Thank you!
Thank you all for participating in the first Criminal Minds Holiday Gift Exchange!! I'll be keeping this account live/active for the foreseeable future, and hopefully we can do this again next year! <3
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Merry Christmas, @masterwords! I hope some cozy old men cuddling together in their retirement will make you smile <3
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the most wonderful time of the year
Here’s my gift for @fightingdragonswithreid! I hope you like it! I tried to make it as fluffy as possible <3
This is a one shot for the 2021 Criminal Minds Holiday Gift Exchange;@cm-2021-giftexchange put together by the wonderful @ssa-sarahsunshine
Pairing: Gen
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.4K
Summary: Spencer Reid loves his team, his family. He’s only been on the team for a little over a year and he want’s to show them how much he appreciates them and what better time to do that than Christmas?
the most wonderful time of the year
His hands shook as he carefully wrapped the small parcel in the shiny green paper that he’d picked up at the dollar store almost two months ago. The smiling faces of the stubby snowmen decorating the paper seemed to be judging him, asking him do you really think this is a good idea? That they actually care enough about you to WANT something like this from you? These lines had run through his numerous times over the past few weeks, as the days drew closer to the dreaded day. December 23rd. The last day before the team’s mandatory leave kicked in and everyone could go home to their families to celebrate the holidays without fear of being ripped away to chase serial killers. The last day Spencer Reid had to finally buck up the courage and gift his friends—his family—the gifts that he’s been stressing over for past TWO months. He felt pathetic. To be overcome by the fear of rejection. Over Christmas gifts, of all things.
But that’s the thing. For Spencer Reid, these were much more than just any Christmas gifts.
Folding the last corner of the paper to completely encase the small box in the judgmental snowmen, Spencer set the small parcel on top of the pile of similarly wrapped presents before sighing. Glancing at his watch and then back down at the pile, he stood up and quickly stuffed them in his satchel before he could change his mind and quickly left to head into work.
Lost in his thoughts as he stood in the fairly empty train car—holiday break started a few days ago for most people, but the BAU isn’t most people—he felt himself remembering the past years of Christmas. Mostly, he remembered the aching loneliness he felt each year as his father and mother grew distant and the strain of his mother’s illness on his family manifested like an uncomfortable wet blanket on his shoulders—cold and heavy, dragging him down into the uncomfortable reality of his world.
In other words, he hasn’t celebrated Christmas in a long time. He still bought his mother gifts—books and journals that he sends to her each year—but most of the time she doesn’t even remember where she got them. He’s okay with that though, because she knows she got that from someone which gives her the knowledge that there is someone out there who cares, and that’s all he can hope for, for her.
This was the first year Spencer himself has received a Christmas gift since he was child. He joined the BAU only a month before Christmas last year, and no one knew him well enough—besides Gideon, who wasn’t really into Christmas to begin with (something about dealing with too much murder around the holiday—Spencer just thinks he’s a bit of scrooge)—to get him a gift and vis versa. Now, however, they’ve all gotten to know each other, to become each other’s family to the point where they’re around each other more often than not.
He’s received a pair of homemade mittens and hat from Penelope, made with material that wont bother him and make him itch, who noticed him shivering uncontrollably on a case they had in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan during the winter that she accompanied them to. Morgan bought him tickets to a movie festival during the summer that highlights some of Spencer’s favorite foreign films and a promise to go with him and let him ramble with no judgement. JJ got him some real pots and pans (he suspects this was gifted out concern when she came over and realized his kitchen supplies consisted of one banged up sauce pan, a slightly melted stirring spoon, and a single cookie sheet). Elle got him a years subscription to several academic journals that he’s been dying to read (he may have been in the FBI for a year now, but he’s still trying to recover financially from caring from his mother, moving, and living expenses. He hasn’t saved up enough to indulge in extra expenses yet). Hotch, in a surprisingly thoughtful move from their rather stoic boss (although Spencer is learning he has a deep soft spot for his team—Morgan teases him that he’s clearly the favorite, Spencer isn’t sure about that but it does make him inordinately more fond of his boss), invited him for Christmas dinner, stating Haley would love to have him. He accepted after much persistence and persuasion (“I don’t want to intrude—nonsense, I invited you. You’re family after all.”). And, despite his insistent disregard for the holiday, Gideon pulled him aside one day last week and presented him with a ticket back home to visit his mom in March (he’s not afraid to admit he sobbed).
So, all in all, Spencer felt like he wanted to show the team how much he appreciated them and loved them. Hence, the small gifts that sat in his bag, branding him with nerves.
He walked into the bullpen, immediately greeted from all directions
“Pretty boy! Merry Christmas! Got any plans?”
“Well, Hotch invited me to his—” Spencer tried to respond, before the bright and bubbly voice of Penelope Garcia wrang through the pen.
“187! What are you doing without your festive gear! What are you, the grinch?” Penelope stated in a rendition of an angry voice, angry if it were anyone but Penelope Garcia that is, as she stormed down the stairs towards him before plopping a bright red monstrosity of a Santa hat on him. Flashing lights and all.
“There. Perfect, now your as festive on the outside as I know you are on the inside” She said with a bright smile.
“Thanks Garcia.”
The day proceeded normally after that; the team worked on paperwork until the end of the day. As the clock struck 5 O’clock Hotch came out and announced it was time to go home and wished everyone a happy holiday, but before they could leave—
“Wait! Before you go, I have something for you all!” Spencer blurted out, before he could chicken out.
They all stopped and turned towards him. He carefully passed out the small gifts until each person had their own.
He quickly tried to explain “I know it’s not much, and I understand if you don’t like it, but I really wanted to show you all how much I appreciate you and love you guys and you guys are like my family and I haven’t had that in a long time and I get if you don’t feel—” “Reid! Calm down, I’m sure we’ll love it, but we have to open it first. And regardless of what it is, you should know we ALL feel the same way about you. We love you too, genius.” Elle interrupted him, smiling fondly.
They each opened their gifts carefully as Spencer waited with bated breath for their reactions. He heard a small gasp come from Penelope—“Oh boy wonder! How could you ever think we wouldn’t love this?” she sniffled with murmured agreements from the rest of the group. She held up the small string, a small little ornament hung from the red ribbon. It was in the shape of a star, nor more than three inches long. Each was made with hand blown glass he has special ordered from a small shop he found while window shopping one evening. In the center of the ornament was a photo of the team and their families squished together during one of their many team dinners over the past year. Spencer loved this photo, it was one of the few times everyone on the team was able to make it to dinner and it was such a good night, Spencer remembers it being one the first times he smiled genuinely for a photo in a long time.
Below the photo, the word “family” was carved delicately into the glass in a beautiful flowing script. Another personal touch he had personally customized.
“I just wanted you to know that I think of you all as family, and I thought an ornament would be a good way to show that, because this is the first Christmas in a long time where I’ve really felt happy and I wanted to remember it for forever.” He said nervously, trying to make eye contact with everyone to show the sincerity of his feelings.
“Oh pretty boy, we could never forget this. And you’ll ALWAYS be family to us, never doubt that.” Morgan said, with suspiciously wet eyes as the rest of team nodded their agreement.”
And as they left the building, Hotch grabbed Spencer’s arm and quietly spoke to him “Reid, this dinner wasn’t a one-off thing, you’re always invited for dinner, lunch, breakfast, whenever really. Not just this holiday. Please, know that.”
Spencer felt his throat tighten before clearing his throat and saying “I know now, thank you. I’ll see you on Christmas?”
“See you then, Reid.”
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Prospero año y felicidad
Pairing: Luke Alvez x Spencer Reid
Warnings: None that I can think of! (let me know if there is one, though). Fluff.
Word Count: 2.1k
Prompt: Cold Weather Cuteness.
Summary: Spencer Reid has never had a midnight kiss at New Year’s Eve. Luke Alvez wants to change that.
Author’s note: This one shot is part of the 2021 Criminal Minds Holiday Gift Exchange (@cm-2021-giftexchange) hosted by @ssa-sarahsunshine!
My gift is for @foggyblues-ralvez: I hope I did it justice, friend 💕 Also, hope you have a happy 2022!
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Spencer Reid loves his job. Most of the time.
First of all, he has the chance to do something good and change lives. Second, he works with fantastic people and experiences new things most of the time. He can be gathering evidence or working undercover one day and testifying in court the next one. He gets to put all his knowledge into use. All in all, joining the FBI was one of the best decisions he’s ever made.
One thing he hates, though, is how unpredictable his work schedule is. He hates the fact that time has lost all meaning to him.
Crime never takes the day off. It doesn’t recognize birthdays, kids’ baseball games and school plays, anniversaries or holidays. Crime occurs whenever and wherever it desires.
Of course, like any other federal job, FBI agents who are required to work on a holiday receive their rate of basic pay, plus holiday premium pay, for each hour of work they do. If Spencer were were a greedier man, maybe that would be something that motivates him to work during the holidays.
But Spencer Reid didn't think about money when he decided to join the FBI, and he certainly doesn't think about money when the BAU is solving cases. No, he chose this job to try and change the world for the better.
Sure, for someone who grew up in suburban Las Vegas, eating frozen meals, buying second-hand clothes, and having to take out student loans for tuition, it's nice to have a little money to spare at the end of the month.
But with all those perks came an immense amount of drawbacks. It takes a very particular kind of person to sacrifice personal time with family and friends in favor of spending time at work. Either someone who is married to the job, even if in detriment of their personal life, or people who are quite lonely to begin with, and have no personal life to get in the way of the work in the first place. There are cases that pull him away from home for weeks on end, there are last minute life-threatening emergencies, there are sleepless nights and long, intense, office hours.
