I'm sorry to hear about the postal issues! Since it has been refunded, does that mean the zine won't happen at all, or that we can re-buy it later (aka when the postal office gets their shit together?)
Hi anon,
I have basically given up with my local postal service so at the moment I will not be looking at doing another physical run due to all the issues and inconvenience to our supporters it has caused.
-Mod Cupcake
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Refunds have been issued to all orders that were sent in the second and third runs.  The post office cannot give me a satisfactory answer as to where they are and so I have issued refunds.  This includes anyone who had missing items or new orders for the excess stock.  Please accept my deepest appologies for the hassles with this.
-Mod Cupcake
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Hello everyone, 
I just wanted to let everyone know, for the people who never received their replacement items I have spoken with my post office and they couldn't give me a satisfactory answer as to where they were.  
So I will be re sending them again at my own expense.  This will most likely happen next week at least due to the fact that both my daughters were sick last week and I am now coming down with the same bug and I don't want to risk anyone else’s health (its just a cold but I want to be 100% safe with everyone else’s health). 
I have had a couple of people ask for refunds which is fine but have done this on anon which is difficult to offer the refund back to.  I will be investigating why we have not been seeing any of our notifications or emails but I will reply back to any that we have received.  
Thank you so much for your patience.
Mod Cupcake
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Were the ones who had replacement items sent an e-mail or any form of tracking?
Hi anon
There is no tracking for the zines unfortunately but an email should have sent. If you email us at [email protected] with your order number we can see if yours was one of the ones we were able to send off straight away.
Mod cupcake
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hi, i ordered my zine in january, and i haven’t received it yet. i was just wondering if y’all shipped it yet or if there’s any way for me to track my order ?
Hi anon,
As there were some issues with our first batch of zines having things go missing we had to prioritise those items first and so some of our stock had to be reordered to fulfil the new orders. If you can please email us at [email protected] with your order number i can let you know if your order was one of those who got shipped yet.
Mod cupcake
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I know things are slow right now with the virus but was curious what the status is for the replacement products for those who had issues with their orders?
Hi anon,
I have sent out as many of the replacement items as I could with the leftover stock and I am waiting for the extra stock to be sent to me so I can send the rest out. With everything with the virus I am still being hopefull that I can get them soon.
Mod cupcake
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Hi !! So I noticed people were having trouble with their orders, I'm in the US and haven't received mine either but I figured it may have something to do with the corona virus. Did they give you a time estimate on orders to the US ? I know there isn't tracking so it's hard to know exact details but I was curious to see if you knew estimates :) ???
I found most of the time postage from Australia to the US can take anywhere from 2 - 6 weeks in my personal experience. There may be a delay due to recent events as you have mentioned.
I hope that it does arrive soon otherwise please contact us at [email protected] so we can see what we can do.
Mod cupcake
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Hello. I am still waiting for the zine which is a little concerning, seeing as I usually seem to be getting packages from Australia in less than a month. Is there maybe a way for you to track the packages? I took a look at your tumblr for the first time since everything has shipped and, well, it got me anxious :c
Hi anon
It is concerning that you haven't received your zine yet. Unfortunately there is no tracking for the parcels so we are not able to track them. Please contact us at [email protected] with your order details so we can see what we can do.
Mod cupcake
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Hi I was wondering when replacement items for those who had issues with their orders will be sent?
Hi anon,
Every time we were about to place the order for extra items we would have more people contact us. So to ensure we only had to order once we had been waiting for the messages to stop coming in which they now seem to have. I will be ordering the items this week, I am just currently in hospital about to have my baby so it may take a day or two before I can get back to my computer.
- Mod Cupcake
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Hi I sent an email through the store about a missing item but haven't got a response. Should I be using another email?
Hi anon
I just replied to an email that came through late last night. If this is not your email, please contact us off anon or directly at [email protected]
Mod Cupcake
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People need to stop harassing the moderators with all of these repeated anon messages. A mistake was made, it's been apologized for, and the moderators are working to replace everything. Harassing them won't make anything any better. If you have a problem, go off anon and send privately and BE POLITE. being rude helps no one. The mods are doing great work to right their mistake as quick as they can. Show them support and be nice. They're people too. Please be nicer to others.
Hi anon,
Thank you for your kind words, they are greatly appreciated. As you said we are working towards correcting my mistake and appreciate everyone's patience with the process.
Mod cupcake
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Much agreed on using bubble mailers. My package was ripped too. My prints and zine have some nicks as a result. The envelope used was very thin. I’ve never had a zine mailed without a bubble mailer or at least cardboard backing. So definite thought to use for future.
Hi anon
Thank you for your feedback, we are most definitely taking it all on board in the occasion of us possibly doing anything like this in the future.
Mod cupcake
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For the replacements you send out, please invest in bubble mailers. Typically you can mail them for just a little bit more than the cost of regular postage so long as they’re less than 3/4 inches thick and it’s a lot cheaper than having to buy replacements of.... well, everything. And it protects the goods inside, too. I appreciate your readiness to handle things like this, but in the future, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Hi anon
Thank you for your advice. We have already come up with a plan to better protect the replacement items and now just need to wait for them all to arrive and be resent to each person.
Mod cupcake
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I’m actually heading to the post office now to file a complaint. I ordered the full bundle, but it unfortunately came only with the flap opened and all contents missing. All I got was the postcard thanking me for my purchase. Is there something that can be done? I’m truly saddened not to have the bundle. Thanks!
Hi devoosha,
We are in the process of getting replacement items for the ones the post office have lost in transit so I will add yours to the list. Filing a complaint with the post office is a good idea as they have been rough with quite a lot of these packages.
- Mod cupcake
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Not a question but a recommendation for everyone with the charms. It could just be mine but I recommend painting the back of your charm. The art was pretty but fragile so now I have a few chunks of paint already scratched off and I barely had it on my bag for a few hours.
Hi anon,
Thank you for the advice, I will also pass this onto the supplier as the stickers they put on the charms were not clear so had to be removed which leaves the charms to be more easily damaged.
- Mod Cupcake
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Definitely a bit disappointed, not about the sharing of the images, but of the quality of the packaging. I finally received mine and it came all beat up and the package was torn and I’m missing the charm stretch goal
Hi anon,
I am sorry that the zine has arrived in that condition and that you are missing a charm. If you can please contact us off anon or email us at [email protected] we can look at sending a replacement charm.
-Mod cupcake
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Hey, the zine is beautiful and I don't regret buying at all but I do have some concerns with the way it was shipped. I'm not asking for a refund or replacement, simply giving some advice for next time. Use bubble mailers or package better to prevent damage. My cover was so scuffed up and bent and even punctuated in places. It felt like a b grade zine when I opened it. My print was also bent up. The inside was beautiful but I spent a lot on the zine and shipping so it sucked to get in that state
Hi anon
I am very sorry about the zine arriving damaged. We appreciate your advice on how to improve the packaging in the future and will most definitely take it into any projects that may happen.
- Mod cupcake
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