codyriback-blog · 5 years
Blog Entry #10
Today is our last day here at Prague! The Greensboro group left already so it was just us. What we had going on today was a guided tour of Prague Castle and the Strahov Library. Then after we had the rest of the day to our selves. To begin with, we went to the Strahov Library which was absolutely beautiful. We were able to look at the Philosophical Hall and the Theological Hall which were just amazing! It was crazy because a lot of the books in both halls dated back to before the library was built. After a tour of the Strahov library we when on a tour in the Prague Castle. Prague Castle was so beautiful because of the architecture and the stained class that was all around. Since we went mid day, the sun was beaming through the class which made it extra colorful and amazing to see. After going through the Castle we were able to explore the old town that was within the walls where the people lived. Their homes were very small, but being able to see what it looked like to live in these homes at the time was really incredible. Due to where the Castle was located, as we were leaving we were able to have a full view of the whole city. This view was absolutely incredible. I could have sat there for hours just admiring it. After our tours we had the rest of the day to our selves. We went to go eat at this place called Lokal. We’ve been trying to eat here all week and finally was able to. After lunch we went to the market to do some last minute shopping. I was able to get gifts for my family as well as myself. When we were done at the market we decided to go back to the hotel before going out. 7:30 came around and some of us went out for drinks and went to the hookah lounge after. It was the perfect way to end such an incredible week. I wish we didn’t have to leave so soon.
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codyriback-blog · 5 years
Blog Entry #9
Today was a very long day. It started off by waking up then sitting on a bus for 3 hours. That’s right. A 3 hour bus ride. Most of us slept through the whole thing anyways. However, it was totally worth it. Our destination was Cesky Krumlov. Cesky Krumlov is a very small town that is south of Prague. It was very beautiful and the scenery was breathtaking. I was able to take a lot of amazing pictures of the town and the surrounding suburbs. Most of our time there was just finding the best spots to take pictures. But we did explore a lot of the town and a church, as well as the wall that we walked under when we first arrived. While we were there was also had our farewell lunch. The food was delicious as always and so were the drinks. After our lunch we looked at some of the shops that were there then left to get back on the bus. Another 3 hours back to Prague. Like before, most of us slept on this bus. We didn’t end up getting back to the hotel until 7 in the evening. Some of us were deciding what to do for the rest of the night. We decided to go to this very small, but very delicious cafe place called Cafe No. 3. After that we went back to the hotel to hang for a little bit. We all were tired so we just decided to go to bed.
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codyriback-blog · 5 years
Blog Entry #8
This morning the first thing on the agenda was to walk over to the Green Fox Academy. We were welcomed with snacks and beverages. The COO, Barbora Wachtlova, put on a wonderful presentation for us talking about her come up in the business and how GFA got to where it is today. We then had an activity where we split off into groups of 5 and had to organize 10 steps of a business process to a way that we think is best for the upcoming company. After attending the Green Fox Academy we went on lunch break, but like other days most of didn’t eat. Instead, we went to Hamley’s which is a 3 floor toy store in Prague. On the bottom floor they had a butterfly garden, a LEGO museum, and VR. A lot of us went into the butterfly garden where there were so many beautiful butterflies. When I was in there they kept landing on me. I had about 7 on me all at once and it was crazy. They really liked me. After exploring the butterfly garden, 4 of us ended up doing the VR. It was basically an escape room, but VR so it was an amazing experience. We then met back up at our hotel so we can all head to our next event. We met with the People in Need organization where 4 members from different parts of the organization talked about what they do and how they help the people in need. After that we went back to the hotel and hung out a bit before leaving again to go eat. We ate at this very delicious Italian pizza restaurant. The food was amazing. Most of us ordered pizza and I ordered calamari. I was able to try some of the pizza and it is now one of my favorites to eat. After dinner most of us split off to do our own thing. But some of the girls and I stuck together and went out. We first went to this place called BER.LIN which is a bar and they have karaoke. Unfortunately when we got there the place was packed. But we stayed and sang along to some of the songs they were playing then left. We made some stops at other bars then decided to head back to the hotel. Today was a super fun day of activities and learned more about business in Czech Republic. I’m sad that we have 2 days left, but I plan to keep making the most of it!
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codyriback-blog · 5 years
Blog Entry #7
Today I did the normal routine. Woke up at 6:30, shower, eat breakfast, and wait for the rest of the group to come down. Our bus ride was pretty long because we went to the Terezin Concentration camp. For most of us it was really tough to handle and get through the whole tour. Being in the exact place where people had to go through that kind of thing was really hard to take in. It was also crazy to hear about the things that went on and the stories that our tour guide said. We then went back to city where most of us took a nap before our next adventure. Around 2 our group was able to get a personal tour of some churches and the Jewish quarter. The Jewish quarter was really unique and fascinating to explore. That’s where the old Jewish cemetery is with over 10,000 gravestones and even more graves. We also toured through some of the synagogues like the old-new synagogue and the outside of the Spanish synagogue. It was very beautiful to see the synagogues and the Jewish cemetery. Later in the night some friends and I went out to have a couple drinks at the underground bar near the old-town square. We then walked around the city and went to sleep! All in all, the day started out alright, then it went to become a wonderful night!
