cmmndrwidw · 1 year
Emma: You're cute when you're angry
Regina: *Glares*
Emma: ....But not when you're angry with me
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cmmndrwidw · 1 year
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ONCE UPON A TIME 3.06, Ariel
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cmmndrwidw · 1 year
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Cats logic be like ♡♡
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cmmndrwidw · 1 year
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Miscellaneous favourite shots of Regina Mills [6/?]
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cmmndrwidw · 1 year
Emma: *Holds out hand to Regina*
Regina: *Holds Emma's hand*
Emma: I was going for a high five, but this is so much better.
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cmmndrwidw · 1 year
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"behind every gay person is a gayer, more evil gay person"
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cmmndrwidw · 1 year
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Florence Pugh as Yelena Belova Black Widow (2021) dir. Cate Shortland
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cmmndrwidw · 2 years
sunrise, sunset (kate bishop x reader)
summary: after a terrible accident, you and kate are left putting the pieces back together 
a commission for @wombatking​
pairing: kate bishop x reader
words: 5168
content warnings: spinal cord injury, grief, orgasms, quadriplegic kate, conversations about the horrible insurance system w/i the united states, heavy angst BUT HAS A HAPPY ENDING
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It’s hard to talk about days that change the trajectory of your life. When you’d heard about people who get hit by cars, or who are diagnosed with cancer, all you wanted to do was ask them every question that crossed your neuropathways. Did you know? What did you do after? What did your loved ones do? How did you handle it? How did it change you?
You don’t ask them that anymore. They probably all had different experiences from you, but truthfully, you don’t want to know. You don’t think you can carry more grief inside of you, as you attempt to grapple with both your own and Kate’s. Handling someone else’s feelings seems truly unmanageable as you try to balance everything on your own shoulders.
Truthfully, you don’t even remember much. The beach day you had planned was a spur-of-the-moment decision – the weather was nice, she had the day off, and you hadn’t been to the water in months. It seemed like a great way to spend the day, cooling off from the unforgiving East Coast heatwave that had forced you both to be stuck inside in the air conditioning whenever possible. You knew the beach would be crowded, so she suggested a more secluded beach a friend of hers had access to.  
It happened quickly, too. One second she was running towards the waves, the next you see her body floating in the water.  It’s hard to remember what happened after – a flurry of animalistic screams and pulling her ashore, supporting her head with a towel like you’d learned in high school gym class while you frantically called 911.
Through explaining the accident to the operator, Kate only whispered one thing. “I-“
“What is it, baby?” you pressed your phone to your cheek with your shoulder as you held her face with trembling hands. “What is it?”
“I can’t move.”
Continua a leggere
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cmmndrwidw · 2 years
Dunbar Magic Hot Cocoa
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Heather Dunbar x reader Warnings: language, some gentle teasing, illness. Covers "hot chocolate" square of my bingo, and the "sick/illness" square of @resanoona s bingo Is this a *very* self indulgent fic because I'm sick, feverish and unfortunately DONT have someone to take care of me and make me soup and god forbid i had to even do the dishes in order to make my soup earlier despite not wanting to move? Yes. Yes it is.(which also means if its total garbage or doesn't make sense... it is because i am feverish and sick and my brain is not good...)
Heather taking half days was no strange thing. It was easy enough for her to work from home if she had any last minute calls, paperwork or the like and she much preferred it. The comfort of her own home meant she didn’t have to be wearing the sky high stilettos, there were no phones ringing off the hook from other offices, no chatter of other White House employees and most of all no one could pop up into her home office unannounced.
The front door swung shut behind her and she hung up her coat, stepping out of her shoes before letting out a soft groan at the relief of being home early. Wandering through the living room her plan was to pour a glass of wine, head upstairs to change and then work on some paperwork. She tossed her bag over the bag of the couch with the intention of coming back from it later when a muted, “oof” groaned from the other side of it and she stalled in her step.
“You throwing things at me now?” You grumbled, shoving her bag down to your feet as she rounded the couch.
“Sweetheart! I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize you were home.”
“What’re you doing home?” You grumbled, pulling the blanket tighter around you as you nestled into the couch.
“Took a half day.” She shrugged, perching on the edge of the couch and she frowned, watching the way you shivered, pulling the blanket right up to your neck, your eyes already shut again. “Hey, what’s going on?” Her hand reached out, the back of it resting against your forehead.
“Nothing. Just tired. Woke up with a bit of a cough.”
“Well you’re burning up.” She tsk’d, swiftly moving from the couch and you could hear her rummaging around in what you could only assume was the bathroom before she returned to the couch. The thermometer beeped and she let out a soft sigh, “you’ve got a fever sweetheart.”
“I’m freezing.”
“Yeah that’s how a fever generally works.” She chuckled, “I assume you haven’t taken anything?”
“I had some cough syrup right when I got up but I’m pretty sure I puked it all back up.”
“Have you eaten?”
“Mm-mm.” You shook your head, your eyes finally cracking open to find her sitting on the edge of the couch again, her sick kit sitting on the coffee table.
“Let’s start with some Tylenol to help with that fever.” She popped the bottle and handed you one along with a water bottle and you let out a groan as you half sat up to take it. “Now stay here, I’ll put something together that should be easy enough on your stomach, you need to eat.”
“Thank you.” You murmured, dropping down into the couch cushions before Heather pressed a soft kiss to your temple and slipped from the room.
You slipped in and out of dozing while you listened to Heather quietly move through the house, the sound of her disappearing upstairs to change followed by her in the kitchen. It wasn’t long before she was back at your side, smoothing back your hair from your face,
“You think you can sit up for me?” She asked softly, helping you shift on the couch after you nodded, wincing at the stiff aches all through your body. You glanced to the tray on the coffee table, she’d brought you a small bowl of oatmeal with banana slices and honey drizzled on the top, a steaming mug of tea and a container of coconut water.
“Isn’t the go to supposed to be soup?” You croaked.
“It’ll be easy on your stomach and settle a bit better than something like broth, fill you up more too.” She handed you the bowl and you sunk into her side the best you could while staying upright as you slowly started to eat. Heather’s arm wound around you, hand gently rubbing at your shoulder and she pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Did you only throw up the one time?”
“Mmhmm.” You nodded, mouth full of oatmeal that you swallowed down before you spoke, “it’s the coughing… my body tries to get the phlegm out and then…the motion just keeps going and I puke.” You glanced up at her with a wince, “sorry, it’s gross I know.” Heather laughed, kissing your forehead.
“Oh sweetheart, I’ve raised two kids, I think I’ve dealt with my fair share of far worse things than vomit.”
“Gross.” You grumbled and she chuckled.
You slowly worked through the bowl, taking time between each bite to make sure it was settling properly in your stomach instead of shovelling it all down and hoping for the best. The last thing you wanted now was to puke again and have Heather hear it. Heather’s hand continued to rub at your arm, little murmurs of conversation here and there while you ate and she pulled out her phone to start on a couple of emails. When you were finished eating you started to lean forward but Heather was faster, swiftly taking the bowl out of your hand to move it to the table so you wouldn’t have to move. She picked up the mug of tea, now not so hot,
“Drink at least a little bit for me, try and get some fluids in.”
“Okay.” You started with a couple of small sips, making sure the beverage was cool enough and to not overwhelm your system.
“Good girl.” She praised, kissing the side of your head. “We’ll give it some time and if you vomit again I’ll make some calls, get you an IV bag or two, alright?” Her hand cupped at your cheek, thumb rubbing at your skin and you nodded.
“Thank you.”
“Of course.” She smiled, “I’ve got to take care of my best girl, don’t I?” She leant in, kissing your forehead gently, “now why don’t you try and get some rest? You want to go upstairs?”
“Don’t wanna move.” You grumbled, flipping yourself so your feet and head were opposite and you were able to bury your head in her lap and she chuckled.
“And I guess I’m not going anywhere either?”
“Absolutely not.” You yawned as your eyes fluttered shut again.
Heather laughed quietly, adjusting the blanket so it was tightly wound around you, one hand coming to softly play with your hair, scratching at your scalp gently to soothe you while the other one picked up a work file. She was incredibly glad at the fact that you only coughed a few times, though she winced at how deep and wheezy they were, your entire body rocking when you coughed. She could tell by the way you were shifting that you were doing your best to not cough, not wanting it to cause an upset stomach again. Her hand moved to your back, softly rubbing circles between your shoulders until you were finally breathing regularly and she knew you were asleep.
She checked your temperature a few more times while you slept, happy to see that the Tylenol was helping and she hoped you were through the worst of it. She was used to taking care of people, but she absolutely hated seeing the ones she cared about sick, especially you. It dulled your shine, turned you into a zombie of a being and she hated it. She groaned quietly when her phone started to ring and she had to gently ease you off her lap while trying not to wake you before slipping into the other room.
You only woke up when she returned to the living room a while later, she’d set up one of the humidifiers next to the couch and placed a glass of wine down on the coffee table.
“Feeling better?” She asked, slipping back onto the couch beside you.
“A little queasy still.”
“You want some more tea?”
“No.” You grumbled, your gaze drifting out the window, watching the snow flutter down in the sky, “it’s the holidays, I deserve magic hot cocoa.”
“Okay, okay.” She laughed, knowing that you were already feeling better than when she had originally come home, kissing your cheek softly, “wait right here.”
You did exactly as she asked, sitting up and wrapping the blanket around your shoulders as your hand reached out for the television remote, turning it on. You flicked through a couple of options before you found one of your classic comfort shows, picking a random episode to start on while Heather putzed around in the kitchen. Her hot cocoa was always homemade, and there was definitely a secret ingredient that she would never in a million years tell anyone what it was. No matter how many times you tried to recreate it you never could. She would tease and simply say it was “made with love”, causing you to roll your eyes and poke her ribs until you thought she’d admit what it was but she never did. She also never allowed you in the kitchen while making it, just to be safe.
You heard the telltale sign of the whip cream canister right as you heard the front door open and swing shut. Two shoes were clunked against the floor and the pitch of the cough told you it was Becca showing up unexpectedly. She rounded the corner a second later, pulling her hoodie tighter around her as she made a beeline for you and the couch.
“Hey.” She groaned, dropping down beside you and grabbing a second blanket.
“Becca?” Heather re-entered the room, two mugs of cocoa in her hands that she placed down on the table, “I thought you were staying at your dad’s this week.”
“Dad may be a literal doctor, but you’re so much better at this.” She glanced between you, “sorry to like, barge in on your night.”
“It’s not a worry.” Heather smiled, leaning over you to kiss her daughter on the head before gesturing at you, “this one’s a day or two worse than you already.”
“Is… is that your famous magic hot cocoa?” Becca asked, shooting her mom puppy dog eyes and the older woman laughed.
“Good thing I made enough for seconds.” She winked before slipping off back into the kitchen and coming back with a mug with extra whipped cream for Becca, “you know, you probably wouldn’t have caught whatever’s going around if you weren’t going to so many make-out parties with your friends.”
“Eww! Mom!”
“Heat!” You laughed, swatting at her.
“Yeah I’m sure that’s how y/n got it.” Becca shot back.
“Oh for sure. Make out parties are all the jam, haven’t you heard.” You raised a brow to Heather’s direction and she rolled her eyes as Becca laughed.
“All the jam? God you guys are so old.” Her laugh turned into a minor coughing fit and Heather frowned, picking up a bottle of cough syrup from the table and handing it to her.
“And you sound like crap. No more than one movie and both of you are in bed, understood?”
“Yes.” The two of you replied in near unison as Heather chuckled.
Her natural and mom instincts were completely right after all, she made sure the two of you got some soup and toast for dinner, and another round or two of hot chocolate during the movie. Once it was over, both of you were nearly asleep, yawning and burying into the embrace of the other bodies on the couch. Heather placed a gentle kiss to your head, urging you to take some night time meds while she got Becca situated in her room upstairs with some extra meds, water and Gatorade. She came back down a few minutes later to find you attempting to clean up the dishes and clicked her tongue.
“None of that.” She wrapped around you, placing a kiss to your shoulder as her hands guided yours to put the stuff down on the counter, “I’ll take care of everything.”
“You always do.” You turned in her arms, a sleepy smile on your face.
“How about we get you upstairs? Get you tucked in nice and warm?”
“Sounds perfect.”
“Good.” She kissed the tip of your nose, “I love you sweetheart.”
“I love you too.”
“Thank you for always taking such good care of me.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
__________________________- @mickey-gomez @naturalxselection @yesterdaysgone @hbkpop @giftedchildturns40 @anya-casablanca @svulife-rl  @swimmingstudentchaos891 @alexusonfire @red1culous @oliviaswifey @mysticfalls01 @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @svushots @cerberus-spectre @emskisworld @ex-uallyactive @addictedtodinosaurs @imaginaryoperagloves @multifandomlesbianic @bookpillows @drduckthief @whimsicallymad @mmmmokdok @ladysc @momlifebehard @mmemalwa @holycrapraewth @poisonedcrowns @wannabe-fic-reader @when-wolves-howl @dead-of-niight @borg-queerr @godard-musee  @itisdoctortoyousir @brooklynmhm @nobody-important1212 @emilyprentiss4life @httpjupiterbby @summergeezburr @leelizzzle @regulus-black-223048 @thatesqcrush
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cmmndrwidw · 2 years
I don’t understand how on TV, people can break into homes and immediately find bank statements, passports and super important documents. If someone tried that at my place it would be “I’m sure she keeps her important stuff in her desk. No, wait, this draw is full of pens that don’t work. Aha! This box looks important! Oh, never mind. It’s full of cigarette lighters. She doesn’t even smoke!”
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cmmndrwidw · 2 years
Unexpected Judgement-- Alternate Ending Ch 12
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Today @bluetodie​ requested an alternate ending to “my favourite Casey fic” and while this one might be my fave, I couldn’t really pic, but this one was the easiest to do an alternate ending to. Be warned, I’ve gone full Shonda Rhimes.
A/N: This takes place via Chapter 12, the first 1/3 of the chapter is the exact same as the original, I left it in for background info, otherwise skip to the +++++ and when that starts, listen to this song on repeat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Svfd999aej8.
Warnings: Language, angst, oof.
There was a flurry of movement in the squad room that gained the attention of the three women in Olivia’s office before the Captain came clattering through the door.
