codename-madame · 7 years
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Just in case you forget this exists.
It exists.
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codename-madame · 7 years
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Hello, friends!
Meg here for another TUTOR TUESDAY! Today let’s look at noses! They can be quite pesky, I know. If you have any tutorial’s you’d like to see just shoot me a message here or on my personal blog! Seriously guys, send me requests! Keep practicing, have fun, and I’ll see you next week!
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codename-madame · 8 years
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If you would like to request a tutorial, you can do so on this post over here! Eye Coloring Tutorial by me | Other Eye Tutorials: 1 2 3 | My Resource list for Faces and Heads
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codename-madame · 8 years
688K notes · View notes
codename-madame · 9 years
Distract Yourself
Some more alternatives to self harm:
A Nintendo Gamecube/Wii emulator for PC
A Gameboy Advance emulator for Android with instructions on setuphere
French Toast Roll Ups recipe (with strawberries and nutella, though worth trying chocolate bits and melted chocolate maybe???)
Bacon And Egg Toast Cups recipe
An application that allows you to write with words!
A list of pretty awesome songs
One of Jack And Dean’s best YouTube videos
Eggless Cookie Dough recipe
Boggle The Owl
Supernatural episodes (adblock is recommended)
Torchwood episodes (adblock is recommended)
Doctor Who episodes (adblock is recommended)
Gravity Falls episodes (adblock is recommended)
Helpful websites:
best learning website ever
can’t remember the name of a song?
check the trust level of any website
consult this site before choosing a seat for your next flight
find the name to the song
is this website down for me or everyone?
Less confusing view of the world time zones
need a random number for a contest?
never hit a dead end with a broken link
self defense tips(x)
survival tips
upload anything from your iPhone etc. to your laptop
wanna know how stuff works?
watch movies/draw/everything??? with your online friends
How To: 
how to improve your self-esteem
how to look busy at work/school
how to love yourself
how to pull an all nighted but do well on your exam
how to study well
how to survive College
how to write an essay
Life Tips:
life tips
life tips for college
life tips for lazy people
99 life hacks to make your life easier
playlists // don’t be down / happy, happy, happy / cheer up!! / feeling down? / upbeat / for when you’re feeling sad.. / be happy! / songs to listen to when you are feeling sad. / anxiety/panic attacks / dashboard session /nostalgic. / it’s okay, not be okay. / anxiety’s lullaby / don’t be sad / songs that make you feel better / hey man, it’ll be okay. / note to self. / forget about it / baby don’t cut 
cheering up // emergency compliment!! / paying for people’s groceries /random acts of kindness caught on film / free hugs experiment / tipping servers $200 / little acts of kindness / 27 videos that will make you happy /givesmehope / textpost blog!! / the everything post / repeat after me. / feel like you lost something? / you are not alone. / just listen to this / cute yahoo answers / nail art tuts / bad x-factor auditions / need a hug?  / you can do anything 
cool stuff // music thing / how to lucid dream!! / teach yourself guitar (wow)/ learn a new language / creepy websites / the color game / make a mind palace / explore the world / make a temporary tattoo! / musical sea creature // babies experiencing things / 7 day positive challenge / if you forgot how beautiful the world is / draw a nebula / watch documentaries /sugar cookies recipe / 100 things to do / anasomnia / kawaii emotions /100+ games / make your own font
depression // how to love yourself / alternatives to self harm / what am i feeling? / if you feel like crap / dealing with depression / let go of your past./ what is depression? / depression & cutting/things to do instead of cutting/ alternatives to self harm / the cure to sadness! (in under 3 minutes) /things to do when you’re sad  / feel good 101: depression/ stop cutting, create instead
anxiety/stress // soundrown / build stuff with sand / rainymood / chill out /zen garden / managing stress / social anxiety tips / PTSD forums / anti-anxiety masterpost / a place to think / calming manatee / the dawn room /100,000 stars / types of anxiety disorders / anxiety attack tips / anti-anxiety foods / using a thought diary / panic attacks & anxiety /
eating disorders // bloating in recovery  / why you must eat / what is ED recovery? / learning to love your body / how to eat a fear food / helping someone with an eating disorder / 281 reasons to recover /
asking for help // telling people how you’re feeling / how do i tell someone when im afraid? /  how to ask for help / anxiety forums / 
movies, documentaries, tv // action movies / disney movies / scary movies/ movies for angsty teens / my mad, fat diary / mean girls / blue is the warmest color / submarine / teen wolf / the vampire diaries / pretty little liars/ american horror story / bob’s burgers / the mindy project / ultimate teen movie masterpost / hannah montana / sherlock / american beauty 
the psychology of color
how to mix skin tones
color harmony
a ton of colour palettes
how to contour/highlight
colour meanings
how to colour
how to draw…
how to draw hoods
how to draw boobs in shirts
how to draw hair
how to draw faces
another face tutorial
how to draw hands
how to draw mouths
how to draw expressions
more expressions
cargsdoodle’s body tutorial
how to draw arms
how to avoid same facing
how to draw clothing folds
drawing references
hairstyle references
eye references
a ton of clothing references
ear references
kneeling/sitting references
kissing references
adobe creative suite 2 free download
sai brush downloads
sai brushes
alternative to photoshop
photoshop for free
mypaint drawing program
a ton of free art programs
pixel art: a beginner’s guide
an AWESOME tutorial masterpost
my art tag
glitch effect tutorial
128K notes · View notes
codename-madame · 9 years
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doll eyes
25K notes · View notes
codename-madame · 9 years
It’s exam week and i run a coffee shop near the campus and you walked right into my glass door i’m laughing so hard oh my god AU
- (@spaceusuk)
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codename-madame · 9 years
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More How To Draw Manga - Vol. 4: Mastering Bishoujo Characters
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codename-madame · 9 years
A spell to help Bernie Sanders win the presidential race!!! Likes charge it, reblogs cast it.