He knew it would be like that when he took the job. It still doesn’t make things any easier. Nothing prepared him for how lonely holidays spent working would be.
So now, as the team is stuck in the middle of case during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, he has to admit that working on New Year’s is a very interesting experience.
The last time they had to go out into the field during the holidays was a couple years ago. It was actually not bad at all. They managed to get some food and drinks delivered to their hotel, throughout the night everyone was smiling and happy, and the team actually got the chance to sleep in during the next day (which is a rarity).
Today, though, things are very different.
The team has been stuck in the same case over the past few days, a double homicide in a one-gas-station town in North Dakota. The profile has changed twice during the course of the investigation and they’re still far from finding the person behind it. The whole affair is horrible.
Not to mention the weather is not on their side either. It is cold outside. Not your regular winter, no. We’re talking pipe freezing cold, temperatures no human being is prepared to endure.
He can feel his lips, nose and cheeks get chapped because of it. Thankfully, the coffee maker at the police station has been working nonstop ever since they landed and he gets to have a warm cup of coffees every couple of hours.
But the snow interferes in the investigation, closing down roads, destroying evidence, making everything go ten times slower than it usually be. They eventually catch the person responsible, but not before Spencer has exhausted all his energy.
By the time the clock hits 11 P.M. and the cases is finally from over, he just hopes that they get back to their hotel before midnight, because a good night of sleep is about what he can ask for at this point. Also for the sake of his sanity, he really hopes they get to go home tomorrow morning. If he ever complained about winter in D.C., he promises to never do it again.
The team, of course, has other plans. Emily gather all of them inside a conference room, and he can feel all of the team’s morale go down as they all prepare to be pulled away for another case.
“Guys, I’ve gathered all of you here to talk about something very important.” Emily begins, stone-faced. Spencer feels his shoulders tense with apprehension.
She continues: “And that is, that we’re all going to have a tiny get together with some guys from the local P.D., so, as Unit Chief, I am ordering all of you to have a few hours of fun. It’s New Year’s Eve, guys! Let’s let loose.” Emily says, a wide smile appearing on her face.
JJ and Matt seem relieved, going outside and calling their families in an instant. Rossi and Tara are way too focused on where they will find a bottle of champagne when most stores in town are closed.
And there’s Luke, standing in the corner.
His coworker. His friend. His crush.
Luke is great. He’s nice, caring, fiercely dedicated to his job and a great person all around. Luke is the one who actually listens to Spencer ramble for hours about his favorite book or show or song and never asks him to stop, not even once. He’s the one that helped Spencer get through all that happened in Mexico and during the time spent in prison. He’s the one that makes sure to include Spencer in every conversation. He’s the best.
Sometimes, Spencer wonders if he imagines things, because Luke has brushed his hand against him, put his hands on Spencer’s shoulder and hugged him more times than any straight man would.
He knows sexuality is complicated, and labels can't possibly encompass all of the intricacies of individual human desire. But still, Spencer is convinced there’s no way Luke is into him. Sure, the team suspects Spencer isn’t straight and he knows that it won’t be a problem, as a few other members aren’t either. But he’s ever only seen Luke date women, and beautiful women at that. So Spencer wants to do everything to make sure Luke never feels any discomfort around him.
So, he’s tried ignoring it. He’s tried using his big powerful brain to clean all feelings he has for Luke. But Spencer is embarrassed to admit that he’s caught himself time and time again thinking about the man with fondness. Of course, he would never admit this. Only a fool would fall in love with a coworker and a straight man on top of it. Luke doesn’t know and Spencer is fine with mostly pining away in secret.
“So, Reid, ready to party?” Luke asks.
Spencer nods, immediately regretting it, because he knows he’ll have to stick around and see Luke flirting with someone else.
Hours later, and the small party is occurring inside the police department. He watches the team for a while: the group of colleagues turned to friends turned to found family. They’re all laughing and joking, drinking cheap champagne from paper cups. Some of the local police force have joined them, taking off their uniforms for a few hours.
He can see Prentiss shamelessly flirting with an official who looks as if she wants to take her home. David is off in some corner sharing stories about his career to a couple of wide eyed cops, who look to be fresh out of the academy. Tara is playing ping pong with Matt, while JJ is in some random room trying to video chat with her boys, even if the internet connection is less than ideal. Luke is talking to a tall brunette, because, of course he is.
Spencer loses all interest in the conversation he’s having with the medical examiner right now, who apparently decided Spencer would be interested in hearing all details about all the crimes that have happened in the town during the past three decades. He, though, finds his eyes are fixated on Luke.
He wishes he didn’t feel so strongly about seeing him with someone else. But he does. He knows it’s wrong, but he can’t help it. A twinge of jealousy pulls at his heart as the brunette puts her arm of Luke’s bicep. The part he hates the most is knowing that all his team members will get a midnight kiss from someone, except him.
Spencer clears his throat, dismissing the medic who is too absorbed in his recounting of the gruesome deaths to even notice, “I will be right back, I need to go get some fresh air.” He puts down his paper cup, making his way outside, sitting in the roof of one of the cars.
He might hate being cold, but the snowy landscape proves to be a calming sight to him. Everywhere he can see is covered in white, and he looks into the trees that surround the police station, he begins to mentally identify them. Pinus strobus. Pinus palustris. Pinus ponderosa.
He’s absorbed trying to decide if that is a Pinus lambertiana or a Pinus monticola to notice someone coming out of the station and walking towards him.
When he looks up, Luke Alvez is there, standing in front of him. Spencer waits a few seconds for him to say something.
“Are you okay, Reid?”
“Uh-huh.” Spencer answers, not sure what to say.
“Are you sure? Is something wrong?"
“No, nothing’s wrong.”
“Then what is it?”
“I just... It’s stupid, never mind.”
"Well, whatever it is, it’s clearly bothering you so much that you're risking getting hypothermia. So, tell me."
“Okay, um… How do I put this?" Spencer tries to carefully chose what he's going to say, as not to give himself away. "New Year’s Eve is not as nice if you’re spending it without a loved one.”
“So, are you out here because you’re sad about not getting a kiss at midnight?” Luke gives him a weird look. Like he's expecting a certain answer from him, but Spencer, for the life of him, doesn't know what it is. He choses to stick with the truth.
“It's not just that. I’ve never had a New Year’s kiss.” Spencer admits.
"There's never been a girl…” There's again, that strange expression in Luke’s face. Spencer remains perplexed, not knowing where this conversation is heading. “Or a boy… or anyone you wanted to kiss?"
“Not really. I mean, most of the time I spent New Year’s with my mom, and sure, she’d give me a kiss in the cheek, but I don’t think those really count. And in the last few years I’ve either spent it working or alone in my apartment.”
“So, the brilliant Spencer Reid has never had a midnight kiss?”
“I could be your first New Year’s kiss.”
Spencer swears that in that moment he feels all the air leave his body. He looks to Luke to gauge if he’s joking, but the other men is looking at him with a serious expression.
“You don’t have to! Forget about it, it’s just a stupid kiss, it’s really not mandatory.” Spencer laughs nervously, trying to hide how his heart is beating a million times per minute.
“I’m serious, I’ll be your midnight kiss.” Luke says, getting closer to him.
He can hear the countdown to midnight start inside.
“Wait.” He puts his palm against Luke’s chest. “I don’t think I want a kiss from you if it doesn’t mean anything. Is this something you actually want, or is this just out of pity?””
“Damn, Spencer, for a profiler you’re really slow.”
“What do you mean?” Spencer asks, confused.
“I’ve trying to tell you for months that I’m in love with you!”
He seems sincere, and that is good enough for Spencer.
Spencer opens his mouth to say something but that is the moment that he feels a hand wrap around his waist, bringing him closer.
“Can i kiss you?” Luke asks, searching for an answer inside Spencer’s eyes.
Spencer is too stunned to speak, so he just nods.
“Feliz año nuevo.” Luke whispers, before closing the gap between them.
The world seems to turn upside down as he crashes his warm mouth against Spencer’s icy lips. People are cheering inside, but Spencer really can’t hear what they are saying because he is too focused on the fact that Luke Alvez is kissing him.
“Happy New Year,” Spencer smiles and leans down again, kissing him one more time but deeper, more confidently.
“I thought you were just avoiding me all this time.” Luke confesses when the kiss is over.
“What? No! I thought you weren’t into guys, so I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Oh. Well, I’m into guys… and girls. Is that a problem?”
“Not at all. I like both, too. And… I’m also in love with you, Luke.”
“That’s good. And just to be clear, I would've still kissed you to be honest, past midnight or not."
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2021 Criminal Minds Holiday Fic Exchange
My gift for @sbeno22 for the @cm-2021-giftexchange​
Hotch & Reid & the BAU family. CM Season 2 Christmas. First fanfic I’ve ever written, so hopefully not too bad.
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Reid was standing on the porch looking out into the darkness of the Hotchners’ back yard. Just a few hours before, they’d all been out here to watch Jack make his first acquaintance with snow. There was really only the faintest dusting, nothing substantial to attempt a snowman, but the imprints from the 14month old’s tiny boots could still be seen crisscrossing everywhere.
As Haley was putting Jack to bed and Hotch was taking care of the refills, Reid had snuck out for a moment of quiet. Hotch had invited them all to his house for a small Christmas party, nothing fancy, just Christmas sweaters & mashed potatoes & cookies & eggnog. An opportunity to get together outside of work. Gideon of course had copped out, wanting nothing more than some solitude at his cabin. But the rest of their BAU family was all here, including Haley and Jack. They’d opened Secret Santa gifts, entertained Jack and shared a wonderful dinner.
