code8rp · 4 years
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I Repeat, Code 8
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code8rp · 4 years
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All my boys. 
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code8rp · 4 years
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This is how I have so many characters and no social life.
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code8rp · 4 years
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I felt this in my soul
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code8rp · 4 years
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code8rp · 4 years
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code8rp · 4 years
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code8rp · 4 years
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Evansingh University is brand new, state of the art, and fully funded by the state of California. It's located outside the city, so as to reduce the risk to the concentrated population of Lincoln City, and boast multiple buildings, bunkers, and plenty of open ground space near the coast to give the students easy access to the ocean as well.
Founded by Jeromie Evans and Amanvir Singh, the school operates five days a week and caters to all ages, no matter when someone's power manifests. Half of the school day is spent working on regular school subjects, such as mathematics, English, history, and more, while the other half is spent on power control and learning more about the science behind what they can do, the morality of using their powers, and power safety. For those older than school age, students will only attend half days for the power section.
The conception of this facility was rocky, to say the least. There are many within the Reinheit community who don't want a school where Specials congregate together to "learn how to be stronger and overthrow us." Extremists have considered waiting until school was in session and then blowing the entire facility off the map.
All is not lost, however. The school stands, and it's the first real opportunity for Specials to learn, to come together and be shown the best ways to stay safe, and to really show the community at large what they're capable of if they work together for a good cause. Most of the students and faculty want to show the world what life can be like if Specials are allowed to simply live as they were intended. The gardens on the grounds are overflowing with plants and produce. It costs next to nothing to power the facility thanks to the electrokinetics who work and learn there. Telekinetics help with moving things and new construction. Telepaths and empaths help with mental illnesses and helping students overcome the trauma of their pasts. It's a brave new world for those willing to risk it.
The school undergoes random Enforcer inspections to make sure they're not up to anything illegal or potentially damaging to the city.
A few students have started calling it "ever sing" as a little tongue-in-cheek joke.
Transportation is provided up to thirty miles, but those outside that radius must find their own way to the school.
Primary education is provided at all levels of learning, from kindergarten through year twelve.
It is possible to only attend for power training and attend a mainstream school for regular classes.
The oldest student is Chastity Cooper (Mamaw Chass) and she's eighty. She has heightened senses and has become the school's unofficial mascot.
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code8rp · 4 years
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The Tipsy Turtle isn't the worst bar in town. It's not the best, but it's far from the lowest ranking. This is a pretty average dive bar, located in Southside where the floor might not be the cleanest, but you don't have to worry about them watering down your booze or catching diseases.
However, this is a pretty Special place. They hire Specials and they don't much care for the law showing up. So much so that this is a regular gathering place for members of Imperium. Not for their more clandestine meetings, but just to hang out and knock a couple back while bemoaning the state of the social climate and Special rights.
There is, however, a little trick that the members of Imperium know that others don't. The Tipsy Turtle routinely holds the information for the date and time of their next official meeting. There's always one bathroom that's out of order. Inside, written on the wall, is a name and phone number. Call the number and use the name as a password, and you'll get the info needed.
Vivienne Meer is a bartender here and if you piss her off, she'll fry your eyebrows off your face.
There's a cast iron turtle ash tray behind the bar. Don't fucking touch it.
This is located much closer to the tourist district than most Southside bars.
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code8rp · 4 years
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Fully funded by the government, Essence Research Laboratory is focused on better understanding special abilities, what cause them, how to identify them, replicate them, and suppress them. While they have many goals and are only loosely affiliated with the Enforcer system, one of their main objectives is to find a way to remove abilities from a person, essentially creating a "cure."
This lab has an area for patients to come in and give samples or to be medically tested as well as a much bigger area for the actual lab work and testing those samples. Most of the work done is completely legitimate, but the lab also does a few things that toe the line of morality, if not cross it completely.
This is where Specials go if they want their sentences reduced.
If you read the fine print at the Southside Clinic, you'll see that some samples can be sent to this lab for testing.
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code8rp · 4 years
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South Lincoln is bad, but anywhere near the Tracks is the worst of the bad. Located on the lower east side, these abandoned train tracks house most of the city's homeless population.
More poverty stricken than the rest, most people who either live in this area or hang out here are members of gangs or work in that environment. Nobody walks here alone at any time of the day unless they know how to defend themselves and even then it's a bit sketchy.
The area is overgrown, dilapidated, covered in graffiti, and smells vaguely of the sewer line that busted two years ago that authorities didn't bother to fix.
Nobody is ever in power for long.
There are at least four different gangs in the area.
All graffiti means something, don't fuck with it.
Mind your own business.
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code8rp · 4 years
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The Southside Clinic is a medical service for low income individuals and families. They provide routine checkups, small emergency services such as setting bones and putting in stitches as well as rash and abrasion care. They can write prescriptions for many medications and antibiotics if needed, except for narcotics. They do not carry them and cannot prescribe them.
This is a pretty run down and outdated place. The linoleum is old and the paint on the walls is peeling, and while most of the space is kept as clean as they can get it, there might be some dust decorating those annoying waiting room pamphlets about STIs and diabetes.