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codename-madame · 9 years
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This is the money face. It only comes around once every 500 years.
Once, there was a fellow named Miguel who didn’t reblog the money face. Now he’s broke.
If you don’t reblog the money face, you will never have money again.
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codename-madame · 9 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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codename-madame · 9 years
There's this Thing that y'all don't seem to get.
Gryffindors don’t give a shit about rules. The most hardline of them don’t even care about people. They care about justice. Right or wrong, black or white, there are no shades of grey. If it’s just, it’s always just; if it’s unjust, it’s always wrong. Hermione’s ruthlessness makes her a Gryffindor. She is absolutely sure that she is on the side of justice in everything that she does, and it’s such a Gryffindor trait.
Because Slytherins are ruthless, but they care about rules. Their own rules, usually, but rules nonetheless. They will impose parameters and limitations on themselves just so they have a framework to operate within. If doing something means violating their own internal code, then they’re not gonna do it. Even fucking Voldemort is like that. He broke every single fucking rule the Wizarding World ever put in place, but damn if he’d break his own.
And Ravenclaws? They hate rules. Fucking things just get in the way. They prevent creativity and keep people from accomplishing their goals. Ravenclaws are probably some of the most dangerous people in the entirety of the book series, because they’re brilliant and creative and ambitious and prideful, and when they snap, they do not have inhibitions. They will wreck everything that ever had the nerve to get in their way, and they will never once feel bad about it.
And then there’s Hufflepuffs. They emphasize equality. If the playing field is equal, then all other good things will come from there. People hear that, and they think that Hufflepuffs are pushovers. They cast them as the shy ones, the fearful ones, the insecure ones. Really, they’re none of these things. They are nice, accepting, friendly, this is all true, but they are also entirely willing to fight anyone that steps up to the plate talking shit. Hufflepuffs will defend themselves and other people until they drop dead, and it’s infuriating to see that only ever attributed to Gryffindors. Because the big difference is that a Gryffindor believes in acceptable causalties, and a Hufflepuff will knock your teeth down your fucking throat for even suggesting such a disgusting idea. For Hufflepuffs, there are no acceptable casualties; any loss of life is utterly unacceptable.
There are a lot of people that talk about House stereotyping, and then turn around and perpetuate further stereotypes. Gryffindors are not necessarily knights in shining armor; Slytherins are not necessarily callous villains; Ravenclaws are much more than just intelligent, and Hufflepuff is not the motherfucking potato House.
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codename-madame · 9 years
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Do you see this girl right here. She took this pic when she was home alone and heard someone breaking into her house. She was kidnapped that night. Her body was found at the bottom of a river. Reblog before 3am or she’ll appear in your closet and kill you.
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codename-madame · 9 years
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SURPRISE! In addition to the August Prompts this month, I wanted to give you guys a special bonus! This is the Gemsona Stats Sheet- a chart which you can use to evaluate your gemsona’s abilities and personality based on 15 different categories! This sheet serves not only as a reference for you and others- it’s a good way to get you thinking about your gemsona and working on character building! This is also great chance for you to flex your writing muscles and explain why you ranked your gemsona however-many stars in each category, and if you want, you can add a drawing of your gemsona alongside their stats!
Open the photos in a new tab for full-sized versions, look here for the stand-alone Stats Sheets without the drawing space. Examples of completed Stat Sheets can be found here and here. 
