coconutsugacones · 3 years
Astro Notes
- Saturn in contact with Moon people (especially harsh aspects) need to learn how to ‘remother’ and ‘refather’ themselves. Their inner child is wounded and mostly feels neglected and this is something that causes them a lot of conflict and frustration until they learn how to serve their own inner needs and to nourish the self. They always seem to please others and just want to be accepted by their mother figure and later on by most people in their life (but it all roots in the childhood). 
- afflicted 2nd or 8th house or Taurus or Scorpio can stand for self worth issues, struggling with accepting and loving the self for what it is: physically and spiritually. 
- Venus and Saturn touching harshly in synastry can indicate the same struggles the Venus person had when they tried to love their parents/an authorative figure, but failed. It can repeat the patterns in childhood that spoke of tough/hard love from the parents/an authorative figure or the failed ways in which you tried to adapt to their love language. This can indicate a seemingly impossible pleasing of the partner and feeling like being raised all over again. 
- water signs/water heavy people can feel easily exhausted because of the way that not only their body and mind respond to their environment but their emotional being as well: it’s dominantly and almost constantly involved in processing others and the world and emotions are their language, it’s the tool they naturally use and so it can take a great toll on their well being sometimes. If there aren’t signifcant supporting placements/aspects in the chart and their environment is rather negative this can be especially heavy and push them towards ways of handling the self and the world better from very early on in life. In general though, I believe that’s one of the reasons why they are usually some sort of ‘counselor friend’. They usually go thoroughly through emotional experiences from early on and have to start reflecting on their own and others emotional being and thus can always in some way or another ‘relate’ and give some sort of advice or soothing words. I believe this is one way how the ‘gift of emotions and sensitivity’ develops in water signs. 
- Virgo is a sign that is very into self growth, always striving to define the self, making things easier, more efficient, wanting to not only look good in other eyes, but especially look good in their own eyes. People with significant Virgo influence in their chart always think about the next step to improve the self and how to become ‘a better person’, they can not stagnate when it comes to this. 
- Moon and Mars in the 2nd can be indicators of a ‘shopaholic’: it relates to impulsive spending, finding comfort in material goods. But these individuals can just as quickly become very stingy and possessive of their money afterwards, as they fear financial instability a lot usually.
- adding on to that: these placements as well as Saturn in Taurus/2nd can also make someone very good at saving money, as they can fear spending too and cut certain things short. But there is also the potential to become clever in investements
- also: Moon (!) and Mars in 2nd: emotional eaters
- Capricorn Venus could make you into the conventional beauty standards of the society you live in. Capricorn placements are 100 % able to think out of the box (!) but Capricorn’s are also the sign that is representative of society and works for society (providing for and strengthen it) and their thinking always is connected to the bigger picture and greater good, in a realistic (to pessimistic) way, though. They are the types to just ‘accept it as it is’ and build their way around it. So they can easily fall back in widely accepted, publicly desired and conventional patterns as well as opinions. 
- Gemini placements are very expressive, especially on social media (!), also with their appereance. They not only like but need to give their thoughts and feelings a voice, as well as communicate their essence of self via media because it gives them a bigger reach and sharing opinions and having conversations that help them expand their views are very attractive to them. They mostly have a very defined asthetic or image they like to keep up on social media, too. Usually not the type to be ‘a silent user’ of the internet. 
- any strong combination of earth and fire in ones birth chart (fire/earth in personal placements, especially when stelliums are involved) makes for someone with very strong believes. They usually take great interest explaining the world around them and telling it as it is (however they define that). This doesn’t indicate an unempathetic person though, because they are usually very much into self growth, always looking for another way to improve the self! Regardless, they are very set in their believes, especially on how things are just done ‘right’ and often times need to get ones way in little, mundane things, e.g. in the household (the way the windows get cleaned, how to correctly fold clothes, etc.)
