cmonkiara · 5 years
“Truth be told, I don’t want to leave, Kiara.” Azhar admitted, sighing. “But I have no reason to stay. I know there’s a lot of people in this hospital who don’t want me around. One thing I learned the hard way… sometimes, being the best is just not enough.” Or perhaps, he just wasn’t good enough for Georgia either way.
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“Am I not enough reason to stay? I was planning on waiting until after graduation but I was hoping you would be the one to teach me. You know, the way Lexie Grey talks about how Derek Shepherd taught her all she knows about Neurosurgery?” Kiara ran a hand through her hair before crossing her arms. “You’re not going, I won’t let you.”
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cmonkiara · 5 years
“Fair enough.” Bailey admitted, sighing. “I guess I can wait it out… not that I want to. If I could marry you right this moment, you know I would.”
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Her lips turned into a smile and her eyes softened. “I know baby, but our parents are looking forward to it. And so am I.” 
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cmonkiara · 5 years
“Do you think Charlotte King would be worse than Meredith Grey?” Azhar asked her. It was completely unrelated to what they were talking about. But he couldn’t help it, since Meredith to Kiara was Charlotte to him and Georgia’s mother was much more terrifying to him that Medusa herself. “Hey, I am your friend… since you’re going to be graduating soon and I won’t be your professor anymore.” He reminded her. “So, when’s the big day?” Azhar took another sip of his whiskey, his elbows resting against the bar.
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Kiara rested a hand on the bar as she tapped her fingers for a second, wondering what the answer actually would be. “I mean, in complete honesty, they’re about the same. I think since they’re both pretty terrifying.” And wasn’t that the honest truth. Bailey’s dad had been nice enough, but Meredith still had some hard feelings toward her. Hearing Azhar call her his friend, it made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. “And pretty soon I won’t be the one serving you drinks anymore.” The thought of not working at Joe’s anymore was exciting but at the same time, working at the hospital terrified her. “Oh, hell if I know. At this point, all I have is a ring and the promise that one day I’ll be married.”
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cmonkiara · 5 years
Bailey had just gotten home from his very last rotation at the hospital. Next year, they would be interns… if they passed their boards, of course. He had sat down with Azhar that afternoon and asked him about how to ace the boards since he did get a perfect score. But the boards were the last of Bailey’s worries at the moment. He had promised Kiara that he would help her with the wedding planning, not that he cared much about what kind of flowers or tablecloths they used. But he knew that it was a big deal to his fiancee and that was all that mattered to him. When he got home, Kiara was already there. And from the looks of the stash of wedding magazines around her, he just knew that she wasn’t going to go to bed until everything was finalized. “Hey princess.” He smiled at her as he set his bag down and walked up to her and kissed her, ever so delicately as he always did. He sat down on the sofa and put his feet up on the coffee table, laying his head down against her shoulder.
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The kiss sent her heart beating even faster in her chest. Kiara swore, it was like every time he kissed her it was like he was kissing her for the first time all over again. She let the wedding magazine fall onto the coffee table, leaning back and holding her glass of wine in her hand. She rested her head on top of his and snuggled in. “How was the hospital? Any of the ladies fall at your feet?” she teased, knowing that her fiance was incredibly handsome and that a lot of the women at the hospital thought it too. “Not that I blame them. You’re quite the catch.”
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cmonkiara · 5 years
“Wedding planning is not that easy. Would it be weird if I did the whole post-it first and courthouse next thing like my parents?”
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“While that sounds romantic, no. I have come way way too far with the planning to cancel all of this now.”
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cmonkiara · 5 years
“I’ve been thinking about it. My dad just offered me the Head of Cardio position in New York Pres and I… I think I want to take it.” It wasn’t like Azhar had a reason to stay in Seattle anyways.
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“Azhar...” Kiara was torn. On one hand, it was an amazing opportunity. But she had to admit, she had gotten close to him. “If it’s really what you want, then you should. But I mean, this is a teaching hospital. People deserve to learn from the best.”