A regular heartwarming Christmas family get-together.
And he’d enjoyed it, was enjoying it…. until it got to be too much.
The contrast too big.
So here he was, standing on the back deck, hands in his pockets, feeling his toes go numb and sending out little white puffs of breath.
Reid has been outside for a good five minutes when he hears the latch of the fly door, the slight creaking of the wooden porch beneath him, then Hotch is at his side.
“You okay?” Hotch asks quietly, unsure of why Reid would be out here in the bitter cold.
“It’s surreal,” Reid replies, barely a whisper.
Hotch looks out over the back yard at what could have caught the interest of the genius’s mind. “What…. snow?” he prompts hesitantly. “I know you’ve seen plenty of it by now, maybe even in Vegas?”
But there is no reply from Reid. As if he isn’t even hearing him. He just keeps gazing out into the dark. Hotch looks closer, trying to decipher what brought the kid out here. Shoulders slumped and staring at some far of point, but he’s clearly only seeing things from inside his own mind. And from what little he can see of Reid’s face in the soft glow of the moonlight, there’s an air of sadness about him.
Reid looks down, starts scuffing the tip of his Converse through the snow at his feet.
“We never…..I mean.….she….” comes haltingly.
Then Reid goes quiet again. It’s so out of character for the rambling genius. But as the silence stretches, he seems to make up his mind, evidenced by the deep breath followed by the tightening set of his shoulders.
“You were there during the Fisher King case, you’ve met my mother.” Reid chances a quick glance at Hotch, then looks back out into the open. He can’t keep his hands still anymore and starts nervously playing with some loose threads on his reindeer sweater.
“Christmas was never like this. Christmas has never been like this.”
“I know I grew up in an unusual household, that I’ve flown through life’s phases so far - too fast, too young. And don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for where I’ve ended up, for the opportunities the FBI has given me.”
“But being here, seeing Haley’s and your love for Jack, the warmth and the kindness and ….”
“It’s surreal.”
“And I don’t want to go down the road of melancholy and what could have beens, but being confronted so directly, the contrast is overwhelming.”
Reid let’s out a crooked smile, but there’s such a loneliness about him, that Hotch can’t leave it at this. He reaches out, lightly grabs Reid’s elbow. Now he can feel the slight tremors running through his thin frame.
He understands exactly where Reid is coming from, even if Reid doesn’t know it. His childhood holidays had been a combination of forced cheerfulness and fear. It had taken until his college days and his first Christmas at Haley’s parents’ home to experience the warmth of a family holiday. And he’d been just as overwhelmed and uncomfortable then, as Reid is now.
Maybe it was even part of the reason why he’d thrown the party in the first place. Because on an unconscious level, he had known the genius needed to experience that he wasn’t alone anymore. That he was part of this BAU family now. And while he was sure Reid knew that all of them would always have his back during a case, he probably still had no idea as to the depth of their love for him as a person.
With a slight tug at the elbow, he forces Reid to turn towards him. Then he moves his hand and gently takes a hold of Reid’s shoulder. At the first touch he’d tensed, but now he feels Reid leaning into his hold. But he still won’t meet his gaze.
“I’m sorry” comes quietly after a moment, “I shouldn’t – you made all this effort…”
But Hotch has to cut him off there. He won’t let Reid feel guilty for the consequences of a difficult childhood that he’d had no control over.
“Hey – Reid – no ” He squeezes the kid’s shoulder, trying to convey his message through touch alone.
“I know you’ve been isolated most of your life. That being part of this team of people who care about you, not just your brain, but you, is confusing, painful even. But you won’t always feel this way.”
“And in the mean time just know that I – we – are here for you.”
Reid finally looks up at that. Hotch can see the glistening in his eyes, that Reid is close to tears. But in situations like this, Hotch is a man of few words. And so he moves his hand to the back of Reid’s neck, and gently pulls him in for the hug he knows the touch-starved genius so desperately needs. Feels him melt into him and tightens his hold. Looking over Reid’s shoulder, he catches Morgan’s worried gaze through the window and shoots him a silent it’s okay.
After barely a minute, that feels more like five, he releases his hold on Reid. The kid’s cheeks flush with embarrassment and he stammers out a quiet “Thank you”.
Hotch sends him a soft smile, then turns his searching gaze on Reid’s demeanor, seeing the open vulnerability. He’ll give him another moment to resurrect his front of happiness before he has to face the others.
“Don’t be too long. Apparently Prentiss brought board games and I need an ally to wipe that smirk off her face.”
With that he turns and heads back into the house, hoping that Reid will at least take some comfort from their care and affection, even if it may take years for him to trust and accept their unconditional love.
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I present my gift to @eldrai for the @cm-2021-giftexchange! Happy Solstice <3
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Relationship: The BAU Team & Aaron Hotchner
Summary: Aaron Hotchner expects to wallow in misery and loneliness after being discharged from the hospital following Foyet’s attack. Then Reid shows up. Then Prentiss. Then Morgan and Garcia and JJ and –  “I need more chairs,“ Aaron mutters.
Inspired By: Found Family following Foyet’s attack
Wordcount: 3.4k
After he’s discharged from the hospital, Aaron sits in his car for a solid five minutes before he remembers where to go. Instinct would turn him home, but home is gone now, stolen by long working hours and the threats of a bloodthirsty serial killer. Professional pride would send him to the office, except he’s pretty sure his team stole his badge to prevent him from working during leave. Boredom would send him to the gym or the trails for a run to burn off energy, but his doctor’s strict instructions for rest still are ringing in his ears, and even getting into the car sent stabbing pains radiating up and down his chest.
This is how Aaron ends up in his apartment, sprawled on the couch. He knows he has to do things: eventually take his medication, probably make sure he didn’t tear any stitches, definitely make calls to get a security system installed. But he can’t muster the motivation to even look at his phone.
How can he, when only three feet over is a faded bloodstain that makes the memories of George Foyet come right back?
Continue Reading On AO3
Find me elsewhere: [Pillowfort as TheSilverQueen] [Twitter as SilverQueenLady] [Dreamwidth as thesilverqueenlady]
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This is for @spence-der - happy holidays!! you asked for some Spencer and Ethan in 2x18 so I hope you like this! Wishing you an amazing holiday season!
And thank you so much @ssa-sarahsunshine for organising this swap, it was such a sweet idea and I hope you have a fantastic holiday season as well! @cm-2021-giftexchange
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2021 Holiday Gift Exchange!!
This is a gift for @hallowdiamond hope you like this drawing of Emily! Thanks @ssa-sarahsunshine for putting the whole gift exchange thing together
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2021 Holiday Gift Exchange! 🎁
Rossi: My wife always said I had a flare for the dramatic. Hotch: Which one? Rossi: All of them...
🎁 For @dreamyorion84, who asked for a Hotch and Rossi friendship gif or pic compilation! Showing the BAU's resident dads some love, we love to see it!! Thank you @ssa-sarahsunshine for putting this gift swap together! @cm-2021-giftexchange 🎁
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our troubles will be miles away (HotchReid)
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Summary: It's Aaron and Spencer's first Christmas together, and Spencer and Jack pull off a Christmas Eve Heist to remember.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Aaron Hotchner
Category: Fluff, a tiny bit of angst
Warnings: Christmas, Mentions of Haley's Death, Brief Mention of the Tobias Hankel Incident (like 2 sentences)
Word Count: 5k
A/N: This is a gift for @physics-magic as a part of the Criminal Minds Holiday Gift Exchange. You asked for HotchReid fluff with optional hurt/comfort, and I did my very best to inject all the fluff possible with a splash of some emotional comfort between our favorite boys. I hope you enjoy this as much as I've enjoyed writing it. Thank you again to @ssa-sarahsunshine for putting this gift swap together! @cm-2021-giftexchange
Also on AO3
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When drawn-out explanations of how the universe worked and loud laughs turned into hushed whispers and stifled giggles, Aaron Hotchner knew his boys were up to no good.
It would’ve been easy to catch them in whatever plan they’d created together, seeing as Spencer’s large frame was nearly impossible to conceal despite how much crouching he tried to do. He didn’t move from his seat though, continuing to look over the forms that the section chief needed to be reviewed. At first, Hotch had been disappointed that he’d needed to complete an hour or two of work on Christmas Eve, but hearing the two most important boys in his life bonding made all of it worth it.
Of course, Jack and Spencer already loved each other. Even before Spencer had begun dating Hotch, the man had been a stable presence in Jack’s life. In the beginning, as the genius coworker of his dad’s who babysat him sometimes in the immediate aftermath of Foyet. Jess had needed time to grieve too, so it had been Spencer who stepped up and watched Jack when Hotch needed moments away. Eventually, he became Spence, Henry’s “uncle” and godfather who was really good at magic. So good, in fact, that Jack became insistent that Spencer give him lessons on his days off from work. Where Hotch had expected some kind of denial to spend his few precious days off teaching a kid, Spencer simply smiled and said he’d be there if Aaron said it was okay.
Magic tutor became Dad’s boyfriend, soon enough. Sometimes it was still remarkable to Hotch, how the two of them had found each other. Hotch had been sure he would never love anyone after Haley, but then again, Spencer Reid was never one to simply meet expectations. No, Spencer blew them away and became someone Hotch loved in a way that seemed impossibly intense. Hotch wanted nothing more than to immediately bring Spencer into the family, to wrap him up and never let him go.
