusra and Maryam are now forced to live in fear, first fleeing to Yusra's parents' home, then to multiple shelters, and being displaced to Rafah and most recently to Khan Younis. The family has been displaced four times in total, and under conditions where they have limited access to water, food, power, and internet, and while under the threat and fear of bombing and Israeli attacks.
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Can you imagine living with no access to basic necessities, while being terrified that you may not see tomorrow? Knowing that your child isn't safe, but being powerless to protect her? What crime have Yusra and Maryam committed? Any human being can recognize this injustice. Let your anger move you to make a difference, and contribute to Yusra's campaign. She worked hard to support her family and provide her daughter with a peaceful childhood, but after October, their hopeful future was stolen from them ... will you help them take it back?
$0 / $30,000 (new campaign!)
Verification: Yusra is a friend of Doaa @dodooomar, who is verified by 90-ghost here.
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another person has self-immolated in protest of the ongoing genocide happening in Palestine. his name is Matt Nelson, he self-immolated in front of the Israeli consulate in Boston, he is the 5th known person to have done this. Before he did this, he stated his intentions and reasoning in a Youtube video which has been reposted across several platforms and the condensed transcription is as following:
“My name is Matt Nelson and I'm about to engage in an extreme act of protest. We are all culpable in the ongoing genocide in Gaza […] We are slaves to capitalism and the military industrial complex. Most of us are too apathetic to care. The protest I'm about to engage in is a call to our government to stop suppling Israel with the money and weapons it uses to imprison and murder innocent Palestinians, to pressure Israel to end the genocide in Gaza, and to support the ICC indictment of Benjamin Netanyahu and other members of the Israeli government […] A democracy is supposed to serve the will of the people, not the interests of the wealthy. Take the power back. Free Palestine.”
Remember his face, remember his name. Free Palestine. 🇵🇸
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Please help❤️🙏
Hello everyone, I am Ahlam, 21 years old. My life before the war was simple, filled with ordinary dreams like any young woman my age. I envisioned a future full of the ability to help others. I lived with my family in a warm house full of love and security, thinking about how I could achieve my dreams and become an impactful person in society.
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But suddenly, everything changed. The war swept through our city like a relentless storm. In a single night, my home became just a memory, and the city I once knew crumbled before my eyes. The sound of planes and shells became the only thing people could hear. We tried to find shelter, a safe place to hide our dreams and lives, but the war followed us wherever we went.
We were forced to leave everything behind—the house, the memories, and even the university. We became displaced, homeless, with no destination, just trying to survive. I walked with my family through unfamiliar roads, searching for a place to take us in, trying to escape danger, running from one explosion to the next, from one ruin to another.
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The war didn't just destroy our city and homes, it destroyed our dreams. My dream of completing my studies became far out of reach, and every day, I feel hope slipping further away. But despite all this, something inside me refuses to give up. There is a desire to escape this reality and build a new life, a life worth living. I dream of continuing my education, I dream of standing on my own feet again and achieving the goal I was once striving for: to help others who have lived through the pain of war like me.
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I ask for your help, humbly. I can't get out of these circumstances on my own. The donations you gather will help me travel to a safe place where I can continue my studies and start a new life away from war and fear. The amount I'm asking for is the key to a new life, to the dream of becoming strong again and one day helping my family and community.
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Help me rebuild my life and become the person I dreamed of being. Every donation, no matter how small, is a step towards safety, a step towards a better future.
Thank you for reading my words. Many thanks and respect to you
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Hello, I am Hanan from Gaza. I am married and have three children. We escaped certain death four times, thank God. My house was destroyed and I and my children were left homeless. I ask for help, but it's not easy. Your donation will meet my needs. I need to buy a tent that costs $1,300 due to its high cost before winter and the extreme cold come so that we can cover the travel costs for me and my children and travel outside Gaza and live safely 🙏💔🇵 🇸🍉 Greetings via the link (please see my CV) My account has been verified by @90- ghost
@ibtisam @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vakarians-babe @7amaspayrollmanager @fairuzfakhira @fallahsart @sayruq @humanvoreture @kaapstadgirly @sar-soor @dimonds456-art @plomegranate @commissions4aid-international @nabulsi @stil-macher @soon-palestine @communitythings @palestinegenocide @vakarians-babe @ghost-and-a-half @7amaspayrollmanager @kaapstadgirly @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @marnota @toughknit @flower-tea-fairies @the-stray-liger @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vivisection-gf @communistchameleon @troythecatfish @the-bastard-king @4ft10tvlandfangirl
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🚨Help Mira family🍉🙏
Rasha Jamal Shamia and her husband Khalil Abu Samaan have two children, Mira Abu Samaan and Omar Abu Samaan. They are now in Gaza and have left their home and all their belongings in Gaza City to move to Rafah, but they cannot return to their home due to the occupation forces' siege of the northern areas. They are now in tents and have lost their children's future in terms of education and the opportunity for a decent life.