“They’ve got her! She’s en route to Mercy!” Emotions were strung high, there wasn’t any information on your condition or how far they’d gotten in their methods before the squad had managed to track you down.
As timing would have it, Olivia was barely managing to wrangle them into the waiting room of the ER when the paramedics were rolling you into a trauma room. Casey heard a cry leave her lips at the sight of you, your lips were blue, the skin of your face unbelievably pale, they had you wrapped in a foil blanket as they sped away. She heard shouting about barely finding a pulse, that you weren’t dead until you were warm and dead. She felt a hand between her shoulder blades, finding herself in one of the ridiculously uncomfortable chairs of the waiting room. She didn’t even realize her leg was shaking until Liz’s hand reached over, giving her knee a gentle squeeze. Liz gave her the best smile she could muster up, her eyes shining with tears, grief stricken across her face, Casey linked her hand into the older woman’s, squeezing in what she hoped was a reassuring manner.
It felt like hours later when a nurse came out with an update (it was well past midnight). Things were extremely touch and go, you were still being treated in a trauma room for extreme dehydration and a nearly severe case of hypothermia. Your tox screen had come back positive for some concoction of drugs, but since they had been injected into your blood stream they couldn’t just pump your stomach to get rid of them, it was a ‘wait it out’ type of situation. The nurse said there was a chance you’d be dealing with a mild concussion, they found gun shot residue near the wound on your leg, and there were multiple lacerations across your torso that they couldn’t exactly figure out what caused them. (Melinda would later confirm that they did indeed, come from a whip). Olivia pulled the nurse aside on the way back, asking if they could check for trauma or bruising that would’ve been caused by sexual assault, and if there was to run a rape kit, since you were nowhere near conscious there was no way you’d be able to outcry yet.
The minutes dragged on unbelievably slow, but seemed to speed by at the same time. Casey found herself utterly physically and mentally exhausted, she’d already been in court for 7 hours before they’d realized you’d been missing, she’d cried herself out completely, nearly asleep against Liz’s shoulder. It was only when Rita’s back up alarm went off that anyone realized it was already 7:00am Thursday, and it was only with Liz’s encouragement that she’d keep the other woman updated that Rita left with only an hour until she was needed in arraignment. It was shortly after that the nurse came back for another update, looking almost as exhausted as Casey and Liz felt, she said you had been moved to the ICU, things were still touch and go, and they were at the stage where it was time to just wait and hope for the best. The doctors had specifically requested no visitors, they were still flushing the drugs out of your system, monitoring for various side effects, if the hypothermia was bad enough your heart could stop, you were still under, and they didn’t want family witnessing if something started to go south. There was a chance of infection from the drugs and the open wounds that could lead to sepsis but they’d managed to get everything cleaned up, and much to everyone’s relief there were no signs of sexual trauma.
Olivia took a quick break down to the cafeteria once it was open, picking up a few different options, including a couple of smoothies along with the coffees, knowing that Liz and Casey might deny the actual food but they’d need some kind of nutrients if they were to keep going. She was sure to try and keep the optimism up in the room, conversation was limited, there were tiny little cat naps that everyone seemed to jerk out of suddenly, remembering where they were. Finally, nearly 12 hours later, the same nurse from earlier came out, a hint of a smile on her face.
“Ms Donnelly?” Liz’s head shot up, “Your daughter’s out of the ICU. She’s still pretty groggy, but she’s awake if you’d like to see her.” There was an overwhelming sense of relief shooting through the room, the sorrow and fear that previous occupied the air began to melt away. Casey felt the tension dissipate within her body, her jaw unclenching, limbs finally relaxing at the thought of you being okay, more importantly, being alive.
“I…uh..” Liz started before turning to Casey, “I..think you should go.”
“After what I said to her I’m not entirely sure she’ll even want to see me. She at least knows you love her, and that’s what she’ll need right now.” The older woman gave a reassuring squeeze to Casey’s hand, nodding at her to follow the nurse back to your room.
Casey wasn’t sure what to expect, finding her hands shaking slightly as she followed the nurse down a couple of hallways. She paused slightly in the doorway, giving herself a moment to take in the scene in front of her before you would notice her. You were hooked up to a couple of different machines, IV linked to your arm, the other one bandaged, covering the burnt skin of the brand, you were still pretty pale, and had an extra blanket wrapped around you to combat the hypothermia. 
She couldn’t help but notice just how small and fragile you looked in the bed, the way you’d curled around yourself in an attempt to make yourself even smaller, an attempt to disappear. Quietly she shut the door behind her, beginning to move to your bedside. The noise alerted you to someone in the room, cracking an eye open before your eyelids fluttered clearing your vision, focussing on the woman in front of you, it was then that she noticed how utterly broken you were, the light and sparkle in your eyes completely diminished.
“Casey?” Your voice shook when you spoke, unsure about what exactly was going on, your brain was still pretty foggy, all you could really notice was that you were in pain literally all over.
“Hi Baby…” She spoke softly, a concerned smile on her face. When she reached for your hand you instinctively flinched away, a whimper nearly escaping your lips. “Baby…it’s me..it’s Casey..I’m not gonna hurt you..” She could feel tears brimming into her eyes at your reaction, it was clear you were still scared, whatever the hell those bastards had done to you etched into your brain that contact meant pain.
“M’sorry.” You shifted slightly, wincing as you sat up, pulling your legs under you, still resting against the tilted up bed.
“You’ve got nothing to be sorry about my love.” She pulled a chair closer to your bedside, sitting to not be towering over your crumpled frame. You gave her a timid look, flipping your hand palm up, stretched out on the bed towards her. She was cautious, gingerly resting her hand on yours, fingers tracing the lines of your palm in a feather light touch, she was shocked at how cold your skin still was, wondering if that was okay. “I’m just incredibly thankful you’re safe, I love you so much baby, I don’t know what I’d do without you.” You gave her a warm smile, interlocking your fingers with hers, 
“I love you too.”
“Do..do you remember anything?” You shook your head, eyes glassing with tears.
“N..not really? Mrs Connors was at my apartment, next thing I know everything’s black, blurry. The room felt like it was spinning, I couldn’t really hear anything. I..I just remember it hurting..a lot…” 
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that.” Casey laid a gentle kiss to the back of your hand, thumb soothingly rubbing across it. You barely made eye contact with her, she could see the worry in your face when you spoke next, voice shaking heavier than when you’d first greeted her.
“Is..is my Mom here?”
“Of course she is!” You shied away from her gaze, “Why wouldn’t she be?”
“Because she thinks I’m worthless.” You mumbled into the pillow, not wanting to speak the truth into words.
“Baby…believe me…she doesn’t. She’s been terrified this entire time that she’d never see you again.” A strangled cry broke free from your throat, you may have been head over heels in love with Casey and didn’t want her to leave your side, but there were just times in your life that all you needed was your Mom, and this, this was one of those times. You felt scared, victimized, afraid of what was going to come after all of this, how were you supposed to move on from it without a mother’s love?
“Can…can you go get her?” Your eyes finally met hers, silently begging her, “P..please..” Another cry shot from your lips, Casey thought it was the overwhelming emotion that was causing your heart rate to spike, she squeezed your hand, just as she opened her mouth to reply one of the machines you were hooked up to started to go haywire. 
Your body seized up, before falling limp, your grasp dropping her hand just as a team of nurses burst into the rooms, everything was happening so quickly, a flurry of movement throughout the room. She could barely hear the nurse telling her she needed to leave the room, her head spun while she was shuttled outside, utter and complete fear shaking through her body as she watched them start chest compressions, placing an oxygen mask over your face. She could hear the rushed shouting through the glass of the window, your body jolted when they shocked you, concerned faces waited, watching the monitor for a moment before repeating the process, once, twice, there was the tiniest of blips on the third try. Hope seemed to glimmer through the room, though it was quickly overcome by defeat as the fourth and fifth times brought nothing but a dull drone of a dying beep as your heartbeat ceased. 
No…there was no way this was happening, you’d been fine, you’d been talking to her only a moment ago, slowly breathing life back into your wounded body. Casey knew it, she knew she was about to jolt awake, find herself back in the uncomfortable waiting room chair next to Liz. Oh God…Liz…what on Earth was she supposed to tell her now? She felt her body shaking, briefly registering a nurse giving her arm a gentle squeeze, relaying her apologies, something about cardiac arrest, that they’d done everything they could. The tears brimmed her eyes, daring to make their escape as her brain was lost in a world of denial, barely able to tear her eyes away from your lifeless form. Not even realizing it was happening her feet drug her back to the waiting room, Liz glanced up at the movement, her face quickly changing to confusion at the blank expression on the other woman’s features. Casey’s face tightened, daring to look up, her eyes caught Liz’s and she could only choke out a sob,
“Sh…she..coded…” The words were barely above a whisper, Liz’s chest constricted, tears immediately trailing down her face, it couldn’t be possible. You’d been fine less than 15 minutes ago, both women felt as if their entire world was absolutely crashing down around them, the one thing that they loved more than anything else gone, cruelly snatched away before they could even attempt to process it. Olivia felt her own heart breaking at the sight of the two of them burying into each others arms, silent sobs wracking through their bodies. Two people who, 24 hours ago, held distain for each other, only brought back together by their shared love, and now their immensely shared grief. Casey managed to pull away from the hug, her face stained with tears, knowing how important it was for Liz to know, “She was asking for you…she wanted to see you, she knew you were here, that you cared.” Liz let out a shaky breath, trying to hold her emotions back for at least a moment, gathering the strength to speak.
“Did you tell her you loved her?”
“Of course.” 
“Good.” It was all she could shakily manage, but Casey knew where she was going with the sentiment, that you may have suddenly and tragically vanished from their lives, but you knew that you were loved, that there was someone out there who cared about you more than anything else in the world.
It was roughly a month later when Casey found herself curled up against that all too familiar piece of driftwood, her face stained with tears as she let the sound of the ocean crashing against the sand invade her senses. She could practically feel your spirit enveloping the beach, as if your soft giggles echoed in the light breeze, the warmth of your body encased in the sand against her legs, the rhythm of your heart beating in time with the waves while she laid against your chest. She’d lost track of time, simply staring out to sea, wishing more than ever that you’d appear at her side, that wicked grin on your lips, telling her just how much you had missed her. She jumped at the sound of the trees rustling, glancing over her shoulder, the glow of the evening sky illuminating her visitor.
“Liz?” Her voice broke through the air roughly, throat hoarse from the tears she’d shed. The older woman gave her a tight smile, moving through the sand, seating herself beside Casey.
“You really think I’d be anywhere else but here today?” She questioned, a pained look on her face. “She loved this beach more than anywhere else in the world…” She began, “Her little escape from the real world. That’s how I figured out how much she loves you Casey, she brought you here the very first night you met, she never brought anyone here.” She pulled three Uncrustable’s from her bag, handing one to Casey who smiled at the choice of one of your favourite snacks, “Figured this was the least I could do.” Liz continued, unwrapping the third one, placing it in the sand in front of them before she revealed a birthday candle and a lighter. The Uncrustable serving as a cake on what should have been your 29th birthday, silence overtaking the pair watching the flicker of the candle before Casey let out a sniffle, almost surprised when Liz wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“I..fuck..I just miss her so much..”
“I know…” Liz’s hand stroked through her hair gently, tears brimming her own eyes, “So do I.” They stayed in silence for a moment, their pining sorrow only breaking by the sound of the ocean. Casey was actually surprised at the gentle feeling of Liz giving the top of her hair a maternal kiss. Since you’d gone they’d grown even closer, any amount of animosity vanishing, everyone needed someone to lean on during times like these, and they found solace and friendship in each other. “You know…”Liz began, “You would’ve made the best daughter in law a Mom could ask for.” Casey straightened up, looking at Liz, perplexity consuming her face.
“You mean that?”
“Yes.” She gave the younger woman’s hand a squeeze, “You meant the world to her Casey, that’s all a Mother wants. I know I reacted horribly at first, but you were nothing but good for her, you would have made an excellent addition to our little mish mash of a family.”
“Thank you…” Casey felt a whelm of gratification flowing through her, sure, it was months later, but knowing that Elizabeth approved, and was in support of whatever happened between you still meant something. Another rustle broke though their thoughts, both glancing back towards the tree line, expecting something like a stray cat, surprised at the form emerging from the bushes.
“Rita?” Liz started, “Are…are you wearing leggings?”
“Yeah, well the beach and Prada don’t exactly go together.” She shot back, moving across the sand, “Figured at least one of you would be here tonight.” She dropped down on the other side of Liz, a fast food bag lingering in front of her.
“McDonalds?” Casey questioned, you’d never brought up loving the chain, though maybe there was something she’d missed.
“Closest thing I could get to Dino Nuggets on short notice.” Rita replied, causing Casey to let out a snort, 
“You mean closest thing you could get to Dino Nuggets without burning down the house.” Rita was quick to shoot her a playful glare, prepping for Liz’s practical wrath.
“Burning down the house? For the love of God Rita!”
“It was ONE time!” For the first time that evening, laughter broke through the beach front, interrupting the evening of sorrow, making it seem like everything would actually be okay, and eventually, it would. 
The three women spent more than a few hours on that beach, reminiscing about various moments of your life, their favourite memories, there were tears, there were laughs, small smiles, stories revealed that the other two had no idea had happened. But most importantly there was camaraderie, a sense that things would finally start to look up. You may have been gone, but there was no way you were about to leave any of their hearts. 
It became tradition, not mattering how busy they were, every year the three of them gathered on that beach in Seagate, lighting a flame in memory of someone they loved more than anyone else. Some nights they were silent, some nights there were tears, some nights were filled with laughter, but every night was full of love, the stars above them shining down, reminding them that no matter what, you were still watching over, keeping a safe eye on the people you loved the most
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cmmndrwidw · 2 years
Censured- Bonus Ch 15
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Casey Novak x reader ft Alex Cabot. Warnings: language, smut, masturbation, kind of semi public sex?
You were sprawled across the couch, pout on your lips as you half glared over at Casey on the other end, she was supposed to be out on a celebratory lunch date with you, having finally got a day off after winning a major case. Instead, she’d answered her phone right as you were about to leave and got trapped into a work call, occasionally scribbling words down on the legal pad that lived on the coffee table. Checking your watch you realized it’d already been nearly 25 minutes, you’d lost your reservation by now for sure, you let out an impatient huff of a groan which elicited no response from your fiancee. 