The other man had different ideas, though.
When Spencer first told him that he wanted to take things slow, Hotch was sure it was because Spencer was nervous. Not only was Hotch older and more experienced, but he’d even been married before. He would’ve understood if the younger man wanted to ease into a relationship with someone like him.
Spencer was always thinking outside of the box, ever since Gideon had first asked it of him just a few years prior.
“I don’t want Jack to think I’m trying to replace Haley,” Spencer admitted one night, his hand squeezing Hotch’s from where they lay entwined on the bed between them. It was one of the weekends where everything aligned perfectly to give the two men precious time to be with one another—there was no case, and Jack was over at a sleepover for the night.
The statement nearly broke Hotch’s heart clean in two, wondering how long Spencer had been worrying about this before he’d brought it up. They’d worked on him being able to open up sooner, but forward progress didn’t mean it was a perfectly utilized skill yet. It was far to easy to imagine Spencer, laying alone in his apartment trying not to weep over the thought of his boyfriend’s son resenting him.
Already Spencer had lost the idea of a perfect family once, the night his father had left his life entirely. Hotch would not allow him to lose it a second time, not when he could picture him perfectly integrating into his beautiful, if slightly damaged, family.
“You would never try to replace her,” Hotch reaffirmed gently, pulling their entwined hands closer so he could press soft kisses to the back of Spencer’s knuckles. The soft blush and pursed smile was enough to brighten even the cloudiest of days—proof of such pure innocence that miraculously still existed in a man who had seen so much. “Jack knows that.”
“He knows that now,” Spencer protested, the smile falling as his eyebrows tilted in, concern washing over his expressive features. Though he may not always openly speak about how he was feeling, Hotch could always count on it being written clear across his face as though it were done in Sharpie. “But what if we push it too far too fast and he starts to think that?”
“Sweetheart,” Hotch began, waiting until those honeyed eyes he frequently got lost in looked back up at him, “I would never do anything I thought would hurt you or Jack.”
“I know you wouldn’t, but what if I–”
“Spencer, you don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with. Just know that when you’re ready, Jack and I would love for you to be a part of this family.”
That had been a year ago, when Spencer had decided it would be best for Jack to have another Christmas with just his Dad and Jess. The day spent spoiling his son to pieces had been as joyous as ever, but that night Hotch had been burdened with images of Spencer sitting curled up alone on his couch, a few blankets tucked around his shoulders to warm him where Hotch was missing. He’d called him even, and Spencer had reassured Hotch that he was completely used to spending the holiday alone.
Those words didn’t make it any better.
Perhaps that was why he’d pushed a little harder this time, insisting that Jack would be overjoyed to have another person there to watch him open presents. Hotch had wrapped his hands around Spencer’s waist until they clasped around each other against the small of his back. He’d given a harsh tug, pulling the man closer to him even as Spencer whined, pretending he wasn’t enjoying the attention despite the playful smile currently occupying his lips.
“Aaron,” Spencer protested, hands coming up to rest on Hotch’s upper arms, “what if it’s too soon?”
“It’s been two years,” Hotch answered back simply, leaning forward to press a kiss to his love’s lips before adding, “we’re ready.”
“But how do you know that?”
“We’ll never know for sure, you have to trust your gut.”
“I’m not very good at that,” Spencer answered back quickly.
“Dr. Spencer Reid? Not good at something?” Hotch teased, moving his hands so he could squeeze Spencer’s sides to elicit a perfect tickled yelp.
“I’m not good at plenty of things,” Spencer protested, laughing and jumping out of the way of Hotch’s hands again.
“Like what, Doctor?” Hotch asked, only having to chase Spencer for a handful of steps before he was able to reclaim his hold on the man, pulling him so his back was flush to Hotch’s chest.
“Convincing you that I’m right,” Spencer offered back, turning his head to press a kiss to whatever skin was available to him.
“That’s okay with me.”
Despite his worries, Spencer showed up that Christmas Eve wearing his best sweater and holding a gift for Hotch and Jack each. They’d all had dinner together, Jack proudly proclaiming that he’d helped to cook it. Just as they were settling in to watch a movie together, the section chief alerted Hotch to some high-priority paperwork that needed to get done asap, stating it wouldn’t take more than an hour or two.
So Hotch sat in his office, smiling at the sounds of Spencer entertaining Jack, knowing his boyfriend was worried for nothing.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Spencer Reid always assumed that staring down the wrong end of a gun would be the scariest moment of his life. Sitting in a chair, wrists bound so he could do nothing but watch his captor and pray the bullet wasn’t loaded in the chamber. He’d really thought he would die that night, holding his breath each time his odds decreased just a little further. That night he’d thought of Aaron, wondering if Spencer might really die without ever even beginning to sort through the complex feelings he felt for the man.
It should have been the peak of his fear, but sitting beside Jack as the kid showed him a video game filled the man with more fear than he thought one body could contain.
“When’s Dad gonna be done working?” Jack asked, putting up the game and pulling his legs up to sit criss-cross on the couch.
“He said he would be two hours,” Spencer explained, and then at the same time both he and Jack added, “which means three hours.”
The kid was perceptive for someone his age. Aaron had insisted that Jack was too young to remember Foyet, had reassured Spencer that Jack had even told him as such. Still, Spencer knew first-hand the powers of the human mind, knowing that Jack likely remembered more than he cared to admit. Maybe not consciously, but there would be permanent changes in his behavior because of what he’d seen, what he’d survived. Spencer knew this, he knew all too well.
“I’m bored,” Jack groaned, flopping his upper body against the back of the couch.
Children were absolute marvels. Spencer had already spent nearly an hour and a half talking about anything he could think of and Jack listened with rapt attention the entire time. The kid had even asked for more of it, asking Spencer if he knew anything about certain topics (which he did). No one had ever wanted to hear Spencer talk about what he knew this much; he never before got to experience the pure joy of passing on his knowledge to someone else as wholly as this.
Still, after an hour and a half of talking, even Spencer was tired of it. How could Jack still want to hear more? Wasn’t his head filled to the brim with new knowledge for his hippocampus to process, ready to burst if they tried to shove anything else in?
They couldn’t do magic. Aaron had warned him that Jack had a little magic show prepped and ready to show them together. Ever since Spencer had first babysat Jack and Henry, occupying them with whatever magic tricks he knew, Jack had been desperate to know more. He wanted to be like Spencer, according to Aaron.
It seemed strange, a kid looking up to him. It was easy for Spencer to see why Jack idolized his dad. Aaron Hotchner was a force to be reckoned with—the kind of man who was impossible to take down, the hero in every action movie. If Spencer were in an action movie, he was sure he’d be the intelligent backup, the guy sitting in the office on the phone with the agents and helping them through every problem. He was not the obvious choice, but still, Jack had chosen him.
Maybe that was why Spencer was so scared to mess this up.
There was so much hope, so many signs that Spencer could have a family of his own. Aaron seemed as though he would never let him go, and Jack actually liked him. After years of wondering if it wasn’t in the cards for him, suddenly it all seemed to be so close, just within reach if he wanted to grab onto it.
“What do you want to do?” Spencer asked, turning his head so he could look at Jack.
“I dunno,” Jack sighed, shrugging his shoulders dramatically and huffing.
“We could play cards?”
“Dad and I played Go Fishes this morning.”
“We could play your game some more?”
“I wanna look at a present,” Jack spoke, lowering his voice conspiratorially.
“Jack,” Spencer laughed, shaking his head, “you have to wait for Christmas. That’s how this works.”
“Don’t you wanna know what Daddy got you?”
And that, well.
“Your dad got me a present?” Spencer asked eyes widened as his gaze was drawn to the tree in the corner of the room. He’d assumed all of the presents under the tree were for Jack. Which one was his? What had Aaron gotten him after he’d explicitly said he didn’t need anything for Christmas?
“Yeah, he seemed nervous about it. Wanna peek? Dad won’t know if we’re quiet.”
Spencer knew the right thing to do. He was the adult, meaning he should have enough rational thought to know he couldn’t allow Jack to sneak a peek at one of his presents, much less look at his own.
Still, thoughts of what Aaron could be so nervous about flew through Spencer’s mind until he was sighing and saying, “One present. We have to be quiet though.”
So the two boys stood from the couch, Spencer moving to stand at the corner of the wall so he could peer around it as early detection of Aaron. Jack watched Spencer move into place, grinning as he tiptoed over to the tree to gather up what they needed. He first picked up a little box wrapped in candy cane striped paper, and then one wrapped in Star Wars paper that Spencer knew from the size that it was a book.
It was thrilling, standing there on watch as he allowed an elementary school kid pull off a heist. With one last glance down the hallway that led to Aaron’s office, Spencer rejoined Jack where he had the presents sat on the coffee table.
“How do we do this?” Jack asked, looking up at Spencer with wide eyes. Aaron always insisted that Jack look nothing like him, and it was true that he’d gotten some of Haley’s obvious features. Still, that look was the same look that Aaron gave frequently, the pure trust and the search for an answer he knew was there.
“We open the end carefully, where it’s folded up,” Spencer explained, reaching for Jack’s present first. “Watch for your dad,” he whispered, not wanting to get caught in this kind of heist on their first Christmas together.
Jack took the role seriously, giving Spencer a little salute before he stood on the couch to better see the hallway. Meanwhile, Spencer was thankful he had good fine motor control of his fingers. The man had historically been called clumsy, and he would admit that may not be an inaccurate description of him, but all the years of magic tricks had helped him with something.