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My family is living in extreme danger due to the brutal bombing of their city. There are daily explosions and attacks. The city is no longer safe for them. My family has been unable to work for 11 months due to the war, and they are living on minimal food and water while constantly suffering from fear and shock from the attacks around them. Many in the family have medical needs, and their lives are at risk every moment. Prices have risen in Gaza, and they struggle daily to meet their basic needs.
My father, Jamal Shamia, is currently in Gaza, and his home was destroyed at the beginning of the war. We have lost security and peace. We have witnessed how a single rocket can destroy your entire life, both your past and your future. Our dreams have been shattered. Now the future is unknown and dark. There is no home, no basic life essentials, no job. We are now seeking to leave this country for a life abroad and to obtain security. We estimate our loss to be at least $50,000 to rebuild a home and start our lives anew.
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Ahmad Jamal Shamia resides in Gaza and is a third-year student in dental school. He lost his education due to the devastating war in Gaza. He was studying at Al-Azhar University in Gaza, and his home was destroyed in the war. He is currently suffering from moving from one temporary shelter to another. Ahmad was a diligent, ambitious, and creative student who ranked first in his class. He didn't limit himself to what he learned in university. He attended courses and workshops online with Egyptian doctors to learn more and excel in his field. He always sought excellence and worked hard for it, and he loved helping all students.
He now needs money to continue his education, which will cost him a lot of money since he will complete his studies in Egypt.
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The family is requesting help to cross the border into Egypt so they can begin rebuilding their lives. Time is of the essence! Help us transport them across the border to Egypt so we know they are safe from the increasing and indiscriminate attacks.
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I hope we can work together to help my family leave Gaza. Their escape from the difficulties will only be possible through this fundraising campaign. They are counting on us! Thank you for your support. Thank you for coming together
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@pcktknife @palestinegenocide @plomegranate @punkitt-is-here @northgazaupdates2 @el-shango-drew-and-shot @enabledseal @sar-soor @sayruq @helpingg @horrorhorizon @heydreamchild @terezbian @tamamita @everydaylouie @palipunk-blog @queerstudiesnatural @onedollopofsourcream @relevant @itslucyhenley @jackrackhams @just-british-things @junosaccount @what-even-is-thiss @wildandmoody @walaa @arabian-batboy @soon-palestine @gazafunds
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another account for me
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It's really just not fair how obviously the world devalues arab lives. All these news stories call the pager explosions as "impressive"... it's just not fair. I don't know how else to say it. It's not fair that arab deaths are celebrated on an international scale.
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PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (2005) dir. Joe Wright
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I hope the "I don't know anything about stuff that's not immediately relevant to my life as a white American citizen" crowd knows that the reason they're so ignorant of everyone else isn't because of you people's education system, bad as it objectively is.
It's because you're gleefully compliant of white US culture, which deems the lives of the global south as inherently worthless, meaningless and useless, so you have no interest in us or how we're constantly sacrificed in flesh and blood so that you can have bananas for cheap and new iPhone releases.
Lack of knowledge is a neutral thing, everyone lacks knowledge in a myriad of subjects.
Complete disinterest in anyone but yourselves? No matter how dependent your luxuries are on our suffering? That isn't neutral, it's legitimately evil and absolutely on you and further proof of your (lack of) ethics and humanity.
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In the heart of war-torn Gaza, where devastation and loss have become daily realities, lies the poignant story of Amjad Danaf and his family. Amid relentless airstrikes,And it wasn’t just my home that was destroyed. Years of effort and dedication were wasted in moments, and here I am standing in the ruins of my home, as I stand in the ruins of my life, trying to collect the remains of my dreams and memories. This house was a source of safety for me and my family, but the war left us nothing, and we face an ambiguous and difficult future.
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Now, after all this destruction, my family and I live as displaced people, homeless and unemployed, with no clear future for us. Every day is a struggle to find food for my family, who have been deprived of every chance at a normal life by this war. Once upon a time, we lived in Gaza, in northern Gaza, where we had a home, a life,But now, after being displaced more than nine times, we find ourselves in the refugee camps in Deir al-Balah, and the war has stripped us of everything: our homeland, our security, and our future. Our daily lives have become a constant search for basic necessities, a far cry from the life we ​​knew before.
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The dreams I had for my family now seem like distant memories, overshadowed by the relentless challenges of survival. Each day brings new doubts, as we navigate this harsh new reality, clinging to the hope that one day we may be able to rebuild what we have lost.We urgently call on everyone who stands in solidarity with us, and every supporter, to help save what remains of our lives. Your help, even in small ways, can make a big difference in helping us rebuild and restore our broken world. Rebuilding seems like an insurmountable task, but with your help, we can begin to piece together what we have lost. Your contributions, no matter how small, can provide the foundation we need to start over, and provide hope and a chance for a better future for our family. Your solidarity means the world to us as we face these difficult times.
