cntrlchrissy-blog · 6 years
“Yeah, but it could work out” said Rhiannon. “I mean, it did for our moms.” She shrugged. She didn’t necessarily believe in soulmates. But she also didn’t see the point in being against the whole idea before she even met the woman who was supposed to be her perfect match. “Over half of marriages in this country end in divorce anyway, so its not like most people are very good at picking their own soulmates.”
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“you don’t pick your soulmate. and soulmates don’t necessarily have to be married to each other. could be your best friend. the mailman. the cashier at the dollar store that gave you a sucker because you fell and hit your face on a basket. could be anybody.”
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cntrlchrissy-blog · 6 years
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“Nope, gnome, no tricks, play dirty only after and with them, not me,” Mika answered with another wink. Though he quickly raised a brow at her words. “You are adorable, sure, but one is not mutually exclusive. Besides, fuck them, in a non-pleasurable way, if they ‘don’t want risk’. Life is a risk! You can go out one day and get hit by a bus, why the fuck people should restrict themselves so much? Nah, you have it, girl, and somebody will fucking man up and deserve you.”  
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“fine... i’ll just play dirty when we’re having sex --- mind blowing, messy, amazing sex --- which i haven’t had in days so i’m gonna find somebody, i can promise you that,” she said. “why would you put that out in the universe? now i’m gonna get hit by a bus. thanks for that.”
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cntrlchrissy-blog · 6 years
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Dion’s gaze flickered briefly and than lowered, unsure of what to make of this seemingly wanderlusting woman. Witch, from what he could tell. His eyes followed her feet as they pressed against the water and she traversed it with ease. Yes. Definitely witch. “Pretty. Sure. That’s one way of looking at it.” Dion would maybe use a different phrase. Fucking magical, maybe. Practically unreal. But sure, yeah, why not, “pretty” did the trick just fine.
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she gave him a small smile. “mesmerizing would be a better word, i guess. when it’s dark, you can see the space station. and mars. it’s amazing that something so small to our own view is actually this... gigantic, beautiful creation.”
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cntrlchrissy-blog · 6 years
“Probably a good idea” said Julian. “Forehead tattoos are not a good look on anybody.” He made a mock shudder at the thought. “Something about them just screams I make terrible life choices and you should laugh at me.”
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“yeah, i’m lucky the ones i have suit me. i can’t stand tattoos on the face. they’re ugly. like mike tyson? that man made a huge mistake.”
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cntrlchrissy-blog · 6 years
By now there was no holding back his amusement, and Logan let out a chuckle at the series of mishaps she told him about. “You should come with a warning label. That or get your own sitcom.” 
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“i’ve been told i need to stay in an indestructible bubble.”
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cntrlchrissy-blog · 6 years
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Mikael grinned, tilting his head and watching her with amuse. “I’m game,” he answered in a light tone, nodding quickly. ”No magic tricks. So, who will be the lucky fool?” the witch asked, looking around in almost lazy manner. “And gnome, really? Shouldn’t you have like a mass of guys, just waiting for your attention? Even I see that you are attractive,” he struggled slightly, fingers tapping on the table. 
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“what, i can’t even do a little floating shots to impress?” she asked with a small laugh. “i dunno, i mean... i’ve been around, maybe they know about it and don’t wanna risk anything. attractive, huh? that’s new. i usually get ‘adorable’.”
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cntrlchrissy-blog · 6 years
He wasn’t thrilled. He wasn’t even fine. What Dion Andrata was… was bitter. His life hadn’t belonged to him in such a long time, and now it was just mimicry of a life. Barely a life at all. The vampire twisted his ring as he settled on the beach, watching the sun go down. He used to do this with her. Where was she? Was she okay? Would she be fine one day? He wondered what she was doing now. He glanced over at the other individual who came along his stretch of beach and motioned to the sun as it eased into the horizon. “Before these rings came about,” Dion mused, to no one in particular, “I’d forgotten what a sunset looked like.”
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she didn’t know how long she’d been at the beach, but she didn’t even notice that anyone else was there, which was sad. but then again, she hadn’t been in the same spot, she’d been walking --- so maybe she wasn’t just going in circles like she thought she had been, maybe she just happened to wander down the beach. upon hearing his voice, she turned around, looking at him from her position --- standing on the water. yes, on. not in. she was walking on the water’s surface. “it’s pretty, isn’t it? i like it when it turns pink and purple.”
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cntrlchrissy-blog · 6 years
“I honestly didn’t think my day could get any worse, but this is the icing on the cake,” she sighed. Nour tried for the fifth time to fit her arm inside the tiny crack in her car window to try to reach the lock on the door. She already called the police, but she wasn’t within city limits, so they wouldn’t come help her. So, she was stuck at this stupid restaurant.
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“i can unlock it,” she said. she’d had to unlock her bedroom door several times --- thankfully it was one of the small tricks she could control and not screw up.
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cntrlchrissy-blog · 6 years
“I swear to god if you ask me to take your picture in front of that damn sign, I’m going to combust.”
