co-adminchloe-blog · 12 years
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Anastasia ”Ana” Andersdotter → 32 → Factory Worker→ Michelle Williams→ OPEN
     ✗ Mob→ Russian      ✗ Affiliations→ Garth Armison, Terry Goldman, Lucius Abegg      ✗ Residence→ Central Side.
Ana, a native Russian, married Gustov at age fifteen high on the drug of young love. It wasn’t an easy decision for the pair to make. In fact it took them a year and a half to convince their parents that they weren’t doing this on a whim, or that it was just some faze. Gustov and Ana were committed to one another through their love and respect for each other and wanted it to become official; through a marriage ceremony. Looking back on it now, Ana doesn’t regret marrying Gustov, she just wishes that she had of waited a decade or so before she gave up her life and her freedom for the man she cares deeply about. Gustov was a traditionalist, and after marriage meant motherhood, and it didn’t take long for the young couple to become a family to a daughter called Vera. Surprisingly, Ana was unfazed with the transition to motherhood though she yearned to return to her studies to become Russia’s top heart surgeon. That was always the goal for her. As Vera grew up and started school, Gustov out working in the coal mines, Ana had an ample amount of time on her hands, and what better way than return to school and finish the qualifications she needed to become a surgeon?
That dream was well and truly shattered whenever the war hit. Even her home town of Alexandrov was affected by it all and she was separated from her husband and twelve year old daughter on the twelfth night of the bombings. Scared and alone, Ana was swept up the rush of people who boarded the coach to the coast to get on the ferry out of Russia and into the States. She never saw her family again. But that doesn’t mean she’s stopped fighting for them. The war may have died down on the news, but for Ana it’s ongoing until she’s reunited with her family once more; but it comes at a price. Garth Armison, Viktor’s right hand man has pledged to help the woman if she comes up with the money to smuggle her family out of the country and into Lost Heaven with her. But as time goes on she doesn’t think she’ll be able to come up with the money that Mr. Armison requires; not working at his clothing factory anyway, so because of her love for her husband and daughter she’s been working her way into the bed of the man who stands between her and her family. But what she doesn’t seem to understand is that he is misreading the signals she’s been sending out and is interpreting her advances as something more meaningful. She’s playing a dangerous game, but it’s the only way she can see her family again.
Garth Armison: He owns the factory that Ana works in as well as the key to her seeing her family again. Garth genuinely believes that Ana has fallen for him (like he has for her), but that is not the case.
Terry Goldman: Ana and Terry have been close friends ever since she arrived in Lost Heaven, they understand each other in a silent yet effective way, a very brother/sister relationship between the pair as they laugh and joke together to cheer each other up.
Lucius Abegg: Lucius is her saviour, as a journalist he’s able to tell her what is going on back in her home country along with keeping tabs on Gustov through credit card expenditures etc.
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co-adminchloe-blog · 12 years
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Adelaide Balsamo → 26 → Assistant to the Mayor→ Gemma Arterton→ OPEN
     ✗ Mob→ Neutral      ✗ Affiliations→ Steven Hart, Aidan McCready, Abele Balsamo, Jack Porter      ✗ Residence→ New Ark
Biography →
Adelaide doesn’t dwell on her childhood; it doesn’t matter where she came from, it’s about where she is going. Adelaide’s determination overpowers most of the other aspects to her personality, she’s always wanted to be the best growing up with three other children to compete with, it was the only way she could achieve any praise that her parents threw her way; she also craved the attention it brought. She always had to win at sports day, always had to be top in her class and most definitely had to learn to ride a bike before the rest of the neighbourhood kids. She even ran for Mayor’s office this year. Many - including her own father - told her she’d have no chance of winning, she was young and afterall a female. Females didn’t belong in this city afterall. But this sexism spurred her on. She would win, she was prepared to do anything she could to win. Except pay. Adelaide wanted a fair match between her and Jack Porter but he was the one who was prepared to go that extra mile and pay off everyone. Disappointed she settled for second best; assistant. Since losing,she has had to realise over the years that she’s not the best, she never will be. and being the best will not fix her relationship with her mother and it won’t bring her her best friend back to life. That’s what her psychologist told her anyway.
 The one thing Adelaide does dwell on however is the untimely death of her best friend and boyfriend Bruce Cibrain. The smooth Italian was Adelaide’s whole life; that is until he was killed in a hit and run accident one night after the pair were celebrating their recent engagement. It was the happiest night of her life, turned sour, and she has never forgiven the man who ran him over; Aidan McCready. Many people believe that Adelaide doesn’t know who the killer was, but she does, sure he was found not guilty but to her.. He is, and she will not rest until she sees him behind bars.This has effected her work and relationships with men; often pushing them away and becoming somewhat obsessed with Aidan. The latest of them to try and woo the young brunette was Steven Hart who was not aware of the past Abigail was trying desperately to keep from him. That’s why she felt the need to break up with him, she was falling for him too quickly and she didn’t want to drag him into all her shit, nor did she want to get tangled up in his. Adelaide is aware of the deal between Steven and Aleksander, but is too frightened to do anything. Afterall she knows who not to make enemies out of.. or so she thinks.
Steven Hart: Even though the pair broke up, there isn’t a day that goes by when she doesn’t regret her decision. Still very much in love with him.