Updates: Transparent version can be found here. Additional stats sheet templates: (1) (2)
✰ What Each Category Means ✰
Strength: In terms of physical power, how strong is your gemsona? Agility: How nimble or quick is your gemsona?  Confidence: How self-assured are they? (Either in their abilities or in themself?) Willpower: How well can your gemsona commit to a course of action and follow-through? Social Skills: How well can they interact with other people / gems? Charisma: How charming is your gemsona?  Stamina: How much endurance does your gemsona have? Creativity: How well can they come up with ingenious ideas? Empathy: How well can they understand and sympathize with other peoples / gems’ feelings?  Humor: How funny is your gemsona? Discipline: How well can your gemsona control their emotions? Intelligence: How well can your gemsona obtain and apply knowledge and skills? Perception: How well can they notice things others don’t? Luck: How well do things typically go for your gemsona? (Do situations usually work out in their favor?) Skill / Special: Relating to your gemsona’s special ability, a talent that only they have, or a hobby. Open-ended.
✰ How to Fill Out the Chart ✰
There are ten stars ranking your gemsona’s place in the category from 1-10, 1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest (and 0 being non-existent). The rankings are as follows: 0: Dreadful | 1: Very Poor | 2: Pretty Poor | 3: Poor | 4: Below Average | 5: Average | 6: Above Average | 7: Good / High | 8: Great / Very High | 9: Fantastic | 10: Outstanding
(Note about Fusions: If your gemsona is a 2-gem fusion, then each star counts as 2. For a 3-gem fusion, each star counts as 3, etc. Please note if your gemsona is a fusion in your post if possible).
Try to keep your total number of stars below 110! You can only max out 3 categories on the gemsona chart AT MOST. You don’t have to max out any categories if you don’t want to, but three categories is the limit. The reason? Overpowered characters are overrated and incredibly boring! There’s no need for you to max out all the categories in order to make a cool character! If you really want to make a gemsona who has 10+ categories with ten stars filled in (or 3 maxed out and ten of the other categories at 9 stars or something equally high) you can go ahead and do it, but keep in mind what I said before (and that your post won’t be reblogged to Gemsona-HQ). If you have a good reason for making your gemsona have more than 3 stats maxed out, I’m willing to listen. Please refer to the examples linked above to see some ways you can have a high-ranking character who still has balanced stats!
✰ Dos and Don’ts ✰
Dos: Balance out your gemsona’s stats! Maybe your gemsona has a fantastic sense of Humor but their Luck is horrible, maybe they’re Intelligent but they have awful Social Skills, you tell me! Have fun messing with the stats. 
Don’ts: It’s worth repeating- one of the most important things to remember when filling out the chart is Overpowered is Overrated! Giving a character abysmal stats and watching them struggle and grow is more fun than working with an overpowered character who is already at the top and has nowhere else to go! (That being said- I don’t recommend you give your gemsona all 1′s or 0′s either- try giving them a couple stars somewhere. There’s 15 categories: I’m sure you can figure something out!)
Tag your post as #Gemsona Stats Sheet within the first five tags of your post so we can reblog them here! 
Once you’re done filling this out, check out the 30 Day Gemsona Challenge!  I can’t wait to see your gemsona’s stats!
Backgrounds from the Stevencrewniverse, Steven Universe Font via, all crystals, design, and layout done by me. Referenced The Six Stats and Character Stats among other DnD and character building resources for the categories. Thanks to everyone who helped me decide on the final layout of the sheet (you guys rock)!
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codename-madame · 9 years
can you make a tutorial on how to draw a face? (eyes,mouth,nose) im a beginner artist and i'd like some help please ^^
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For eyes I just do three quick brush strokes (as shown by the red) 
noses are made out of a bunch of small triangles. I first draw a slightly curved stroke connecting to the eyebrow and follow it with a small triangle at the base of the nose (used to show other side of nose. this bit is not always going to be visable keep that in mind) and a small notch (the nostral)
(the only method I have for drawing lips is to do the top lip first it’s sort of a freehand thing from that point on sorry ;o;)
the first couple of pictures are just to show you were everything is on the face
Hope this helped!! ;v;
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codename-madame · 9 years
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How to Draw a Damn Fine Ass Top Image, Row 5 & 6 Row 2:  Drawing People by Barbara Bradley Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Bottom Image
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codename-madame · 9 years
Writing Prompt #372: How They Met
We have mutual friends who demand a road trip together. We’re the only ones left after everyone gets drunk and passed out in the back of the van and there’s no one left to talk to besides each other.
“Holy crap did you just stab a demon?”
You can’t cook and keep setting the fire alarms off and I’m trying to study dammit. I’m going to teach you how to cook if it’s the last thing I do.
Oh shit you’re not actually a burglar. Um…oops?
My car broke down and you’re the only human I’ve seen for hours please don’t be a serial killer.
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