- adding on: this one is rather a personal observation, but this is especially noticable in Sagittarius suns with lots of earth in their chart
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coconutsugacones · 4 years
*recognizes that im feeling geniuine human emotion* ok, troubling
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coconutsugacones · 4 years
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Ceres, the archetypal Mother and the Goddess of Agriculture, gives birth to the world of physical form, bearing children and providing food for their survival. As the Mother archetype, she stands for the principle of unconditional love and nurturing support in both women and men. In the above mandala she is placed at the IC, the very bottom of the horoscope wheel, which in astrology is related to the foundation, the roots, and the family.
Pallas/Athene, the daughter of Zeus, is the Goddess of Wisdom who generates mental and artistic creations from her mind. Sprung from the head of her father, she represents the principle of creative intelligence. Her place in the mandala is at the MC, the "head" of the chart, the uppermost point, which symbolizes one’s ambitions and one’s visible, socially useful accomplishments.
Juno/Hera was the wife of Zeus. As such, she is the Goddess of Marriage who fosters and sustains union with a partner. More generally, she symbolizes the principle of relatedness and commitment to another over time. In the mandala, she is placed at the Descendant, which in the horoscope wheel is the point that signifies reaching out from the Self to another in order to complete oneself in a one-to-one relationship.
Vesta/Hestia was Zeus’s elder sister who never married. In mythology she became the protectress of the hearth and the sacred altar flame. The archetypal Temple Priestess, she is a virgin in the original sense of being whole and complete in oneself. In the system of goddess symbols, she represents the principle of spiritual focus and of devotion to following one’s calling. Placed in the mandala at the Ascendant, Vesta corresponds to the Self.
These asteroids represent the primary relationships of a woman’s life: that of mother, daughter, wife and sister. The fertile sexual energy of Venus is used by Ceres to birth children of the body, by Pallas to birth children of the mind, by Juno to build relationships with others, and by Vesta to deepen a relationship with the Self or with the Divine.
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coconutsugacones · 4 years
PAIRING : lee minho x female!reader.
GENRE/CONTENT : fluff, smut, guitarist!minho, post-making up au.
WARNINGS : +18, unprotected sex. (take care, this is just fiction)
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★ A/N : this is the second part of this post, you don’t need to read it to get hooked on it but it will help with the context. you liked the concept so much, so any suggestions for a third part are welcome!
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you had really uncomfortable nights. finding a good position to cry wasn’t exactly the easiest thing in the world, and the contracture in your neck was a way to take its toll.
for the first time in weeks you were relaxed, calm, and above all in minho’s company again. after your family left you alone, you gave a place to what had once been his second home. sooner or later you were going to recover the little details of the past.
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coconutsugacones · 4 years
Short descriptions and moodboards based off the meanings of each astrological house.
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Your identity, who you are the outside, your passion, your drive, who you are to others, your “vibe”, what stands out from you, your overall outer personality, what people’s first impression of you is
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What you value in life, what you value in others, what you value in yourself, you and your material possessions, finances, your view on the economy, how you acquire and how you spend money
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How you communicate, how you think, the expression of your thoughts, your writing, your voice, what may interest you academically, your performance in school, how you choose to express yourself through words.
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Your home, your mother, your childhood, what comforts you, what you find nostalgic, what means the most to you, who and what you care for, the way that you mother others
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What you take pride in, your “spotlight”, romantic flings, dates, the expression of yourself and of your creativity, children, what you find fun in life, how you pamper yourself
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What you dedicate yourself to, your service to others, your health, what may worry you, how you choose to organize your life, how you like to be helpful
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Deep and long lasting relationships, pleasing others, what you find aesthetically pleasing, what is beautiful about you, what you may not see in yourself, how you spread your love to others
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Your secrets, the parts of yourself that you prefer to keep hidden, intimacy, fears, death, the darker parts of you, what you don’t like to share about yourself, the mysterious parts of you
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Travel, higher education, higher thinking, philosophies, personal expansion, what you may want to be free from, your philosophical view on the world, luck
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Your career, your aspirations, your achievements, your restrictions, your father, validation, your work ethic, what you stay committed to, what you work towards, the goals that you have set for yourself
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Your place in society, your view on society, your community, your friend groups, what makes you unique, what you think needs to change in the world, how you are around your friends, how you build friendships
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Who you are deep inside, your spirituality, your soul, who or what you feel deeply connected to, the parts of you that are deep beneath the surface, what you may have difficult expressing, the deepest components of yourself, what may confuse you/you may be out of touch with
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coconutsugacones · 4 years
pairing: lee minho x fem!reader genre: smut word count: 1.4k warnings: dom/sub dynamics (dom!minho), piv, unprotected sex, oral sex (m), dirty talk, pet names, color system safewording, facial, cum eating, spanking. remember that you should always have conversations prior to any kind of sex about what expectations and limits are, especially with kinky sex but not limited to it! this was a request. 