Aidan McCready: Thanks to her obsessive personality, Adelaide is using her new-found status to build a case surrounding Aidan so he can be sent down for good. She’s looking into his history and he’s wary of her activities.
Abele Balsamo: Thanks to her insistance that Aidan McCready was responsible for the death of Bruce, a wedge has been driven in between the two sisters and they aren’t currently on speaking terms, unlike her brothers who she gets along with fine.
Jack Porter: The pair have a brother/sister relationship and try to make light of the heinous situation the are in. Jack in unaware of her past.
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co-adminchloe-blog · 12 years
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Meredith Janek → 26 → Cocktail Waitress at Bada Bing! → Oona Chaplin → OPEN
✗ Mob → Neutral (with Italian connections) ✗ Affiliations → Dominic Janek, Alison Janek, Marty Balsamo, Jax Dawson ✗ Residence→ Chinatown.
Biography → 
Everyone knows the story of Dominic Janek’s time as Mayor of Lost Heaven. It was deemed unforgettable by the newspapers. The once goody-two shoed mayor turning into a corrupt money grabbing thief after a long and tiresome run as mayor. Many in his closest circle didn’t blame him, he had to find some way of providing money for his family, seeing as being the Mayor of a city deemed “unapproachable” didn’t pay very well - if at all some months. It was the people who wanted him gone, taxes had gone up and Mayor Janek didn’t seem to be doing much, so for the safety of his family, Mayor Janek resigned publicly to a cheering audience and was swiftly replaced by Mayor Porter.
Although many people know of - and remember - Dominic and Alison, a lot of people have forgotten about little Meredith (Mary as she was affectionately called back then). She was only four during her father’s time in office, but the public grew to love and adore her oval shaped face, big bright eyes and gleaming smile.Too bad she isn’t like that now. After witnessing and hearing about the torturous time her dad had in politics, Meredith decided to take a different route. She was never a brainbox in science nor a tortured artist or poet, and so wasting her time at school never seemed like an option to the high-schooler, and when she was required to go she didn’t put effort into her studies and work; she put it in shoving her fist into people’s faces. No matter how big or small they were, Meredith Janek made sure she could beat them up in ten seconds flat; almost always succeeding, until she met the youngest Balsamo sibling - Marty. There was something about his sad eyes that softened her and made her walk away from the fight. To this day she can’t explain to herself why, but she does not it lead to her and Marty Balsamo becoming friends. The friendship was shaky at first, Meredith didn’t know what it was like to have friends and Marty wasn’t sure how to be friends with a girl, so as they grew up they learnt from each other and stuck together right through University; never growing apart.
After university was over, Meredith was caught up in a lot of financial problems. Turning to her parents, it broke their heart to turn their only child away. But what could they do? Dominic wasn’t going to be able to work again and Alison could only pick up part time shifts at the local supermarket - the Janeks were broke and were relying on donations from friends to make ends meet and pay off bills.
That’s when Jax Dawson walked into her life. He was charming at first, but looking back, Meredith supposes that all loan sharks are. Marty had warned her about Jax, but she didn’t listen. Attractive boys never looked at her twice, and Jax wasn’t too bad himself. At the start he was sweet, funny and understanding - helping her out whenever he could. That was before things started to get complicated. Jax thought his money meant he had some control over her, restricting who she seen and when she seen them as soon as Marty realised what was happening he offered his oldest friend a job at his brothers club - Bada Bing! and within hours, Jax was kicked out and Meredith was working alongside Carlo Balsamo, gradually paying off her debts.
That was a few months ago. She wasn’t stupid. She thought Jax would be knocking down her door with the week, but he didn’t. He didn’t come back until six months had passed and Meredith had forgotten all about him and the sum of money she owed him. But now he’s back and he’s out for the $100,000 that is rightfully his, Meredith doesn’t have this type of cash and it won’t be long until he has his claws in her once again. Will anyone be there to help her this time?
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co-adminchloe-blog · 12 years
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Jennifer Porter → 27 → Mayor’s Wife (unemployed) → Emily VanCamp → OPEN
     ✗ Mob → Neutral.      ✗ Affiliations → Jack Porter, Meredith Janek, Elizabeth Jennings.      ✗ Residence→ New Ark.
Biography → 
When Jennifer Bell was five she was apprehensive about leaving her native Canada for Washington D.C. She had even made a list of the reasons why she should just stay in Canada with her Aunt Lynn and not move with her family to the state, number one; she’d have to make new friends. This, was something none of the Bell children were particularly good at, her older brother was autistic and Jennifer often spent her school days fussing around after him instead of playing outside with the other school kids. Reason number two; she’d have to say goodbye to her beloved pony Chocolate who often won awards due to his brilliant coat and graceful movements, Jennifer had adored that pony for much more than being a champion - he was her confident, even at five years old, Jennifer seemed to be much closer to eight or even ten, she was tall and she was bright and would hold conversations with Chocolate and tell him of her troubles.Of course, the family packed up regardless of Jennifer’s protests, due to her scientist father gaining a job in the state that paid over three times the amount he was getting in Canada.
