cnabread · 4 months
I just randomly remembered that my brother and I used to get put to sleep at night and ask each other "T or S" as in "Talk or Sleep." If we didnt do that can you guess what we did??
we played a game based on the song Hey Ho by The Lumineers in which one of us would start by putting a hand to an ear in a phone gesture- despite the fact neither of us could see each other- and going "Hey where are you?" The other would proceed to do a similar action and respond "Hey I'm in (INSERT PLACE)" the next response being "Cool! I'm in (INSERT PLACE) I'll see you soon" THEN THIS IS FOLLOWED BY A BACK AND FORTH OF "Heyyyyyy I'm in (INSERT 1st PLACE) Where are you???" "I'm in (INSERT 2nd PLACE) Why are you there??" Essentially we went on and on until it wasn't funny anymore.
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cnabread · 4 months
I just randomly remembered that my brother and I used to get put to sleep at night and ask each other "T or S" as in "Talk or Sleep." If we didnt do that can you guess what we did??
we played a game based on the song Hey Ho by The Lumineers in which one of us would start by putting a hand to an ear in a phone gesture- despite the fact neither of us could see each other- and going "Hey where are you?" The other would proceed to do a similar action and respond "Hey I'm in (INSERT PLACE)" the next response being "Cool! I'm in (INSERT PLACE) I'll see you soon" THEN THIS IS FOLLOWED BY A BACK AND FORTH OF "Heyyyyyy I'm in (INSERT 1st PLACE) Where are you???" "I'm in (INSERT 2nd PLACE) Why are you there??" Essentially we went on and on until it wasn't funny anymore.
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cnabread · 4 months
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cnabread · 4 months
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cnabread · 2 years
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I can’t wait for the mash-up where they get us saying “boobies” 100 times. Maya Hawke and Joe Keery | Stranger Things S4 Bloopers 
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cnabread · 2 years
Not that this hasn't been said before, but this is your daily reminder that if you're itching for some Harry Potter merchandise, PLEASE consider buying from independent fan creators on Etsy and other similar sites to avoid making JKR any richer by purchasing officially licensed merchandise. JKR is a TERF, antisemitic, racist, homophobic and a slavery apologist; she doesn't deserve your hard-earned money.
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cnabread · 2 years
Hufflepuff: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve
Slytherin: Don't you mean cards?
Hufflepuff: *pulling knives out of sleeves* no I do not
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cnabread · 2 years
your friends & partners will actually love it if you enforce your boundaries b/c then they will never again need to guess if they're ever making you uncomfortable & don't know. healthy living tip :)
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cnabread · 2 years
James: everything is gonna be fine it’s just a crush *deep breath*
Regulus: hello
James: I love you
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cnabread · 3 years
Disabled Representation Has Come Farther Than You Think
You’ve Just Been Conditioned Not to See It.
I recently got into a huge fight with an abled friend about disabled representation, in which he was completely convinced that the stance he held was that of an ally. He’s a long time friend of mine and I know he really did think he was fighting for us and coming from a place of trying to help us.
And it really got me thinking about the way abled people perceive disabled people. And how that message is internalised and reinforced in so many ways.
My friend was trying to say that characters like Cyborg, Misty knight, Daredevil, Toph, Edward Elric, Bucky, Nebula, etc were not good representation. And he at first refused to listen to me (an actual disabled person) when I was like; no, we like that. we love that. we LOVE seeing badass and competent and sexy disabled people. It’s validating and empowering.
His argument was that it didn’t really count because nobody saw them as disabled and that it would be the same thing as saying Gamora is black representation.
While I understand where he was coming from, both of us also being black, it was hard to get him to understand how it wasn’t the same thing.
Gamora is a black actress painted green to portray a green-skinned alien. She has black features, yes, but within the narrative she very much is not a black woman. She’s an alien.
But a disabled character is always still a disabled character. Regardless of how high tech or SciFi or magical or fantastical the world or universe is; an amputee with a prosthesis is still an amputee. They are still disabled. Yes, even if their prosthesis shoots lasers.
And other characters, like Toph and Daredevil, who are both blind, have superpowers/superhuman abilities that allow them to overcome their disability. That does not make them less disabled.
Their blindness still impacts their everyday lives. They can’t read. They can’t draw. They don’t know what things or people look like, or what color things are. They can’t read someone’s facial expressions during a conversation. They can’t follow a map without assistance.
