cmcrson-blog · 7 years
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@cmcerson: from when my life of being me originated- i will never be able to apologize or thank you enough. from fireflies, to night skies, to tree house adventures… thank you for making a home away from home for me.
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cmcrson-blog · 7 years
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                   ❛ god, that’s a NASTY one, ❜ the female hums, grimacing in the restroom mirror as she takes note of the damage done by last night’s sparring match— specifically, the angry purple welts blossoming along her neck and shoulder. she’s caught off-guard by the other female leaving the stall and approaching the sink next to hers, so emerson does one of the few things she does well: she rambles. ❛ oh this um, this isn’t a hickey, i swear. i was choked out, ❜ she explains, but her cerulean hues go wide as she quickly realizes her new answer is just as bad. ❛ not in like, a SEXUAL way, i mean i know people like to do that, and i don’t like,  j u d g e  or anything— ❜ realizing she’s making a bigger mess than she is helping her point, the brunette lets out a soft breath, trying to make some SENSE of what she’s rambling on about to the female besides her in an attempt to  R E D E E M  herself and her behavior. ❛ um, anyways, sorry about that. i got put in a headlock in my match last night, i just wanted to make sure it didn’t look like anything else. ❜
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cmcrson-blog · 7 years
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                     ❛ no apologies necessary, mil. ❜ emerson assures her long-time friend, wide-eyed and glancing confoundedly back at this “mark” guy. she furrows her brows, crossing her arms over her chest as she looks back over at her friend with half-JOKING, half-DEAD SERIOUS intensity. ❛ was he bothering you? do you need me to kick his ass? ❜ a soft grin comes across her features as she leans in a bit more closely, lowering her voice with a playful husk. ❛ i’ll kill him, you know i can, ❜ she offers. emerson probably shouldn’t be making these kinds of jokes, knowing herself, so she lets out a gentle chuckle before shaking her head at her kind-hearted friend. ❛ maybe  O N E  of these days you’ll learn how to stop being the nicest person ever, but until then, i’ll happily be here to fake being your girlfriend. ❜ 
Camille was getting sick of this. The man had been trying to get her number for some solid 20 minutes and it seemed that the number of times she said she wasn’t interested didn’t really faze him. She sighed lowly as he continued to talk about how great his clothing line was, looking around for an escape. She spotted a person heading her way and didn’t hesitate, grabbing their hand and pulling them closer, “Hi babe, thank god you’re here, I was worried sick,” she faked, putting her hand on the other’s bicep, “Sorry Mark, my baby needs me for this thing, but it was lovely meeting you!” She threw over her shoulder, dragging the ‘partner’ away from the man, and sighing loudly once he was out of sight, “Sorry for that, I didn’t know how to leave without being rude.”
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cmcrson-blog · 7 years
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❛ i um, no. that’s not at all what i was assuming. ❜ emerson is admittedly caught off-guard by the female’s AGRESSION, but she figures it’s something she must have to deal with on a regular basis. ❛ i’m sorry if people take advantage of you for that, ❜ she adds softly, eyebrows furrowing to show genuine remorse. she motions to her macbook over at the nearest table, then clears her throat. ❛ i was wondering if you happened to have a charger? i’m writing a report and my laptop is on the VERGE of death. ❜
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“Just because I’m a math major doesn’t make me a math tutor. Or does it mean that I should just do your trigonometry homework for you,” Cookie smartly says, jumping to conclusions and instantly figured that was what the person was going to ask. Help on math homework was usually what others would approach her for so she decided that she’ll just save herself the time. Especially since she was slacking on her own calculus assignment and her scratch paper in front of her was peppered with scattered numbers and random doodles.
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cmcrson-blog · 7 years
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                  emerson is the perfect collection of qualities to be considered unapproachable, so to have this stranger so freely interacting with her catches the werewolf off-guard. it’s a welcome change, though, especially considering exactly  W H A T  was staining her top.  ❛ oh shit, that’s— ❜ she cringes momentarily, knowing profanity is a trigger she should be avoiding, but when the bandages from last night’s fights are apparently now soaking through to her shirt, she’s bound to be a bit distressed. ❛ sorry, didn’t mean to swear i just—❜  she can feel herself flailing before the brunette, (pretty girls have a habit of making emerson nervous) so she instead tries to redirect the conversation to being a little more light-hearted. ❛ i’m not the type to make fashion statements, but i appreciate that you think so HIGHLY of me. ❜ she glances back down at the splotch on her shirt and its increasing diameter, feeling a sense of panic creeping up on her as she looks up at the female with a hesitant, anxious smile. ❛ you wouldn’t happen to know where the nearest restroom is, would you? this is my favorite shirt that i haven’t ruined and i’d quite like to try and salvage it. i owe you a huge thank-you, i didn’t even  N O T I C E . ❜
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     ✫  + *   .    * “…hey,” they croon, voice low & almost conspiratorial; there’s something about their smile that makes it look like they’re sharing an inside joke. they’re not really one for small talk, drifting in & out of groups when they see fit– but today may be a welcome change. maybe. “so– you’ve got a little… something. on your shirt.” mavis offers, finger pointed at the splotch of… whatever that tinges the other girl’s sadly victimized article of clothing. “just thought you ought to know– unless it’s a fashion statement, or whatever. i could dig it.”