Moving to Washington D.C made her brother very happy, seeing the smile constantly glued to his face made the young blonde appreciate the city even more. Jack had a dream of becoming President of the United States, which Jennifer foolishly thought was reachable - often exclaiming to the children in her classes that one day her brother, the President of the United States, would kill them all if they even tried to lay a finger on her. This of course didn’t work. The students laughed in her face and continued to pester the girl up into her teens when her brother had finally had enough, one group of boys had become very forward in their attacks, often trying to reveal skin and pull at her clothes until they were ripped or she managed to weasel her way out of their grasps. Jack had intervened on a day that would become his last. The boys weren’t prepared for a retaliation and out of fright they stabbed the oldest Bell child sixteen times. Screaming, Jennifer, now fifteen, ran all the way home leaving her deceased brother with those monsters. It’s safe to say they never bothered her again. 
Up until she met Jack Porter - the man who would later become her husband - she was quiet and lonely. Without her pony or brother, Jennifer really was all alone n the world with her thoughts and ambitions, barely graduating High School, Jennifer had to make do with a job at the local supermarket. That’s when she met Jack #2, when he told her his name she was flabbergasted, of course more than one person in the world bore the same name as her brother, it was just that no one had said it since the murder or her brother. No one evenmuttered the name ‘Jack’ around her, scared they’d set her off into a fit of tears or a well of depression. This Jack was nothing like her brother, but she liked him. She accepted him into her life and within six months of meeting the pair were married and looking for a house to set up home. 
Upon meeting the Porter’s, Jennifer realised how she knew the name. They were mostly lawyers, politicians and business men. His cousin Tripp was the latest to graduate from Harvard with a degree, which meant it fell upon Jack to set up a business or get into Politics. This is it, she thought. This was her chance to make her brother’s dream come true. Jack Bell had always wanted to become the President, but after the Janek scandal, he’d just have to make do with a Jack Porter and a Jennifer Porter-Bell as mayor of Lost Heaven. Neither of the two knew anything about the city, Jennifer just pushed her husband to run for mayor because it was an easy way for him to get into politics. It was fate. They won the election hands down as not many people were prepared to take on the city, and when they arrived they found out why. Disgusted by the lack of respect they received, Jennifer was almost ready to pack up her bags and leave. That is until Jack - her brother - appeared to her in a dream claiming that he couldn’t be prouder of her. That’s all it took for the Porter’s to set up home in New Ark and continue their reign on Mobs within the city’s walls.
Those who know of Jennifer’s mother can see the comparison’s between them. Both are headstrong and considered by most Trophy Wives who strive to have their husbands in the spotlights with them being the pretty blonde’s on his arm. What most people don’t suspect is Jennifer’s intellect and the fact that she is the brains behind her husbands looks. He may be the face of the “Clean Up Lost Heaven” act, but she is the brains. Elizabeth Jennings, her only friend, has often stated that Jennifer should try out for Mayor next term, but will Jennifer ever have the guts to stand against her husband and take the spotlight for a change?
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co-adminchloe-blog · 12 years
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Lucas Abegg  → 36  → Drug Dealer → Cillian Murphy → OPEN
     ✗ Mob → Russian.      ✗ Affiliations → Aleksander Norin, Viktor Steltsova, Lucius Abegg, Lucy Abegg.      ✗ Residence→ Oakwood.
Biography →
Lucas was only gone for half an hour tops. It wasn’t his fault, not really. He was a teenager afterall, if anyone should be blamed it should be Scout Miller - the pretty girl who had knocked on his door nearly twenty years ago today. He was sure that six year old Lucius and Lucy would be okay, they were glued to the TV watching some silly kids made-for-TV movie, it’s not as if they noticed he was gone. But when Lucas returned it was Lucy that was gone. Lucius claimed to not of seen anything and the neighbours hadn’t seen anything suspicious. Lucy was kidnapped and it was all Lucas’ fault. The next few years were tough on the Abegg household, tv appeals, police reports.. everything, but still no Lucy. This once outspoken, brash boy was timid and frightened, he grew distant from his brother Lucius in the attempt to not feel the same heartbreak over the inevitability of losing him to the world as well. Years passed with no word, no suspects, no ransom demand. It seemed that the only people who truly remembered Lucy were Lucius and Lucas. Even their parents acted as if they only had two sons now, in a whirl of grief, Lucas and Lucius decided to take matters into their own hands. Someone around Lost Heaven was bound to know something about the disappearance of their sister, it was finding the right people - people who would accept money. Strip joints. That’s where they started, in Bada Bing! They talked to every punter that came in, some had no clue who she was and some of the Bunnies were tight lipped about it. Refusing to give up, they moved down south a bit into Hoboken. Walking among the poor they found themselves outside Angel, and peering down at the face of a young woman who had a needle in her arm, her mouth frothing and her skin a ghosltly white. It was Lucy. But they were too late. Viktor Steltsova had spotted them try and make off with their sister, they were caught. Lucas now works as a drug dealer within the Russian’s boundary’s  a tight leash is kept on him to stop him from trying to run away. But what’s worse is that he’s the man providing his sister with the drug that is slowly killing her. Will he be able to break his siblings free before one - if not all - of them end up dead?
Aleksander Norin: Aleksander is supposed to keep an eye on the problematic Lucas Abegg, though this is proving difficult though as Aleksander is constantly trying to be around Anna, which gives Lucas enough time to find his brother and sister and start plotting their escape.