on the first date, you met minho at a small restaurant in between where the both of you lived. he was a gentleman. he brought flowers. the night went well and he was handsome, after all. you slept with him on the first date – not unusual, but not the norm, either. he didn’t stay over, but he asked if you needed anything before he left, and sent you a goodnight text when he got home.
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coconutsugacones · 4 years
Danse Macabre | Lee Minho
◀“One must always polish a heart made of stone. Until one’s fingers hurt, and no more polishing cleavers remain usable. Until one grows tired of the weight of a stone heart.”
In an attempt to win his fiancĂ©e’s heart, a prince journeys across the desert, where lifelong secrets come unraveled and nothing is quite what it seems.
â—€Disclaimers: Female reader insert. This story is inspired by Arabian mythology. Descriptive images of violence, killing, and blood are included, please be careful. This is fantasy, with a fair mix of fluff and angst. All places and events are fictional and do not reference real life nations. Find a glossary with all the terms used here. Make sure to read this blurb before proceeding to avoid heavy confusion. Also, view the map and the tale of the lost prince of Tajilmalek to gain a better understanding of this universe (optional, but strongly suggested!).
â—€Word count: 26.6K
â—€Note: This idea is a 100% mine and any case of similarity with someone else’s is purely coincidental. Events are pure fiction. Please do not take my content without my consent. masterlist.
â—€Dedicated to my friends and readers. Thank you for bearing with me, I love you all. Happy reading!
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“Big day tomorrow, eh?”
Minho looked up from the papers strewn over his desk to find his cousin leaning casually on the embellished wall, an unmistakable gleam of mischief bright in his foxlike eyes. He ignored the flutter erupting in his heart, it seemed to make an appearance whenever his wedding was mentioned, and smiled, “Indeed.”
“Don’t you find it strange?” Jeongin picked himself off the wall and sauntered toward the desk of dark wood when Minho frowned, “What?”
“Jisung was telling me about this earlier,” the younger royal started, “Think of it; all Tallilmalekan princesses married to foreign princes bear no children. It’s always a second wife or a concubine.”
“Where is this conversation heading?” distaste distorted Minho’s features. The nobleman’s son, Jisung, had a mouth for spreading rumors and speculations. He wasn’t sure why Jeongin continued to sit in his presence.
The latter slumped uncharacteristically on one of the desk’s adjacent seats, crossing one leg over the other. “Possible conspiracy?” he shrugged. “It’s not as though you don’t find the family’s stiff behavior odd. Apparently, they’ve always been like that. Cold, stone-faced, and haughty.”
Minho rolled his eyes, “And?”
“And,” Jeongin’s lips stretched into a knowing smile, “there are rumors.
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coconutsugacones · 4 years
The Songless Bird | Lee Minho
◀“What’s mine to kill.” 
In which a royal encounters an assassin, and she’s suddenly all what’s on his mind. 
â—€Disclaimers: a mafia/royal/I don’t even know what’s this anymore au. barely even suggestive but I’m putting it out there. implied violence. some fluff, I suppose. somewhat an assassin au.
â—€Word count: 4.1K
â—€Note: This idea is a 100% mine and any case of similarity with someone else’s is purely coincidental. Events are pure fiction. Please do not take my content without my consent. Masterlist.
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The air was still. You felt every minuscule movement around you, that of the bugs in the grass, that of the clouds above, and that of your beating heart. You evened your breathing until it became inaudible, the last step to turn you into a silent shadow. A deadly one, on that note. 