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codyriback-blog · 5 years
Blog Entry #6
March 5, 2019 I woke up, had breakfast, and went on a bus. Our first stop was at the Manufaktura factory. Manufaktura is a cosmetic company that produces male and female shampoos, soaps, lotion, etc. We had a nice 15 minute presentation by one of the managers, then got a tour of the whole factory. We explored the rooms where all the ingredients are held. We then went on to explore where the actually product is put into the bottle then wrapped to ship out. For this we had to dress up in outfits that they provided so we didn’t get any dirt or anything messed up with their production room. After visiting the Manufaktura factory we went to have lunch. After lunch we went to the beer factory and got a tour. We learned how their beer is produced and manufactured, then at the end we had a nice beer test! We tried their light beer and dark beer, dark beer was better. That was the last thing on our list so we took the bus back to our hotel where most of us took naps before going out for dinner. Not all of us went out for dinner, but for the ones that did, we walked around the river first before eating. We finally crossed the bridge and explored the west side of Prague. After walking around for a while we finally decided to eat, but we couldn’t decided where to eat. We made the decision to eat at the same place we ate at last night. Which was still really good and I got something different this time. It’s crazy to think that we have been here for 4 days now and I can’t wait for the rest of the week!
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codyriback-blog · 5 years
Blog Entry #5
As always I did the normal routine. Woke up at 6:30, went downstairs to eat breakfast, and waited for the day to start. The first thing we did today was explore the International Study Program (or ISP for short) office buildings. It was really a beautiful office and location. Upon arrival we were introduced with snacks and beverages which was a wondering surprise because I was still hungry after breakfast. A speaker from the ISP presented to us a little PowerPoint about the economy of Czech Republic and its history. Of course the information was familiar because the greatest professor, Dr. Bumin, prepared us in advance. After the speaker, it was lunch time. Most of us didn’t eat lunch and went back to our hotel rooms. I relaxed a little then ended up taking a little nap before our next meeting. This last meeting of the day was with McCann, some sort of advertising company. This meeting was pretty interesting because I am currently taking a business communications course online so a lot of what he spoke about was recognizable. At the end of the meeting he split us off into groups and each group had to come up with a 30 second commercial that they would use to try and sell the specific product. My group had to sell beer so our commercial was pretty fun to make. This was our last planned thing to do so after we went back to the hotel to freshen up a little then went back out to eat dinner. Dinner was delicious as always and after that a couple of us went to a hookah lounge. It was a very relaxing setting and a great way to end the night!
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codyriback-blog · 5 years
Blog Entry #3 (first day in Prague)
When we first arrived at the airport most of us had to exchange our money or pull money out of our banking accounts. I brought US money with me so I had to go to a counter and exchange it for Czech money. We eventually were all prepared to start heading to our hotel. We had to take a couple different transportation to get to the city. When we got to the city we didn’t have the best idea where we were because it took us a bit to find our hotel when we were going in circles. Most of us showered and changed when we finally got to the hotel and then we all went out because we were all anxious to see the city. After exploring the city a little we all went out for our first Czech meal. I had Duck Leg and a beer set, and both was very delicious. We deciding to check out the Charles Bridge after dinner. We didn’t stay long but most of us took pictures and admired the scenery. It was pretty late so we all headed back to the hotel to get sleep. My first day was an amazing one and I can’t wait to see more of the city! (This is my 3rd time typing this so I’m sorry if it’s not good)
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codyriback-blog · 5 years
Blog Entry #4
What a day!! The first full day in Prague couldn’t have gone better! I started my day waking up early and having breakfast. Breakfast was very delicious and unique. After breakfast the first thing we did as a group was get a tour of the museum of communism. That was a very interesting experience. We learned about the history of Czechoslovakia and what made it became the country it is today. However, I wish we were able to learn more about the personal stories from the walls and our tour guide. Once the tour was over we had about 4 hours until our next tour so we all went for lunch. We are at a local Czech place which was amazing! After lunch, most of us split off because we had so long until our next thing. Some of us went back to our rooms to sleep and some went exploring. Myself, Tyra, Sadira, and Cortney went to the mall. This mall is 5 floors high and has 200+ stores. That is CRAZY!! Eventually we had to meet back up at the hotel so we can finally go on the tour of Prague. Our tour guide was super cool. She was your typical Czech girl and made a lot of jokes. When our tour was over it was dinner time so both Greensboro and Pembroke groups had a welcome dinner. Dinner was one of my favorite things today besides just being with everyone! At dinner we had a lot of laughs and good times that I will never forget. We went back to the hotel so we can all get some sleep. But, as I got in bed to write this blog I realized that my BLOG ENTRY #3 NEVER SENT. Wrote the whole thing twice and still didn’t get it posted. Well I’m going to end it on that note. All in all, what a great beginning to this trip and I’m looking forward to the rest of the week!
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codyriback-blog · 5 years
Blog Entry #2
Today is the day that my fellow class mates and I travel across the Atlantic Ocean to visit Prague, Czech Republic for a week! I am so excited to travel out of the country and visit Europe for the second time in my life. I look forward to seeing all of the breathtaking landmarks that we discussed in class! I can’t wait to explore the beautiful city and I look forward to the city’s night life. This trip is going to bring many new memories that I will hold on to forever. Brzy se uvidíme!
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codyriback-blog · 5 years
Blog Entry #1
Friday, February 22 I get a call from my mom and she says with excitement, “One more week! You excited?” and it officially hit me that in one week I will be on a flight to Czech Republic. Tuesday, February 26 is our last day in class and I presented my PowerPoint on the Jewish Quarter. It was crazy to know that in 4 days it will be the day we leave. These next few days before we leave are going to be hectic because I have a lot of things I have to get done like packing, school work, and getting a haircut. By Thursday night I was able to get my haircut and all of my school work done so all I needed to do was pack. I finally packed and now I am on my way to the airport to experience a whole week in Czech Republic.
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