code-cop · 11 months
Kevlin Henney - Seven Ineffective Coding Habits of Many Programmers from NDC Conferences on Vimeo.
Habits help you manage the complexity of code. You apply existing skill and knowledge automatically to the detail while focusing on the bigger picture. But because you acquire habits largely by imitation, and rarely question them, how do you know your habits are effective? Many of the habits that programmers have for naming, formatting, commenting and unit testing do not stand up as rational and practical on closer inspection. This talk examines seven coding habits that are not as effective as programmers believe, and suggests alternatives.
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code-cop · 11 months
About creating a simple unit testing framework for Scheme programming language
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code-cop · 1 year
Joe Armstrong - The mess we're in from NDC Conferences on Vimeo.
Software is a mess. In the last 40 years I and my colleagues have been writing buggy, unspecified, and difficult to maintain software. By doing so we have created an entire industry. We have collectively created billions of lines of unmaintainable unspecified code that will require millions of programmers to work for thousands of years to correct the mess we've made. Where did things go wrong? Can we make things work again? Should we admit we were wrong and throw all our legacy software away and start again? How can we make correct software, that is easy to understand and maintain? I don't pretend I can answer these questions - but I have some idea as to what went wrong, so maybe we can learn from our mistakes. In this lecture I'll talk about some of the biggest mistakes we made and what we can learn from these.
NDC Conferences ndcoslo.com ndcconferences.com
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code-cop · 3 years
A list of all code #katas I have created, each with a short description how to use it.
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code-cop · 4 years
Celebrating the Prime Factors code kata in multiple programming languages
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code-cop · 4 years
Is it possible to TDD a UI with fast tests, e.g. Android or React? Is it still TDD?
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code-cop · 5 years
New code kata to experiment with driving user interfaces with #TDD: The Login Form TDD UI kata.
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code-cop · 5 years
Promotion Service Kata, a new, highly focused micro exercise.
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code-cop · 5 years
Agile Tour Vienna 2019 | Gojko Adzic "Descaling Agile" from TechTalk Software AG on Vimeo.
After the agile community solved how to do programming, testing, release and product management, the hot topic for our industry today seems to be scaling. In an ironic twist for a movement started with ‘people over process’, big consultancies today sell scaling models based on everything from tribes to witchcraft, offering to make agile disciplined and safe.
Gojko will help you cut through all the mess and separate out signal from noise.
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code-cop · 5 years
Summary of a discussion during GeeCON open space on Why we are not doing Test Driven Development.
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code-cop · 5 years
Rob Pike - 'Concurrency Is Not Parallelism' from heroku on Vimeo.
Rob (@rob_pike) is a software pioneer. His influence is everywhere: Unix, Plan 9 OS, The Unix Programming Environment book, UTF-8, and most recently the Go programming language.
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code-cop · 5 years
Surgical Refactors with Suture from Test Double on Vimeo.
This talk about the Ruby gem suture was delivered at Ruby Kaigi 2016, in Kyoto, Japan.
More info here: blog.testdouble.com/posts/2016-09-16-surgical-refactors-with-suture.html
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code-cop · 5 years
Safely Shoot Yourself in the Foot with Java 9 (Dr. Heinz Kabutz) from Bernd Haug on Vimeo.
This talk was held at Java User Group Graz’s 2017-09-18 meetup. meetup.com/Java-User-Group-Graz/events/242742588/
Talk’s abstract: ----- Safely Shoot Yourself in the Foot with Java 9
So what work do you do?" "Um, computers." "Oh nice, what exactly?" "Well, I code Java". And then: "Actually, I have a question about that. My PC says I must update Java ..."
Two decades ago, the world gasped as an applet moved pixels on a web page. Dynamic content on the World Wide Wait! We were hooked. "And it's 100% secure!"
Java 9 finally keeps the promise of "... it's 100% secure!" by removing Unsafe, deep reflection on system classes, etc. All those lovely toys to peek and poke into native memory ... they're gone.
Well, not entirely. We can still do almost anything from Java 8. We can change Strings using deep reflection, Unsafe or even VarHandles. We can throw checked exceptions as unchecked. We can mark fields as @Contended. But this needs special privileges to work. It won't work in Java 10. Promise. (We'll see)
This talk will show you how to use some of the new Java 9 features, such as VarHandles, jshell and Stream improvements. We explain why you need to move over to G1 soon. We show how you can do all the old Java nasties, such as deep reflection into java.lang and throwing asynchronous exceptions.
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code-cop · 5 years
Heinz Kabutz - Thread Safety with Phaser, StampedLock and VarHandle | Øredev 2018 from Øredev Conference on Vimeo.
Every major Java version introduces a new and better way of managing state. Java 7 gave us Phaser as a replacement for CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier. Hardly any programmers know how it works, even though we are now on Java 11. Java 8 gave us StampedLock, useful as a lighter read "lock" when building concurrent classes. Again, not very widely known, but lots of use cases. Java 9/10/11 introduced VarHandle as an escape latch for the Unsafe addicts. In this talk, we will show all three concepts and explain when each should be used.
You will learn how Phaser from Java 7 works. You will learn how StampedLock from Java 8 works. You will learn how VarHandles from Java 9 work.
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code-cop · 5 years
TDD for Managers with J.B. Rainsberger from Sprettur on Vimeo.
On the 2nd of April 2009, J.B. Rainsberger followed up on a very successful 3-day TDD course with ~90 min talk for the managers of the programmers attending the course.
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code-cop · 6 years
Death of a Craftsman — Einar Høst from Booster conference on Vimeo.
What does it mean to be a good software developer? What story can I tell myself that gives me direction and confidence that I am doing a good job? The narrative offered by the software craftsman metaphor is one such story - by far the most prevalent one in today's industry - but could there be others? What are the implications of the craftsman narrative? Does it have any short-comings or things that it fails to mention? Could it be misleading or even harmful? And most importantly: if I don't feel at home in the craftsmanship narrative, am I still allowed to think of myself as a good developer? Is there life beyond craftsmanship?
Recorded 13 March 2019 at the Booster conference in Bergen, Norway. boosterconf.no
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code-cop · 6 years
How I ended up playing with Scheme and some information on current versions (R5RS, R6RS)
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