The moon stood witness to yet another crime you were about to commit, it was almost as if it looked down at you sadly, but you’ve gotten used to that look. You were glad it never told on you as you leaped into the open window. You landed on your feet soundlessly, peering around you to find the prince you’ve been assigned to murder. 
The darkness of the room didn’t bother your eyes, which have been trained to see in the darkest of dungeons. Yet, you couldn’t make out the figure of your target. You expected him to be asleep at such an unholy hour of the night. Why, then, is the bed in the middle of the room flat and neat? 
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coconutsugacones · 4 years
i’ll be here, always and forever. | lee minho 
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genre: sick!fic, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, female!reader
warnings: description of migraines
prompt: i called you at 2am because i need you
description: no matter the situation, lee minho would never hesitate to drop everything to come to your aide, even if it was ass o’clock in the morning.
word count: ~2.7k
a/n: im not sure if this was what you wanted anon but i hope it suffices! >.< also, the descriptions of the migraines come from my own personal experience with them, so i hope they aren’t entirely inaccurate. i’ve been struggling with them for a long time now, so this fic was honestly a little therapeutic to write. hope everyone enjoys! love you all! <3
You never liked to bother people.
It was just your personality; asking people for help meant that you were taking up their time, taking up their time meant that you were annoying them, annoying them meant that you were dislikeable. So, to avoid this whole domino effect, you just never bothered people for anything at all.
That began to change when you starting dating Minho.
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coconutsugacones · 4 years
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coconutsugacones · 4 years
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Genre: Fluff, College AU, Part-4 of the Imperium Universe series. (Boxer! Minho X College Cupid! Reader
(dm/drop me an ask to be added to the taglist~)
Release Date: 12th January 2021(tentative, subject to change, I'm sori-)
Songs: Phoenix (League of Legends, Cailin Russo, Chrissy Costanza) // Room shaker (AILEE) // Boxer ( Stray Kids)
Event: Early release for @delicatewerewolfsoul đŸ€­â€ïž Hello my favourite bean! The plan was to put the whole fic out, but well- exams happened 💀. I hope you enjoy this lil snippet for now- Happy ( belated, I'm a bad person đŸ„ș) Birthday!
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“You’re oddly good at this.” Minho murmured, the ghost of a smile dragging his lips up. You grinned back at him, allowing yourself to fall back onto the floor of the terrace the two of you were perched on. “It’s mostly just instinct,” You respond, eyes staring up at the rare starry night the sky above 325 Gym had been graced with. Ever since your friendship with a certain Lee Minho had begun, you’d been frequenting the gym more often than before, under the disguise of repaying Minho for his many visits to your corner of the library.
His training session with Changbin had just drawn to a close- you’d sat around the sides of the makeshift ring in the basement for the past hours at Minho's behest. As much as you were loath to admit it, your attention had been woefully divided between your assignment and Minho going through the many combinations and training schemes Changbin had set up for him. Winking playfully at you at the end, he'd slipped into the showers and back before pulling you to the gym’s roof.
It was a peaceful night, the nighttime breeze ruffling Minho’s dark hair as he turned to look at you. You met his gaze, your heart momentarily at your throat at the sight of him. How did one look so effortlessly gorgeous in the ugly yellow lights from the streetlights next to the building?
“It’s not, I think you have a talent for people.” Minho turned his body so he was sitting cross legged next to you as you lay on the terrace, torn between looking at him and the stars. “That instinct of just knowing things is because you’re so unconsciously observant of the people around you.”
“You’re probably right.” You shrug, holding his gaze. “It’s a nice feeling to be able to help people when I can.”
“To the point of not helping yourself enough?” You narrowed your eyes amusedly at his offhand comment. “What makes you think so?”
“Your cafe card expired a month ago.”Minho only scoffed at the expression of surprise you trained on him. “You do realize you always drop in during Jisung and my shift and you’ve been missing for a month.”
“So you’re really not one of the dumb jocks that can only hit punching bags.” You raised your eyebrows at Minho, a snarky smile drifting across your lips. It was a bit of a struggle to not melt into shock that Minho had actually noticed your absence at the cafe he part-timed at for the past weeks- and had the presence of mind to deduce your card expiry.