The doctors here specialize in Specials, though anyone can be seen and treated here. They don't ask many questions which is great for certain injuries. However, when a patient signs the consent to be treated, they should read the fine print. It also gives permission for the clinic to send blood samples, hair samples, urine specimens, and much more to the Essence Research Lab in City Central.
Try to avoid Dr. Emmerson if you can. He'd handsy.
The front desk attendant has bright purple hair and a nose ring and if you smile at her, she will punch you in the teeth.
There are rumors that abortions can be done at this clinic, but nobody seems to have found anyone who has actually had one done or knows someone personally who has had one done.
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code8rp · 4 years
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In a big place like Lincoln City, there aren't many camping opportunities. For the Romani people, that usually means assimilating into the culture of the place and staying in hotels or renting small apartments that bill by the week. Traditionally, however, they stick together and live out of RVs, vans, tents, or small cabins.
This campsite is located to the north east of Lincoln City in the outskirts and technically outside the city limits. They're not very trusting of outsiders and usually keep a few dogs for alarm purposes, mostly because this is the birthplace and headquarters of the underground railroad.
There are lots of Specials in this particular band of Gypsies so tread with caution
Most things are brightly colored.
Music, music everywhere.
Mirela Charani will swindle you if possible.
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code8rp · 4 years
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Who doesn’t love the classic industrial facility-turned club, am I right? The Green Fairy, more commonly referred to as TGF, was initially a recently renovated facility in the East Side club district that had been up for sale at just the right moment in time for its owner Oliver Flynn to snatch it up and make it his own legacy. Based heavily on the effects of Absinthe, The Green Fairy takes on its own mysticism when its ladies take the stage.
This burlesque club is up and coming, having only been open for the last year once interior redecorating was finished and word got out. A strong team of scantily clad women take the stage for nightly showings before they’re sent off to mingle among their guests. Private rooms are set up for a pretty penny should any of the locals want a special one-on-one experience of their own. You can look, but you can’t touch...or maybe with a little coercing, you can?
Though the fog can get a little thick, the neon green lights will guide your way whether it be to drink at the full length bar or stumbling your way to the loo.
But that’s not all, every weekend Mr. Flynn likes to shake things up with special guests ranging from aerial dancers, DJs, fire-breathers, tarot/palm readers and more.
Entry fee is $50 dollars at the door.
This club is for ages 18+.
Specialty drinks with Absinthe are made upon request.
Request a special meeting with the owner and he might treat you to free accommodations - depending on the request. You can be sure to see Mr. Flynn floating around the club from open until lock-up.
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code8rp · 4 years
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There are bars, and then there’s Event Horizon. Known for it’s over the top space theme and fancy drinks, this is the club of choice for anyone wanting to dress up and feel pretty for a night out on the town.
With slick black floors and chrome detailing everywhere, this space station of a club boasts a dance-floor made of space-grade plexiglass, underlit with lights, smoke and glitter to simulate the distant skies. A DJ keeps the music flowing, and every Sunday they host karaoke night for those willing to risk their own pipes against the crowd.
A marble top bar stands in the middle of floor with projections of being in the middle of space, looking at stars, comets, and a black hole filling the walls and ceiling. Every hour, on the hour, the floor to ceiling screens project a supernova, before dropping the club into a second of glittering darkness and black lights as it projects the emergence of the black hole behind the bar.
There are twelve private rooms for rent, the first nine named and themed after the planets (Pluto is still a planet dammit) one for the sun, one for the Milky Way, and one for the Andromeda galaxy. With one of their four walls being floor to ceiling windows, there are screens for privacy for you and your guests. They’re a modest sum to rent for the night, but nothing you and a few buddies can’t chip in to get together, and you even get a bottle of champagne, on the house.
There’s no set in stone dress code, but most people doll up when they come here.
There's also an arcade, if your inner child takes over for awhile.
Three exclusive drinks can be ordered, they cost about $18 and are only served here. Named after Nebulae, they are Helix, Omega and Carina and all feature imported, top shelf liquor..
If you get Adam as your bartender, ask for the Messier 82. It’s his own special concoction that’s dangerously delicious, and only he knows how to make it.
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code8rp · 4 years
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This impressive set of buildings boasts an office building, parking garage, and warehouse where Specials are tested to be registered. It's located deep within North Lincoln's business district and is home not only to Enforcers, but also those training to become Enforcers.
The main building has a basement that's used for holding potentially dangerous Specials. The second floor is for administration, visitors, and temporary holding along with a small courtroom and offices for civil defense. Training facilities are on the second and third floors including a gun range and simulation room, and offices on the next two floors above that.
The Special Registration warehouse contains some of the most cutting-edge technology in the country. They have holding rooms with cots for Specials to stay during the registration process and specially designed rooms to help contain the force of Special's powers during testing. Such features include bronze lining in the walls to block EMP, very, very good drains, stability shocks, and anything else they can do to help manage Special abilities.
The secretary's name is Thelma.
Donuts and coffee are highly encouraged at all times.
The parking garage leaks when it rains.
The elevators are so widely used that the stairs have fallen into a disgusting state of chipped paint and musty smell.
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code8rp · 4 years
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