Viktor Streltsova: Lucas is terrified of the man, after witnessing the way he treats his employee’s, Lucas has been trying not to peeve off the Boss, but it’s proving difficult as Lucas has an aversion to selling drugs to people as he witnesses the effects it has on his sister.
Lucy Abegg: Lucy blames him for everything that has happened in his life, and she’s partially right. She refuses to leave him and is therefore telling him the plans Lucas set up for their escape, convinced that she’ll feel no guilt when he gets punished.
Lucius Abegg: Lucas and Lucius have a tense relationship, ever since the kidnapping of their sister they never had time to bond, leaving most interactions between the pair awkward and short, causing hiccups in their plans as they’re not sure whether they trust each other yet or not.
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co-adminchloe-blog · 12 years
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Aidan McCready  → 33  → Loyal Muscle  → Gaspard Ulliel  → OPEN
✗ Mob → Irish. ✗ Affiliations → Malachy McCready, Aoife McCready, Niamh McCready, Siobhan McCready, Una McCready. ✗ Residence → Hoboken.
Biography → 
Aidan, Malachy, and Aoife grew up in Belfast, Northern Ireland and contrary to media speculation they had a peaceful upbringing surrounded by love from their mother and their extended family. Of course life didn’t come without its battles for the youngsters; their father was a recovering alcoholic, which was tough on all of them - especially their mother Moira who would receive abuse at the hands of her own husband through the devil that was alcohol - her cries would often keep the teenaged Aidan up at night, leaving him irritable in the morning. One morning, something inside him snapped. Rising from the breakfast table he brutally punched his father repeatedly until he was rushed to hospital, where he would spend the rest of his days. Although his father didn’t die straight away, after a few days the doctors could do nothing to help him anymore and he died in his sleep.
No one ever spoke of that day again, Aidan could see it in his mother’s face that she was secretly relieved to be out of the clutches of her husband, but was feeling tremendously guilty over the fact that she felt relieved. The McCready happiness was short-lived however, given the fact that the police were getting suspicious of Aidan. He had a history of violence at his local high school and many people knew the troubles Moira faced daily; the locals didn’t blame Aidan for killing his father, it was just a matter of cleaning the case up for the authorities. Seeking asylum, Aidan, Aoife, and Malachy turned up on the doorsteps of their Irish-American cousins, hoping to escape their old lives and make a name for themselves doing something they were obviously skilled at, leading Aidan to become the loyal muscle of Callum O’Shea, who utilises Aidan’s skills whenever he can.
Malachy McCready: Malachy has always been the calm to Aidan’s storm, keeping his older brother out of trouble was never a problem for Malachy, he had a way of talking to him that somehow calmed his older brother down making him think before he lashed out. Malachy is Aidan’s best friend.
Aoife McCready: Aidan and Aoife have a some-what odd relationship. They rarely talk to each other now-a-days as they lead very separate lives, but when they do they act as if they’ve never been apart. They’re comfortable around each other and Aidan often crashes at Aoife’s when he’s in particularly a lot of trouble as no one would suspect that he’s hiding out in the Italian HQ. Though, this drives a wedge in the trust that’s been established with Callum O’Shea
Niamh McCready: Niamh is so blinded by her brotherly love for her cousin that she is unaware of his connections to the mob, if she ever found out about them she would cut all ties with him, just like her older sister Nora McCready.
Siobhan + Una McCready: These three McCready’s often work in a trio for Callum, getting a kick out of taking down an enemy as a team.
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co-adminchloe-blog · 12 years
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Lucius Abegg → 27 → Journalist → Matthew Gray Gubler → OPEN
✗ Mob → Russian. ✗ Affiliations → Lucy Abegg, Lucas Abegg, Luisa Maslov,  ✗ Residence→ New Ark.
Biography →
As much as it pains him to say it, Lucius doesn’t remember having a twin. Sure he knows he has a twin, but he never really felt that special bond that everyone raves about. Him and Lucy were chalk and cheese, he was outgoing, with his cheeky smile and bright eyes whilst - from what he can gather from photographs - Lucy was rather shy and just… bland. It’s not like they didn’t get along, they just didn’t try to. That’s why Lucius blames himself for the disappearance of his sister. He wrote the poems, stories, told jokes and performed magic tricks, all of which he used to get numb the pain of losing his sister and basically his brother Lucas who refused to have any sort of relationship with any of the Abegg’s ever again.
That is until one night Lucius came across something strange. He had stayed behind to reorganise the music collection and the Lost Heaven’s Radio HQ, this was all too boring for the fidgety man and started using the resources at the radio station to track down any criminal behaviour in the Abegg family, what started off as a way to pass the time, Lucius was shocked by what had appeared on the screen. It was someone who had the same jawline, eyes and nose as him - but yet, looked more feminine than the man he looked at in the mirror everyday. Could this be Lucy? It had been almost twenty years since he last seen her, but would he still know her now? Not taking his chances, Lucius stayed at the radio station all night researching what he could find, 1) she was still in Lost Heaven, 2) She was affiliated with Viktor, a heartless mob boss and 3) She was at ‘Angel’ the strip club just down the street from him, scared he phoned the one number he could think of.. Lucas, his brother. Within no time the boys were in Angel trying to save their sister, and next thing he knew he was working for the local newspaper planting false stories about the Irish and the Italian mobs, using them as scapegoats for Russian crimes.