He made good time, and soon enough the book was able to be completely slipped out of the wrapping paper. “Jack,” Spencer whispered, waving his hands until the kid’s attention was refocused on him.
“Oooh!” Jack exclaimed before thinking about it. As soon as he realized, his little eyes widened and tiny hands came up to clap against his mouth, shooshing himself. “That’s so cool,” he whispered when he’d calmed himself down, one hand running over the cover. A dinosaur book, complete with pictures of what leading scientists believed many of the dinosaurs might have looked like while alive. It was cool.
“Alright, we need to put it back now before your dad sees,” Spencer told him, taking the book so he could slide it back into the paper and re-wrap the end.
“What about yours?”
Spencer wanted to open it so badly. He wanted to know what Aaron could have possibly come up with to give him, what he’d come up with when he was thinking of Spencer. Could he betray Aaron’s trust like this though? On their first Christmas together, would he really spoil the surprise?
Yes, he absolutely would.
Spencer nodded, gesturing for Jack to resume his post as his fingers began to work at the folded end of the paper. A gasp slipped from Spencer’s lips as the velvet blue box was revealed. Oh God, this wasn’t...was it?
No, no he couldn’t open this now. So Spencer shoved it back into the paper as quickly as he could, taping it up and putting it right back under the tree where Jack had found it.
“What’d you get?” Jack asked, tilting his head to the side after dropping into his seat on the couch.
“Um, it was, uh...” Spencer fished for the right answer, lips parting and closing a few times before he landed on, “it was jewelry.”
“Jewelry? Isn’t that for girls?”
“No, anyone can wear jewelry if it makes them happy,” Spencer explained gently, using the remote to turn Jack’s video game back on.
“I guess that makes sense. Does that jewelry make you happy?” Jack asked innocently, picking up his game controller and jumping right back into where he’d left off.
Did it? They’d never even discussed getting married before, much less even Spencer moving in. It seemed like a major leap, one he’d never expected Aaron to make this soon.
“Yeah, yeah it does,” Spencer reassured Jack, eyes glancing over to the tree and willing those words to be true.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Spencer was used to a quiet Christmas, the silence punctuated only by the few movies he would put on when the loneliness got to be too much. He’d even come to enjoy the time alone, tucking himself into a pile of blankets and not moving until it was time to move to the bed.
Christmas with the Hotchners was anything but calm.
From the first moment the sun was up, Jack was running into the room and leaping into the bed. Aaron seemed used to it, laughing and immediately pulling his son closer to him. Spencer had jumped, surprised by the chaos at first but soon smiling at the scene across from him in the bed. Jack was between them, albeit pressed a little closer to Hotch. Aaron’s arm was wrapped around him, a large hand on Jack’s chest to keep him pulled flush to Aaron’s chest. Jack was still giggling, telling his dad it was time to get up. Aaron was wearing one of those rare smiles, looking first at Jack and then meeting Spencer’s gaze, eyes softening even more.
“Merry Christmas, Jack. Merry Christmas, Spencer,” Aaron spoke up, voice low and a little crackled from sleep.
“Merry Christmas, Daddy!” Jack laughed, squirming a little and kicking Spencer’s shin in the process. Spencer didn’t mind one bit, of course, because suddenly he wondered how he’d ever gone so long spending Christmas alone. He could imagine waking up to this more often—could imagine being here so often that Aaron no longer had to smile in delighted surprise when he woke up to him. “Merry Christmas, Spencer.”
“Merry Christmas, Jack. Merry Christmas, Daddy,” Spencer answered in kind, sure his eyes were twinkling with playfulness.
“Can we open presents now?” Jack asked, sitting up in bed and grabbing Aaron’s hand, tugging on it to lure the man out of bed.
“How about we have breakfast first?” Aaron suggested, but the little kid absolutely wasn’t having it. Luckily for him, he now had two people he could convince instead of just one.
“Please, Spencer,” Jack whined, dropping Aaron’s hand in favor of pulling Spencer’s. The man was far less willing to fight back against Jack as Aaron was, who was still laid firmly in bed. No, when Jack tugged Spencer moved with him until he was perfectly standing out of bed.
“I-well,” Spencer tried, looking anywhere but at Jack’s pleading eyes. How could he possibly say no to that? Aaron was giving him an amused look, already knowing what the end result of this was. “Okay, why don’t you go out to the living room and pick out which present you want to open first.”
“Okay!” Jack cried, cheering all the way down the long hallway.
“He knew what he was doing, you know,” Aaron chuckled, gesturing for Spencer to come back to bed. Spencer complied, sitting on the bed and immediately holding Aaron’s hand.
“You have to reward brilliance,” Spencer answered back, leaning down to press a kiss to Aaron’s lips, a little messy because of their loose smiles.
“I have to ask you something.”
Immediately, Spencer was taken back to his and Jack’s heist and the little blue box currently sitting under the tree. Was this happening now, sitting in bed while Jack waited to open presents? Would he be in his Christmas pajamas, hair messy and teeth still unbrushed? Was Spencer ready for this?
“Uh, we don’t want to keep Jack waiting,” Spencer stammered, pulling out of Aaron’s grasp to hurry to the bathroom, the perfect escape.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Hotch knew something was wrong with Spencer.
He’d acted differently the night before, tensing a little when Hotch had held him during movie night. Then now, rushing away from their private moment of intimacy. Spencer hadn’t done something like that since the early days of their relationship, when he’d been so young and so innocent it nearly drove Hotch mad.
He also knew what had happened yesterday.
Some might have blamed it on his profiling skills, but Aaron simply knew his boys well enough. Neither of them was good at surprises, both pestering him constantly the second they knew a present was waiting for them. There was no forgetting Spencer’s last birthday, in which Hotch had off-handedly mentioned a gift a week before. It had been absolutely adorable, the lengths Spencer went to try and pull the answer out of the man.
Spencer and Jack absolutely peeked at some presents yesterday, meaning Spencer now knew what was coming today. Did Spencer not want it to happen, or was he just nervous about it? Either way, Hotch figured he would give Spencer some time to think about it, thankful he’d picked up the box and hid it the previous night.
Soon enough, the three of them were sitting around the living room, Spencer and Hotch wrapped up in each other on the couch while Jack pulled the presents out from under the tree.
Christmas was always a fun day for Hotch, if only because he got to make his darling son incredibly happy. It had always been a reserved affair for the Hotchners, each of them getting one or two gifts. Ever since Haley had passed, Hotch had been getting Jack more as if that would compensate for the clear lack of his mother there.
Despite what the younger man thought, Spencer knew exactly what he was doing. He was fantastic at this, smiling and cheering when Jack was excited about a gift and even stealing Hotch’s phone from his pocket so he could take the pictures. Spencer’s present for Jack was perfect, a symbolic adoption of an endangered animal from the WWF, included with a little book about the animal and a little stuffie.
“Wow, I have a clouded leopard? That’s so cool!” Jack cheered, rushing over with stuffie in hand to throw his arms around Spencer. The man had let out a surprised noise as he suddenly had a kid in his lap, but soon Spencer was hugging Jack back, telling him that he’d get occasional updates about his leopard.
“Do I get to name him?”
“Yeah, you can name him,” Spencer shrugged.
“You’re naming a leopard after Darth Vader?” Hotch laughed, shaking his head at his son. Somehow his son went from idolizing Superman to having a fascination with the main villain of a movie series. It didn’t fully make sense to him, but he figured he could unpack that one later.
The rest of the morning went much like this, Jack quickly getting derailed as he immediately wanted to play with each gift he got. Finally, though, they’d gotten through everything. Everything except for the little box sat in Hotch’s pocket.
Spencer seemed to know this too, shoulders tensing a little as he watched Hotch. The older man simply smiled, however, and said, “Jack, why don’t you get the table set for breakfast.”
When Jack sprinted off to the dining room, Hotch pulled him and Spencer to stand. He waited until Spencer looked up at him, giving the other man the time he needed to get comfortable. “I have one more gift to give you,” Hotch said, and immediately Spencer’s eyes widened a little.
“Aaron, I have to tell you someth-”
“Spencer, I know you and Jack peeked at some presents,” he chuckled, smiling brightly at the look of shock and then the one that he could only describe as a kid being caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “It’s okay, I won’t ask if you’re not ready.”
It was silent for a moment between them. Hotch meant it too, never wanting to push past what Spencer was willing to do. This was their new beginning, each of them finding a partner when neither of them really believed they ever would. It was the purest form of love Hotch had ever seen; the gentle acceptance of each other as they were, the promise to hold each other through everything.
“I’m ready, Aaron,” Spencer whispered finally, voice shaking and honeyed eyes already filling with tears.
He was ready. The joy that had taken root in his chest when Spencer first began dating Hotch blossomed then, curling around each of his ribs and making a home there. Hotch felt his own tears as he knelt down to one knee, pulling the unwrapped blue box out of his pocket. He took Spencer’s hand with his free one, smiling wide up at the man he loved.
“I used to believe you only had one soulmate, that you could only ever love one person in life. You proved me wrong, Spencer. You walked into my life and made me love you before I even processed just how wonderful you are. You’ve made me believe in the world again, made me believe that there are happy endings for good people. I love you, and I want to continue loving you for the rest of my life. I want the rest of the world to know how perfectly you complete this family. Spencer Reid, will you marry me?”
Hotch knew it was a yes before he said it. Still, his heart swelled as Spencer nodded, as he whispered a shaky ‘yes’. He smiled as he slipped the ring onto Spencer’s finger, as the other man pulled him up and into a tight hug. He held his boyfriend—his fiancé—as they cried, matching smiles on their faces.
