cmonboardfinance · 5 years
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“Being a succesful person is not about one time wonders, it is a routine that you perform everyday. Your actions as a person also determines your success.”
credit: @roughneck_actual .
CB Finance is your guide to financial tips. We bring together the best financial tips and news from the industry. For more, visit the CB website [link in the bio]
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cmonboardfinance · 5 years
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“They say success is the meeting between preparation and opportunity. In order to get there, you need to set some ground rules. You have to learn that success isn’t easy and you need to let go of your habits in order for you to become successful! “
credit: @roughneck_actual .
C’monBoard Finance  is your guide to finance. We compile the best financial tips and news from the industry. For more, visit the C’monBoard website [link in the bio]
Make sure to check out our finance-themed products at www.cmonstore.com
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cmonboardfinance · 5 years
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“AUD/USD - before and after...Premium analysis 📶”
credit: @illyrian_forex.al .
C’monBoard Finance  is your guide to finance. We bring together the best financial tips and news from the world of finance. For more, visit the C’monBoard website [link in the bio]
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cmonboardfinance · 5 years
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“❓🤔💭⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Is your vision clear?”
credit: @financiallyfit365 .
C’monBoard Finance  is your guide to financial tips. We feature the best financial tips and news from the world of finance. For more, visit our website [link in the bio]
Make sure to check out our finance-themed products at www.cmonstore.com
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cmonboardfinance · 5 years
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“Are you a doer or a thinker? 🤔-Stop overthinking and not taking any action. Everyone has million dollar ideas in my opinion but only few are willing to put into work and make their ideas a reality. 💯”
credit: @thebusinessmagnets .
CB Finance is your guide to financial tips. We feature the best financial tips and news from the world of finance. For more, visit the CB website [link in the bio]
Make sure to check out our finance-themed products at www.cmonstore.com
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cmonboardfinance · 5 years
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“....or 40! Everyone’s #financialjourney is different!! I think the most important thing on this list is to get rid of depreciating assets you don’t use!! This includes that second car, boat, designer purse, Jordan’s, or any STUFF laying around your house.  Getting rid of clutter and things you don’t need and use feels so great!!Turning clutter into cash is a great place to start to have a fresh slate, especially or the new year.  What suggestions do you have ?!👇🏻💕💚#401k                              “ .
credit: @miss_frugal .
C’monBoard Finance  is your guide to finance. We feature the best financial tips and news from the industry. For more, visit our website [link in the bio]
Make sure to check out our finance-themed products at www.cmonstore.com
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cmonboardfinance · 5 years
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“Many of us will find ourselves with some downtime in the coming weeks. Set aside a small portion of that time to revisit 2019 and plan out what you’d like to accomplish and see in 2020. We will never know what the next day will bring, but Lord willing, with proper planning and preparation, we will be ready to receive each lesson and blessing as it comes.Set personal goals.Set career goals.Set financial goals.Set relationship goals (this is not limited to significant others)Set mindset goals.Set health goals.”
credit: @brokeonpurpose .
CB Finance is your guide to finance. We compile the best financial tips and news from the world of finance. For more, visit the CB website [link in the bio]
Make sure to check out our finance-themed products at www.cmonstore.com
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cmonboardfinance · 5 years
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“Basically I had to do a lot of things I DIDN’T WANT TO DO.  I didn’t want to sell my nice car, boat, toys, etc.  I didn’t want to move in with my parents in 2018, I didn’t want to stop eating out....I didn’t want to do it!  BUT I DID AND IT PAID OFF AND YOU CAN TOO.  #sacrifice #financialliteracy                              “ .
credit: @miss_frugal .
C’monBoard Finance  is your guide to financial tips. We compile the best financial tips and news from the industry. For more, visit the C’monBoard website [link in the bio]
Make sure to check out our finance-themed products at www.cmonstore.com
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cmonboardfinance · 5 years
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“By The Associated PressThe University of Phoenix and its parent company have agreed to pay $50 million in cash and cancel $141 million in student debt to settle allegations of deceptive advertisement brought by the Federal Trade Commission.The deal, announced Tuesday, settles a dispute over an ad campaign the for-profit college launched in 2012 touting partnerships with companies including Microsoft, Twitter and Adobe. It suggested the school worked with those companies to create job opportunities for students, even though there was no such agreement, investigators found.The Federal Trade Commission said the settlement is the largest the agency has ever obtained against a for-profit college. “Students making important decisions about their education need the facts, not fantasy job opportunities that do not exist,” said Andrew Smith, director of the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Protection.The University of Phoenix said in a statement that much of the dispute focused on a single ad campaign that ran from 2012 to 2014. It said it agreed to the deal “to avoid any further distraction from serving students.” “The campaign occurred under prior ownership and concluded before the FTC’s inquiry began. We continue to believe the University acted appropriately,” the company said.Apollo Education Group owns the University of Phoenix. The Arizona-based for-profit college chain has 55 campuses across the nation and teaches thousands of students through its online programs. It’s the nation’s largest recipient of GI Bill tuition benefits for military veterans.Under the settlement, the University of Phoenix and Apollo will cancel all remaining debt for students who first enrolled between Oct. 1, 2012, and the end of 2016. Letters will be sent to borrowers saying they no longer owe payments to the school. The school is also barred from making false claims about its relationships with companies or employers.The FTC says the $50 million payment will be used to help consumers who were misled by the ads.After conducting market research, investigators found, the chain adopted an ad strategy tying the school to successful career outcomes.” .