Lucy Abegg: Lucy is more welcoming of her twin than she is of her older brother; but only because she is under the advice of Viktor to get close to the man because he holds so much power over the city (which he doesn’t realise the extent) and if the Italians and/or the Irish gain him on their side, that could be the end of the Russian mob.
Lucas Abegg: Lucas and Lucius have a tense relationship, ever since the kidnapping of their sister they never had time to bond, leaving most interactions between the pair awkward and short, causing hiccups in their plans as they’re not sure whether they trust each other yet or not.
Luisa Maslov: Is the one time girlfriend of Lucius. The relationship only lasted three months as Lucius was extremely possessive, scared to lose her.
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co-adminchloe-blog · 12 years
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Malachy McCready → 27  → Weapons Craftsman  →  Aidan Turner → TAKEN
     ✗ Mob → Irish.      ✗ Affiliations → Aidan McCready, Aoife McCready, Niamh McCready, Siobhan McCready, Una McCready.      ✗ Residence→ Hoboken.
Malachy is the calm to Aidan’s storm; he always has been. The only McCready who seemed to understand the hatred that was building up within his brother and the only one who could extinguish the flames that built up in Aidan. Many people who see the pair together would assume that Aidan was the dominant one, the rowdy one, the one that’s out of control. Could they be anymore wrong? Malachy’s life had been spiralling out of control ever since he witnessed the death of his father at the hands of his brother. Malachy had idolised his father when he was a boy, he was strong, smart and very handsome, everything the under-developed Malachy wasn’t, and so to lose that hero figure in his life had been earth shattering. Maybe that’s why he’s close to his brother now; he can avenge his father at any point and Aidan wouldn’t even suspect a thing. Maybe that’s why he’s close to his brother now; Aidan and Malachy share an apartment in Hoboken, meaning he can avenge his father at any given point and Aidan wouldn’t even suspect a thing. The only person who suspects any bad feelings between the two is Callum O’Shea who tries to keep the two men apart whenever they aren’t in the presence of anyone else.  
Malachy’s arrogance often gets him into trouble with the Italians, their ego’s are astronomical and whenever Malachy is in the presence of Carlo Balsamo; shit goes down. Just a few weeks ago, Carlo Balsamo broke Malachy’s left leg after a particularly bad pub brawl in Pompeii. Leaving him useless to the Irish mob and leaving him feeling useless. With nothing useful to do he spends his day roaming the streets and making trouble like a typical teenager, he’s sulky and sarcastic on his good days and on the bad? He doesn’t even get out of bed. As he gets more and more unpredictable; people are starting to notice that weapons are missing. Who knows what he’s going to do next?
Aidan McCready: Despite appearances, Malachy has a vendetta against Aidan, that may turn deadly.
Aoife McCready: Malachy doesn’t speak to her, or of her. Ever since she abandoned the boys he’s only been able to have a decent conversation when he’s high as a kite or drunk as a skunk.
Niamh McCready: Niamh is forever fussing over him, even before his injury, this only gives her an excuse to be running around after her cousin. This irritates Malachy, though he respects his cousin greatly.
Una & Siobhan McCready: Their bundless amounts of energy irritate Malachy to no end, especially now that he can not join in, in their antics. He’s jealous of the close bond they share with his older brother, which leads to explosive arguments between them.
Roleplayer: Des (Est)
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co-adminchloe-blog · 12 years
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Siobhan McCready → 24 → Intern at LHN Bank → Karen Gillan → OPEN
✗ Mob→ Irish ✗ Affiliations→ Una McCready, Heather McCready, Matthias Capecci ✗ Residence→ New Ark.
Biography → 
Despite appearances, Siobhan isn’t actually from Ireland; she was born and raised in Lost Heaven but still displays the qualities of a typical Irish lass - the accent, the charm, the fiery red locks with the personality to match. Growing up in the Irish-American family was tough on Siobhan; she was aware of her families involvement with the O’Shea’s since she was seven years old but that didn’t make it any easier whenever they lied about their were-abouts and the cause of death of their mother and father. But things weren’t always but for the porcelined skin girl, growing up she and her younger sister Una were often inseparable  doing everything they could together many people assumed they were twins and the two girls never told them otherwise. Whenever Una’s ex-boyfriend Matthias Capecci did the dirty on her, Siobhan didn’t hesitate to hunt the man down to his apartment and set the bed on fire - something she doesn’t regret, despite spending three months inside for the crime.
Siobhan loves confrontation and what better way to start someone off than subtly announce their Irish heritage - fake or not, so Siobhan often uses a fake accent to start trouble anywhere; in the carpark, Palermo and even at work. This behaviour doesn’t make her too popular among her work mates, neither does her affiliation to a mob that frequently holds them at gun point as Siobhan happily empties whatever money she can find into the pockets of her siblings and cousins, and why doesn’t Siobhan get fired? She likes to think it’s because her boss is scared shitless, but what she doesn’t know is that Niamh has been sleeping with her boss to keep little Siobhan out of trouble. Despite her own boisterous behaviour, Siobhan’s always been attracted to quieter, smarter men. Though these relationships never last very long as the men in her life never quite know how to hold onto her, but there’s something so helpless about Steven Hart that’s got Siobhan in a tizzy and Una just can’t help but make fun of her sister for being head over heels for someone she’s never even spoken too.