When I asked my friend for examples of what he considered good disabled representation he said Professor X, Oracle, and the Thinker. And that made me pause and I won’t lie, it upset me. It felt degrading. I got kind of angry at him and it got a little heated.
Because what he was saying is: the smart one in the wheelchair that never actually joins the battle because their body is too frail? Those are the only good disabled characters? The ones who still need to be protected and treated tenderly and are physically weaker?
Do we only exist when you can view us as some subhuman lesser other that you can take pity on?
But it’s not only my friend who thinks this way.
I’ve seen quite a few arguments online about people who don’t think Edward Elric is disabled, despite being an amputee.
Who don’t think Cyborg is disabled, despite the fact that his entire power set is due to a life support and mobility aid device.
And my friend was shocked that I, and many other disabled people, find these depictions of strong and confident and capable disabled people empowering. He fully expected that I would find those depictions offensive.
And that’s when it really hit me.
The issue is not that characters like Bucky or Toph or Daredevil are bad representations of disabled characters.
The issue is that people don’t perceive them as disabled. They’ve internalized this belief that disabled people have to be weak and delicate and fragile and in some way physically inferior.
They’re only considered disabled if they’re tragic and/or weak. Or ugly. People love to project a tragic subhuman otherness onto disabled people who are ugly.
If they’re cool and badass that confuses them. That doesn’t fit with the narrative that’s been built in their heads.
The idea of a competent, confidant, and strong disabled character, especially a cool disabled character is just so completely foreign to them that they don’t even consider it.
Now I’m not saying that depictions of disabled characters like Oracle or professor X are bad or harmful. We need representation of disabled people who aren’t strong and don’t have superpowers and maybe don’t feel particularly empowered. That’s a genuine representation of many disabled people.
It just isn’t the only one.
I think the issue with disabled representation is not that it doesn’t exist (as I’ve seen many abled people online claim in our defense) but that we need to shift the way we think of disabled people so we stop overlooking a lot of the really cool and badass and awesome disabled characters we do already have.
So if you read this far through this essay, please stop for a moment and consider the preconceptions you have about disabled people.
Have you ever overlooked a disabled character because they were strong, powerful, charismatic, or, (God forbid!) SEXY?
And if so, I’d ask you to take some time to examine in yourself why you don’t think of disabled people as being able to be those things.
Mod Izzy
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cnabread · 3 years
Write fanfiction guiltlessly. Do it not only because it’s good practice, not only because you don’t feel like putting your energy into original stuff, but because you do feel like putting your energy into fandom. Write fanfics of epic proportions or tiny one-shots; write fluff or angst or cliches or tropes; publish the roughest version or keep the twelfth draft for only yourself. Do it without feeling bad. You owe no one anything; the act of creation is a gift in and of itself, and it doesn’t matter if you’re creating fanfic or original stories or whatever else you want. All that matters is you enjoy it, because why else would you do it at the end of the day?
Write fanfiction guiltlessly.
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cnabread · 3 years
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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cnabread · 3 years
okay okay so i’m still genderqueer but now i’m going by bOTH carlo and anthony
What the hell is my name?
My legal name is Maya, I’ve grown up with it and I respond to it.
But, I don’t like it.  I don’t like how it sounds, I don’t like how it looks.
What my online friends call me depends on how I feel when I meet them.
I am known as Sabe, Rosie, May, Rose, Fire, Space, Melody, the list goes on and on.
I don’t like any of them very much.
I don’t hate any of them but none of my names feel right.
I’ve even tried a masculine name.  I want to try more and some unisex ones but I can’t find any that i like.
I went by Micheal at some point. I kind of like Charlie, which is unisex and my “almost name” but it doesn’t feel right either. Someone help me out please. I am not trans or anything I just can’t properly appreciate my name and feel comfortable with it.
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cnabread · 3 years
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cnabread · 3 years
now at an age where i just wanna MAKE shit. bread. candles. baskets. birdhouses. the world isn't my oyster, it's my deluxe lego set.
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cnabread · 3 years
y’all i don’t think i had positive memories before the age of 7 and after that there still weren’t many until recently?? how have i never noticed this????
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cnabread · 3 years
To whom do I owe the biggest apology? No one's been crueller than I've been to me.
— Alanis Morissette, "Sorry to Myself", Under Rug Swept
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