weight loss spell !!
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like to charge, reblog to cast
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following 2020 weight loss babes!
it’s that time of year again! 🌞
my stats:
5′1, twenty six, new york
sw: 221 lbs, cw: 205 lbs, gw: 130 lbs
you know the drill, just unfollowed 100+ inactive fitness blogs and need help finding new people to follow! i don’t even want to explain the weird, off-putting, self-loathing second half of 2019 that I went through…. so i won’t. i just want to focus on smashing these 2020 goals! 🌿
if you’re hella motivated or need help being motivated, like or reblog this so i can find you!
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i’m seeing a lot of people reblogging suicide hotlines and this is just a reminder that this is a suicide help line that works like a text-based instant messenger for people who may need to talk to someone but have trouble/are uncomfortable making phone calls
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Thin Tips and Brands
-eggs are about 70 calories each, but egg whites are only 17 -spinach and lettuce are very low cal and super nutritious -Walden Farms has 0 calorie chocolate syrup (can freeze and make chocolate bars), marshmallow fluff, and other things -o'doughs has 100 calorie bagels -Arctic zero has amazing low cal ice creams (like 150 for the whole pint) -Sriracha or other hot sauce gives food more flavor with low calories -most salsas also are really low cal -you can eat and entire spaghetti squash for under 200 calories (it’s what I eat if I’m crazy hungry for dinner) and it’s really yum -be busy, you usually eat less if you stayed occupied doing something else -try lettuce wraps! Just sauté some veggies or meat and stuff it in the lettuce boat; it’s like tacos but without the calories + healthier -Nickles has light wheat bread that’s only 35 calories each -I try not to eat before noon (only coffee) -white sugar has 16.3 calories a tsp but stevia and other brands like it are calorie free sweeteners -most coffee creamers are around 35 calories a tbsp but skim milk only has about 9 -when I start craving apple pie I sauté thinly sliced apples in water, stevia, cinnamon, and some brown sugar until the apple slices are soft; it’s usually around 110 calories for the whole thing (I only eat half a time) -I don’t know about other stores, but at my grocery store there’s a diabetic section (near the pharmaceuticals) where there are a lot of 0 or low calorie options -when I think I’m going to binge I drink lo-carb Monster (the blue one) and usually it’s enough sweetness and filling to make me not want to eat everything in sight Stay safe loves! ❤️
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How to be a pretty girl
Take a shower at least once a day
Wash your hair 2/3 times a week
Shave 2/3 times a week
Scrub your body once a week
Always apply deodorant
Wash your face twice a day
Always remove your makeup before going to bed
Always apply moisturiser on your skin
Scrub your face every two weeks
Scrub your lips at least once a week
Apply lip balm when you wake up and when you go to bed (and whenever you feel like)
Brush your teeth after every meal
Keep your eyebrows clean and in order
Keep your nails in order
Wear pretty outfits
Always apply makeup
Always wear nail polish on your toe nails
Sometimes apply nail polish also on your finger nails
Keep your hair in order
Use perfume if you want
Go to the gym/workout at home at least twice a week
Always take the stairs
Walk home at least one day a week
Do not eat more than 1200 calories a day
Always count calories
If you don’t know how many calories a food has, do not eat it
Do not eat junk food
Drink at least 2 litres of water every day
Study at least one hour every day
Always take notes in class
Do not forget books at home
Do all your homework as soon as you can
Always study for tests
Keep your books tidy
Prepare your outfit and your backpack the night before
Participate during lessons
Be friendly with your schoolmates
Do not talk about your personal problems
Do not talk obout food
Drink at least 500 ml of water during lessons
Do not eat at school
Stay safe sweeties 🌼
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Free 1 Week Workout Plan
Workout Plan
If you miss a day it’s okay just get back on track the next day
* 20 minutes cardio of choice (dance, run, etc.)