credit: @thecreditdude .
CB Finance is your guide to finance. We feature the best financial tips and news from the industry. For more, visit our website [link in the bio]
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cmonboardfinance · 5 years
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“Do you budget like this? 🤔-If not, or not even close...It’s time for a change! ⌚”
credit: @thebusinessmagnets .
CB Finance is your guide to finance. We compile the best financial tips and news from the world of finance. For more, visit the CB website [link in the bio]
Make sure to check out our finance-themed products at www.cmonstore.com
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cmonboardfinance · 5 years
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“@veemakescents with 🔥 #truthbomb Let the haters judge you or make fun of you while you get on track. The jokes on them in the long run #doyou                                “ .
credit: @miss_frugal .
C’monBoard Finance  is your guide to financial tips. We feature the best financial tips and news from the industry. For more, visit our website [link in the bio]
Make sure to check out our finance-themed products at www.cmonstore.com
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cmonboardfinance · 5 years
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“The role of colors in branding.💯-Your brands colors can tell more than you can imagine about your business. The psychology of color can help your business establish trust and familiarity by triggering the right emotions.✋-It’s no surprise that the most popular brands in the world have strong association with their logos. Their colors tend to reflect their branding. Even if they don’t involve text on them. 🚀”
credit: @thebusinessmagnets .
C’monBoard Finance  is your guide to finance. We feature the best financial tips and news from the world of finance. For more, visit the C’monBoard website [link in the bio]
Make sure to check out our finance-themed products at www.cmonstore.com
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cmonboardfinance · 5 years
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“There is ALWAYS an opportunity for us to go to the next level RIGHT NOW if we choose to see it. A NEW YEAR doesn’t necessarily mean a NEW YOU! Our life, relationships, finances, business and habits won’t magically improve when 2020 rolls in. It will improve because we made a conscious decision to do better, love better, work harder and work smarter..Inbox for more info on how to invest and become successful in Bitcoin investment.. “
credit: @winwithtony_ .
CB Finance is your guide to financial tips. We bring together the best financial tips and news from the industry. For more, visit our website [link in the bio]
Make sure to check out our finance-themed products at www.cmonstore.com
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cmonboardfinance · 5 years
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“Repeat after me.⁠⁠I am worthy of better.⁠I don’t always have to be in debt.⁠I  can move past living paycheck to paycheck.⁠I can save money.⁠I can meet my financial goals.⁠I can stick with my budget or spending plan.⁠⁠Success is yours to have. You have to give yourself permission to take it!”
credit: @brokeonpurpose .
CB Finance is your guide to finance. We compile the best financial tips and news from the world of finance. For more, visit the C’monBoard website [link in the bio]
Make sure to check out our finance-themed products at www.cmonstore.com
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cmonboardfinance · 5 years
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“I highly recommend you  | who is putting out really cool content with lots of tips on how to make money online!” .
credit: @incomenotebook .
C’monBoard Finance  is your guide to finance. We bring together the best financial tips and news from the industry. For more, visit our website [link in the bio]
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cmonboardfinance · 5 years
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“Quitting your job is easier than ever with Amazon, and my good friend Clint over at  can teach you how! 💪🏻 He has taught hundreds of people around the world and boasts a community that has students making over $10,000 a month on Amazon! 📈 | If you want to get started selling on Amazon and quit your job in 2020, check out , and shoot him a DM! 🙌🏻 “ .
credit: @dc_millionaire .
C’monBoard Finance  is your guide to finance. We bring together the best financial tips and news from the industry. For more, visit our website [link in the bio]
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cmonboardfinance · 5 years
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“A different perspective.” .
credit: @ecomjones .
C’monBoard Finance  is your guide to financial tips. We bring together the best financial tips and news from the world of finance. For more, visit our website [link in the bio]
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