What’s worse was that now this was cutting into your post lunch fucking time, you were stuck on the overnight shift tonight, having to be at the precinct by 6:30. You were already pretty pent up, the case had both you and Casey working practically non stop for three weeks, too exhausted when you finally hit the sheets to think about anything but a cuddle and sleep. You gave her thigh a soft shove with your foot, at least that somewhat got her attention, glancing up at you, a brow cocked in your direction, grin splayed across her lips. Pouting, you pointed at your watch, emphasizing how much time had passed since she’d picked up the phone, causing her to check her own, giving a gentle sigh. Rather than hang up like you expected, she grabbed your ankle, you shrieked quietly as she tugged your body down the couch, draping your legs across her lap. Continuing the phone conversation her free hand trailed up your bare leg, more than happy you’d been wearing a sundress for lunch, she squeezed your upper thigh sharply, fingers tracing the hem of your panties, snapping the elastic against your skin, shooting you a wink as she pulled them down your legs.
Your breath hitched, cheeks immediately flushing at the feel of her fingers trailing through your most heated spot, turning your legs out to give Casey easier access, the hem of your dress pushed up above your waist, exposing your pussy to her. She smiled gleefully at the sight of you bare, full access to what she knew you wanted the most. Resuming her conversation as if everything was completely normal and all business, the tips of her fingers dipped between your legs, toying with your lower lips as innocently as if she was playing with your hair while watching a movie. Feeling the heat building in your body, heart fluttering in your chest, your eyes softly closed, a breath of satisfaction leaving your lips quietly at her gentle touch. Casey smirked into the phone at the feeling of your juices oozing out without even having to really touch you, without her lips meeting yours, with barely any contact at all, the thought alone was enough to get you going. Her hand delved slowly into your cunt, coaxing out the wetness, curling against you in a featherlight touch that made you gasp, aching for more. The dampened pads of her fingers retreated, moving up to circle your clit leisurely, you had to hold back a moan when she pinched it between her thumb and forefinger, rolling it tightly between the two, eyes meeting yours with fire and lust. Her hand moved down, fingers finally plunging into your soaked cunt, she held back a groan at just how fucking slick and ready you were, wishing she could be fucking you with a toy or plunging her tongue into you right now. Your hips rutted up against her hand, whispered whimpers breaking free of your lips while she finger fucked you torturously slow. You were gasping for air, juices leaking out onto the couch beneath you, your hair a mess from being thrown back against the couch, body arching towards Casey, begging for more, begging for anything, her fingers dragging against your g-spot, the sounds of your sopping cunt practically echoing through the room. 
“Are you writing this down?” Alex’s voice broke Casey’s train of thought of how she would continue to torture you, she laughed lightly in response.
“To be completely honest my free hand’s a little busy.” The sin was seeping through her voice, smirk evident on her face when your eyes shot up to hers, you didn’t know who she’d been on the phone with yet.
“Are…you doing what I think your doing right now?” Casey flicked at your clit the same instant she drug across your g-spot, causing your to moan, the sound very clearly heard through the phone.
“Shame you’re not here to see the fucking mess she’s making on the couch.” Her fingers plunged back into you, “I’m surprised you can’t hear how wet she is from there…”
“Put me on speaker.” Alex’s voice came through the line, Casey did as requested, placing the phone in the dip between your hip and core,
“It’s just Alex baby…” She spoke softly, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on your thigh, fingers continuing to thrust into you. You lips broke open at that, mewls echoing through the room, hips rutting against Casey’s hand, more importantly the drenched squelching of your cunt bouncing off the walls into the phone.
“Jesus Darling your fucking soaked…. Alex’s voice hit your ears like fucking silk, “She’s really got you riled up doesn’t she?” You whimpered out a yes in response, barely able to concentrate on her words.
“Wan….wanna cum…please…” You begged, half to the phone and half to the redhead smirking above you.
“Ohoho sweetheart you don’t get to cum until Alex does…” Over the past few months as Casey had explored more into things she’d moved into becoming much more dominate in your relationship, and you certainly weren’t complaining. You were intrigued as to how Alex would react, battle it out, or simply submit to the other one or battle it out. Ever the obedient you whined out, 
“Alex….please…” Resulting in a dark chuckle from the other end, 
“She really wants it….”
“Oh don’t be rude, let her cum soon, we’ve already missed lunch.” Casey replied, her fingers twisting and scissoring in you, gaining a gasp from you, hips jutting off the couch, eyes squeezing shut, “I don’t want to edge her that much.” 
“Alright darling, let me hear you. Let me hear just how incredible Casey’s making you feel.” You held nothing back at that point, any groans and moans vehemently leaving your mouth, thrusting against Casey’s hand, wishing she would give you more. You heard the familiar whir of a vibrator on the other end of the line, your eyes meeting Casey’s as you realized Alex really was about to touch herself to you noises. A satisfied moan came through the receiver, you could practically picture the blonde, head thrown back against her lush pillows, toy between her spread legs as she teased herself. Your noises simply seemed to egg her on, the vibrations getting stronger as you let out a yelp, Casey using the speaker phone as an advantage to wrap her lips around your clit. 
“Fuck!” You swore into the room, hand grasping into Casey’s hair, whimpering at the need to cum, wanting nothing more than that, shooting her a glare as she pulled away, fingers leaving you as you were nearly there.
“Alex you better hurry up, someone’s getting impatient…”
“Alex pleeeaase!!!” She recognized the begging in your voice, giving a chuckle before she let out a loud moan, “I know you’re close, please….turn it up…” Alex wasn’t one to deny you, she loved being in charge but your pleading voice was too much for her. She turned the vibe to its highest setting, a loud gasp leaving her mouth right as Casey dived back into your soaked cunt while her fingers plunged into you. It was as if like fucking magic that the two of you were practically screaming your releases at the same time. Chest heaving you tried to tug Casey against you, her voice laughing softly, laying a soft trail of kisses up your body, moving the phone beside your head.
“You okay Alex?” She gently asked. How she’d turned out to be the dom in this situation you had no idea, but you weren’t about to turn that away.
“Yeah…” Her voice was breathy and ragged through the phone, “Fuck…” It was you who spoke next, your voice still airy and blessed out.
“You should probably get the fuck over here now…”
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cmmndrwidw · 2 years
shipping fictional characters together as an adult is actually very fun and i encourage it. it is also one of the worst things you can do to yourself and should not be attempted. it’s very simple really.
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cmmndrwidw · 2 years
Unexpected Judgement Ch 14
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Warnings: Language.
SURPRRIIIISSEEEE!!!! Guess who LOVES this Donnelly storyline and LOVES writing random shit no one asked for?!?! (Hint..its me) This is a little bonus chapter for the series, it jumps around a bit timeline wise post where we left them (Y/N alive, not the alternate ending), there’s no specific time or connection between the +++ it’s just little snippets of their lives. I very well may do some more later on. I originally thought this would be WAY shorter and include more snippets but we all know how things go lolololol.
“Hey, you uh…got a minute?” Casey asked as she braced a quick knock on the door frame of Liz’s office.
“Thought I got you your warrants already?” The older woman smirked, gesturing to the chair in front of her desk. “What’s up?”
“I uh… wanted to ask you about something.” Liz’s brow furrowed, folding her arms in front of her on the desk.
“Why are you so nervous right now? What did you do this time?”
“Nothing! I..uh…I just…” Casey sputtered, suddenly wickedly nervous, Liz’s eyes boring into her. “It’s about Y/N.”
“Is she okay?” The older woman felt her heart pick up, worrying that you’d potentially regressed after seeming to be fully recovered.
“Yes! She’s fine, she’s..great.” She took a deep breath, gathering her wild running thoughts together, “I just feel like we did this whole thing so backwards the first time, the whole secret keeping thing? And I wanted to ask for your…” Her brows scrunched, searching for the right word despite having gone through this conversation in her head about a million times already, “Uhm…permission I guess?” A smirk grew on Liz’s face, finding enjoyment in the usually eloquently spoken lawyer stumbling over her words.
“You want to ask her to marry you?” Casey stopped, mouth slightly agape as she took in the grin on her boss’s face.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah I really, really do.” Liz gave her a soft smile, pulling open one of the drawers of her desk, digging around a minute before she handed a business card across to Casey.
“Tell ya what, I’ve got an account at Tiffany’s on Greene street. And she’s got a soft spot for rose gold.”
“Are you sure?” She hesitantly took the card, quickly looking it over before placing it into her pocket, “I mean, the house? You’ve already—“
“Nonsense.” She waved it off, “Besides, it’s her bastard of a father’s money, I’ve been wracking up a tab for years.” Casey let out a small laugh at that, “She’s a Donnelly, she deserves something nice. Not that it matters, you could propose with a ring pop and she’d say yes.”
“You kidding? Casey, she’s so utterly in love with you, she never shuts up about it. You make her happier than anything else in this world, so yes, you have my blessing.”
“Thank you. Really, I mean it.” She gave the woman a warm smile, standing from the chair in a motion to leave at Liz’s small nod. It was then that you practically bounded into the office, not bothering to knock.
“They were outta shrimp so I had them put chicken in your scampi I hope that’s okay.” You glanced up, greeting Casey softly, “Hey baby.” Not being modest about the fact that your Mother was right there you pulled her into a tight kiss, “Left a coffee on your desk.” 
“Thank you.” She smiled, giving you a quick kiss and squeezing your hand, “I’ve got a motion to file, I’ll see you at home.”
“‘Course.” You pecked her cheek quickly before dropping into the chair she’d just vacated.
“What is this bullshit about chicken? You couldn’t have ran to Pasteur to get shrimp?” You rolled your eyes at your mother’s comment,
“Don’t you have like, a clerk to run your errands for you? You’re lucky I even made it here, Rita wanted to drag me to Saks.”
“Shame, you could use a shopping spree. You look like a broke college student.” She teased, taking in your appearance. Truthfully, you were in leggings and a tank top covered in Frozen characters, white cardigan thrown over top, and you’d tugged your hair up into a slightly unkempt top knot.
“Wow. Thanks. For your information I spent the morning sitting under a table at the 1-6 talking to a 5 year old who was assaulted by her step dad. And from what I hear, you spent your morning making a 11 year old cry on the stand. You proud of that?” You half chuckled, knowing that honestly the kid had it coming to him, and was technically a perp. “Besides, can’t afford a shopping spree, had to replace the bed frame last week.”
“I don’t want to know.” You stood as your phone pinged, medical results back, leaning over the desk to give Liz a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Let’s just say Rollins won’t be getting her cuffs back anytime soon.”
“Oh Jesus Christ.” She gave an exasperated sigh, shoving the take out container away from her. “Why are you like this?” You gave a playful shrug of your shoulders, 
“You usually blame Rita.” 
“Get out of my office.” She hucked a pen at you, causing you to yelp, jumping towards the door.
“I love youuu.” You called back sing songily over your shoulder.
“You’re chaotic!” She shouted after you, rolling her eyes.
It took Casey nearly two weeks to finally decide on a ring that she deemed perfect and good enough for you, dragging Alex down to Tiffany’s with her to get her approval before she finally bought it.
It took another two weeks before she was able to figure out how to propose. Naturally, she wanted to do it at Seagate, but the fear of losing the ring in the sand or waves before it got on your finger was too high. There were far too many accidental blooper engagement videos out there of the exact thing happening. 
As it turned out, it didn’t need to be anything fancy or special. It was a Saturday morning, she’d spent far too many hours working through the week, and ended up at the office much later than she’d hoped the night before, missing the dinner date you had scheduled. That morning you kissed her head gently, telling her to keep sleeping because she deserved it while you snuck out of the bed. The quiet clatter from the kitchen and the smell of cinnamon wafting through the apartment eventually roused her. You were clad in pyjama shorts and one of her old Harvard tees that you loved so much, you claimed they smelt like her and it made you feel at home wearing them, your hair tied back in a fuzzy side braid. You turned from the stove at the sound of her in the room, plating up the french toast.
“Perfect timing.” You gave her a bright grin, pushing the plate towards her as you moved around the breakfast bar, kissing her cheek softly, “Made with love, just like you like it.”
“You’re perfect, you know that?” Her comment caused you to flush, feeling overwhelmed from the affection.
“Oh I dunno about that.” You softly laughed.
“Baby I mean it.” The words tumbled out without her even realizing it, just so overcome with emotion she couldn’t hold it back anymore, “I love you more than anything, I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.” Your eyes widened slightly, a small gasp escaping your lips.
“Of course!” She let out a groan, “Shit.” Moving quickly to the desk you shared she tugged through one of her drawers of work files, searching for the small box.
“What?” There was a sense of curiosity and a worry hidden in your voice.
“There’s a process to this and I just fucked it all up.” 
“What’re you—Oh…OH!” Your hands flew to your face at the sight of the ring, “Casey…?” The tears welled in your eyes, “Are you—“
“Will you marr—“
“YES!” You launched at her with such ferocity the box nearly tumbled out of her hand, the suspicion of not wanting to do it at the beach confirmed. 
The rest of the morning was spent with happy tears and a very eager you wanting to show Casey just how much you loved her. That French toast very much forgotten, cold and very soggy by the time you managed to tear yourselves away from each other.
You weren’t quite sure when the tradition of McDonald’s breakfast for Mother’s Day had originated, probably when you were old enough to have an allowance but not old enough for it to be enough to afford much more than a McMuffin. Though Elizabeth Donnelly would never be caught dead inside a McDonald’s, so you usually picked up the food on the way to her Brownstone, celebrating at the house in place of that week’s Sunday dinner. 
You and Casey were greeted with warm hugs before you spread a smattering of items across the dining room table, enjoying a variety of the foods. The morning passed quickly, the three of you laughing over old stories Liz shared of the terrors of your childhood. Much to your embarrassment she brought up the story of how you came out to her, coming home slightly drunk from a high school party, much earlier than she’d expected you. When she questioned you to why (ignoring the fact that her underage daughter was clearly intoxicated) you mentioned something about being stuck in 7 minutes in heaven when a boy whipped it out and you gagged over the thought of it anywhere near you, commenting something about how it looked like a naked mole rat. She’d laughed at your brashness, sending you up to bed with water and Advil, you’d been hesitant the next morning, remembering the conversation, nervous to face her, but she’d obviously openly accepted that little fact of who you were.