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“oh, come on! i’d look adorable, you can’t deny it. i’m always adorable, but i’d be even cuter in front of a sign,” she said. “but i mean, if you combust can you make it really pretty and rain glitter?”
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cntrlchrissy-blog · 6 years
“Just, you know, that it looks like a unicorn” said Rhiannon. Sometimes she was unable to believe the ridiculous turn her conversations with her sister took. “Yeah, I’ll take your word for that” she said. Rhiannon had no experience with men as far as sex went. Although, if the teen comedies she’d seen were anything to go on, male virgins lasted about 30 second and only cared about themselves in bed. Which, if that was true, made her happier she’d figured out her sexuality at a young age. “You could. But would you really want to have to use that kind of magic on someone? No good ever comes from controlling others with magic.”
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“oh...” she almost felt stupid for not having any common sense. but she had been through quite the ordeal. messing up that spell earlier tired her out --- being teleported anywhere was tiring to her. “no. i’d probably mess it up anyways. but, still... i can find my own soulmate. it’s supposed to be natural. not forced.”
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cntrlchrissy-blog · 6 years
There was a look of pure disbelief on his face as she retold her magical misadventures. Unicorns and demon possession… “You’re messin’ with me.” Then again he turned into a monster once every month, an excruciating transformation– so it wasn’t that far fetched. 
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“i’m not, i’m totally telling you the truth. i also got attacked by an imp once --- those things are mean little jerks. don’t ever anger an imp,” she said shaking her head. “anything bad that could possibly happen, probably has or will happen to me if i’m involved. i’m just a terrible witch.”
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cntrlchrissy-blog · 6 years
“I doubt most people are very pure” said Julian. “Yet, until recently, arranged marriages were pretty typical.” He shrugged. “Or maybe the guy in charge of this whole thing make a huge mistake and is gonna tattoo rejected on your forehead the moment he realizes what he did.” He was unable to resist being his usual wise-ass self.
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“it’s still stupid though,” she said. “nuh uh. nobody touches this pretty face. it takes a lot to keep it cute. --- actually that’s a lie, i don’t wear make up, it feels disgusting. but no one’s tattooing anything on my forehead, i’ll punch them in the throat and kick ‘em in the ‘nads.”
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cntrlchrissy-blog · 6 years
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          The pun earned another chuckle from Mikael’s lips as he nodded. “Oh, I’m so gonna, girl,” he murmured with the same smile before wiggling the brow at her. “Well, my dear, adorable gnome, how do you feel about a little competition? Not saying this had to be like ‘who will sleep with him first’ because bleh, but… what about a phone number that would be given with the clear intention of date? Or any other, I’m in the mood for a little challenge.”
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“i live for competition,” she said. as she listened, she pursed her lips, looking back to the guy he’d been looking at. “yeah, here’s the thing about that --- he’s definitely gay. and i definitely have a vagina. so maybe going after the same dude isn’t that great of an idea --- but i can find a poor, unsuspecting guy of my own and competition still stands. bonus points if it leads to sex, cause i’m on a mission to get laid anyways, it’s been days.”
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cntrlchrissy-blog · 6 years
“Some live to two thousand,” Katerina responded. She wished she’d even remembered a brush or her mini can of hairspray in her bag. You can take down an army but not humidity? she chided herself. “You surround yourself with the right people for eternity and it’s not as bad as you’d think.” She eyed the girl’s hair, her brow crinkling. “That can’t be fashionable.”
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“holy crap,” she whispered. “i dunno, there aren’t many people willing to actually be around me because i’m so accident prone, i doubt i’d be happy living that long. i don’t even think it’s possible for me to.” chrissy looked down at her hair, picking up a part of it and shrugging as she let it fall back down to her knees. “the color? it was an accident. i messed up a spell.”
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cntrlchrissy-blog · 6 years
“I mean, you have some magic,” he pointed out. The girl had been floating after all. “You just can’t do any involving hair.” 
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“it’s not just hair. i almost got myself killed by a unicorn once. and i accidentally let a demon in through a ouija board and got possessed. had to have an exorcism. that stuff’s not fun, let me tell you --- it was painful.”
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cntrlchrissy-blog · 6 years
Ginger brows furrowed in a small frown at the explanation and analogy. “Well, that sucks. And I don’t really know anything about magic or how it works but, I still think practice makes perfect. Even a rifle-wielding color guard with a tendency to jab people can only benefit from it. But you know you’re the expert here so I believe you.” 
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“magic is complicated. it just can’t be taught. you have to have it in you. and apparently i don’t.”
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cntrlchrissy-blog · 6 years
“That’s still pretty cool –I mean you’re floating,” despite her attempts to downplay her powers, he was still fascinated by the display. “Not with that attitude.” Logan refused to believe that, but mainly because of his own struggle to control his beast. There had to be a way for him to learn to reign it. 
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“i’m used to it so i don’t see the cool factor,” she said with a small shrug. “no. nope, no, that’s not how it works. when you’re a witch, you’re either good at witchcraft or you’re not. there’s not practicing to get better. you have the skill or you don’t. like colorguard. if you don’t have the skill, you’re gonna suck and you’re gonna end up jabbing someone with your flag or rifle.”
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