cmack99-blog1 · 7 years
Work day post
On this day I will be in the media depo getting help with adding tho gs I to my final podcast I l ask be redoing parts of my podcast with the hope of submitting it without any errors
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cmack99-blog1 · 7 years
blog post #10
The episode that I listen to was avoiding pesky recording problems. This episode gave a lot of information on how to create a good podcast recording and information of how to avoid recording issues and as well as techniques to fix and avoid having these recording issues. During interview recording there can be a variety of different problems that can occur such and whistling sounds our not being able to hear the speakers or there is just a lot of extra noise in the back ground, to avoid this I learned that a simple fix can be just to move the mic around or having a protective mic problem.
This episodes information can help me avoid these problems with their unique techniques , I have learned that recording issues can cause your audience to be distracted so I should try to avoid these issues from the start.
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cmack99-blog1 · 7 years
blog post #9
Hayes, Alic. village idiot worker 
1) what is your name ?
2) how long have you been working at the village idiot ?
3) as a worker of the village idiot what do you believe to be the most unique aspect of the resturant? 
4) What do you believe draws the costomers to the resturant? 
5) why do you think the owner of the resturant named his buisness the village idiot?  
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cmack99-blog1 · 7 years
Monday (11/6)
Alic, Hayes. Lexington Village idiot. restaurant worker. Podcast interview 1. November 2 2017
 The interview that took place at the village idiot was with one of the village idiot bar tenders. The interview consisted of me Corneeshia Mack interviewing Alic Hayes about his personal experience working at the village idiot, what he though was unique about the restaurant, why the restaurant owner named the restaurant the village idiot and what draws the crowed.
 I will be using this interview to help explain the reasoning of the restaurant name and to help explain to my audience why the restaurant is so unique as well as why the restaurant has such good business.
 Krieger, Sarah. Lexington village idiot. customer. Podcast interview 2. November 4 2017  
This interview consisted of me Corneeshia Mack interviewing a village idiot customer that was visiting the restaurant for the first time. During this interview, I asked a few brief questions about the Sarah’s overall experience, what she enjoyed most about the restaurant, what she believed to be the most unique aspect of the restaurant and what she thought about the restaurant’s name?
 How I will be using this interview is buy using Sarah’s answers from the brief questions asked during the interview to help explain to my audience someone else’s perspective of the village idiot. This interview will give my audience a different perspective on the restaurant and hopefully a better understanding of the restaurant over all.
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cmack99-blog1 · 7 years
blog post #8
Bronner, Simon J, and University Press Of Kentucky. Explaining Traditions Folk Behavior in Modern Culture. ["Lexington, Ky.", "Lexington"], Lexington, Ky. : University Press of Kentucky, 2011. October 31 2017
 Explaining Tradition: Folk Behavior in modern Culture written by Simon J. Bronner is a book that goes in to great detail about Kentucky’s popularity of tradition as well as the citizen’s everyday life and social aspects the book points put aspects of the past and present traditions as a cultural expression.
             The way I will be using this source in my final podcast is to help me explain why modern citizens may not take offence to the name of the restaurant the village idiot. This source will help me explain how citizen’s mindsets have changed overtime.
 Romanova, Tatiana P. “Marketing Message Components in Commercial Naming.” Voprosy Onomastiki, vol. 13, no. 1, 2016, pp. 140–150., doi:10.15826/vopr_onom.2016.13.1.008.october 31 2017
Marketing message components in commercial naming is a article meant to help explain to readers the reason of why people label certain things a certain way. This article goes in the great detail about how names can be metaphoric and symbolic but this can also cause stereotypic patterns.
 The way I will be using this source in my final podcast will be to help me explain in my w=own words my personal opinion on why I believe the owner f the village idiot chose to name his replica of an English pub “the village idiot”. This source will also help me explain why maybe citizens are attracted to the restaurant because of its name and why/how the name of the restaurant catches the citizen’s attention so well
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cmack99-blog1 · 7 years
Blog post #7
Annotated Bibliography entry
 Kentucky. Com is my secondary source and it gives a great description on the village idiot. This website explains to its audience the history of the old white building as well as what it was previously used for and who it used to belong to as well as who the current owner of the restaurant is, the reason why the restaurant owner wanted to open the village idiot as well as what is symbolizes.
 This source will be used to help me as the writer explain to my audience the history and purpose of the restaurant the village idiot. This source will also help me explain the owner perspective and reasoning for opening this replica of a English pub as well as help me tell my audience the type of food and beverages served at this unique restaurant.
  [email protected], Beverly Fortune -. “'Village Idiot' Pub to Move into Former Home of Metropol Restaurant.” Kentucky, www.kentucky.com/news/business/article44151129.html.