You were clearing the table, tossing the wrappers and last little bites of food you couldn’t finish into the take away bag, getting ready to leave a few hours later.
“Oh! I almost forgot your present!” You moved to grab the gift bag from inside your bag.
“Sweetheart you know you don’t have to.”
“Well, I wanted to.” You shot back, handing it over to her. Liz ruffled through the tissue paper, “Hey! Card first!” She nearly rolled her eyes at your insistence, placing the bag on the table while she slid open the envelope. Her eyes scanned the front of the card,
“Did you even read this before you bought it? It say—“ She suddenly stopped, the card flipped open in her hand, the glossy paper slipping into her hand. “Is this…are you..?” Her eyes shot up to you, feeling the tears filling them.
“So? What’d’you prefer? Gramma or Grammy?” You watched her eyes fly between you and Casey, the shock slowly taking over her face, “You can’t be mad at her! It’s not like she can accidentally knock me up!” You defended quickly, “I know it’s not exactly traditional, probably should’ve waited until we were actually married but the doctors said it could take a long time. We didn’t expect it to take so fast.”
“Well when have you have done anything traditional in your life.” You laughed at that, “You’re really pregnant?”
“Yeah Mom. You’re gonna be a Gramma.” 
“Oh sweetheart….” She quickly pulled you into a tight hug, kissing your head softly, “I love you,” Her gaze landed on Casey, tugging her into the hug too, “Both of you. Congratulations.” She could barely imagine it, she’d never really thought about being a Mother, much less being a Grandmother, but she loved you both so much she knew any child of yours would be incredible. Liz pulled away gently, grasping you by the shoulders as she locked eyes with you, “But for your own sanity, please don’t ever let Rita babysit.” Both you and Casey absolutely howled at that, “I’m serious! I paid for that condo, I don’t want it burnt down over some dino nuggets!!”
A few months later you found yourself back at that infamous A.D.A. Gala over in Seagate, at least this time you had Casey by your side, able to be open and loving with each other. You were up at the bar, sipping back on your soda water, watching her make small talk with some work friends, smiling as she bid them a goodbye, making her way over to you. Casey cupped your cheek softly, kissing you with unbelievable intimacy, an arm wrapping around you as she spoke.
“You thinking about how much you hate the fact that you can’t drink right now?” She questioned, kissing your cheek, free hand, rubbing gently at the small bump of your stomach.
“No.” You replied, kissing her lightly, “Thinking about how I don’t wanna wait any longer to marry you…and how the beach is only five minutes away…” She didn’t miss the gleam in your eye, the smirk on your lips, a smile breaking through her own.
“Tonight? You sure?”
“Baby I would’ve married you ages ago. Tonight just feels perfect.” You hummed in satisfaction as her lips met your head.
“Why do you look like you’re scheming something up right now?” Liz’s voice broke through your thoughts, your gaze meeting hers, smirk evident on your lips.
“Perfect timing.” You replied, “Get Rita, we’re going down to the beach.”
“What are you planning now?”
“You’re gonna marry us. Tonight. Please.” She sighed lightly with a smile, 
“When have I ever been able to say no to you?”
“Oho I can think of a few.” She swatted at your arm, glare evident in her eye before she waved Rita over.
You gave no explanation as you lead them down to your little piece of heaven, the sun having barely set, dusk slowly taking over the warm evening.
“Rita what the hell are you doing with that bottle of champagne?!” Liz’s voice broke the silence, 
“You dragged me out of a free food and drink gala to come to the beach! I’m wearing Dolce & Gabbana, what did you expect?! Why are we here?”
“I need a witness. My chaotic daughter decided she needed to get married tonight.”
“Oh!” You couldn’t help but laugh at the older women’s bantering, curling yourself around Casey, gently kissing her cheek.
“Sorry Rita…” You laughed, tugging Casey closer to the water.
And it was just like that, just the four of you and the gentle sound of the waves washing around your feet that you were officially wed. It wasn’t what any of you had expected, it wasn’t what any of you had planned, but it was all you needed, something small, intimate, and most importantly surrounded by the people you loved most, in your favourite place in the world. Though you would’ve married Casey anywhere, she made every place you went your most favourite place. She was the light of your life, and you were hers, you found such solace and peace in each other, fitting perfectly into each other's lives. She was your saving grace, the perfect addition to your little mish mashed family, the missing puzzle pieces from each other's lives you’d spent so long searching for. You’d fallen for each other those years ago on that very beach, your first kiss, your first Valentine’s, your favourite memories flooding alongside the waves, it simply made perfect sense that there was where you made up vows on the spot. Trying to get the words out about just how much you loved each other, how you wanted nothing more than to spend your lives together, and just how incredibly excited you were about the little bean growing inside of you. There wasn’t a dry eye among any of you as you shared your first official kiss as a married couple. 
There certainly was no doubting your love, you were truly meant for each other.
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cmmndrwidw · 2 years
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cmmndrwidw · 2 years
A New Level of Vacations
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Heather Dunbar x Bryan Kneef x reader Yes, 'we've gone into the world of crossovers and I've placed my two kinkiest characters into one fic to round out @thatesqcrush 's kinktober. I don't know what possessed me to do this (yes, yes I do, it was @witches-unruly-heart asking for Barba/Heather/Reader and I went...but what about Bryan?) and this was born. I will likely be writing more for these three in the future because...how could I not?! (also open to suggestions on to who the fourth could be that they invite in?) Covers the breeding/creampie square. Also lil fun fact, this is the longest one shot I have written, and is even longer than the Off Limits SERIES!!! like... WHAT? it took me a MONTH to write and that was not because of writers block. Read the warnings, and enjoy besties! Warnings:Language, smut, dirty talk, derogatory talk/name calling, threesome (M/F/F), daddy kink, mommy kink, breeding kink/creampie, cum kink/play, choking/minor breath play, strap on, oral (male and female receiving), face fucking, spit, a tiny hint of face slapping but it’s not hard, it’s rather rough sex at points y’all, butt plugs, anal, spanking, squirting, snowballing, double penetration, overstimulation, some minor crying thanks to pleasure, bondage/tying up/spreader bar used, face sitting, and some praise kink.
A week away always meant a week of lavish hotel suites, private infinity pools right off the master bedroom, lush pillows and beds that were nothing smaller than a California king. They also meant the highest of shelf liquors, whether poured in your suite or down at any of the three bars, and the most luxurious of meals, delicacies you wouldn’t get to taste anywhere else in the world. They meant that you’d get to showcase your favourite dresses, revealing just enough skin to drive everyone crazy, though only your partners would know just how seductive the lingerie set underneath was. And that was because they were the ones who bought it for you, whether online, sending you with a credit card to the store demanding pictures before you bought, or taking the time to make you a whimpering mess in the change room before letting you purchase. On the rare occasion you would surprise them with something you’d bought without them knowing, and those were the nights you got absolutely ravished, both of them pulling as many orgasms from you as they deemed possible before coming themselves, constantly praising you for just how fucking beautiful you were, reminding you much they loved you.
The smaller trips away, ones that only one of them were needed for you would only stay for a day or two, not wanting to leave out whoever was stuck at home. There was usually a lot of facetiming, phone calls filled with your moans, audio messages of you begging to be fucked for the other to hear and masturbate to while the one you were with teased you endlessly. But this time, this week away? It was an actual vacation, with no work to be had, which meant all of it would be nothing but pleasure for the three of you. You were set up in a private suite in a gorgeous hotel in Bali, a giant pool right off your bedroom, able to watch the sunset each night from either the comfort of your bed or inside the pool overlooking the ocean. You’d barely left the suite the entire time, not needing much more than each other to occupy your time despite the gorgeous country you were in.
Yes, vacations with Heather and Bryan certainly were something else.
Your hotel suite took over an entire corner of the building, the infinity pool giving you 180 degrees view of the ocean and the sky. Heather had wanted to watch the sunrise over the ocean, urging the two of you to get up far earlier than you’d wanted, especially considering the night prior, but you couldn’t exactly tell her no. You lounged in the pool, alternating between whose arms you were in as you watched the sun rise, a happy hum leaving your lips each time someone kissed at your skin. Breakfast was room service, served on a floating tray that you all indulged in, conversation easily flowing between you as you discussed the day ahead. Heather couldn’t help but chuckle at the way you kept yawning, your head dropping back onto her or Bryan’s shoulder whenever it got the chance. Bryan rolled his eyes playfully, saying they had to get you out of the pool before you fell asleep on them and drowned and much to her annoyance, Heather did agree that he was right. Bryan scooped you up in his arms, carrying you inside, encouraging you to wrap yourself in a towel as you sleepily stumbled through the suite. He laughed softly, making sure you were actually dry before stripping you of your bikini and nudging you towards the lush bed.
“You’re going back to bed aren’t you?” Heather asked dryly as she wrapped a towel around herself, walking into the bedroom to find Bryan already burying himself under the covers.
“Heat it’s not even seven, where the fuck else would I be going?” He scoffed, “you coming?”
“No. Unlike some of you I actually got to bed at a reasonable hour last night, there’s a beach yoga session I want to go to.”
“Whatever floats your boat.” He grumbled in response, his strong arm wrapping around your midsection, pulling you tightly to him before she rolled her eyes and left the room, Bryan quickly falling into a very peaceful sleep.
You woke up a couple of hours later, finally feeling rested but more than willing to stay curled up in bed, Bryan’s heavy arm wrapped around your waist, your naked body pressed to his. You adjusted slightly, burrowing into the pillow, your ass wiggling against Bryan and your breath caught in your throat at the feeling of his erection pressing into your body. Behind you he chuckled softly, his beard tickling at your neck as he murmured, his voice still gruff with sleep,
“You already want to go again? Such a needy slut you are.”
“Mmmm…” was all you could get out back to him, the arm he had around your waist shifting, his fingers ghosting over your skin, cupping at your chest, pinching at your nipples sharply, pulling a gasp from you. Your back arched, ass pressing into him and he let out a small groan, rutting against you.
“Bet you’re already wet too.” His lips pressed into your neck, teeth nipping at the sensitive skin as his hand sunk south.
“You’re one to talk.” You grumbled back, pressing your body against his hard cock. In retaliation he spanked at your clit sharply, earning a gasp from you.
“So you wanna be a fucking brat?” He chuckled darkly, teeth sinking into your neck as his hand spread your legs, cock nudging at your folds, “maybe we should see how much you can take? You’ve been completely insatiable this week, should fuck you until you’re begging us to stop?”
With one smooth movement he buried his cock deep into your cunt, hips smacking against your ass and you let out a soft yelp of pleasure. Bryan began to thrust hard and deep into you and you could feel every ridge of his thick cock with each roll of his hips. Your arm reached around behind you, burying into his hair as your body arched into his, your moans getting louder with each snap of his hips.
“Oh fuck daddy!”
“Yeah? You like my cock this deep in that needy little pussy? Want me to fill you with my cum?”
“Yes! Please! Want it leaking out of me.”
You let out a louder moan as his cock dragged over your g-spot, the hand he had on your hip crept around your body in search of your clit, pinching it between his fingers and earning a gasp from you. He was right, you’d been so incredibly needy all week, begging him and Heather to fuck you every night, never able to fully fulfill the desire that pooled within you. His cock stretched you out, your pussy fluttering around him when he twitched, pulling a groan from him. Bryan rolled you onto your stomach, propping himself up on his knees so he could fuck you harder, faster, beginning to chase his own release and stuff you full of his cum. Your moans turned into whines as fire burst through your body, prickling just under your skin, your fingers clawing at the bedspread.
“More daddy! Please!” You cried out, eyes scrunching shut and Bryan laughed darkly behind you. Spitting onto your ass he spread the wetness around with his thumb before sinking his thumb into your tight hole, “oh god! Yes!” Your body shuddered underneath him, pussy clamping down around his cock, your words became a string of moans and cries as you hit your peak.
“That’s it, take it you little slut, just like daddy wants.” He grunted, the room filling with moans and the sound of skin on skin as he thrusted powerfully into you. His cock throbbed, groaning over the feeling of your cunt fluttering around him and he sunk one particularly sharp thrust into you, grunting as his cum painted your walls. He squeezed around the base, milking every last drop out of him and you let out a heavy moan at the sensation.
“This certainly isn’t sleeping.” Heather’s voice murmured from the doorway, a smirk evident in her tone.
“Sorry mommy.” You muttered, voice muffled by the pillows and Bryan let out a dark laugh, pulling his thumb out of your ass and giving you a swift spank.
“Little slut just can’t get enough.” He slowly pulled out, watching his cum dribble down your thighs before thrusting his cock back in, fucking his cum deeper into your needy pussy. You moaned, trembling at the sensation.
“More…” You moaned and it was Heather’s turn to chuckle darkly, moving through the room to the bed side. Her fingers curled under your chin, lifting your head off the bed and your eyes fluttered open, letting out a little sigh as Bryan pulled all the way out, his dick softening, replacing it with his fingers, stretching the cum between them.
“Oh kitten…” she mewled, “you really do want to be stuffed full, don’t you?” You nodded feverishly and she laughed, pinching sharply at your chin, “want to be used? Pumped full of cum until you can’t handle it? Watch it drip out of all your stupid little holes? Like the little cum slut you are?”
“Please mommy!” Your cry was met with Bryan’s cum slicked fingers thrusting into your mouth, smearing it around your lips as your tongue lapped around the digits, sucking them clean.
“I think that can be arranged.” She replied with an evil grin, crossing to the bench across from the bed where the bag of toys had been left. Heather pulled out the squirting dildo and slid it into the strap before stepping into that, picking up the bottle of cherry lube to fill it with. “Since you want it so much, I think we’ll leave the tying up to when you’re begging us to stop.” She smirked, dropping the restraints onto the bed along with a butt plug, “make sure you can’t squirm your way away from us, you did beg so politely. You’ll be good?”
“Yes mommy.” You shifted on the bed, settling on your knees, ready and pretty for Heather.
“What’s your word?” Bryan asked from behind you, lips meeting your neck once again.
“That’s our good girl.” He purred into your ear and you let out a little shiver.