The only thing that interrupted the moment was Jack, who was now standing on the couch to reach their height.
“You liked the jewelry?” Jack asked Spencer, head tilted to the side a little.
“I do, I love the jewelry,” Spencer reassured him, moving his arm from around Hotch’s neck to show Jack the ring.
“Jackie at school said if you stand under the mistletoe you have to love each other,” Jack spoke up, pulling his hands from behind his back to hold up a little sprig of mistletoe. “She gave us all some. Is it true?”
“Yeah, that’s true, Buddy,” Hotch answered, shaking his head at the pure innocence that was his son. He knew someday Jack would grow up, that eventually, he would begin to see some of the cynicism of the world. He’d have to watch as some of that innocence grew tainted and fell away, as Jack lost faith in the magic. All Hotch hoped was that he’d find someone to love like he loved Spencer, someone who restored just a little bit of that innocence.
Jack nodded then stretched up to hold the mistletoe above all three of them. “We’re under the mistletoe, now we’re a family, right?” He wasn’t looking at his dad though, but instead at Spencer. “You love us, right? You’re gonna stay now?”
And God, did that ignite something in Hotch that hadn’t quite been there before. Spencer’s eyes widened, lips parting in shock as he looked at Jack. For the younger man’s credit, he didn’t once hesitate, though. Instead, Spencer dropped his hold on Hotch to wrap Jack up in a tight hug, picking him up from the couch easily.
“I love you so much, Buddy,” Spencer reassured him, “I won’t ever leave if you and your dad don’t want me to.”
“I want you to be family.”
“Then that’s exactly what we’ll be,” Spencer answered, lower lip shaking through his smile. It was everything he ever dreamed of, standing here on Christmas Day with a family he loved. He’d found where he belonged, and now they had forever to enjoy it.
“I thought we could fly out to Las Vegas this weekend,” Hotch suggested then, stepping closer to rest his hand comfortingly on Jack’s back. “We could introduce Diana and Jack.”
“Only if you want to.”
“Aaron, I’d love to,” Spencer answered softly, sniffling a little in his attempt not to start crying again. “What do you say, Jack? Do you want to meet my mom?”
“Can I call her grandma?”
Spencer looked like he might crack right then. Hotch pulled Jack into his arms so the other man could wipe at the joyful tears now streaming down his face. “I think she’d love that,” Spencer answered, unable to do anything but laugh a little through the tears. “I think she’d love that a lot.”
The trio eventually made it to their Christmas Day breakfast, Spencer and Hotch sitting close enough to hold hands under the table. Jack would eventually catch them, pointing out that he got in trouble when he held hands with Jackie under the art table. And Hotch would laugh because today could not have gone any better. He laughed, because this was the first Christmas in years that felt complete. He and Jack would still have a moment alone together to remember Haley and all they’d lost, but Spencer would be right there waiting for them. He’d slip into bed with the Hotchner boys and hold them tightly, promising to always be a part of their family.
And just as he’d promised, Spencer would stay.
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Santa Can You Hear Me?
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Summary: Hotch and Reid are taking their new relationship slow, but Jack has other plans as they go to the mall to take a photo with Santa.
Warnings: food mentioned often and in detail
Pairings: Hotch/Reid
Words: 4.7k
Notes: This is a Criminal Minds Christmas Exchange gift for @ssagray. Inspired by my Santa coffee mug and the magic of Christmas, and a WHOLE LOT of Christmas music on repeat...(Britney, I'm looking at you...), I give you the fluffiest, cheesiest holiday movie mush fest I could muster for the occasion. Hallmark Channel, eat your heart out. (Obviously I'm a little out of my depths with all of this fluff so please be kind.) @ssa-sarahsunshine @cm-2021-giftexchange
Read on AO3: Santa Can You Hear Me?
“Peppermint latte.” Aaron's voice was low, a little hesitant when he handed the drink to Spencer. His immediate smile as he inhaled the steam was instant relief. Aaron was, classically, not great when it came to coffee orders....he was simple, he genuinely enjoyed good drip coffee with nothing added. If he was feeling particularly adventurous, he might order an americano but certainly nothing as varied and sweet as Spencer. (He did very much like the flavor of Spencer's kisses after a pumpkin spice latte in October, though.) A constant source of anxiety and joy was the way Spencer had specific flavors assigned to each season, the anticipation of the flavors was as fun for Aaron as it was for Spencer but he didn't really understand the intricacy of real coffee orders. That is to say, December was for peppermint. The first time Aaron ordered him a peppermint mocha, he felt like a fish out of water. Urged on by the barista, mentioned by more than one employee as the most popular flavor of the season, it had been met with less than stellar results. Spencer accepted and drank it happily, a gift from someone he adored could never be a bad thing even if it wasn't the right thing, but afterward, through a series of awkward moments, Aaron discovered that he didn't actually care for mochas. The chocolate was overpowering, he'd pointed out, and Aaron had nothing to base his agreement on, having never bothered to try flavored coffees, but he agreed nonetheless. It was a learning process, but he was trying and it was appreciated. So, with the latte in hand, Spencer grinned and rocked back on his heels, taking a sip of the whipped cream coated confection parading as a caffeinated drink and thought about how lucky he was to have someone who, bumbling though he may be, cared enough to make sure the little details were attended to.
He also knew that, in the time since ordering the coffee, Aaron had probably sucked down an entire pot's worth of drip coffee, black as night.
Aaron hadn't bothered to date anyone for a long time after his divorce, the effort was more than he could expend and logically...if his job had caused the end of one relationship, it would do the same to all of them. He was too tired to figure out a way around it. Not eager to go down that road again he had settled into his solitary apartment and relished the small time he had with his son. They developed their own little routines, silly things they said and did, inside jokes and games and the rest of his time was spent in his office or jetting around the country. It was fulfilling, but still there were days he found himself lonely, wishing for another adult to share those little nothing moments with. He found himself missing silly things, stupid things, even the irritating ones – the way Haley's hair had been wound around the bar of soap in the shower every time he got in, and he would clench his teeth as he unwrapped it before he could use the bar, a thing he had hated until he no longer had it because he no longer had a person. When Jack came to live with him full time, it only got worse. Jack was picking up on it too, the listless way he would wander around, hovering while he played like he might want to join in and then backing off almost as fast. He began to ask if they could have someone else come over for dinner...anyone. “Miss Penelope likes tacos,” Jack would say and Aaron would shake his head. “She doesn't eat meat, kiddo,” and that was that. “Uncle Derek said pizza is his favorite...” Jack mentioned, and Aaron smiled. “He's in Chicago visiting his family for the weekend, and we're not having pizza tonight anyway.” The same thing every night. Sometimes Emily or Dave would come by, Jessica would stick around longer at Jack's behest but it was never enough. He thought his dad needed someone permanent, like his mom, who came over all the time or maybe lived with them. That was when it hit him.
“Uncle Spencer said he likes pancakes for dinner even more than he likes them for breakfast, did you know that?”
“I had no idea...are we having pancakes for dinner?”
“YES!” Before he knew it, he was inviting Spencer over and the way things progressed from there never ceased to baffle him. One night it was pancakes, and then suddenly Spencer was staying over and sneaking out early in the morning after a night spent curled up in each other's warmth. At a certain point, it became apparent that Spencer was staying at Aaron's than he was in his own bed. It turned out, Spencer had been just as lonely as Aaron. He was adamant that things go slow, that Spencer be open with him, tell him if he was crossing any lines...he was endlessly self-conscious about a power imbalance that Spencer assured him over and over again wasn't a problem. “I'll tell you,” he assured Aaron repeatedly. “I like you. I like this.” I love this, he thought and maybe a little more, but he wouldn't say it.
That was moving too fast.
Aaron sipped his own coffee, squeezing Jack's hand as the boy stood beside him in the silence, gazing up and up at the tall front window of the mall, an enormous Christmas tree glowing and reaching its limbs gloriously in all directions. His eyes sparkled in the light and all he wanted to do was get inside, get close. “Can I climb it?” he asked aloud, and both Spencer and Aaron laughed. “No,” they said in unison, and Aaron found a flush spreading up his neck. This was the calm before the storm.
“Are you sure you want to do this with us? It's bound to be a nightmare in there. Last chance to duck out, go find Dave and Emily at a bar down the street, I'm sure they're having drinks with someone famous and interesting...” The nervous sound in Aaron's voice made Spencer laugh, his breath a visible puff of white in the chilly evening air.
“More interesting than Santa? Actually, I'm excited,” he replied, and Aaron, try as he might, couldn't detect even a hint of irony in his speech. He believed Spencer. “It's been a long time since I've been to a mall at Christmas time, and I haven't seen Santa in forever.” The last part piqued Jack's interest and he reached up, tugging at Spencer's scarf until he crouched down, eye to eye with the little boy.
“Do you know Santa?” he asked very seriously. Spencer tucked a lock of hair behind his ear and raised an eyebrow curiously, maintaining a look of seriousness.
“Don't you?” He wasn't exactly being facetious, he didn't know just where Jack's belief lie and was trying to feel him out. It occurred to him that he didn't even know whether Aaron actually encouraged the Santa thing or if he'd rather Jack outgrow it sooner rather than later. When he spoke with Henry, Santa was as real as the swirl of his fingerprints and he existed in the twinkle in Henry's eye. He almost thought Will still believed, if he was being honest. But Jack had seen more of the world, knew less wonder and more ugly than most kids his age and still there was that irresistible twinkle in his dark eyes.