Thank you for your compassion, your time, and your commitment to freedom and justice.
@sar-soor r @appsa @akajustmerry @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @el-shab-hussein @sayruq @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @7bitter @riding-with-the-wild-hunt wild-hunt @vivisectionmoth @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @ibtisams @animentality @kordeliiius @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @ot3 @the-bastard-king @pcktknife @4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural al @northgazaupdates2 2 @90-ghost @skatehan @awetistic-things @baby-girl-aaron-dessner
@variantsofblue @schoolhater @thedigitalbard @socalgal @paper-mario-wiki @ibtisams @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @nabulsi @lesbianmaxevans @crapscicle @transmutationisms @buttercuparry @malcriada
@dlxxv-vetted-donations @mangocheesecakes @thatdiabolicalfeminist
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🚨🚨Urgent Help to Save My Family in Gaza🚨🚨
For the 325th day of the ongoing genocide, I am facing a suffocating crisis. My wife is suffering from hepatitis due to contaminated food and water, and my little daughter is dealing with rashes caused by extreme heat and malnutrition.
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In these difficult times, no one can imagine the extent of the suffering we are going through. We are in desperate need of food, clean water, and medications that could save my family's lives.
To support and help , share, please click on the donation link:
Be the reason for saving my family. Thank you for your cooperation.
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My name is Aya, I'm 29 years old. I'm married to Jihad, who is 32, and we have three beautiful children: Abdelrahman (7 years old), Jori (5 years old), and Adam (2 years old). We live in the northern part of Gaza.
Abdelrahman, Adam, and Jori are the heartbeat of my heart and the light of my life.
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Abdelrahman: the lion of the house, the helpful and loving boy to his siblings and family.
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Jori: my beloved girl, the one closest to my heart, and my little mini-me.
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Adam: my little hero and my spoiled child.
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Since the onset of the latest war in Gaza, our home has been completely destroyed, forcing us into displacement. We’ve had to move more than thirteen times in search of safety. During this harrowing journey, we faced severe hunger and malnutrition that nearly took my life and the lives of my children. Additionally, we were exposed to numerous contagious diseases and dangerous epidemics.
Before: This is our home, our dream, and our promising future.
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My children have to travel long distances just to get water and stand in line for hours to get food. Their mental health has been shattered by the war, their education has come to a halt, and they have suffered from catastrophic hunger that almost claimed their lives.
After: This is our home, built with our sweat and effort, and it has been completely destroyed.
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The Right to a Peaceful Life
My children deserve to live a peaceful life free from fear and anxiety. I dream of your help to support my family and escape this genocide. Your assistance means the world to me and my children.
Your donations can be a beacon of hope for us. Every dollar can help save my children's lives and give them a chance to live in peace. Your prayers for us to overcome this ordeal and lift the siege are greatly needed.
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Trapped family in Gaza appeals for help to survive🆘🆘🍉
I am Monis from Gaza, from a family of 8, I am a cancer patient and my wife is a liver patient
I need to receive treatment quickly, but I cannot because of the war on Gaza. The health situation is very difficult, and I need your help to travel outside Gaza and receive treatment for cancer،
I we have nothing left and are unable to secure our basic needs such as food, water and safe shelter، I cannot provide young children with clothes or anything to make them forget the cruelty of war، Winter is coming and I am unable My family's needs
is our story - On October 7, our lives changed forever. My family and I left our home to southern Gaza, hoping to return soon, but that did not happen. Our home was surrounded and then completely destroyed. Our home, which was once a bastion of hope, is now in ruins, a stark reminder of our shattered dreams.
I appeal to the entire world to hear my and my family's sad cries in Gaza. We need a helping hand to In leaving Gaza and receiving treatment for cancer, I hope you will help me
The goal of the donation campaign is to help us secure livelihoods by providing food, water, and shelter (a place to sleep). I am a cancer patient. Medicines must be provided to receive treatment as soon as possible. Medicines are not available in Gaza due to the war. We must travel abroad. The situation is difficult. I want you to help us. I hope so. From you and thank you
If each person gave $10, you would help us live in the difficult conditions in Gaza
The most difficult decision for us was to leave our country, to leave Gaza, overcome the obstacles we faced and the losses we suffered, and begin a new life from scratch.
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Help us save our lives from the scourge of war in Gaza 🍉
From October 2023
The cost of living has risen dramatically and means of subsistence have become scarce. We can't even get drinking water or food.
We collect these donations to provide the minimum basic needs of life and help create safety and peace for me and my family who do not deserve to live in such horrific situations.
Please donate if you can! Support, participate strongly
Current progress: €3,180/€40,000
The campaign was documented by @90-ghost.
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