“C’mere kitten.” Heather crooked her fingers and you scrambled to the side of the bed to get closer to her. She let out a small chuckle, hands grasping at your waist as she flipped you onto your back and you squealed as she spun you around so your head was hanging at the edge of the bed and your legs were settled beside Bryan. “Go find us some drinks won’t you?” She asked him and he shifted off the bed, disappearing from the room.
Heather climbed onto the bed, crawling in between your legs, her fingers spreading you pussy lips as she hummed in appreciation. Pussy puffy and swollen, clit peaking in the cool air of the room while Bryan’s cum leaked out of you.
“That’s our pretty little slut…” she murmured, lining her cock up and sinking into you until she was buried to the hilt and you let out a whine, your body twitching at the sensitivity, “oh don’t start that already, I know you can take it.”
“Yes mommy.” You let out a moan as her cock began to drag through your cunt, wet sounds bouncing off the walls at the sound of your juices and Bryan’s cum smearing around Heather’s cock.
She rocked forward, leaning over you and her hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing gently, nodding at you as your hand wrapped around her wrist to signal if you needed to tap out. She thrusted into you slow, deep but sharply, your breath catching with each pump of her hips. She watched the way your eyes were fluttering shut already, the way your hips would rock to meet hers, whines escaping your lips.
“You like that princess, don’t you?” Bryan practically jeered as he re-entered the room, “god do I ever love watching you fuck her.” His comment directed toward Heather this time as she continued her tantalizing thrusts, she replied with a chuckle, accepting the mimosa from him before taking a hefty sip and placing it down on the bedside table.
“You thirsty kitten?” She asked and your eyes cracked open your brow furrowed as you glanced between the two of them, “or would you rather have daddy’s cock in your mouth? Feel him get hard between those pretty lips?” Her hand moved off your throat so you could answer and you gasped out,
“Daddy’s cock! Please!”
“I had a feeling that was going to be the answer.” He cooed, but still tilted your head up to help you take a drink before the glass joined Heat’s on the bedside table.
Her hips suddenly thrust into you with enough power to push your head over the side of the bed and you let out a little squeak as her hand found its way back to your throat, squeezing harder this time. Bryan’s hand came to your mouth, tracing your lips with his thumb, watching the way your mouth fell open before sucking the digit in between your lips, groaning as he fucked it in and out of your mouth, smoothing your hair back with his other hand as he peered down at you.
“You may be such a fucking whore but you are always so fucking good for us, you know that?”
You did your best to nod, a gasp leaving you when Heather’s cock hit your g-spot, your eyes squeezing shut. You reopened them your hand reached above your head, wrapping around Bryan’s cock, urging him towards you and he wasn’t about to try to resist. His cock was still smeared with your mixed cum and you were more than eager to get it into your mouth, whining when he teased you, tracing your lips with the tip of it and you were rewarded with Heather squeezing tighter around your throat.
Bryan sunk his cock into your mouth, letting your lips wrap around it, your tongue lap at it, tracing the veins you were oh so familiar with. You sucked it into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks and he let out a groan, feeling it twitch as the blood started to run south with only one thing left on his mind. His hips started to pick up, moaning at the feeling of your lips and hand wrapped around his cock. He began to match the pace of Heather’s hips, the two of them working in tandem to make you absolutely fall apart between them.
“Oh you sweet thing…” Heather’s hand closed tighter around your neck and your body shook with pleasure, “if you’re a good little thing and come for us mommy will fill that greedy pussy with cum, you understand?”
You pulled off Bryan’s cock, gasping for air when Heather let up on your throat so you could speak, “can I touch myself?”
“Absolutely not.” She replied, “but I think Bry can do the honours of that.” She tossed him a smirk as his cock sunk down into your throat again, Heather letting out a low moan at the feeling of the bulge in your neck against her hand. “That’s it…” she praised, “fuck her throat like I know you like to. Even better if you make her cry.”
“Always so sadistic you are.” Bryan chuckled and Heather rolled her eyes, knowing he was getting off on this just as much as she was.
He plunged his cock into your mouth, matching the brutal pace Heather was pounding into your cunt, she shot him a wicked grin before spitting onto your pussy and he leant forward, smearing it around your clit, causing you to let out a heavy whine around his cock. Your body rocked up into the touch, pussy clamping down around the dildo as your eyes squeezed shut, mouth sucking harder around Bryan’s cock and he let out a grunt. You started to lose control, the fire shooting through your body as you began to shudder against the bedspread, whining your lips slipping off Bry so your cries could leave your lips. He paid no mind, his fingers continuing to furiously rub at your clit while his other hand came to caress at your cheek softly.
“That’s it princess, you do so well for us, mommy wants you to come around her cock. Let us see you come undone.” You whimpered in response, glancing up at him and he laughed darkly before slapping your cheek and you let out a cry.
“Oh fuck! Fuck!”
Heather’s hand closed so tight around your throat you saw stars, tears building in your eyes until Bryan slapped you again and they were rolling down your cheeks as your body trembled, orgasm shooting through you.
“Fuck kitten, you’re always so fucking hot when you come.” Bryan grunted, hand wrapping around his cock as he started to fist it.
“You ready for mommy’s cum?” Heather panted above you and you nodded feverishly, “what do you say?” She slapped your clit and your body jolted up off the bed with a loud cry.
“Please mommy!” You cried, “I’ve been so good, so good! Need your cum, need you to fill me up.”
“That’s it princess.” She growled in response, pounding into you a few more times before thrusting so hard Bryan had to catch you from falling off the edge of the bed and Heather squeezed at the edge of the dildo, spilling her cum deep within you. “Oh god just look at you…such a nice needy cunt.”
Heather let her cock slip out of you, watching the way it dribbled out of you as you panted, your body shaking in aftershocks and she chuckled. Bryan moved from the side of the bed, climbing up onto it to get his own look at your dripping cunt before he grabbed at your thighs, pulling you back down on the bed and flipping you over so your face was buried in the pillows. He pulled your hips up so you were balanced on your knees and let out a dark laugh.
“Oh just look at that needy fucking cunt.” His hand stroked up between your legs and you shuddered, letting out a loud gasp as two of his fingers sunk into you, fucking both Heather’s and his cum deep into you, “you want more, don’t you, you little slut?
“Please daddy.” You begged, hips rocking back against his hand, your entire body quivering, “need you to cum in my pussy again. Wanna be… so full.”
“Only if you use that pretty mouth of yours to get mommy off.” Bryan grunted, grabbing your hair and tugging you up flush to him as his hand continued to mess with the cum spilling between your thighs and Heather was able to situate herself on the pillows, spreading her legs wide for you to settle between. Bryan tugged you down the bed a bit to line you up properly as Heather pulled off the strap, exposing her waiting pussy for your eager mouth.
“She wants to be full, you heard her.” Heather stated, tossing the plug in Bryan’s direction.
With one fluid motion Bryan easily thrust his throbbing cock into your drenched cunt, sopping sound pulling laughter from both of them as you let out a groan, fingers clawing at Heather’s thighs as you laid between them. Bryan picked up the bottle of lube, dribbling it onto your ass before smearing it around and sliding a thick finger in.
“Oh fuck…” you muttered as he began to pump his hand in time with his hips, adding in a second finger, slowly stretching you out. You moaned out louder, a dreamy smile breaking out on your cheeks as you rutted back into him. He suddenly stalled in his movements, spanking you hard enough that you cried out.
“What did I say princess?” He warned, spanking you once again, “did you already forget about that gorgeous cunt in front of you? Get her off first.”
“Yes daddy.” You whined, wiggling your hips and he spanked you again waiting for you to surge forward, your tongue swiping through Heather’s pussy before he continued with his movements.
“Good girl…” She praised with a moan, her head dropping back into the pillows as one of her hands tangled into your hair, holding you to her.
Behind you Bryan let out an appreciative hum, his fingers thrusting into you a couple of times before he started to rock his hips, similar to how Heather had, slow and deep. He pulled his fingers out, swatting at your ass at the expected whine you let out into Heather’s pussy before picking up the plug and coating it with lube. It was the large size, the one that would stretch you out enough to take his cock next and the one you’d been begging to be used all week long. He slid it into your ass, nestling the jewel between your cheeks, pushing oh so gently on it as his hips began to rock harder and faster into you.
You moaned into Heather, the vibrations pulling a moan from her as your mouth wrapped around her pussy, tongue dipping into her as deep as you could manage. You pulled out the juices, groaning at the sweet taste of her, nuzzling deep into her pussy and her hand clenched tighter into your hair.
“Just like that kitten, so fucking good, you know how mommy likes it.” She cooed.
You did your best to focus on getting her to her peak as Bryan continued to torment you, thrusting his cock deeper and deeper into your cunt as he toyed with the plug in your ass. The double sensations along with the taste and smell of Heather was driving you absolutely insane and you adored it. Your mouth moved up, sucking at Heather’s clit and she gasped, her hips shooting up off the bed and you smirked against her skin. A hand snuck up, matching Bryan’s pace as you started to finger her, curling your fingers with each thrust to find that sensitive spot within her pulsing walls. Heather’s nails scratched into your skull, both of her hands shoving your face into her cunt as she started to grind against your mouth, letting out more and more moans with each move of your hand. Your tongue darted out, dancing patterns onto her clit as you fingered her with precision.
“Keep going slut.” Bryan grunted from behind you, “she’s almost there. Then you’ll get my cum.”
You simply groaned in response, hips pushing back onto him as he pumped lazily yet deeply into you, hips snapping against yours, thumb pressing into the plug. You sucked harder around Heather’s clit and you could feel her pussy clamping down around you while she swore loudly, her hips shooting up off the bed, stilling as her juices dribbled down your fingers and wrist.
“Fuck kitten…” She groaned, body shivering as you licked her through her orgasm, “always so good at that, my good little pussy eater.”
“Thank you mommy.” You breathed out, pressing a kiss to her inner thigh as Bryan continued to pump into you.
“God you’re such a desperate little slut aren’t you?” Heather chuckled, slowly coming back to earth before she glanced to Bryan, “you should come in her mouth, she always looks so pretty with her mouth full.”
“You’re right.” Bryan’s hips snapped against yours and you let out a cry, trying not to collapse into the mattress as he pulled out of you, making sure the plug was still snug in your ass, “get on your knees like the whore you are kitten.”
Your body trembled, weak in the knees as you crawled to the edge of the bed, doing your best to be steady on your feet before you dropped to the carpet beneath you on your knees. You tilted your head up, mouth open and tongue out as Bryan stood over you, fisting his twitching cock with a grunt, Heather watching from the bed with a sly grin on her cheeks. Bryan shoved his cock between your lips and you let him fuck your face, deep into your throat, each thrust bringing more tears brimming in your eyes as you gagged around him.
“Awwee.. little whore’s gonna cry.” Heather chuckled and you let out a whine the best you could.
“Such a good little whore though.” Bryan groaned, “you look so fucking hot with my cock down your throat, you know that pet?” You did your best to let out a moan around his dick as he continued to thrust into your lips. “Oh fuck…. You want my cum down your throat or all over your face you slut?”
“In my mouth.” You whined and Bryan pulled out, fisting his cock until his cum was spilling between your lips and you were letting out a satisfied groan.
“God look at you.” He moaned, eyes raking over your body, flushed and slick with sweat, your cheeks tear stained, eyes rimmed with wetness and you let out a little giggle.
“Show mommy.” Heather demanded and as you leant up on your knees Bryan surprised you, surging over you to kiss you deeply, tongue surging into your mouth. You let out a small gasp as he sucked his cum from your mouth before leaning over you and letting it spill onto your chest, painting your skin.
“Good enough for you?” He asked.
“The little cum slut deserves it.” She cooed, stroking your cheek gently, “now why don’t you get up here and ride mommy’s cock while daddy fucks that pretty little ass of yours?”
Your body tingled at the thought of being completely full, letting out a little shiver as you stood on shaky legs. Bryan chuckled, wrapping a sturdy arm around your waist pulling you flush to him, laying soft kisses on your neck.
“Give her a minute.” He muttered.
“She doesn’t need a minute.” Heat replied sharply, “do you need one? Because I’m ready.”
“You’re only ready because your dick is plastic.” Bryan retorted, his hands roaming across your skin as he spoke, pinching at your nipples, smearing his cum on your body, beard scratching at the crook of your neck.
“Did you want to fuck her ass or not?”
Bryan scoffed, shoving you toward the bed and you toppled into Heather’s arms as she tugged you onto her lap. You let out a little whine when her fingers came to play with your leaking cunt, shoving the mixture of cum back into it before two fingers curled and she lifted them to your lips. You sucked them into your mouth, keeping eye contact with her as your tongue lapped around them.
“Good girl.” She praised, her free hand lining her cock up to you and you sunk down onto it letting out a lewd moan. “That feel good?”
“Mmhmm.” You nodded, barely rolling your hips, letting out a little gasp at how sensitive you were already. Heather’s hand reached around you, beginning to toy with the plug, thrusting it in and out of you in preparation for Bryan’s cock.
Behind you Bryan had already starting fucking into his fist, the sight of you lazily riding Heather completely blissed out a sight he would never get enough of and one that would have him hard again in no time. He crawled onto the bed on his knees, a hand sliding up your back to push you down onto Heather,
“Stay still princess.” He murmured, hand spanking at your ass before pulling the plug out of it. Grabbing the bottle of lube he coated his dick with it, dribbling some down onto your ass before nudging his cock into your tight hole.
“Oh god…” you breathed out the moan, body relaxing completely against Heather as they waited a brief moment for you to adjust to the feeling. “Feels so good…” you whined, “move… please?” They both let out small laughs,
“That’s our good little slut.” Bryan murmured, pulling out bit by bit and inching back in until he had a steady pace set and ready for Heather to match as she braced on the bed and started to move underneath you.
You were honestly thankful that you didn’t have to do much at this point, your body ached in the best kind of way, hips rocking between the two of them as they fucked into you deeper and deeper with each thrust. Heather’s lips made home in the crook of your neck, no doubt leaving multiple marks that would show up tomorrow, her teeth scraping at your skin every so often.  The sounds coming from your cunt were ones of absolute filth, stretched and drenched in cum as the sounds of skin on skin bounced through the room along with moans and whimpers. It didn’t take long before your body was shaking, your orgasm shooting through you as your juices squirted all over Heather and you were nothing but two holes to be used by them.