Una McCready: Una and Siobhan are only apart when they are at work, Una works at Palermo and Siobhan is an intern at the Lost Heaven National Bank. Many people think the two sisters are twins, and they do nothing to tell them otherwise.
Heather McCready: Heather and Siobhan’s relationship is strained. Although the rest of the McCready’s haven’t heard from her in years, Siobhan’s been trying to keep in touch with the woman who raised her. It’s been tough, but she’s not about to give up now.
Matthias Capecci: Because of her fiery temper, when Siobhan found out that he was doing the dirty on her sister she didn’t hesitate to try and burn down his apartment. But what Una doesn’t know is that after the fire, Siobhan and Matthias slept together - something Siobhan isn’t sure she regrets.
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co-adminchloe-blog · 12 years
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Leon “Leo” Balsamo → 52 → Casino Owner → John Slattery → TAKEN
     ✗ Mob → Italian.      ✗ Affiliations → Roma Carlson, Abele Balsamo, Adelaide Balsamo, Carlo Balsamo, Marty Balsamo, Antonio Cipriani.      ✗ Residence→ Chinatown.
Biography → 
Leon Balsamo, the only surviving member of the Balsamo clan that inhabited the region of Tuscany for almost two centuries. The mafia wars throughout Italy have become some what of a legend throughout the city and having a man walk among them who was part of it exudes a type of fear even Voldemort couldn’t comprehend. But Leo doesn’t account his past for his status around town; he says it’s all down to his dedication to making money and revamping the Balsamo name and making it great again.
After the death of his sisters by the Sicilian boss Alfonzo Sogliuzzo, Leon and his then girlfriend, Roma Carlson, packed up their bags and moved into Antonio Cipriani’s house, a pen pal of Leon’s who was aware of the troubles him and the rest of the Balsamo’s faced; though, unbeknownst to Leon, Antonio was taking tips from the man that had brutally murdered his siblings in the hope of bringing such hierarchy to Lost Heaven. Which he succeeded at, though at the cost of losing a friend. As soon as Roma and Leon arrived in the City, Leon was horrified by the goings on within it, but with Antonio being his only friend in the strange country, the young lovers stayed put and decided to build their empire based upon their love of gambling and glamour, spreading their Italian glitz throughout the City.
Years passed and children were born before they ever had contact with Antonio Cipriani again. By this time Leon and his long-time girlfriend were considered among the richest of Lost Heaven’s inhabitants, but The Vesper their newest venture was beyond the most popular and Antonio wanted it for himself. Under the advise of his girlfriend, Leon refused to sell the casino to his one time friend, but offered something something much more beneficial to the pair of them; a partnership. Through this partnership, Leon, Roma and their four children would receive protection from the Italian mob and the Balsamo’s would be the main financial contributor to the Italians.
It wasn’t long until his sons and daughters grew up, his new found love for violence would often get in the way of his relationship with Roma. Leon would put off their wedding with silly excuses; “Not enough money”, “the kids are busy” and so on and so forth. Eventually she had enough; Roma decided to him, their kids and their fortune behind for a better life in Tuscany, their homeland. Devastated  Leon became bitter and inwardly blamed Antonio for his woes. In an act of revenge, Leon has become more lenient with his money, giving into Antonio’s every request; but with a catch. With all the money Antonio’s taking, Leon demands a say in the goings on in the mob, controlling his every move. It will only take time before Antonio rises up against this tyrant, but will it be too late?
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co-adminchloe-blog · 12 years
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Elden Lerner → 32 → Model, Porn Star and wannabe Actress → Rachel McAdams → OPEN
     ✗ Mob → Neutral.      ✗ Affiliations → Tami Taylor, Leon Balsamo.      ✗ Residence→ New Ark.
Biography → 
“A girl must be two things; classy and fabulous” Mabel Lerner - her mother, had told her that and she’s never forgotten it, her assets were there to be exploited. With her charm and wit there was nothing this young blonde couldn’t achieve in her life, well that’s what her mother had told her. Growing up, Elden was very much a daddy’s little princess, receiving all the gifts she could ever want and being showered in the affections of everyone around her. No one could resist her big baby blue eyes, her perfect smile and silky blonde hair. But as she reached her teens, it became apparent that her looks alone weren’t going to get her anywhere, yet she lacked the drive to actually do anything about it. Afterall she was used to getting everything she wanted handed to her on a silver plate, and why change her ways now? She had a few breaks in the Italian modelling world, but it was not Vogue cover material. At the suggestion of her sister Bryce, Elden moved away from her family in Tuscany to live with her cousin Carlo and his wife in Lost Heaven. This would be her big break. She was in the land of the free, and she was going to become an actress. Of course it didn’t work out that way for the naive blonde, she had a few stints working as a supporting actress on cancelled pilots but it wasn’t until she met Tami Taylor. Business started picking up, but not in a way that she imagined, yet she didn’t complain about her newfound stardom in the porn industry.