* Follow this HITT workout:
* 10 wide squats with barbell (can use a backpack with books in it) +20 body weight jump squats x4
* 10 deep lunges with barbell + 40 high knees x4
* 15 hip thrusts with barbell (hold backpack over hips) +10 front squats (put backpack on your front side) x4
* 40 mountain climbers + 10 donkey kicks each leg (20 total) x4
* The following ab routine:
* 12 crunches
* 12 crunches with calves parallel to ground (knees up in air
* 24 bicycle crunches (slow and feel your abs)
* 12 leg raises
* 24 scissor kicks
* 12 reverse crunches
* 24 ankle touches
* Plank as long as you can (try for 1 minute)
* 20 minutes cardio of choice
* The following HIIT workout:
* 8-10 pushups + 10 triceps extensions with light weight x4
* 40 punches with hand weights + 30 jumping jacks x4
* 50 kick backs (touch your foot to your butt) + 8 burpees x4
* 10 bicep curls with barbell or hand weights + 8 body weight rows x4
* The following ab routine:
* 12 crunches
* 12 crunches with calves parallel to ground (knees up in air
* 24 bicycle crunches (slow and feel your abs)
* 12 leg raises
* 24 scissor kicks
* 12 reverse crunches
* 24 ankle touches
* Plank as long as you can (try for 1 minute)
* 20 minutes cardio of choice
* Ab HIIT workout as follows:
* Ab jumps (start at plank and jump pulling from abs into a frog position) 30 secs + Mountain climbers 30 secs x4
* High knees 30 secs + Jump rope 30 secs (if you don’t have one repeat the motion in the air like you were) x4
* bicycle crunches 30 secs + alternating leg raises 30 secs x4
* Skier jumps 30 secs + 1 min plank x4
* V ups 30 secs + crunches 30 secs x4
* Burpees until you need water
* Do something active like a walk or yoga
* Have a break you’ve been doing so good
* 20 minutes cardio of choice
* Using a backpack or barbell complete the following:
* 4x8 squats
* 4x8 lunges
* 4x8 Bulgarian lunges (one leg on bed or bench behind you)
* 4x8 wide squats
* 4x8 side lunges
* 4x8 deadlifts
* 4x8 barbell glute bridges
* 4x8 lunges
* 4x8 hip thrusts
* The following ab routine:
* 12 crunches
* 12 crunches with calves parallel to ground (knees up in air
* 24 bicycle crunches (slow and feel your abs)
* 12 leg raises
* 24 scissor kicks
* 12 reverse crunches
* 24 ankle touches
* Plank as long as you can (try for 1 minute)
* 20 minutes cardio of choice
* The following HIIT workout:
* Side hops 30 secs + High/tuck jumps 30 secs x4
* Side v ups 30 secs + bicycle crunches with weight (medicine ball, gallon jug, etc.) 30 secs x4
* Standing oblique crunch 30 sec (touch knee to elbow out beside you body) + side planks 30 secs (2 times each side) x4
* Hip dips 30 secs (plank then rotate hip to ground then back then other side) + planking v jumps 30 secs x4
* 20 minutes cardio of choice
* Following exercises using backpack or barbell:
* 4x8 bench press
* 4x8 leg raises
* 4x8 skull crushers
* 4x8 stuff legged deadlifts
* 4x8 chest flies
* 4x8 lunges
* 4x8 bent over barbell row
* 4x8 squats
* 4x8 curls
* 4x8 barbell press begins neck
* 4x8 sit ups
* 4x8 deadlifts
* 4x8 pushups
* 3x1 minute plank
*same ab routine as the end of Monday, Tuesday, and Friday
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20% is better than 0%.
Brushing your teeth at least once every day is better than none at all.
A few hours of sleep is better than none.
A few minutes outside for fresh air is better than none.
Writing a few paragraphs of the essay today is better than procrastinating till later.
Doing something is better than nothing (of course there is exception for some cases).
Do things at a pace which makes you comfortable whilst allowing you to make progress.
You can do this!
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By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. By Halloween I will weigh 160lbs. I WILL.
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🎃Weight loss pumpkin🎃
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🎃Reblog this and the weight loss pumpkin will help you to burn off at least 10 pounds until Halloween.🎃
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Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
y did i have to see this
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Reblog the pumpkin king and you’ll lose 5 pounds this week
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(just do it)
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my granddad just called me to tell me how big his cauliflowers are growing and it was so cute theyre “TWICE as big as the ones you get in the shop”
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I really wanna have abs
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Thin Tips and Brands
-eggs are about 70 calories each, but egg whites are only 17 -spinach and lettuce are very low cal and super nutritious -Walden Farms has 0 calorie chocolate syrup (can freeze and make chocolate bars), marshmallow fluff, and other things -o'doughs has 100 calorie bagels -Arctic zero has amazing low cal ice creams (like 150 for the whole pint) -Sriracha or other hot sauce gives food more flavor with low calories -most salsas also are really low cal -you can eat and entire spaghetti squash for under 200 calories (it’s what I eat if I’m crazy hungry for dinner) and it’s really yum -be busy, you usually eat less if you stayed occupied doing something else -try lettuce wraps! Just sauté some veggies or meat and stuff it in the lettuce boat; it’s like tacos but without the calories + healthier -Nickles has light wheat bread that’s only 35 calories each -I try not to eat before noon (only coffee) -white sugar has 16.3 calories a tsp but stevia and other brands like it are calorie free sweeteners -most coffee creamers are around 35 calories a tbsp but skim milk only has about 9 -when I start craving apple pie I sauté thinly sliced apples in water, stevia, cinnamon, and some brown sugar until the apple slices are soft; it’s usually around 110 calories for the whole thing (I only eat half a time) -I don’t know about other stores, but at my grocery store there’s a diabetic section (near the pharmaceuticals) where there are a lot of 0 or low calorie options -when I think I’m going to binge I drink lo-carb Monster (the blue one) and usually it’s enough sweetness and filling to make me not want to eat everything in sight Stay safe loves! ❤️
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Reblog to see a lower number on the scale next morning. 🦋
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today was my first good day in a while
i stayed underneath my calorie limit, for once. and i’ve done a good job today reminding myself to have self control.
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