“Please, I’m literally an honors student.” He laughed aloud, his eyes crinkling into crescent moons.
“That doesn’t mean you’re also street smart and observant, my friend.” You said mock-seriously, reaching out to pat him on the thigh. Just as you were about to retract your hand, pressure around your wrist stopped you. You watched as Minho hesitated for a second, before reaching into the pocket of his shorts to slip a hard rectangle into your hands.
“Take care of yourself more, will you?” he mumbled, letting go of your wrist so you could see what sat in your palm- a shiny new cafe card. The exact one you’d been putting off getting, because you’d been extremely busy.
“Happy Birthday, dumbass.” Minho’s dark hair swung in front of his eyes as he turned away from you, staring straight out into the empty park opposite the gym. “Next time you go, I’m coming with you.”
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coconutsugacones · 4 years
[Seoul, 2:12 AM]
It’s not so much want, as it is need. Minho doesn’t want the feeling of your body against his, passion sizzling from your skin like wildfire, he craves it. He doesn’t want the sharp tug of your fingers in his hair, the velvet softness and stretch of your body around his, the moans as he takes you again and again, he’s addicted. He doesn’t need the sighs slipping from your throat, the whisper of his name, Minho, Minho, Minho, against his own lips until it’s meaningless, he needs it.
Nobody can know - the secrets your bodies share in the moonlight, the thoughts, fears, dreams, he whispers to you with lips that trace over the skin of your neck and shoulders like the trailing wing of a butterfly. He’d be ruined as an idol if anyone knew, and you’d be ruined for your parents - who the hell loves a man who sings and dances for a living?
The answer is you. You, who crave Minho’s body like a drug, his voice like the finest wine, the soft ache he leaves, in your heart, between your legs, whenever he leaves your apartment, usually at ridiculously early hours so he won’t be missed. It’s stupid, selfish, but too sweet and delectable to be let go, just like that. You’ll give it up, inevitably, some day in the future when the secrets and lies become too much, but for now, you and Minho are just two foolish addicts clinging to each other in the soft midnight darkness.
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coconutsugacones · 4 years
the lantern room | l. minho ☌
⇝ Australia!Au: jeongin, seungmin, felix, jisung, hyunjin, changbin, minho, chan, woojin ⇝ Pairing: Lee Minho / Gender neutral reader
⇝ Genre: fluff, a little angsty tbh but its not bad at all. strangers to friends to lovers, lighthouse keeper and local penguin enthusiast minho!!
⇝ Words: 15, 416 (i know its adschjk)
⇝ Summary: Minho Lee was the local mystery boy. You didn’t know him, but you knew he looked after the lighthouse and fed the local penguins. That was until the storm.
⇝ A/N: vanta the cat based off of nathan the cat!! is my bias showing??? this is so much longer than my other ones im so sorry it’s just minhos so easy to write for n this idea i just kept unknowingly building on meaning it all takes ages to resolve ahbdbsjhgfd. very very special thanks to @briee-elle who beta read it for me and edited it and just saved my life basically!! ily bub
⇝ Music: here is the playlist i listened to whilst writing!!
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coconutsugacones · 4 years
the lantern room | l. minho ☌
⇝ Australia!Au: jeongin, seungmin, felix, jisung, hyunjin, changbin, minho, chan, woojin ⇝ Pairing: Lee Minho / Gender neutral reader
⇝ Genre: fluff, a little angsty tbh but its not bad at all. strangers to friends to lovers, lighthouse keeper and local penguin enthusiast minho!!
⇝ Words: 15, 416 (i know its adschjk)
⇝ Summary: Minho Lee was the local mystery boy. You didn’t know him, but you knew he looked after the lighthouse and fed the local penguins. That was until the storm.
⇝ A/N: vanta the cat based off of nathan the cat!! is my bias showing??? this is so much longer than my other ones im so sorry it’s just minhos so easy to write for n this idea i just kept unknowingly building on meaning it all takes ages to resolve ahbdbsjhgfd. very very special thanks to @briee-elle who beta read it for me and edited it and just saved my life basically!! ily bub
⇝ Music: here is the playlist i listened to whilst writing!!