“I think your pussy’s wet enough for now, we’re gonna fill up that pretty ass of yours.” Heather muttered, looking to Bryan who nodded, picking up the pace of his thrusts as you cried out, body trembling, pussy pulsing around Heather’s cock, tears blurring your eyes.
“Take it so well.” Bryan grunted, “love fucking your pretty ass, and you love it don’t you?” He spanked you and you cried out, shuddering in Heather’s arms. She pressed a gentle kiss to your temple, her thumb caressing your cheek and wiping your tears away. “So fucking tight.” Each of his words were punctuated with a heavy thrust and he let out a guttural moan, stilling behind you and you could feel his cock twitch, hot cum spilling into your ass and you let out a muffled moan into Heather’s shoulder.
“That’s it kitten.” She stroked at your hair, “doing so good for us, so fucking good.”
Bryan gently pulled out of your ass and the sight of his cum leaking out of you was enough to get him going again already, cock throbbing in his hand.
“Such a pretty slut.” He spanked at you again, grabbing your hips to pull you off Heather’s cock and you hissed at the sensation, feeling the cum and lube drip down your thighs. “Not done with you yet.” He turned to Heather as he climbed off the bed, “tie her down.”
Your body collapsed onto the bed, panting and shivering, you attempted to curl up, closing your legs and Heather let out a dark laugh as Bryan disappeared into the bathroom to wash his dick.
“No more.” You murmured and Heather laughed again, pulling your arms up, looping a scarf around your wrists and then tying it to the headboard.
“What’s your word?” She asked, stroking at your cheek and you simply shook your head, “that’s what I thought. You can handle one more, I know you can.” She ducked, pressing a kiss to your lips, staying there for a moment so her tongue could explore your mouth, giving you a bit to relax and calm down. She pinched gently at your chin, kissing the tip of your nose before she climbed off the bed and stepped out of the strap, “flip over for me.”
You did as she asked, gasping as your throbbing clit hit the bed, feeling the strain in your shoulders from your restraints already. Heather’s hand massaged at your ass, still stretched and full of cum before she slipped the dildo into it and you let out a satisfied groan.
“Wanna keep that cum in there kitten, once Bryan’s done with your pussy we’ll fill up your ass with more of mine, understood?”
“Yes mommy.”
“What? You’re just gonna watch this one?” Bryan asked, moving through the room to climb onto the bed, flipping you back over.
“I was thinking I’d sit on her face.” Heather replied with a smirk, “might as well get off once more, right?”
“Better get started, not sure how long I’m gonna last this time.”
“Amateur.” Heather shot him a grin that he scoffed at as she climbed over you, settling her hips over your head, “you ready kitten?”
“Yes mommy. Please let me taste you.”
She sunk down and you surged upward the best you could to meet her pussy with your mouth, sucking eagerly and she let out a low moan, bracing herself on the headboard as she began to ride your face.
“So fucking hot.” Bryan muttered, climbing on to the bed he pulled your legs apart and you whined into Heather’s cunt, your own still fluttering around nothing, the cool air on your clit enough to make your body tremble. You tried to close your legs and Bryan smacked your clit, pulling a cry from you, “none of that you little slut, you know you like this.” You felt him shift on the bed and let out a gasp at the cold feeling of metal around one ankle and then the other as he hooked you into the spreader bar. “Not going anywhere now, are you?”
He chuckled, hands ghosting up your legs watching the way you trembled, looking up to watch Heather grind herself down onto your mouth, her head thrown back in pleasure as you made her come undone with your mouth. Bryan didn’t even have to prepare you, your cunt messy and leaking, his cock slid in easier than it ever had before. You were shaking after only a few thrusts, your pussy clenching down around him and Bryan knew none of you were far from hitting your peaks, his thrusts gaining speed and depth with each pump.
Your tongue plunged into Heather’s cunt, twisting and twirling around as you sucked at her before your lips moved up to her clit, wrapping around it. Your arms ached in their bonds, wishing you could get your hands on her, make her feel even more incredible than you could with just your mouth. You could feel her clit throbbing in your mouth in the same moment you could feel Bryan’s cock throbbing in your cunt and your ass clenched around the dildo. Heather rolled her hips in time with Bryan’s thrusts, her words coming out only as moans and airy breaths, her fingers clenched around the headboard.
“Fuck.” He swore, “pussy’s so goddamn soaked, you should see it Heat.”
“I can fucking hear it.” She replied, her hips jolting forward suddenly as she gripped the headboard even tighter, “oh fuck kitten! You’re gonna make me come.” She began to shudder above you, one of her hands crawling up her body to pinch at her nipples, orgasm starting to wash over her, “take mommy’s juices, I know you want them.” With another cry she was shaking, her body on fire as she came, squirting onto your face and you did your best to lap it all up, licking her through her orgasm, groaning happily at the sweet taste of her.
Heather swung her leg over you, breathlessly collapsing into the bed, her chest still heaving, skin shimmering in sweat, dampness prevalent between her legs that Bryan couldn’t help but grin at.
“Almost there princess.” He grunted, “you want daddy to fill you up? Give you all my cum?”
“Oh god! Yes! Daddy please!” You whined, your body was already trembling, coming close to reaching your third peak of this session alone, tears streaking down your face at the over stimulation. Part of you wanted nothing more than to close your legs, have it over and done with but there was still that little part of you that was enjoying the pain a little too much.  
“Doing so good for us kitten.” Heather rolled onto her side stroking at your cheeks, smiling at the way your pressed a kiss to her thumb before sucking it into your mouth and she chuckled, “just can’t resist every hole being full, hmm? Such a good little fucking whore. You just love being used like this don’t you? Daddy certainly loves it, loves using you like a little fuck toy.”
“Oh god.” Bryan groaned, his cock throbbing within you as your walls clenched down around him and he let out a hiss, cum spurting deep within you. He squeezed hard at his cock, making sure you were full to the brim before he slowly pulled out of you, the both of them watching the cum dribble out, there was almost too much in you to be contained anymore, overflowing onto the duvet.
Bryan couldn’t help it, lowering his mouth to your cunt and you shrieked when his tongue swiped through you, scooping up as much of the cum as he could. Heather shifted up on the bed, her hand closing around your jaw while her thumb pried your mouth open, knowing Bryan’s plan. Your body was still heaving, aching against your restraints as Bryan climbed up the bed, spitting the mixture into your mouth. You knew better than to swallow, Heather’s grip on your jaw was enough to tell you that if you did, you’d be getting punished for real. She chuckled, watching the cum swirl around in your mouth before she ducked over you, scooping it out of your mouth and leaning over your body, spitting it onto your throbbing clit. Her hand followed her movements, smearing it around, ever so lightly ghosting over your clit and you yelped, the swollen nub still throbbing. While she was doing this Bryan moved to your ankles, softly undoing the spreader bar cuffs, laying gentle kisses on your ankles, rubbing softly at the marks.
“Flip her.” Heather instructed as she moved to the head of the bed, swiftly undoing your wrist bonds and you let out a huge sigh of relief, finally not feeling so on display.
Like Bryan she left feather light kisses on your wrists, rubbing softly down your arms while your eyes fluttered shut. Bryan’s hands closed around your waist, flipping you onto your stomach. Heather crawled off the bed, moving to the foot of it as Bryan pulled your hips up, squeezing at the base of the dildo stuffed in your ass and you let out another groan as the lube shot into you. He then slowly pulled it out, letting out a low swear at the sight of his cum and the lube mixture dribbling out of your tight hole and trailing down your legs. His hand moved up, one finger fucking it back into your ass while his thumb fucked the mess back into your pussy.
“Such a good little cum slut.” He cooed, leaning forward to press a kiss to the small of your back before his hand left your body, “you always take it so fucking well. You just love being a fucking mess dripping of cum, don’t you?”
“Yes daddy.” You whimpered, shivering in the air conditioning of the room as you started to come down from your high, the heat of the entire day slowly leaving your body. You felt Heather’s hands grope at the curve of your ass, pulling your cheeks apart as she took a moment to admire the mess they’d both made between your legs.
“Shame it’s not dripping out of her mouth too.” She murmured and Bryan laughed, giving you a gentle spanking to signify that you could drop down fully onto the bed. “Would you like that kitten? Should we find a friend to come play? Fuck that pretty mouth of yours while daddy and I fuck your cunt and tight little ass?”
“Yes mommy…” your voice had returned to that dreamy like state as you let out a little yawn, burrowing into the pillows.
“Awe… did we wear you out?” Bryan laughed softly, his hands rubbing up your back softly, thumbs massaging into your skin and you let out a happy sigh as the stiffness melted away.
“Mmhmm. Need a nap.”
“How about a bath first?” Heather asked, “as much as I love you being a fucking dirty mess you’d be sleeping in a puddle.”
“You run the bath.” Bryan suggested, leaning over you to kiss your temple, “I’ll call housekeeping, get these sheets changed and order some room service for lunch, she needs to eat too.”
“Fine.” You let out a little grumble but when your eyes cracked open you had a smile on your cheeks, “thank you.”
“You’re so good to us we have to make sure to repay you kitten.” She smiled back at you, smoothing back your mussed up hair before leaning in to kiss you gently. “Now c’mon, you think you can stand on your own?”
“Absolutely not.”
Bryan laughed at that, wrapping a sturdy arm around you and helping you up to your feet, following Heather into the bathroom where she had the bathwater running with lavender oils already swirling through the water.
“I’m gonna grab you one of those smart waters, make sure you hydrate.”
“Yes daddy.” Smiling you pressed a soft kiss to his lips before sliding into the bathtub in front of Heather letting out a happy sigh as you did so, the water encompassing your body in relaxation.
Yes. Holidays with Heather and Bryan certainly were something else.
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cmmndrwidw · 2 years
A New Level of Vacations
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Heather Dunbar x Bryan Kneef x reader Yes, 'we've gone into the world of crossovers and I've placed my two kinkiest characters into one fic to round out @thatesqcrush 's kinktober. I don't know what possessed me to do this (yes, yes I do, it was @witches-unruly-heart asking for Barba/Heather/Reader and I went...but what about Bryan?) and this was born. I will likely be writing more for these three in the future because...how could I not?! (also open to suggestions on to who the fourth could be that they invite in?) Covers the breeding/creampie square. Also lil fun fact, this is the longest one shot I have written, and is even longer than the Off Limits SERIES!!! like... WHAT? it took me a MONTH to write and that was not because of writers block. Read the warnings, and enjoy besties! Warnings:Language, smut, dirty talk, derogatory talk/name calling, threesome (M/F/F), daddy kink, mommy kink, breeding kink/creampie, cum kink/play, choking/minor breath play, strap on, oral (male and female receiving), face fucking, spit, a tiny hint of face slapping but it’s not hard, it’s rather rough sex at points y’all, butt plugs, anal, spanking, squirting, snowballing, double penetration, overstimulation, some minor crying thanks to pleasure, bondage/tying up/spreader bar used, face sitting, and some praise kink.
A week away always meant a week of lavish hotel suites, private infinity pools right off the master bedroom, lush pillows and beds that were nothing smaller than a California king. They also meant the highest of shelf liquors, whether poured in your suite or down at any of the three bars, and the most luxurious of meals, delicacies you wouldn’t get to taste anywhere else in the world. They meant that you’d get to showcase your favourite dresses, revealing just enough skin to drive everyone crazy, though only your partners would know just how seductive the lingerie set underneath was. And that was because they were the ones who bought it for you, whether online, sending you with a credit card to the store demanding pictures before you bought, or taking the time to make you a whimpering mess in the change room before letting you purchase. On the rare occasion you would surprise them with something you’d bought without them knowing, and those were the nights you got absolutely ravished, both of them pulling as many orgasms from you as they deemed possible before coming themselves, constantly praising you for just how fucking beautiful you were, reminding you much they loved you.
The smaller trips away, ones that only one of them were needed for you would only stay for a day or two, not wanting to leave out whoever was stuck at home. There was usually a lot of facetiming, phone calls filled with your moans, audio messages of you begging to be fucked for the other to hear and masturbate to while the one you were with teased you endlessly. But this time, this week away? It was an actual vacation, with no work to be had, which meant all of it would be nothing but pleasure for the three of you. You were set up in a private suite in a gorgeous hotel in Bali, a giant pool right off your bedroom, able to watch the sunset each night from either the comfort of your bed or inside the pool overlooking the ocean. You’d barely left the suite the entire time, not needing much more than each other to occupy your time despite the gorgeous country you were in.
Yes, vacations with Heather and Bryan certainly were something else.
Your hotel suite took over an entire corner of the building, the infinity pool giving you 180 degrees view of the ocean and the sky. Heather had wanted to watch the sunrise over the ocean, urging the two of you to get up far earlier than you’d wanted, especially considering the night prior, but you couldn’t exactly tell her no. You lounged in the pool, alternating between whose arms you were in as you watched the sun rise, a happy hum leaving your lips each time someone kissed at your skin. Breakfast was room service, served on a floating tray that you all indulged in, conversation easily flowing between you as you discussed the day ahead. Heather couldn’t help but chuckle at the way you kept yawning, your head dropping back onto her or Bryan’s shoulder whenever it got the chance. Bryan rolled his eyes playfully, saying they had to get you out of the pool before you fell asleep on them and drowned and much to her annoyance, Heather did agree that he was right. Bryan scooped you up in his arms, carrying you inside, encouraging you to wrap yourself in a towel as you sleepily stumbled through the suite. He laughed softly, making sure you were actually dry before stripping you of your bikini and nudging you towards the lush bed.
“You’re going back to bed aren’t you?” Heather asked dryly as she wrapped a towel around herself, walking into the bedroom to find Bryan already burying himself under the covers.
“Heat it’s not even seven, where the fuck else would I be going?” He scoffed, “you coming?”
“No. Unlike some of you I actually got to bed at a reasonable hour last night, there’s a beach yoga session I want to go to.”
“Whatever floats your boat.” He grumbled in response, his strong arm wrapping around your midsection, pulling you tightly to him before she rolled her eyes and left the room, Bryan quickly falling into a very peaceful sleep.
You woke up a couple of hours later, finally feeling rested but more than willing to stay curled up in bed, Bryan’s heavy arm wrapped around your waist, your naked body pressed to his. You adjusted slightly, burrowing into the pillow, your ass wiggling against Bryan and your breath caught in your throat at the feeling of his erection pressing into your body. Behind you he chuckled softly, his beard tickling at your neck as he murmured, his voice still gruff with sleep,
“You already want to go again? Such a needy slut you are.”
