coffee-keith · 21 minutes
There was a pool 🏊‍♂️ for skeletens 💀 only.
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coffee-keith · 2 hours
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coffee-keith · 4 hours
my cat somehow took hundreds of selfies on my phone when i was sleeping
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coffee-keith · 6 hours
The Dungeon Meshi renaissance is making me want to share the resources that taught me how to cook.
Don’t forget, you can check out cookbooks from the library!
Smitten Kitchen: The rare recipe blog where the blog part is genuinely good & engaging, but more important: this is a home cook who writes for home cooks. If Deb recommends you do something with an extra step, it’s because it’s worth it. Her recipes are reliable & have descriptive instructions that walk you through processes. Her three cookbooks are mostly recipes not already on the site, & there are treasures in each of them.
Six Seasons: A New Way With Vegetables by Joshua McFadden: This is a great guide to seasonal produce & vegetable-forward cooking, and in addition to introducing me to new-to-me vegetables (and how to select them) it quietly taught me a number of things like ‘how to make a tasty and interesting puréed soup of any root veggie’ and ‘how to make grain salads’ and ‘how to make condiments’.
Grains for Every Season: Rethinking Our Way With Grains by Joshua McFadden: in addition to infodumping in grains, this codifies some of the formulas I picked up unconsciously just by cooking a lot from the previous book. I get a lot of mileage out of the grain bowl mix-and-match formulas (he’s not lying, you can do a citrus vinaigrette and a ranch dressing dupe made with yogurt, onion powder, and garlic powder IN THE SAME DISH and it’s great.)
SALT, FAT, ACID, HEAT by Samin Nosrat: An education in cooking theory & specific techniques. I came to it late but I think it would be a good intro book for people who like to front-load on theory. It taught me how to roast a whole chicken and now I can just, like, do that.
I Dream Of Dinner (so you don’t have to) by Ali Slagle: Ok, look, an important part of learning to cook & cooking regularly is getting kinda burned out and just wanting someone else to tell you what to make. These dinners work well as written and are also great tweakable bases you can use as a starting place.
If you have books or other resources that taught you to cook or that you find indispensable, add ‘em on a reblog.
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coffee-keith · 8 hours
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don’t even ask how this happened
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coffee-keith · 10 hours
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coffee-keith · 12 hours
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coffee-keith · 1 day
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she’s writhing closer
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coffee-keith · 1 day
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i think r/BenignExistence is my favorite subreddit 🥲 i love these pleasant little glimpses into strangers' lives
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coffee-keith · 1 day
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perfect normal nuclear family
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coffee-keith · 1 day
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coffee-keith · 1 day
Ok wait now that there's the episode out I need to remind people that the Skyfish
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is based off an "actual" thing in cryptozoology; also called "rods," and they're supposedly some kind of entity that shows up in photos (and we all know they're just bugs or other flying animals moving too fast for the camera's exposure time)
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And I think that's neat. They've been one of my favorite cryptids for years so my excitement to see such a deep cut in Dungeon Meshi was beyond comparison
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coffee-keith · 1 day
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the ghost of one specific homosexual cowboy regularly possesses Tumblr gays
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coffee-keith · 1 day
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Tesla is tanking so hard it is dragging the entire EV segment's sales down into the negative. When you omit Tesla from the equation, EV sales are up 13% across the board.
Don't let anyone tell you EV sales are in a slump.
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coffee-keith · 2 days
adrienette keeping their secret identities from their kids is underrated. not only do i think it's more practical/safe (when i was a kid i told all my friends ALL of my parents' dirty secrets because i was very trusting of my friends and also had no solid concept of consequence) but also i think it's more fun to keep the identity shenanigans going. their kids thinking their parents are lame, meanwhile thinking ladybug and chat noir are sooooo cool.
like dad you're soooo lame, stop wanting to play board games with us while we're trying to watch the newest Ladybug and Chat Noir movie. god mom is always so busy and anxious, she's nothing like carefree confident ladybug. my brother dressed up as chat noir for halloween and for some reason it made my dad cry. i told my parents i thought Chat Noir and Rena Rouge had the most chemistry in the movies and they stared blankly at me. i snuck out at night to go to a friend's place and ladybug intercepted me on the street and was super freaked out about it for some reason. some kids at school found out i'm hawkmoth's grandkid and are being mean to me and told me ladybug and chat noir would hate me and it made me cry. mom says ladybug and chat noir LOVE ME SO MUCH but that seems like a stretch?? the other night i heard SOMETHING eating VORACIOUSLY in our cheese cabinet and when i ran to my parents' room to tell them about it they AVIDLY denied it and THEN claimed it was a mouse but how the fuck did a mouse get up there??? why are they so shifty???? and WHO keeps eating my COOKIES
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coffee-keith · 2 days
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straight edge except for drugs
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coffee-keith · 2 days
👏 APOSTASY is the rejection of a faith after having professed it;
👏 HERESY is selective belief in only some of the tenets of a faith one professes, or belief in tenets contrary to those of a faith one professes;
👏 BLASPHEMY is derogation of the honour due to God.
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