clumsy-medic 3 years
Hello all,
Its been a while. I don't even know if all the people I used to follow few years ago still post in here. But I feel like I need to get back in here. Posting here was not only great for my mental health but also felt like I was part of a little community. So, who else is still here?
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clumsy-medic 3 years
Hey lovely, I hope you鈥檙e doing great and having a good day.. I wanted to ask if MRCS is important to get into ST3
So I don't know when you sent this but if you want to get into a surgical ST3 MRCS is compulsory. Hope this helps. x
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clumsy-medic 4 years
Can't unsee this now
the number 87 kinda looks like a plague doctor
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clumsy-medic 4 years
Surgery is amazing. I love surgery. That is all.
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clumsy-medic 4 years
This made me almost well up. And Pasta!
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We鈥檙e not trapped in here with the coronavirus. The coronavirus is trapped in here with us.
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clumsy-medic 4 years
I'm in the same boat. Been symptomatic and in isolation for 7 days now and constantly feel guilt for not being at work helping out. We should start testing soonish though apparently.
Shocking no one, my result isn鈥檛 back yet. At this rate I鈥檒l be halfway through quarantine before I get a result.
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clumsy-medic 4 years
You know guys, due to all the burn out, I had forgotten how much I loved leaning me and interesting things. Sand now that I have my mojo back, I am loving learning all the new things as well.
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clumsy-medic 4 years
Friends, I'm not going to lie, things haven't been good. I'm into day 6 of self isolation. Symptoms improved around day 4 then got worse again today. I have now developed SOB.
How are the rest of us doing?
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clumsy-medic 4 years
So I've been self isolating for about 5 days now, didn't tell the parents until the fever and SOB subsided to not cause panic. Now all hell has broken loose and we (me and the hubby) have spent much of our days talking to family calling from far and wide (and some very keen family friends) trying to convince them that we are in fact alright and not getting intubated and dying. Some of them legit tried to tell me not to go back to the hospital (????) And I was just like, you do realise that I'm a doctor and I can't just chose to panic and save my skin in the midst of a pandemic.
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clumsy-medic 4 years
Currently self isolating and my cousin bought us a huge amount of fresh fruits and vegetables and it was hugely appreciated.
NHS workers
We came home today to find our friend had gone and done a big food shop for us! My boyfriend and I are both doctors, and have found it hard to buy/find food alongside our shifts, so this is a huge relief. If you鈥檙e bored at home and have nothing to do, don鈥檛 forget to ask your NHS/healthcare friends if they need any help, it鈥檚 much appreciated <3聽
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clumsy-medic 5 years
Or worse, an orthopaedic surgeon.
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#coronavirusmemes #covid19 #medicalhumor #medicalmemes #gynecologists #gynaecologists #gynecology #obgyn #doctors #medicalstudents #acog #stayhome Message to credit this properly! https://www.instagram.com/p/B97sVenBwP4/?igshid=nu8l3301pouw
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clumsy-medic 5 years
My nutrition knowledge extends as far as telling my haemorrhoid patients to drink 2L of water a day and food high in fibre ( the well memorised piles speech). Beyond that, I know nothing.
I've noticed that it's usually our family members more than patients who expect the doctor in the family to know what's best to eat.
PSA - I don鈥檛 know nutrition
It鈥檚 weird, I think one of the common misconceptions about doctors is that we鈥檙e experts in nutrition. No, we鈥檙e really not - that鈥檚 why we have dieticians and nutritionists! I think I had like one lecture on it in med school. We learn bits and bobs along the way, for example sources of B12 and where it鈥檚 absorbed, but it鈥檚 mostly in the context of disease (I.e pernicious anaemia).
So no, I鈥檓 not really any more qualified than the average person to tell you if one diet is better than another or what foods are healthiest. Just putting it out there for people who might not be aware.
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clumsy-medic 5 years
As a surgical trainee, a huge shout out to the medical team and the ICU team for handling the lion's share of this crisis and being patient with your clueless colleagues, to the mechanics who keep the place running, the IT staff trying to cope with new and unprecedented demands, clerical staff, pharmacists, the janitors, the cleaners, the cafeteria staff keeping us fed.
If any nurses/retail workers/doctors/... are following me, I just want to thank you all for your service. I know you're overworked and probably underpaid, but without you, this outbreak would be even worse.
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clumsy-medic 5 years
Constantly on the verge of tears.
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clumsy-medic 5 years
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clumsy-medic 5 years
I may legally be an adult but don鈥檛 be fooled, I have no idea what the hell im doing
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clumsy-medic 5 years
"I know what's goin' on in your head, yeah"
It's like I'm trying to manipulate death
your last words before you die are the 3rd line of the last song you listened to. what are we saying ladies?
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