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cmcrson-blog · 7 years
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if there’s one thing emerson blackwood cannot handle, it’s having a threat directed at her, much less, from a member of a species she had very FEW kind words for. emerson wasn’t fond of the house rivalries, she admits, but the scent of the vampire was practically invading her hyper-sensitive nostrils, and paired with the less-than-pleasant greeting, emerson was already on edge and trying desperately to keep herself relaxed. ❛ don’t EVER threaten me again. ❜ she snaps immediately, words sharp and quick, as she focuses on her own half-finished easel that she pulled off the drying rack.  ❛ p l e a s e, ❜ she adds softly, trying to show that she really had no desire for trouble.  ❛ it’s not like this room is exactly off-limits, i don’t think. i’m allowed to be here too, ❜ the wolf counters, setting up her own easel. the softspoken brunette only has an hour or so left of leisure time before she’s off to the gym for the night to train, so she tries to redirect the conversation and keep herself from doing something she’d regret.  ❛ what’re you working on? it’s gorgeous so far. i like your shading. ❜
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      although ava may have been a plastic, not all the things she had involved herself called for her being somewhat of a bitch; and this was one of those times. ever since she was a little girl she had always loved to draw, paint, sketch, anything that had involved some sort of artistic thing; she loved doing even after she became a vampire. it lead her towards an escape from her life and a way to really express herself. after packing up her art supplies, and planning on skipping her classes she made her way towards the thankfully abandoned art room where there she began painting. she was so lost in making the picture in her head come to life that she was unaware of a stranger walking into her presence, at least not until she heard their footsteps close in near her. “please tell me you had a good enough reason to disturb me because i swear to god if you don’t i will not be afraid to end your life”  she said in her southern accent as she placed her paint brush down on the easel and looked over at the stranger with hatred in her eyes.
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cmcrson-blog · 7 years
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ok so while most, if not all, the students at hexlore were raised supernatural, em wasn't 
emerson was actually born human and had a perfectly normal childhood up until around the age of 15 
for reasons she doesn't readily talk about, she was hexed by a very powerful witch with the lycanthropy curse 
her parents and siblings obviously didnt believe her, so when she transformed one night unexpectedly, they ended up thinking she was a wild wolf who had gotten into the house and killed her. they attacked her and she was left within an inch of her life before she could escape
she would have died that night if it weren't for pure luck that a travelling pack was passing through the wooded area where she had ended up collapsing. they stayed there with her for the night and healed her up, taking her in and initiating her into their pack. with nothing left to lose and a spirit as broken as hers, she accepted it and left with them. 
not only did she join a big pack, she joined a freaking strong one, and as the newest recruit she was the runt of the group. she felt more like a burden than an actual pack member, so she began to train in order to earn her place 
though they were a wandering pack, they'd stop in cities long enough for her and the other minors in the pack to be able to finish a solid school year, and in each new city, em would become a permanent fixture at their local gym. every day, she was there, working on getting stronger and more powerful and being able to prove herself. too swole to control bro
 all the bullshit she had gone through ignited something within her, something equal parts destructive and encouraging. her pain transformed itself into pure, unfiltered rage, which has become the staple of emerson's personality 
first off— she is (thankfully) the OPPOSITE of mack's dumb ass lmaooo
she’s really reserved and not very outgoing (just a lil shy..... wow how cute). she’s this tol cute bean with this long curly hair and these big blue eyes so she’s not exactly unapproachable but she’s also buff as FUQ and has this mysterious, enigmatic energy to her and tbh that makes her lowkey scary to approach
esp also considering that she’s almost ALWAYS got a black eye or bloodied knuckles or bruises scattering her body, she kinda looks terrifying and like she might try to snap ur arm in half
she’s honestly a super sweet soft soul, she genuinely is just bubbling with kindness and good intentions but she tries to keep her distance from the world bc oh dear 
emerson has a fucking TEMPER
and it’s not the “i’ll snap and be petty” it’s a “i won’t react until you keep pushing my buttons and then i’ll fucking snap and smash a table in half, punch a hole in the wall, and say a LOT of things i’ll regret”
she recognizes how dangerous and harmful this pent up aggression and rage is so she genuinely tries to keep it under check by withdrawing from a lot of over-stimulating situations and environments
she’s that bitch™ who’s always like “i...... i should go....” 