“Mmmm…” was all you could get out back to him, the arm he had around your waist shifting, his fingers ghosting over your skin, cupping at your chest, pinching at your nipples sharply, pulling a gasp from you. Your back arched, ass pressing into him and he let out a small groan, rutting against you.
“Bet you’re already wet too.” His lips pressed into your neck, teeth nipping at the sensitive skin as his hand sunk south.
“You’re one to talk.” You grumbled back, pressing your body against his hard cock. In retaliation he spanked at your clit sharply, earning a gasp from you.
“So you wanna be a fucking brat?” He chuckled darkly, teeth sinking into your neck as his hand spread your legs, cock nudging at your folds, “maybe we should see how much you can take? You’ve been completely insatiable this week, should fuck you until you’re begging us to stop?”
With one smooth movement he buried his cock deep into your cunt, hips smacking against your ass and you let out a soft yelp of pleasure. Bryan began to thrust hard and deep into you and you could feel every ridge of his thick cock with each roll of his hips. Your arm reached around behind you, burying into his hair as your body arched into his, your moans getting louder with each snap of his hips.
“Oh fuck daddy!”
“Yeah? You like my cock this deep in that needy little pussy? Want me to fill you with my cum?”
“Yes! Please! Want it leaking out of me.”
You let out a louder moan as his cock dragged over your g-spot, the hand he had on your hip crept around your body in search of your clit, pinching it between his fingers and earning a gasp from you. He was right, you’d been so incredibly needy all week, begging him and Heather to fuck you every night, never able to fully fulfill the desire that pooled within you. His cock stretched you out, your pussy fluttering around him when he twitched, pulling a groan from him. Bryan rolled you onto your stomach, propping himself up on his knees so he could fuck you harder, faster, beginning to chase his own release and stuff you full of his cum. Your moans turned into whines as fire burst through your body, prickling just under your skin, your fingers clawing at the bedspread.
“More daddy! Please!” You cried out, eyes scrunching shut and Bryan laughed darkly behind you. Spitting onto your ass he spread the wetness around with his thumb before sinking his thumb into your tight hole, “oh god! Yes!” Your body shuddered underneath him, pussy clamping down around his cock, your words became a string of moans and cries as you hit your peak.
“That’s it, take it you little slut, just like daddy wants.” He grunted, the room filling with moans and the sound of skin on skin as he thrusted powerfully into you. His cock throbbed, groaning over the feeling of your cunt fluttering around him and he sunk one particularly sharp thrust into you, grunting as his cum painted your walls. He squeezed around the base, milking every last drop out of him and you let out a heavy moan at the sensation.
“This certainly isn’t sleeping.” Heather’s voice murmured from the doorway, a smirk evident in her tone.
“Sorry mommy.” You muttered, voice muffled by the pillows and Bryan let out a dark laugh, pulling his thumb out of your ass and giving you a swift spank.
“Little slut just can’t get enough.” He slowly pulled out, watching his cum dribble down your thighs before thrusting his cock back in, fucking his cum deeper into your needy pussy. You moaned, trembling at the sensation.
“More…” You moaned and it was Heather’s turn to chuckle darkly, moving through the room to the bed side. Her fingers curled under your chin, lifting your head off the bed and your eyes fluttered open, letting out a little sigh as Bryan pulled all the way out, his dick softening, replacing it with his fingers, stretching the cum between them.
“Oh kitten…” she mewled, “you really do want to be stuffed full, don’t you?” You nodded feverishly and she laughed, pinching sharply at your chin, “want to be used? Pumped full of cum until you can’t handle it? Watch it drip out of all your stupid little holes? Like the little cum slut you are?”
“Please mommy!” Your cry was met with Bryan’s cum slicked fingers thrusting into your mouth, smearing it around your lips as your tongue lapped around the digits, sucking them clean.
“I think that can be arranged.” She replied with an evil grin, crossing to the bench across from the bed where the bag of toys had been left. Heather pulled out the squirting dildo and slid it into the strap before stepping into that, picking up the bottle of cherry lube to fill it with. “Since you want it so much, I think we’ll leave the tying up to when you’re begging us to stop.” She smirked, dropping the restraints onto the bed along with a butt plug, “make sure you can’t squirm your way away from us, you did beg so politely. You’ll be good?”
“Yes mommy.” You shifted on the bed, settling on your knees, ready and pretty for Heather.
“What’s your word?” Bryan asked from behind you, lips meeting your neck once again.
“That’s our good girl.” He purred into your ear and you let out a little shiver.
“C’mere kitten.” Heather crooked her fingers and you scrambled to the side of the bed to get closer to her. She let out a small chuckle, hands grasping at your waist as she flipped you onto your back and you squealed as she spun you around so your head was hanging at the edge of the bed and your legs were settled beside Bryan. “Go find us some drinks won’t you?” She asked him and he shifted off the bed, disappearing from the room.
Heather climbed onto the bed, crawling in between your legs, her fingers spreading you pussy lips as she hummed in appreciation. Pussy puffy and swollen, clit peaking in the cool air of the room while Bryan’s cum leaked out of you.
“That’s our pretty little slut…” she murmured, lining her cock up and sinking into you until she was buried to the hilt and you let out a whine, your body twitching at the sensitivity, “oh don’t start that already, I know you can take it.”
“Yes mommy.” You let out a moan as her cock began to drag through your cunt, wet sounds bouncing off the walls at the sound of your juices and Bryan’s cum smearing around Heather’s cock.
She rocked forward, leaning over you and her hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing gently, nodding at you as your hand wrapped around her wrist to signal if you needed to tap out. She thrusted into you slow, deep but sharply, your breath catching with each pump of her hips. She watched the way your eyes were fluttering shut already, the way your hips would rock to meet hers, whines escaping your lips.
“You like that princess, don’t you?” Bryan practically jeered as he re-entered the room, “god do I ever love watching you fuck her.” His comment directed toward Heather this time as she continued her tantalizing thrusts, she replied with a chuckle, accepting the mimosa from him before taking a hefty sip and placing it down on the bedside table.
“You thirsty kitten?” She asked and your eyes cracked open your brow furrowed as you glanced between the two of them, “or would you rather have daddy’s cock in your mouth? Feel him get hard between those pretty lips?” Her hand moved off your throat so you could answer and you gasped out,
“Daddy’s cock! Please!”
“I had a feeling that was going to be the answer.” He cooed, but still tilted your head up to help you take a drink before the glass joined Heat’s on the bedside table.
Her hips suddenly thrust into you with enough power to push your head over the side of the bed and you let out a little squeak as her hand found its way back to your throat, squeezing harder this time. Bryan’s hand came to your mouth, tracing your lips with his thumb, watching the way your mouth fell open before sucking the digit in between your lips, groaning as he fucked it in and out of your mouth, smoothing your hair back with his other hand as he peered down at you.
“You may be such a fucking whore but you are always so fucking good for us, you know that?”
You did your best to nod, a gasp leaving you when Heather’s cock hit your g-spot, your eyes squeezing shut. You reopened them your hand reached above your head, wrapping around Bryan’s cock, urging him towards you and he wasn’t about to try to resist. His cock was still smeared with your mixed cum and you were more than eager to get it into your mouth, whining when he teased you, tracing your lips with the tip of it and you were rewarded with Heather squeezing tighter around your throat.
Bryan sunk his cock into your mouth, letting your lips wrap around it, your tongue lap at it, tracing the veins you were oh so familiar with. You sucked it into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks and he let out a groan, feeling it twitch as the blood started to run south with only one thing left on his mind. His hips started to pick up, moaning at the feeling of your lips and hand wrapped around his cock. He began to match the pace of Heather’s hips, the two of them working in tandem to make you absolutely fall apart between them.
“Oh you sweet thing…” Heather’s hand closed tighter around your neck and your body shook with pleasure, “if you’re a good little thing and come for us mommy will fill that greedy pussy with cum, you understand?”
You pulled off Bryan’s cock, gasping for air when Heather let up on your throat so you could speak, “can I touch myself?”
“Absolutely not.” She replied, “but I think Bry can do the honours of that.” She tossed him a smirk as his cock sunk down into your throat again, Heather letting out a low moan at the feeling of the bulge in your neck against her hand. “That’s it…” she praised, “fuck her throat like I know you like to. Even better if you make her cry.”
“Always so sadistic you are.” Bryan chuckled and Heather rolled her eyes, knowing he was getting off on this just as much as she was.
He plunged his cock into your mouth, matching the brutal pace Heather was pounding into your cunt, she shot him a wicked grin before spitting onto your pussy and he leant forward, smearing it around your clit, causing you to let out a heavy whine around his cock. Your body rocked up into the touch, pussy clamping down around the dildo as your eyes squeezed shut, mouth sucking harder around Bryan’s cock and he let out a grunt. You started to lose control, the fire shooting through your body as you began to shudder against the bedspread, whining your lips slipping off Bry so your cries could leave your lips. He paid no mind, his fingers continuing to furiously rub at your clit while his other hand came to caress at your cheek softly.
“That’s it princess, you do so well for us, mommy wants you to come around her cock. Let us see you come undone.” You whimpered in response, glancing up at him and he laughed darkly before slapping your cheek and you let out a cry.
“Oh fuck! Fuck!”
Heather’s hand closed so tight around your throat you saw stars, tears building in your eyes until Bryan slapped you again and they were rolling down your cheeks as your body trembled, orgasm shooting through you.
“Fuck kitten, you’re always so fucking hot when you come.” Bryan grunted, hand wrapping around his cock as he started to fist it.
“You ready for mommy’s cum?” Heather panted above you and you nodded feverishly, “what do you say?” She slapped your clit and your body jolted up off the bed with a loud cry.
“Please mommy!” You cried, “I’ve been so good, so good! Need your cum, need you to fill me up.”
“That’s it princess.” She growled in response, pounding into you a few more times before thrusting so hard Bryan had to catch you from falling off the edge of the bed and Heather squeezed at the edge of the dildo, spilling her cum deep within you. “Oh god just look at you…such a nice needy cunt.”
Heather let her cock slip out of you, watching the way it dribbled out of you as you panted, your body shaking in aftershocks and she chuckled. Bryan moved from the side of the bed, climbing up onto it to get his own look at your dripping cunt before he grabbed at your thighs, pulling you back down on the bed and flipping you over so your face was buried in the pillows. He pulled your hips up so you were balanced on your knees and let out a dark laugh.
“Oh just look at that needy fucking cunt.” His hand stroked up between your legs and you shuddered, letting out a loud gasp as two of his fingers sunk into you, fucking both Heather’s and his cum deep into you, “you want more, don’t you, you little slut?
“Please daddy.” You begged, hips rocking back against his hand, your entire body quivering, “need you to cum in my pussy again. Wanna be… so full.”
“Only if you use that pretty mouth of yours to get mommy off.” Bryan grunted, grabbing your hair and tugging you up flush to him as his hand continued to mess with the cum spilling between your thighs and Heather was able to situate herself on the pillows, spreading her legs wide for you to settle between. Bryan tugged you down the bed a bit to line you up properly as Heather pulled off the strap, exposing her waiting pussy for your eager mouth.
“She wants to be full, you heard her.” Heather stated, tossing the plug in Bryan’s direction.
With one fluid motion Bryan easily thrust his throbbing cock into your drenched cunt, sopping sound pulling laughter from both of them as you let out a groan, fingers clawing at Heather’s thighs as you laid between them. Bryan picked up the bottle of lube, dribbling it onto your ass before smearing it around and sliding a thick finger in.
“Oh fuck…” you muttered as he began to pump his hand in time with his hips, adding in a second finger, slowly stretching you out. You moaned out louder, a dreamy smile breaking out on your cheeks as you rutted back into him. He suddenly stalled in his movements, spanking you hard enough that you cried out.
“What did I say princess?” He warned, spanking you once again, “did you already forget about that gorgeous cunt in front of you? Get her off first.”
“Yes daddy.” You whined, wiggling your hips and he spanked you again waiting for you to surge forward, your tongue swiping through Heather’s pussy before he continued with his movements.
“Good girl…” She praised with a moan, her head dropping back into the pillows as one of her hands tangled into your hair, holding you to her.
Behind you Bryan let out an appreciative hum, his fingers thrusting into you a couple of times before he started to rock his hips, similar to how Heather had, slow and deep. He pulled his fingers out, swatting at your ass at the expected whine you let out into Heather’s pussy before picking up the plug and coating it with lube. It was the large size, the one that would stretch you out enough to take his cock next and the one you’d been begging to be used all week long. He slid it into your ass, nestling the jewel between your cheeks, pushing oh so gently on it as his hips began to rock harder and faster into you.
You moaned into Heather, the vibrations pulling a moan from her as your mouth wrapped around her pussy, tongue dipping into her as deep as you could manage. You pulled out the juices, groaning at the sweet taste of her, nuzzling deep into her pussy and her hand clenched tighter into your hair.
“Just like that kitten, so fucking good, you know how mommy likes it.” She cooed.
You did your best to focus on getting her to her peak as Bryan continued to torment you, thrusting his cock deeper and deeper into your cunt as he toyed with the plug in your ass. The double sensations along with the taste and smell of Heather was driving you absolutely insane and you adored it. Your mouth moved up, sucking at Heather’s clit and she gasped, her hips shooting up off the bed and you smirked against her skin. A hand snuck up, matching Bryan’s pace as you started to finger her, curling your fingers with each thrust to find that sensitive spot within her pulsing walls. Heather’s nails scratched into your skull, both of her hands shoving your face into her cunt as she started to grind against your mouth, letting out more and more moans with each move of your hand. Your tongue darted out, dancing patterns onto her clit as you fingered her with precision.
“Keep going slut.” Bryan grunted from behind you, “she’s almost there. Then you’ll get my cum.”
You simply groaned in response, hips pushing back onto him as he pumped lazily yet deeply into you, hips snapping against yours, thumb pressing into the plug. You sucked harder around Heather’s clit and you could feel her pussy clamping down around you while she swore loudly, her hips shooting up off the bed, stilling as her juices dribbled down your fingers and wrist.
“Fuck kitten…” She groaned, body shivering as you licked her through her orgasm, “always so good at that, my good little pussy eater.”