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cmonkiara · 5 years
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Natalia Dyer - 70th Primetime Emmy Awards in LA September 17, 2018.
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cmonkiara · 5 years
Willa was finally leaving school, for a girl who didn’t really enjoy school she was their kind of a lot. She played volleyball and that was really why she went to school these days. As she grabbed her stuff from her locked she jumped on her skateboard and headed to the local coffee shop.
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As she walked in she ordered her usual green tea and a muffin before making her way to a table. 
Kiara strolled into the coffee shop near campus, very sure that she had just aced her last final of her last year of med school. It was like a tremendous weight had been taken off of her shoulders. Now she could begin planning her and Bailey’s wedding in full and not just half ass it. She ordered a bagel with cream cheese as well as a large coffee, taking the coffee after she paid and nearly running someone over. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.”
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cmonkiara · 5 years
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“i spent five minutes staring at this paused screen & you know the logo that everyone stresses out about not hitting the corner ? that’s where my five minutes have been spent … & let me tell you, it has not hit the corner yet.” georgia replied to the other & gestured to the tv that was in front of her. “every time it gets close to the corner it’s just like … PSYCH bitch you thought. i was very disappointed.”
Kiara looked up at the tv before looking back at Georgia with a quirked eyebrow. “Okay so let me get this straight. You’ve been staring at this tv for 5 minutes just to see if a logo touches the corner?”
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cmonkiara · 5 years
( closed starter for @ofcbaileys )
Kiara sat on the sofa, large amounts of wedding magazines in front of her. A glass of wine sat in her hand, as she had just taken her last final and was now only waiting for things to be wrapped up. It was their final year and next year, they would be interns. So now she focused on wedding planning. She focused on doing what was needed for the wedding, especially because there was so much to be done. She heard the door open and close, smirking as she looked over at the doorway. “Hey handsome.”
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cmonkiara · 5 years
“Four years is apparently the equivalent of marriage… so this doesn’t surprise me at all.” Azhar laughed softly. “That’s so sweet. Why isn’t Dr. Grey your biggest fan?” He asked her, his brows furrowing in confusion and curiosity. Meredith was his colleague, one that he didn’t always get along with but tolerated him… like most others. “Why not? I mean, it’s a beautiful ring… probably vintage if it used to be his grandma’s. It’s probably quite expensive…”
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“Well I mean, I am dating her only son. She wasn’t that impressed with me when she met me.” Kiara had tried her hardest to impress Dr. Grey, to make her like her but it was all to no avail. She had tried even more so recently, asking Mer for advise and instead was almost straight up ignored. “Yeah, but I mean, I don’t really have friends and there’s really no use in showing it off to random people at the bar.” 
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cmonkiara · 5 years
‘Of course not, you need more variety girl.”
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“Well, where are we gonna go then? I mean, a lot of the good dresses are expensive as hell.”
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cmonkiara · 5 years
Azhar was too exhausted to care if this interaction was unprofessional or not. He needed some company and Kiara happened to be there. “You two seem so inseparable…” He noted, laughing softly as he continued to sip his drink. “Oh wow… congratulations!” As someone who had never been in a relationship before, he didn’t know what to say to her. But he was genuinely happy for her, having witnessed what had happened a few weeks ago at this very bar. “Oh no, no need to apologize. If it makes you feel any better, I don’t have that many friends around here either. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with showing off your engagement ring to people. I’m pretty sure everyone does that.”
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“We pretty much are. I mean, 4 years is a hell of a long time to be with someone. “ She smiled as she smiled down at the ring again. “Apparently it was his grandma’s ring. Which is even more special considering Dr. Grey really isn’t my biggest fan.” She got herself a glass, preparing herself a vodka soda and sipping on it while she spoke to him. “Yeah, I just don’t wanna be the kinda girl who flaunts it around, ya know?”