Many people call her lazy, yet they don’t know how hard she works at maintaining her looks and flawless image. Spending many hours a day primping and polishing her body, most of her income goes on material items like clothes, jewellery, lavish cars and things she most definitely doesn’t need, only buying them to make up for the loss of stable relationships in her life - Bryce, Mabel and her cousins. The only sustainable relationship she has left is with her uncle Leon Balsamo and that’s because he’s been trying to get her to join his mob ever since she arrived; Mable had told her to expect this behaviour from the slimy man, and that’s the one thing Elden hasn’t forgotten - how to say no to her ‘adoring’ Uncle. This once considerate and adored girl is now vain and shallow though deep down she knows the errors of her ways; too bad she just prefers money to friends.
Tami Taylor: Elden is infatuated with her manager Tami, and has been ever since she laid eyes on him. She frequently sleeps with him to keep him happy as his marriage is falling apart. Elden is sympathetic towards the situation though is secretly trying to drive the pair apart so that she can have him to herself.
Leon Balsamo: Leon has been pestering her for the last few months to join the Italians, she suspects it’s because of her wealth and loyalty - but she never gives him a chance to explain himself as she had been warned about him by her mother (his sister).
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co-adminchloe-blog · 12 years
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Lady Elsa Winston → 25 → Heiress/Assassin → Ashley Greene → OPEN
     ✗ Mob → Russian.      ✗ Affiliations → Viktor Streltsova, Victoria Streltsova, Anya Day.      ✗ Residence→ Oakwood.
Biography →
Elsa Winston is nothing without her title, or so she was always told by her distant and cold parents. They made her who she was today by passing on their royal blood. Elsa doesn’t agree with them. She’s never been much of a ‘Lady’ anyway, in High School she always tried for the track team and not the Juliet in the school play, more of a tomboy than a princess; much to the dismay of her English rose mother and High Society father. Growing up an only child, Lady Winston was spoiled rotten; if she wanted a pony she received a pony, wanted to go to London for two weeks during the middle of the school year, she got it. But she got a kick up the back side when even her daddy’s wallet couldn’t pull her out of the mess she made. The year of her graduation had been a painful one to say the least, after a year of partying and cramming the night before he exams she had made enough credits to graduate all thanks to her phenomenal ability on the pitch - her outstanding 15,000m at Nationals is still a record that holds today. But it was her best friend Anya Day that convinced her that taking dodgy drugs on the day of their graduation would be cool, fun even. Swept up in the buzz of it all, Elsa (who had never experienced anything like this before) was too excited and before anyone knew it, she had blacked out and was rushed to hospital before receiving her diploma.That was the end of everything for Elsa Winston. Her parents had her shipped off to a rehab clinic in Switzerland - along with Anya and have never spoken to her since. Not that she cared at the time, she was feeling too bitter. How dare they send her to rehab, they knew this was only a one time thing! How dare they ruin her chances for entering an Ivy League school. What she didn’t know is that she never graduated High School, her father Bart Winston paid the school handsomely to forge her graduation papers - he couldn’t have a failure of a daughter.
Now she’s no longer a failure. What would Daddy Winston say about her being in the mob business? It’s not like he doesn’t know. Bart Winston always had a way of finding these things out, and not a day goes past when she doesn’t think about her family, but she’s got Anya and Victoria now. The Streltsova’s are her family now, and she’ll do anything to protect them. This over-eagerness however leads her to be clumsy with her life and weapons, she’s received plenty of bruises and broken bones on the job but since her father cut off her trust fund a couple of months ago she has no choice but to throw herself into her work, it’s just she sometimes takes that quite literally and it may end up killing her; or someone quite close to her.
Viktor Streltsova: Elsa hasn’t ever met the man yet she holds him in such high regard it’s starting to peeve off Victoria. All Elsa wants to do is have the chance to impress him, then maybe she’ll get some real work and not just the loose ends.
Victoria Streltsova: Victoria is part of their threesome, but does not involve herself in her friends activities. She only hangs around Elsa at the request of Anya.
Anya Day: Because they have been through so much together, that’s the only thing that’s keeping the two girls together. Anya loves her like a sister but she’s starting to feel smothered by the mob life and the restrictions of it all - including Elsa. 
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co-adminchloe-blog · 12 years
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Anja Day/Anja Dzień  → 26 → Personal Assistant → Blake Lively → OPEN
     ✗ Mob → Russian.      ✗ Affiliations → Viktor Streltsova, Victoria Streltsova, Elsa Winston.      ✗ Residence→ Oakwood.
Biography →
A self-confessed ‘edgy Marilyn Monroe’, Anja Day always lived life to the beat of her own drum. Her parents never really knew her, her ex’s never really knew her and her best friends Victoria and Elsa don’t really know her. She’s like smoke; you can’t catch it. Anja is the typical American Sweetheart, the popular girl you wish was your girlfriend, she has always been the radiant cheerleading captain that was everyone’s best friend. She’s more surprised that her life is still quite the same outside of the familiar High School setting that she and her group of friends were accustomed too, parents always tell you about the horrors of leaving High School but Anja hasn’t found the transition too difficult. But maybe that’s just her, always going with the flow, though never getting too swept up in the latest boyband, fashion item or ‘hottie’. Though, after the dreaded graduation stunt she and her friends pulled she was terrified. She didn’t return home for two months, and when she did that was only to collect her things and leave her Polish parents a note about where she was going. She had gotten a job as the personal assistant to Viktor Streltsova due to Victoria’s desire to become the most popular girl at Oakwood, Anja was more than willing to bestow her knowledge upon the younger girl - ending with the two becoming close friends.