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coconutsugacones · 4 years
the lantern room | l. minho ☌
⇝ Australia!Au: jeongin, seungmin, felix, jisung, hyunjin, changbin, minho, chan, woojin ⇝ Pairing: Lee Minho / Gender neutral reader
⇝ Genre: fluff, a little angsty tbh but its not bad at all. strangers to friends to lovers, lighthouse keeper and local penguin enthusiast minho!!
⇝ Words: 15, 416 (i know its adschjk)
⇝ Summary: Minho Lee was the local mystery boy. You didn’t know him, but you knew he looked after the lighthouse and fed the local penguins. That was until the storm.
⇝ A/N: vanta the cat based off of nathan the cat!! is my bias showing??? this is so much longer than my other ones im so sorry it’s just minhos so easy to write for n this idea i just kept unknowingly building on meaning it all takes ages to resolve ahbdbsjhgfd. very very special thanks to @briee-elle who beta read it for me and edited it and just saved my life basically!! ily bub
⇝ Music: here is the playlist i listened to whilst writing!!
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coconutsugacones · 4 years
the lantern room | l. minho ☌
⇝ Australia!Au: jeongin, seungmin, felix, jisung, hyunjin, changbin, minho, chan, woojin ⇝ Pairing: Lee Minho / Gender neutral reader
⇝ Genre: fluff, a little angsty tbh but its not bad at all. strangers to friends to lovers, lighthouse keeper and local penguin enthusiast minho!!
⇝ Words: 15, 416 (i know its adschjk)
⇝ Summary: Minho Lee was the local mystery boy. You didn’t know him, but you knew he looked after the lighthouse and fed the local penguins. That was until the storm.
⇝ A/N: vanta the cat based off of nathan the cat!! is my bias showing??? this is so much longer than my other ones im so sorry it’s just minhos so easy to write for n this idea i just kept unknowingly building on meaning it all takes ages to resolve ahbdbsjhgfd. very very special thanks to @briee-elle who beta read it for me and edited it and just saved my life basically!! ily bub
⇝ Music: here is the playlist i listened to whilst writing!!
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coconutsugacones · 4 years
Begonia and Fleur de lis with Minho please,đŸ„ș❀ Pls angst it as much as you'd like đŸ„ș❀
lily added to the request for the lost luna!minho and I was ready to cry then and there :DDDDD hi lily thank you so much for the request brb I’m emo ;v; (if you don’t know about this story or the universe yet, please go read crow’s blood to have a better understanding! it fills in the blanks for sure)
↠ 𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 | đ—čđ—Čđ—Č đ—șđ—¶đ—»đ—”đ—Œ
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8. Begonia - “I’m not good for you” 20. Fleur de Lis - a burning kind of love
genre. the lost luna!universe, witch!au, ANGST, healing/comfort, fluff
words. 1.1k [4min read]
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙹. mild horror (only in the sense of describing a nightmare), brief mentions of self-loathing
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Screams pierced through the silence. They cry out in pain, the agony is so gruesome that your ears should be covered.
His eyes open to see several faces, sad and in pain, eyes and mouths all pitch black, like sad masks but these faces were too real; and so many voices it’s too hard to hear anything clearly.
Except a few words.
I don’t want to die!
Make it stop! No!
Go away! Aagh!
These words sound like cries for help, pleading for whatever it is to spare them. What’s hurting them? No, it couldn’t be-
Eyes shoot open as Minho pants, his heart going at the speed of a hummingbird’s and a thin sheet of sweat on his face. He looks behind him, and sees you, face contorted with worry.
That’s right, he slept over at your place after a late shift at the animal shelter. So here he was, sleeping on one side of your bed and now he just had a horrible nightmare.
Minho’s eyes are still wide, tears welling up against his will, you pull him to turn over to face you and he rests his head on your lap. He’s still panting, his hands are clammy and shaky when you reach to hold them.
“Another nightmare?” you asked in the dark silence of your apartment, knowing full well you’re not going to get an answer.