“Thank you mommy.” You breathed out, pressing a kiss to her inner thigh as Bryan continued to pump into you.
“God you’re such a desperate little slut aren’t you?” Heather chuckled, slowly coming back to earth before she glanced to Bryan, “you should come in her mouth, she always looks so pretty with her mouth full.”
“You’re right.” Bryan’s hips snapped against yours and you let out a cry, trying not to collapse into the mattress as he pulled out of you, making sure the plug was still snug in your ass, “get on your knees like the whore you are kitten.”
Your body trembled, weak in the knees as you crawled to the edge of the bed, doing your best to be steady on your feet before you dropped to the carpet beneath you on your knees. You tilted your head up, mouth open and tongue out as Bryan stood over you, fisting his twitching cock with a grunt, Heather watching from the bed with a sly grin on her cheeks. Bryan shoved his cock between your lips and you let him fuck your face, deep into your throat, each thrust bringing more tears brimming in your eyes as you gagged around him.
“Awwee.. little whore’s gonna cry.” Heather chuckled and you let out a whine the best you could.
“Such a good little whore though.” Bryan groaned, “you look so fucking hot with my cock down your throat, you know that pet?” You did your best to let out a moan around his dick as he continued to thrust into your lips. “Oh fuck…. You want my cum down your throat or all over your face you slut?”
“In my mouth.” You whined and Bryan pulled out, fisting his cock until his cum was spilling between your lips and you were letting out a satisfied groan.
“God look at you.” He moaned, eyes raking over your body, flushed and slick with sweat, your cheeks tear stained, eyes rimmed with wetness and you let out a little giggle.
“Show mommy.” Heather demanded and as you leant up on your knees Bryan surprised you, surging over you to kiss you deeply, tongue surging into your mouth. You let out a small gasp as he sucked his cum from your mouth before leaning over you and letting it spill onto your chest, painting your skin.
“Good enough for you?” He asked.
“The little cum slut deserves it.” She cooed, stroking your cheek gently, “now why don’t you get up here and ride mommy’s cock while daddy fucks that pretty little ass of yours?”
Your body tingled at the thought of being completely full, letting out a little shiver as you stood on shaky legs. Bryan chuckled, wrapping a sturdy arm around your waist pulling you flush to him, laying soft kisses on your neck.
“Give her a minute.” He muttered.
“She doesn’t need a minute.” Heat replied sharply, “do you need one? Because I’m ready.”
“You’re only ready because your dick is plastic.” Bryan retorted, his hands roaming across your skin as he spoke, pinching at your nipples, smearing his cum on your body, beard scratching at the crook of your neck.
“Did you want to fuck her ass or not?”
Bryan scoffed, shoving you toward the bed and you toppled into Heather’s arms as she tugged you onto her lap. You let out a little whine when her fingers came to play with your leaking cunt, shoving the mixture of cum back into it before two fingers curled and she lifted them to your lips. You sucked them into your mouth, keeping eye contact with her as your tongue lapped around them.
“Good girl.” She praised, her free hand lining her cock up to you and you sunk down onto it letting out a lewd moan. “That feel good?”
“Mmhmm.” You nodded, barely rolling your hips, letting out a little gasp at how sensitive you were already. Heather’s hand reached around you, beginning to toy with the plug, thrusting it in and out of you in preparation for Bryan’s cock.
Behind you Bryan had already starting fucking into his fist, the sight of you lazily riding Heather completely blissed out a sight he would never get enough of and one that would have him hard again in no time. He crawled onto the bed on his knees, a hand sliding up your back to push you down onto Heather,
“Stay still princess.” He murmured, hand spanking at your ass before pulling the plug out of it. Grabbing the bottle of lube he coated his dick with it, dribbling some down onto your ass before nudging his cock into your tight hole.
“Oh god…” you breathed out the moan, body relaxing completely against Heather as they waited a brief moment for you to adjust to the feeling. “Feels so good…” you whined, “move… please?” They both let out small laughs,
“That’s our good little slut.” Bryan murmured, pulling out bit by bit and inching back in until he had a steady pace set and ready for Heather to match as she braced on the bed and started to move underneath you.
You were honestly thankful that you didn’t have to do much at this point, your body ached in the best kind of way, hips rocking between the two of them as they fucked into you deeper and deeper with each thrust. Heather’s lips made home in the crook of your neck, no doubt leaving multiple marks that would show up tomorrow, her teeth scraping at your skin every so often.  The sounds coming from your cunt were ones of absolute filth, stretched and drenched in cum as the sounds of skin on skin bounced through the room along with moans and whimpers. It didn’t take long before your body was shaking, your orgasm shooting through you as your juices squirted all over Heather and you were nothing but two holes to be used by them.
“I think your pussy’s wet enough for now, we’re gonna fill up that pretty ass of yours.” Heather muttered, looking to Bryan who nodded, picking up the pace of his thrusts as you cried out, body trembling, pussy pulsing around Heather’s cock, tears blurring your eyes.
“Take it so well.” Bryan grunted, “love fucking your pretty ass, and you love it don’t you?” He spanked you and you cried out, shuddering in Heather’s arms. She pressed a gentle kiss to your temple, her thumb caressing your cheek and wiping your tears away. “So fucking tight.” Each of his words were punctuated with a heavy thrust and he let out a guttural moan, stilling behind you and you could feel his cock twitch, hot cum spilling into your ass and you let out a muffled moan into Heather’s shoulder.
“That’s it kitten.” She stroked at your hair, “doing so good for us, so fucking good.”
Bryan gently pulled out of your ass and the sight of his cum leaking out of you was enough to get him going again already, cock throbbing in his hand.
“Such a pretty slut.” He spanked at you again, grabbing your hips to pull you off Heather’s cock and you hissed at the sensation, feeling the cum and lube drip down your thighs. “Not done with you yet.” He turned to Heather as he climbed off the bed, “tie her down.”
Your body collapsed onto the bed, panting and shivering, you attempted to curl up, closing your legs and Heather let out a dark laugh as Bryan disappeared into the bathroom to wash his dick.
“No more.” You murmured and Heather laughed again, pulling your arms up, looping a scarf around your wrists and then tying it to the headboard.
“What’s your word?” She asked, stroking at your cheek and you simply shook your head, “that’s what I thought. You can handle one more, I know you can.” She ducked, pressing a kiss to your lips, staying there for a moment so her tongue could explore your mouth, giving you a bit to relax and calm down. She pinched gently at your chin, kissing the tip of your nose before she climbed off the bed and stepped out of the strap, “flip over for me.”
You did as she asked, gasping as your throbbing clit hit the bed, feeling the strain in your shoulders from your restraints already. Heather’s hand massaged at your ass, still stretched and full of cum before she slipped the dildo into it and you let out a satisfied groan.
“Wanna keep that cum in there kitten, once Bryan’s done with your pussy we’ll fill up your ass with more of mine, understood?”
“Yes mommy.”
“What? You’re just gonna watch this one?” Bryan asked, moving through the room to climb onto the bed, flipping you back over.
“I was thinking I’d sit on her face.” Heather replied with a smirk, “might as well get off once more, right?”
“Better get started, not sure how long I’m gonna last this time.”
“Amateur.” Heather shot him a grin that he scoffed at as she climbed over you, settling her hips over your head, “you ready kitten?”
“Yes mommy. Please let me taste you.”
She sunk down and you surged upward the best you could to meet her pussy with your mouth, sucking eagerly and she let out a low moan, bracing herself on the headboard as she began to ride your face.
“So fucking hot.” Bryan muttered, climbing on to the bed he pulled your legs apart and you whined into Heather’s cunt, your own still fluttering around nothing, the cool air on your clit enough to make your body tremble. You tried to close your legs and Bryan smacked your clit, pulling a cry from you, “none of that you little slut, you know you like this.” You felt him shift on the bed and let out a gasp at the cold feeling of metal around one ankle and then the other as he hooked you into the spreader bar. “Not going anywhere now, are you?”
He chuckled, hands ghosting up your legs watching the way you trembled, looking up to watch Heather grind herself down onto your mouth, her head thrown back in pleasure as you made her come undone with your mouth. Bryan didn’t even have to prepare you, your cunt messy and leaking, his cock slid in easier than it ever had before. You were shaking after only a few thrusts, your pussy clenching down around him and Bryan knew none of you were far from hitting your peaks, his thrusts gaining speed and depth with each pump.
Your tongue plunged into Heather’s cunt, twisting and twirling around as you sucked at her before your lips moved up to her clit, wrapping around it. Your arms ached in their bonds, wishing you could get your hands on her, make her feel even more incredible than you could with just your mouth. You could feel her clit throbbing in your mouth in the same moment you could feel Bryan’s cock throbbing in your cunt and your ass clenched around the dildo. Heather rolled her hips in time with Bryan’s thrusts, her words coming out only as moans and airy breaths, her fingers clenched around the headboard.
“Fuck.” He swore, “pussy’s so goddamn soaked, you should see it Heat.”
“I can fucking hear it.” She replied, her hips jolting forward suddenly as she gripped the headboard even tighter, “oh fuck kitten! You’re gonna make me come.” She began to shudder above you, one of her hands crawling up her body to pinch at her nipples, orgasm starting to wash over her, “take mommy’s juices, I know you want them.” With another cry she was shaking, her body on fire as she came, squirting onto your face and you did your best to lap it all up, licking her through her orgasm, groaning happily at the sweet taste of her.
Heather swung her leg over you, breathlessly collapsing into the bed, her chest still heaving, skin shimmering in sweat, dampness prevalent between her legs that Bryan couldn’t help but grin at.
“Almost there princess.” He grunted, “you want daddy to fill you up? Give you all my cum?”
“Oh god! Yes! Daddy please!” You whined, your body was already trembling, coming close to reaching your third peak of this session alone, tears streaking down your face at the over stimulation. Part of you wanted nothing more than to close your legs, have it over and done with but there was still that little part of you that was enjoying the pain a little too much.  
“Doing so good for us kitten.” Heather rolled onto her side stroking at your cheeks, smiling at the way your pressed a kiss to her thumb before sucking it into your mouth and she chuckled, “just can’t resist every hole being full, hmm? Such a good little fucking whore. You just love being used like this don’t you? Daddy certainly loves it, loves using you like a little fuck toy.”
“Oh god.” Bryan groaned, his cock throbbing within you as your walls clenched down around him and he let out a hiss, cum spurting deep within you. He squeezed hard at his cock, making sure you were full to the brim before he slowly pulled out of you, the both of them watching the cum dribble out, there was almost too much in you to be contained anymore, overflowing onto the duvet.
Bryan couldn’t help it, lowering his mouth to your cunt and you shrieked when his tongue swiped through you, scooping up as much of the cum as he could. Heather shifted up on the bed, her hand closing around your jaw while her thumb pried your mouth open, knowing Bryan’s plan. Your body was still heaving, aching against your restraints as Bryan climbed up the bed, spitting the mixture into your mouth. You knew better than to swallow, Heather’s grip on your jaw was enough to tell you that if you did, you’d be getting punished for real. She chuckled, watching the cum swirl around in your mouth before she ducked over you, scooping it out of your mouth and leaning over your body, spitting it onto your throbbing clit. Her hand followed her movements, smearing it around, ever so lightly ghosting over your clit and you yelped, the swollen nub still throbbing. While she was doing this Bryan moved to your ankles, softly undoing the spreader bar cuffs, laying gentle kisses on your ankles, rubbing softly at the marks.
“Flip her.” Heather instructed as she moved to the head of the bed, swiftly undoing your wrist bonds and you let out a huge sigh of relief, finally not feeling so on display.
Like Bryan she left feather light kisses on your wrists, rubbing softly down your arms while your eyes fluttered shut. Bryan’s hands closed around your waist, flipping you onto your stomach. Heather crawled off the bed, moving to the foot of it as Bryan pulled your hips up, squeezing at the base of the dildo stuffed in your ass and you let out another groan as the lube shot into you. He then slowly pulled it out, letting out a low swear at the sight of his cum and the lube mixture dribbling out of your tight hole and trailing down your legs. His hand moved up, one finger fucking it back into your ass while his thumb fucked the mess back into your pussy.
“Such a good little cum slut.” He cooed, leaning forward to press a kiss to the small of your back before his hand left your body, “you always take it so fucking well. You just love being a fucking mess dripping of cum, don’t you?”
“Yes daddy.” You whimpered, shivering in the air conditioning of the room as you started to come down from your high, the heat of the entire day slowly leaving your body. You felt Heather’s hands grope at the curve of your ass, pulling your cheeks apart as she took a moment to admire the mess they’d both made between your legs.
“Shame it’s not dripping out of her mouth too.” She murmured and Bryan laughed, giving you a gentle spanking to signify that you could drop down fully onto the bed. “Would you like that kitten? Should we find a friend to come play? Fuck that pretty mouth of yours while daddy and I fuck your cunt and tight little ass?”
“Yes mommy…” your voice had returned to that dreamy like state as you let out a little yawn, burrowing into the pillows.
“Awe… did we wear you out?” Bryan laughed softly, his hands rubbing up your back softly, thumbs massaging into your skin and you let out a happy sigh as the stiffness melted away.
“Mmhmm. Need a nap.”
“How about a bath first?” Heather asked, “as much as I love you being a fucking dirty mess you’d be sleeping in a puddle.”
“You run the bath.” Bryan suggested, leaning over you to kiss your temple, “I’ll call housekeeping, get these sheets changed and order some room service for lunch, she needs to eat too.”
“Fine.” You let out a little grumble but when your eyes cracked open you had a smile on your cheeks, “thank you.”
“You’re so good to us we have to make sure to repay you kitten.” She smiled back at you, smoothing back your mussed up hair before leaning in to kiss you gently. “Now c’mon, you think you can stand on your own?”
“Absolutely not.”
Bryan laughed at that, wrapping a sturdy arm around you and helping you up to your feet, following Heather into the bathroom where she had the bathwater running with lavender oils already swirling through the water.
“I’m gonna grab you one of those smart waters, make sure you hydrate.”
“Yes daddy.” Smiling you pressed a soft kiss to his lips before sliding into the bathtub in front of Heather letting out a happy sigh as you did so, the water encompassing your body in relaxation.
Yes. Holidays with Heather and Bryan certainly were something else.
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