“I think yes,” was the reply and Spencer breathed a little sigh of relief. He could work with this. Jack seemed unsure, his age and life experience leaving him a little doubtful, but Spencer could fix it. He could help Jack get a few more years of pure Christmas magic.
“I thought so.”
The mood soured quickly, the moment the wet heat of the mall hit them in the face. There were people everywhere, a cacophony of voices, children screaming and parents at their wits end. Outside in the brisk air, the snow flurries, it had been wonderful and the anticipation was palpable but Christmas magic was hard to find inside. The din of Christmas music over all of it made the hair raise on the back of Aaron's neck. This had been Haley's thing, she'd always taken care of everything, just signed his name to packages and said “we” instead of “I” when mentioning the preparations. He was woefully unprepared for how exhausting it was to keep up with all of it. Presents were always touted as the worst part of Christmas but those were nothing, he could do that in his sleep...the rest of it, that was where he found himself drained, unable to sleep at night as he checked off a list that felt never ending. Decorations, an Advent calendar with waxy milk chocolates to open every morning before breakfast, a tree, school pageants and snack days and cookies and baking, dress up theme days, holiday parties for work, Secret Santa (this year he only had to acquire a case of wine from the Yakima Valley in Washington for Emily after she'd deemed it a particular favorite, he got off easy) and then there were the real things...the letter to Santa, keeping Jack's heart trained on hope and love, the actual magic he woke up every morning terrified he'd really screw up.
“This is awful...” he muttered, more to himself than anything and Spencer knocked into his shoulder, nudging him toward a huge display that ran the length of the mall. Fake snow glittering and fluffy, animated reindeer moving around tiny woodland animals, elves hard at work at toy benches. The North Pole, in all its wonder, right there before their eyes.
“Daddy look!” Jack shouted, tugging them toward the display excitedly. “Look! They never had THAT elf before, look how cute she is!” He caught Jack by the hand just before he dipped under the velvet rope to join the display, to walk through the invisible barrier between reality and magic. Jack didn't realize the potential cost of crossing that threshold, of seeing the elves for what they really were...toys, animated plastic and wires beneath the glittering snow. He held Jack tight, pulled him to his side and told him no. “You can't go in there,” he said, and Spencer winked at him, assured him he was doing the right thing. To keep it simple. “Boys and girls aren't allowed at the North Pole, Jack.” The boy accepted the answer and pulled his father to another display, Santa's sleigh with a big velvet bag and reindeer.
With sodas and pretzels in hand, courtesy of Spencer because he hadn't eaten lunch and he thought Jack looked like he could use some food as a distraction, they got in the line and moved slowly winding their way around the display, edging closer and closer to Santa and his workshop. The line moved at a snail's pace and Jack finished his snacks far too quickly, mowing through much of his father's pretzel and gulping down his entire soda just for something to quell the excitement. He wasn't so little anymore that he threw tantrums but he was fidgety and whiny, sitting on the floor to complain about why it wasn't going faster and Spencer could see how anxious it was making Aaron who was visibly stiffening up, about at his wit's end by the time they reached the front of the line.
“Daddy,” Jack said, tugging at his dad's coat. “He's not Santa.” He was adamant, and Aaron thought he could see the unmistakable brightness of tears in his eyes.
“What do you mean?” he asked, suddenly petrified that they were going to be having The Talk about the reality of Santa right there in the line. He couldn't remember a time in his life he'd ever believed in Santa, had no idea where to begin with this discussion. “He looks like Santa to me.” Grasping at straws but so far out of his depth. There was an almost daily fear that he was woefully unequipped for this, as if every other parent on the planet had been allowed access to a manual and he'd missed out on it.
“No,” Jack was adamant and when the young lady dressed as an elf tried to beckon him forward for his turn, he staunchly refused. Digging his heels into the ground, arms folded over his chest, he huffed and shook his head. Aaron's eyes were wide, looking at Jack desperately. He wouldn't allow a scene to erupt, they wouldn't do it and he was ready to call it a night, to walk away after hours of waiting when Spencer nudged him and silently asked permission to take this one. He stepped forward, crouching beside Jack until he could meet the boy's eyes for the second time that night.
“You're right, I don't think that's really Santa,” Spencer whispered. This was just between the two of them. “My mom has a friend who told me a long time ago that Santa sends his helpers out to meet kids, to get their Christmas wishes and bring them back to him, especially when it's this close to Christmas. I think you should still talk to him.”
“I'm nervous,” Jack whispered, and Spencer's smile was so genuine and so easy that he sucked in a deep breath and continued. “I need to talk to the real Santa...the thing I'm asking for isn't a toy, and the real Santa already knows...” Jack didn't want to have to explain anything, to say that he'd spoken to Santa last year about his mom, and he already knew how sad his dad was...if he was going to ask Santa to make his dad happy, he needed to know the details and he just didn't want to go through it all again. So, he stayed quiet and Spencer spoke instead.
“I get nervous a lot too, especially in new situations. I don't really like things that are unpredictable, but sometimes life is like that anyway. Would you like me to sit with you? I can introduce you to this Santa and make sure he understands how important your request is.”
Aaron never heard a word, just stared in breathless wonder as Spencer performed something akin to witchcraft, taking his distraught child and making him smile. Not just smile, beam as he walked toward Santa and handed him a letter while Spencer settled himself down on a seat made to look like an over-sized gift box. There was a letter, crumpled, quickly handed to Santa in very very secret, and then the flash blinded him and the next thing he knew, he was paying without realizing they were all done. It was a blur, so fast it seemed hardly worth the time they'd waited in line. Jack bounded over to him, chattering excitedly about how Santa assured him this would be the best Christmas ever and Aaron smiled, easily, the last of the things on his list checked off for the night. They could relax, meet Dave and Emily for dinner, have an easy evening.
“Spencer,” came a voice deep and whimsical from behind him, almost surrounding him like a lovely warm blanket, and Spencer turned around to find Santa standing beside him, a smile on his round face. His cheeks almost looked painted over the top of his very real white beard, and Spencer found himself taken aback, reciting words of poetry in his mind without any intention. The prose just struck him, fluttered through his mind like snowflakes on the wind. His eyes, how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, and the beard on his chin was as white as the snow...
There was a letter in his gloved hand, wrinkled and worn at the edges like it was old and had been carried around in a pocket for weeks, maybe longer. “I believe this is for you.” Confused, Spencer accepted the letter and watched as Santa nodded, the fluffy ball at the end of his hat knocking against his nose. He winked and Spencer smiled in spite of himself, tucking the letter deep into his pocket. His hand shook, he didn't know why, the moment felt big, tremendous, filled with more questions than answers. Something coursed like electricity through his fingers the minute they connected with the letter, brushed Santa's hand, and he watched in awe as he resumed his seat at the base of the tree, calling out HO HO HO in a booming voice that echoed through the bones of the mall itself. Spencer could swear he heard sleigh bells off in the distance, but no one else seemed to pay it any attention. Maybe he was losing his mind, caught up in the Christmas commotion, the wonder of childhood he embraced now as an adult far more than he ever had at the correct age.
The curiosity over the encounter and the letter ate at him as he approached Aaron and Jack, followed them down the walkway to the restaurant where they were meeting Dave and Emily the the dodgy chain restaurant that loomed with its gaudy neon signs advertising cheap beers and daily specials. "This place looks like heartburn," Aaron had whispered in Spencer's ear and it made him chuckle.
“So, buddy, what'd you ask Santa for?” Aaron asked, crouching beside Jack as he swiped a crisp paper towel over his freshly washed hands, ready to eat dinner. Jack narrowed his eyes, as if he were wondering momentarily whether he should divulge the secret, whether the wish might not come true if he shared but he desperately wanted his father to know nonetheless. He didn't know the rules about Santa and wondered if he shouldn't have asked. Was it like birthday wishes, if you told it wouldn't come true? Or was it more free form?
“I'm gonna tell you but you have to promise not to get upset," he started, waiting his father out for a reaction. When his face remained still, he continued. "I just told Santa that I wanted you to be happy...” Aaron smiled, more than a little overcome, and he looked at the floor for a moment to gather his wits, to keep the tears now burning at bay. “I know I'll get all the toys I want, you always get me everything on my list...so I asked Santa to help you. I hope that's okay.”
“Jack...” Aaron whispered, swallowing a lump in his throat. His voice was raw, raspy. “I am happy.” It wasn't exactly a lie but Jack huffed seriously anyway and shook his head, adamant that his father misunderstood him. Like always.
“That isn't what I meant,” he muttered, hoping Santa hadn't been confused by his request like his dad was. But Santa would have the letter, he would know. And if he really was Santa, he'd know exactly who to give it to...he'd left that up to magic he didn't even pretend to understand. They were interrupted by Spencer popping his head around the corner, letting them know that Dave and Emily had just arrived, stumbled in really, and their table was ready. The easy smile that lit up Aaron's somber features at the sight of Spencer told Jack that maybe Santa had already listened, maybe his wish had already come true. “It's okay, dad. Santa gets it.”
“Gets what?” Spencer chirped, falling into step with Aaron who just shrugged.
“I think,” he whispered as Jack ran up and wrapped Dave in a hug before tumbling into Emily, nearly knocking her over in his delight. “Jack asked Santa to play matchmaker.” Spencer laughed. A serious look crossed Aaron's features and he held them back just a moment. “Why are you laughing?” he asked, and Spencer's breath hitched in his throat. “What is it?”
“It's just...you are happy, right?”