Minho moved his hand from yours to reach up and clutch at the big sweater you were wearing. His fingers all but dig through the material as if clinging to it like a lifeline.
You and Minho had been dating for about half a year now, he’d only ever stayed over at your place a handful of times. When he did he often got peaceful rest, but the occasional nightmares had occurred.
Minho told you it was his ability, Berserk; it plagued his mind with thoughts that weren’t his own. Memories lost throughout time that his ability has somehow dug up from history long past. Berserk was like a cruel torch, passed through people, only a few people possessing the ability are alive at the same time, and the magic is like a network that records and saves the memories (killings) of their previous hosts.
Minho has constantly expressed how he felt cursed his whole life, how he hated himself for having such an ability, but one day when you and three of his friends found him, you pleaded for him to understand he wasn’t a monster.
Although he believed you at the time, the voice in his head never stopped toying with him, if it wasn’t for you and Stray Kids, he probably would’ve gone mad by now.
You ran your fingers through Minho's hair, feeling the light sweat he’d worked up, and you sigh.
“Do you want something to eat? Drink?”
Minho shook his head lightly in your lap, so you continued to stroke his hair, letting your fingers fall down the side of his face, your blunt nails grazing his cheek and making him sigh.
“I’m no good for you,”
The statement was plain, dry, it pained you to hear from the one you loved so much. At first, you weren’t sure you heard him right, but as the words settled and lingered in the air, stagnant and sickening, you knew you’d heard exactly what he said.
Minho pushes himself upright to sit on the bed like you, he looks up at you and you see how dead tired he is. The dark circles under his eyes that have been there since you first met him, the perpetual frown on his lips.
Your heart aches at the sight of how broken he still is. You remember taking him in your arms that night, telling him he’s not a monster, but words can only go so far. There’s still so much progress to be made, Minho said he would try and learn to control his powers, but it isn’t so simple. There’s still migraines, voices, and nightmares. The fear of losing control hasn’t yet left him—he doesn’t know if it ever will.
He’s trying, he really is.
You know he is too, but even still you can’t let his words go unchecked.
“Don’t ever say something like that again you hear me?” you said, not trying to guilt him, but your anger at his words is bubbling up.
“It’s true though, it’s been months and I’ve made barely any progress in learning to control my powers!” Minho unintentionally yells in the dark room.
“I’m not getting any better, nothing has been fixed, I can’t do it! All I am doing is stressing you out, making you worry! You deserve b-”
You cup his cheeks in your hands, “There isn’t anything to fix okay? You’re doing your best, and that’s alright. Please don’t pressure yourself like this. Nothing is wrong with you.” you reassure, Minho just stays silent, listening to your words.
“No one ever said this was going to be easy, I’m not magical, so I don’t understand what you’re going through, but even still that won’t stop me from being there for you.”
You smile and wipe the tears trying to escape Minho, “I love you, I meant that. You’ll figure this out, and I’ll be there for you every single step, so will your coven.” you caress his cheeks with your thumbs, a slow, steady, calming rhythm as they go back and forth.
“So please, don’t say you aren’t good enough for me, you’re everything I could’ve ever wanted and more.” you plead, the cracking of your voice revealing how emotional this topic has made you.
“I don’t care about your magic, I don’t care about if you’re dangerous!” you insist, your eyes welling up.
Minho frowned, he hated when you were sad—especially if he caused it.
“If you were poison Minho, I’d never stop drinking.” you exclaimed and leaned in to kiss him. Minho’s heart fluttered in his chest, for once there was just silence, not blaring voices and screams. Just silence in your bedroom, the only sound was you two kissing.
The kiss became slightly passionate as you desperately wanted to convey to the man before you how much you adored him. It was almost like a fire burned within you that was impossible to stop from burning everything in your path if it meant getting to Minho, reaching his heart through the dark vines he’s covered it with.
Minho knew your words were the truth that very late night; if he truly was poison, you’d never stop drinking. Because you’d rather be destroyed by him and his wrath, than never know he existed at all.
That’s the kind of love you had for him, an eternal flame that would never stop burning, and he held the same love for you.
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