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cmonkiara · 5 years
Bailey looked down as he took her hand in his and at the moment, he had shed a tear. He slipped his grandmother’s ring onto her finger and kissed the back of her hand. He looked up at her and he smiled, the tears continuing to roll down his cheeks as she grabbed his face. As she kissed him, he kissed her back. But it wasn’t like any of their usual kisses. It felt like another first kiss. It felt much better than there real first kiss. It was their first kiss… the first kiss of their forever. She was his forever. He wrapped his arm around her, gently, and he just held her in his arms. And at that moment, he knew that’s all he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He wanted to hold her close, keep her safe in his arms, cherish her love for as long as he lived and after that. The tears continued to stream down his face. Bailey could not remember if he had ever cried in front of Kiara, or if he ever cried in front of anyone at all since he was a kid. But it didn’t matter. He was showing all of the emotions that he felt at that moment. “I love you so much, Kiara… Eileen…” He paused for a moment and whispered. “Shepherd.”
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Kiara looked down at her hand, tears rolling down her face and neck as she finally thought about it. Her entire life had just changed with that one word and she couldn’t be happier about it. Her lips touched his and it was like their first kiss all over again. Her skin prickled and she swore she was swaying on her feet. This wasn’t just another ‘hello, goodbye’ kiss they shared, instead, it meant that from this moment on, they were each other’s partners, in love and in life. As soon as he spoke her future name, she cupped his face with her hands, letting her thumbs rub away the tears he was crying. “You’re my best friend. And I cannot wait to be your wife. I love you... more than anything in this world.”
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cmonkiara · 5 years
“Those are both good choices, Maybe we should see if there is another store that might sell the kind of dress you’re looking for.”
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“Yeah, I don’t think I’m finding anything around here that even resembles what I want.”
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cmonkiara · 5 years
“It’s okay to be excited. But you know, one thing I learned… and didn’t have at my own wedding is… both of our family’s weren’t at the wedding and that kind of sucked. I wouldn’t want that for you or Bailey so I think the two of you should really speak to Mer and Derek about it.”Jo advised. “Oh, even if there were no rules… there would always be stress, honey. I also learned that the hard way…”
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“I know but...Dr. Grey doesn’t like me very much. She’s made that abundantly clear. As for rules, I don’t know if I want all the glitz and glam of it all.”
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cmonkiara · 5 years
By the time Azhar had gotten out of his surgery, the day had come to an end. The sun had set hours ago and he had managed to inform his patient’s worried family that the surgery had went well. He’d handed over his patient files to the cardiothoracic surgeon who was on call for the night before hitting the showers. He’d changed out of his navy blue scrubs and into a pair of ripped jeans a a black henley. He always dressed down when he went to Joe’s bar. It was his way of unwinding after a long day. He sat at his usual spot in the bar and smiled as he was greeted by his bartender student. “I’ve been in the OR all day. I honestly don’t even know what time it is.” He admitted as he let out a yawn and looked down at his Rolex. It wasn’t as late as he thought it was, thank god. He had a lot of emails and grading to catch up on once he gets home. “At least it’s Friday night and I don’t have to teach in the morning. That would have sucked.” He admitted, chuckling as he picked up his glass. “You look quite perky tonight. I take it you saw that I posted your midterm grades online?” Azhar sipped his drink.
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Kiara was handing out baskets of peanuts, pouring the surrounding people with their drinks and that’s when she heard Azhar speak to her. “No, Bailey and I do that together, probably after work tonight. No um...you probably don’t care but Bailey proposed to me last night.” She play with the ring on her finger, tugging her bottom lip between her teeth. “Just um, don’t tell anyone cause I’m not even sure he’s told his family yet.” She grabbed  a martini glass, mixing the person a couple seats down a martini with a twist, handing it off to them. “Sorry, I don’t know if this is even appropriate I just don’t have that many friends around here.”
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