Anja has never been one to be tied down, and her job is doing just that. She’s always dreamed of travelling and now that Viktor has a hold over her, she feels she’ll never be able to return to her parents homeland of Poland or see India, Asia and New Zealand - nothing she’s dreamed of since she was a little girl. What does Viktor have over her? Her friend Lady Elsa Winston. Viktor doesn’t particularly care for the reckless girl, but Anja knows what it means to Elsa to do this; Elsa has nothing else, and Anja’s not about to have her longest friend killed for her personal gain. That’s not who she is. But as Viktor tightens her leash on her, her patience is thinning and she’s not sure if she’ll regret letting her friend die for her freedom even if it does go against everything she’s stood for.
Viktor Streltsova: Viktor knows of Anja’s desire to leave the mob, and so is threatening her into staying by claiming to kill her best friend Elsa Winston. Viktor doesn’t think she’ll leave, but he doesn’t know how desperate Anja is getting.
Victoria Streltsova: Victoria and Anja share a common bond of being ‘It Girl’ of their respective years at Oakwood High School, after becoming fast friends, Anja has helped Victoria through her heartbreak though Victoria has no idea the hold Viktor has over Anja.
Elsa Winston: The only reason Anja hasn’t left Lost Heaven is because Elsa Winston is alive, that sounds harsh but Anja knows that the minute she leaves she’ll receive Elsa’s head on a silver platter. That’s what scares her the most about Viktor.
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co-adminchloe-blog · 12 years
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Steven Hart  → 28  → Accountant → Sebastian Stan→  OPEN
     ✗ Mob → Russian.      ✗ Affiliations → Aleksander Norin, Luisa Maslov, Elden Lerner.      ✗ Residence→ Oakwood.
Biography →  
Although Steven aged physically into the man he is today, he mentally never grew up. His maturity level of a twelve year old often gets him into trouble with the feminist Russians. Not that he minds though- he finds something including kinky in the way they mouth off at him and hit him whenever he says something inappropriate - which is fairly often.
Steven Hart grew up in a middle class family, in a middle class neighbourhood , and with a somewhat middle class high school education. So, when he spoke of his plans to become New York’s top accountant it seemed to most people that this was Steven dreaming big once again. Their lack of faith in him spurred the stubborn lad on to pursue his dream and graduate with top honours. With only a pass by the skin of his teeth, Steven was a little downhearted, given that working at his family’s hardware business as the finance advisor was not his idea of New York top. But what else could he do? Jobs were taken by the kids who got better grades, better money, and knew better people. 
That is until Luisa Maslov walked into his office. Spluttering his way through “How did you get in here, you shouldn’t be in here..” He managed to shut up long enough to hear what the older brunette had to say. “We want to hire you..” Those words were like music to his ears. Without giving his father a proper explanation, Steven packed up his things and by the next day he was working for Strelstrova’s Lounge Bar after signing an exclusive contract with the Russians. It was the second biggest bar in Lost Heaven; sure he was only a secretary but he was certain that with Robin’s help and his charismatic ways it wouldn’t be long until he would be showing off his accountancy skills. And he was right. Though, on that day two things happened. He was promoted, but that was also the day his beloved mother Amelia Hart was found dead in her bed. Natural causes, they said. But Steven couldn’t help but blame himself. He left her alone when he normally woke her up with a cup of tea and her favourite biscuits; but this time, due to his new job, he wasn’t there.
Word of his depression quickly spread throughout the office causing Luisa Maslov his boss to take control, banning anyone from saying anything to the man. His girlfriend Elden Lerner dumped him when she decided she couldn’t live like that anymore and Steven’s lost his mojo for accounting. Blaming himself, he became incredibly vulnerable and was easily manipulated by Aleksander Norin. Steven would steal money from the Bar to keep Mr. Norin happy, but it wasn’t enough. Of course it wasn’t, so because of this, Steven’s been reaching out to his ex-girlfriend in the hopes of gaining support. She turned her back on him once, will she do it again?
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co-adminchloe-blog · 12 years
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For some it’s the City that Never Sleeps. For others it’s the City that Never Lets them Sleep. Best known for the Statue of Liberty, and home to many of the rich and famous, the glittering streets of New York are definitely the place to be. People come here seeking fame and fortune, exciting adventures, inspiration, or even just a simple fresh start.
Whatever you’re here for, nobody moves to New York looking for peace and quiet – that’s what death’s for.
Flip the coin, however, and there’s an entirely different side to the city of dreams. A darker, grittier side that many people stay oblivious to. A world that revolves around guns, drugs, murder and corruption. Some choose this lifestyle, others are pulled into it through no fault of their own.
Maybe you stumbled upon this place by accident… or maybe, just maybe, you came looking for an adventure. But now that you’re here, you have two choices. Run… or fight for your life.
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co-adminchloe-blog · 12 years
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Irina Andersdotter | 42 | Housewife | Kate Winslet
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co-adminchloe-blog · 12 years
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