“Yes. Very.” He didn't smile, though, and Spencer cocked an eyebrow, smirking, and he had the distinct impression that Spencer knew more than he did about Jack's request. That they were somehow in cahoots. The letter burned in Spencer's pocket and he ran his fingers along the soft edge of the paper. The letter, he noted later, was still sealed, addressed only to Santa in Jack's loopy childish scrawl. Unsure how the man had known his name, or that the letter was intended for him, he held onto it, more than a little concerned at what he'd find inside.
“Okay. Fair enough. Let's go eat.”
There were days that stretched out punctuated by dinner eaten with nothing but Christmas tree light and the heady scent of cinnamon, gumdrops and gooey vanilla frosting. He was doing everything in his power to remember the Christmas that Haley provided as he worked, the gingerbread houses and sugary fingers, turning the other cheek when Jack would sneak pieces of licorice or nibbles of cookie from the quickly stale houses he always thought of as decorations but Jack saw only as a treat in the wide open. A glass of milk and homemade chocolate chip cookies were left by the window when Jack wondered aloud how exactly Santa would get inside without a fireplace.
“Magic,” Aaron assured him with a small smile that lacked confidence. "Not everyone has a fireplace, but Santa finds a way." He didn't know much about Santa, truth be told, and as much as he'd hoped otherwise it hadn't become easier over the years to keep up the ruse, but after awhile Jack's staunch belief took the lead and all he had to do was follow. “Early bed tonight, right kiddo?” he asked, exhausted and falling to the couch once the final To Do was checked off of the mental list. The house was ready for Santa, they were in the home stretch.
“Right!” Jack exclaimed, and the rest of the night had its own momentum. He didn't have to tell Jack to brush his teeth or get into his pajamas, didn't have to remind him of any nightly routines. It was fast, the boy eager to see whether Santa would come through for him. They read through The Night Before Christmas, and Jack was delighted to hear his father's voice go low, rumble through his chest just like Santa's own when he called out Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
“Yeah buddy?”
“You should go to bed early. Santa's going to bring you something too, I just know it.”
The presents decorated every surface, billowing beautiful and brightly colored out from beneath the tree. Glittering ribbon, joyful reds and greens everywhere, and Aaron watched over the steaming mug of coffee hugged to his chest as Jack tore into them one by one. He was methodical, choosing each gift carefully, shaking it first, searching out a card or a note to know who it was from (shouting out the name for Aaron to make note of for thank you notes in the coming days) and then the wrapping paper was discarded and he would squeal with delight at the sight of whatever was beneath. Driven by the anticipation, he didn't care if it was a toy or socks, he was vibrating with delight like a greedy dragon in his pile of spoils. A knock at the door shocked both of them from the moment, and Aaron glanced at the clock – Jessica and Roy weren't due for another few hours, they weren't expecting anyone. Except the look on Jack's face, the eager way he jumped up told him that maybe...maybe he had some insider info.
“Dad!” he shouted. “Answer the door! Hurry!” Aaron set his mug down and pulled his robe tight around himself, not eager to expose his ratty college t-shirt to random visitors before warily opening the door. In Jack's excitement, he realized he hadn't even bothered to look through the peephole, his trust in Jack's enthusiasm was simply too strong.
Spencer stood, still in his pajamas and robe, arms full of what smelled like sweet, syrupy, utterly decadent barely breakfast foods. Sweets, more like, but it was Christmas...wasn't that what you ate on Christmas morning? “Merry Christmas,” he announced, his chin raised high and triumphant. The bright red Santa hat on his head slipped down over his brow and he tipped his head to the side to get the puffball out of his face. Jack beamed with pure delight.
“What are you doing here?” Aaron asked, eyes wide, his heart up in his throat. Spencer glanced at Jack and back at Aaron.
“Well, I got this letter,” he replied, offering the now open envelope to Aaron with a smile. “From Santa.” Aaron took it, unfolded the paper delicately and scanned it at first. The words swam on the page before him, he recognized it instantly as Jack's handwriting, scrawled, inexperienced and loopy in red and green crayon. It was simple, no drawings or decorations, all business. As he read the letters, there were two written one on top of the other, he felt the hot sting of tears in his eyes.
Dear Santa,
My dad's had a really hard time and I think I know how to make him happy. He's in love with a man named Spencer Reid but he's too shy to tell him. I know you don't give presents to grown-ups but could you stop by Spencer's house for me please? You don't have to bring me any presents if you could just give him this letter. I think they'll listen to you.
Jack Hotchner
On the next leaf of paper, there was the second letter, much shorter and written less neatly, but it didn't matter, Aaron could scarcely read it through the tears.
Dear Uncle Spencer,
Please come tell my dad you love him too.
Aaron, with hands trembling, glanced up at Spencer who shrugged, the smile still firm on his face and he nodded, mouthed the words I LOVE YOU without saying them aloud just in case it was crossing the line. In turn, Aaron mouthed them back and the moment was not lost on Jack who had already gone back to his pile of presents, leaving the two of them to unload all of the food Spencer had brought with him. He would have to be extra good this next year for what Santa had done.
“From Santa, huh?” Aaron whispered, unable to trust his voice as they laid out the feast on what little counter space his apartment offered. Spencer nodded adamantly.
“Actually,” he began in a hushed voice. “I really think it was. I can't exactly explain it, but the envelope was sealed...there was no way for him to know what was in it and Jack never told him my name, he didn't talk to him long enough to...” The surprised look on Aaron's face gave him pause and he felt a flush rise in his cheeks. “Sorry.”
“No, no,” Aaron muttered, chuckling. “I didn't realize a man of science like yourself...”
“Shut up.” He shushed Aaron by shoving a doughnut into his mouth before he could say anything else, laughing as the powdered sugar coated his lips and dusted his chin. A moment later his hand was on the back of Aaron's head and he was licking the sugar from his lips, a delicate kiss, another whispering admission of love and then it was over. While Aaron busied himself with the rest of the meal, Spencer turned back toward Jack and gave him a sly thumbs up. Of course he didn't really believe it was actually Santa...not really.
He didn't think, anyway. There had to be an explanation.
But he didn't search it out. Christmas magic, he figured, and for once was able to simply leave it there because in the end, it didn't matter...he was where he wanted to be, with people he loved, and whether it was a little boy's wish coming true or just nature running its course, the how didn't matter.
Some things are not problems meant to be solved.
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2021 Holiday Gift Exchange Entries are now CLOSED.
If you would still like a chance to enter, please message this account before midnight (CMT) on Novmeber 27th, 2021.
For those who have already entered, here's a reminder that you have until November 30th to change or update your wishlist! You will be assigned your Gifter and Giftee on December 1st!
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Reminder that if you want to join, you have until November 27th to fill out the Google Form!
2021 Criminal Minds Holiday Fic Exchange!
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Hello everyone! Every year, no matter what fandom I'm in, I have always tried to do some sort of Secret Santa or gift exchange with my friends. This year, I wanted to extend the fun to the whole community here on Tumblr and AO3! Together we can share the love for our favorite characters on our favorite show! And maybe meet some new people along the way! <3
Do you want to be a part of the fun? Follow the steps below to join in!
1) First things first: Fill out this Google Form so we can gather some information (including your username, your wishlist, etc), and get your name added to our list!
2) Once you fill out the form, you will be invited to the Discord Server where everyone who is participating in the event can hang out, ask questions, share ideas, and then share links to their gifts once they're made!
3) This is going to work kind of like a Secret Santa, where you will be given the name and wishlist of someone else in the community on December 1st, and you have until January 1st, 2022 to create and post their gift!
4) You have until November 27th to turn in your completed form and wishlist.
What kind of gifts are okay?
Anything you can think of that you can make for your giftee! Maybe a fic, some artwork, an icon set, an edit of their favorite character, a graphic set for their blog layout! Tiktoks, YouTube videos, fake Instagram posts; if you can make it (and it fits the theme of their wishlist) then go for it!
This is an ALL AGES event, so please read the rules and keep it SFW. No bullying, no harassment, no hate allowed. Questions, comments, concerns? Message our Tumblr account: @cm-2021-giftexchange. Thank you!
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2021 Criminal Minds Holiday Fic Exchange!
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Hello everyone! Every year, no matter what fandom I'm in, I have always tried to do some sort of Secret Santa or gift exchange with my friends. This year, I wanted to extend the fun to the whole community here on Tumblr and AO3! Together we can share the love for our favorite characters on our favorite show! And maybe meet some new people along the way! <3
Do you want to be a part of the fun? Follow the steps below to join in!
1) First things first: Fill out this Google Form so we can gather some information (including your username, your wishlist, etc), and get your name added to our list!
2) Once you fill out the form, you will be invited to the Discord Server where everyone who is participating in the event can hang out, ask questions, share ideas, and then share links to their gifts once they're made!
3) This is going to work kind of like a Secret Santa, where you will be given the name and wishlist of someone else in the community on December 1st, and you have until January 1st, 2022 to create and post their gift!
4) You have until November 27th to turn in your completed form and wishlist.
What kind of gifts are okay?
Anything you can think of that you can make for your giftee! Maybe a fic, some artwork, an icon set, an edit of their favorite character, a graphic set for their blog layout! Tiktoks, YouTube videos, fake Instagram posts; if you can make it (and it fits the theme of their wishlist) then go for it!
This is an ALL AGES event, so please read the rules and keep it SFW. No bullying, no harassment, no hate allowed. Questions, comments, concerns? Message our Tumblr account: @cm-2021-giftexchange. Thank you!
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~Under Construction~
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