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cmack99-blog1 · 7 years
responce to spencer
i know  that football means a lot to you so your podcast really fits you well but i don't think you have true interest in the problem that you have found. like you said its a football facility it would have no meaning if it was open to the public because it was meant for the football players and staff only so maybe  a different problem would work better for your podcast pitch idea but overall it was good 
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cmack99-blog1 · 7 years
responce to katelyn spain
with all honest i absolutely loved your podcast pitch ideas because it really gave a unique way of looking at Starbucks other then it being a really famous coffee place. i just feel as if you sound go into more detail of the problem you have found and how it could possibly be solved 
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cmack99-blog1 · 7 years
Blog post #6
This image is advertising the new spider man movie. The image is meant to advertise the high action senses that will occur in the movie starring spider man and iron man. In this image spider man and iron man are flying through the air through the city surrounded by large sky scrapers but in this image irons man stark building is directly in the background. All of the building in the image are very shiny, the car lights bounce off the building and in the bottom of the image there are sparks of fire. The sky is blue and there are a lot of clouds but it seems as if the sky is bright but the streets (lower half of image) are dark  
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cmack99-blog1 · 7 years
blog post #5
The peer review sessions we had last week were ok but honesty not for me only because it is something that is out of my comfort zone because I know  im not a very strong writer , I’m the type of writer that likes to write and figure out the problems on my own, I did enjoy working in groups and in pairs because being able to read my pears essays and seeing their ideas and how they were formatting there essays as well as reading about the trouble they found and their reasoning for why it was trouble helped me out when it came to my pare in many ways, I know I am not the best writer but having others help did encourage me on doing better things with my paper. The peer review method that I enjoyed the most was the reverse outline because it allowed me to think deeper about the different parts of the essay that I was reading at that time, it also allowed me to elaborate more on my thoughts as well as writ down my undersetting and view point.
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cmack99-blog1 · 7 years
blog post #4 part 2
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the UK book store is a key esentioal to many students on campus the problem i have with this bulldog is how secluded it is from everything else on campus i feel as if the book store does not get as much recognition as it deserves   
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cmack99-blog1 · 7 years
blog post #4
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the issue that i see with this particualr space n cams is that do to all of the contraction going on it takes away from the true beauty that the campus has to offer. 
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what attracted me to this restaurant was mainly the name. the village idiot is a really nice restaurant that have visited before. me as an individual does not take offense to the name but many other may and that is why i see this as an issue. to me i just wonder why would a restaurant owner name there restaurant the village idiot  
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cmack99-blog1 · 7 years
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Found some trouble
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cmack99-blog1 · 7 years
Blog post #3
For our first speech on Wednesday I was very nervous but I felt very confident in my speech overall. I have always been told that I was good at public speaking only because of the confidence that showed through my tone of voice.   My speech did go as planned and I felt as if my tone was very well and the audience was very engaged with my topic even though it was mainly about a grocery store but I managed to make it mean something more in the end. Organization is key to public speaking and I felt as if I had good organization. The only thing that I would have done differently was my conclusion. I felt as if my speech came to abrupt stop at the end, I didn’t really guide my audience into the conclusion like I should have.  
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cmack99-blog1 · 7 years
i love your description in this individual because i honestly forgot all about this specific individual but because of your brief description i remember exactly who she is 
Blog Post #2
A fan favorite of mine and around the Golden Apple at night seems to be Donna the waitress. She is divorced, has three children, uneducated, but she is one person everyone seems to love. When she first moved she started working at the Golden Apple because it was a job where she could work but also take care of her kids. The way she described her life seemed like she cared so much for the wellbeing of everyone else before herself. She does everything with a purpose and she puts so much time and care in things and everyone seems to notice. It makes you feel sympathetic and have compassion for her.  She had been working nights for 26 years and although her kids are on their own, she still feels obligated and a need to stay. She is kind and very personable with everyone she comes in contact with. Even when she doesn’t want to talk anymore, she tries to say that she has other work to do because she doesn’t want to be rude. Her interview appeals to your emotions and really makes you get a feel of who Donna is. With my speech, I can use the way people describe her and the kind of person she chooses to be. Donna’s personality really shines through and makes her story more personable and enjoyable.
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cmack99-blog1 · 7 years
Blog post #2
The interview from the “24 hours at the golden apple” that I liked the most was the first interview that was taking during the morning time. The reason why I liked this interview more than the nighttime interview was because the author captured a lot of the meaning of the diner and what it meant to other people, the morning interview gave us listeners more of a feeling of what the society was like outside of the diner. I felt as if the late-night interview was basic, only because it gave us a disruption of any random bar/ restaurant that people may attend. The morning interview gave us a timeline, it captured the perspective from people that have been living in that society for all their lives to young children that come right before they go to school every Moring. I found the morning interview very interesting and awakening. It opened my eyes to peoples true feeling about diversity in society. I can use this interview for the introductory speech next week to help me explain how that as many times that I have moved around the world and encountered many different spaces and places that there has been many different levels of diversity and because of that it changes the society in different ways.
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cmack99-blog1 · 7 years
i love your reasoning to leave louisville, they are similar to my reasons for coming to Uk as well 
Space is an area that makes up a place. People know a place by the space or environment they are in. The University of Kentucky is the place I chose to stay for the next four years. I’m from Louisville and I felt like it was not too close to home, but far enough. I also came here because I love the people and the culture that surrounds Kentucky. It is such a diverse and lively community there’s so much to do. The Willy T. Starbucks has been the place I have spent a lot of my time in other than my room. I love it there because one I love coffee and two once you step in everything feels so relaxing, and it’s just such a great place to spend time in. I don’t have any history involving the University of Kentucky, but ever since I was little I would always root for Kentucky during basketball season. I have made so many friends and memories and it has only been a week. Ever since I stepped foot onto campus on move in day I haven’t regretted picking the University of Kentucky to be my place.
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