you would expect her to be this angry cynical bitch but honestly?? she keeps the anger beneath the surface tbh she’s really sweet and gentle. she’s also like.... a hopeless romantic and believes in being kind to the world and she’s SUCH A GOOD ARTIST but her main passion is honestly fighting so that’s why she hasn’t dropped it entirely despite how dangerous it is
she’s really scared that one of these days, her feelings are just gonna shut down and she’ll lose her humanity and get consumed my her own darkness and just become this awful angry monster of a person, which is why she tries SO DAMN HARD to be kind and gentle and good
(lowkey she’s gonna turn it off eventually for a hot minute bc i def want to play dark!emerson at some point HKJFHKHF)
also.... she’s loyal to a fucking FAULT nd would prob take a bullet for her loved ones. its altruism at its finest with this one. she’s also pretty softspoken but definitely stands up for what’s right, she won’t hesitate to literally snap ur fucking femur if you’re fucking with someone you shouldn’t be
on that note— she’s STRONG. like almost excessively strong, partially bc of her training 24/7, also partially bc her anger fuels her additional strength. but like.... she has the potential to honestly be an alpha if she really pushed herself
if i had to compare her to some characters from modern media..... stefan salvatore, the iron giant, scott mccall??
tldr: basically a big dreamy beefcake with anger issues who could probably snap u in half if u fuck with her loved ones. also has a sad past but is tryna turn her shit around without hurting anyone in the process which makes her reserved n secretive oh nooo
crushes: one sided, mutual, lowkey, highkey infatuation, pls just give em the ability to be cute and sweet but also sometimes a bumbling fool
i want a plot where em admires someone from afar and is just like.... soft n always leaves them flowers or draws them in her little sketchbook
besties: emerson literally goes along w everything thus making her a valuable member to any and all squads. she’s also versatile, she can go from being that art nerd friend to that jock/fighter friend to that mom friend to that innocent friend to that leader friend. literally give my puppy of a person some buds pls
fighting plots: people who help her train, people who want her to stop, a love interest who bandages her up every time after a bad fight, anything pls
guardian: someone em looks out for fiercely and protectively or someone who looks out for her too n checks up on her when she has her bad moments
exes: she’s demisexual & demiromantic so she only starts to fall for people that she’s gotten to know or at least knows about. i really want an ex (or a few??) that were super cute and sweet when they dated but then em just kinda ended things out of nowhere? maybe she ghosted them, broke up over text, literally so out of nowhere and ur muse doesnt know why??? but it’s actually because em was too scared she’d end up hurting them so she ended things as a preemptive move to protect everyone
coworkers/customers: she works on campus somewhere bc she needs that cash money (im thinkin library) so i’d love a few plots of either people who work with her or people she sees constantly bc theyre always coming in??
“but nicki,” u may be asking, “where’s the fwb plots??” 
considering that mack is a heathen who prob has enough sex for the both of them i wanted to make emerson way more inexperienced since this bitch doesn’t like to get too attached to ppl
which means new potential wanted connection: her first time
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cmcrson-blog · 7 years
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cmcrson-blog · 7 years
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cmcrson-blog · 7 years
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cmcrson-blog · 7 years
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cmcrson-blog · 7 years
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Katherine Langford, “13 Reasons Why” Photographed by Dani Brubaker for The Last Magazine
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cmcrson-blog · 7 years
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zachary (ง'̀-‘́)ง dempsey
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cmcrson-blog · 7 years
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cmcrson-blog · 7 years
She has become such a lonely person. She over-thinks; she is too curious; she is anxious. It almost kills her. Over time she has figured out a way she can quieten down her emotions and just feel nothing for a while. Other times it overwhelms her and she feels everything. I do not know what is worse, to feel absolutely nothing or to feel everything completely.
RayWritess   (via wnq-writers)
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cmcrson-blog · 7 years
Scars. A sign that you had been hurt. A sign that you had healed.
Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (via soulsame)
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cmcrson-blog · 7 years
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Anne Carson, Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides
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