coffeecodeblr · 9 months
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coffeecodeblr · 9 months
somehow I got 95/20 on an assignment
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I hope they never fix it and leave it this way forever
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coffeecodeblr · 2 years
A Really Fucking Vulgar Guide to Not Losing Your Shit in College (Condensed Version)
Bitches love to put things into lists. Moreover, bitches love numbered shit. Here’s some numbered shit in list format to help you not suck in higher education. You’re welcome.
1. Go to class. Like 210% serious. I don’t give a shit if you’re a get by on nothing, A+ slacker. You’re fucking paying for this crap so you might as well get the services owed to you. Take your ass to class even if you zone out 99% of the time. You know 1% more than you did when you walked up in there. Congrats, asshole.
2. All that free time you have during your first week of classes? Make it your bitch. Don’t just print the goddamn syllabus and be like all done. No motherfucker. Take a good fucking look at that assignment list. What’s due next week? Yeah, do that shit now bc I know you don’t have anything else to do. Then when you’re coughing up a lung six weeks into the semester and don’t feel like getting your ass up to do that calculus homework, you’ll remember this week. You’ll remember that you’ve been a week ahead this whole damn semester. Pat yourself on the back, ass wipe.
3. Prepare yo self. No seriously. You got notes to print for class? Sure you could be like all those other bitches and just shove them into your backpack, or you could actually /prepare/ for class. I’m talking looking that shit over, identifying key concepts, getting a decent grasp of the material before your ass is even in class. You a STEM major? Yeah, make this kinda shit your life because now class is like one bomb ass group review session. Again, you’re welcome.
4. Snack like a motherfucker, but save that junk food shit for the weekends. From now on, you are a fucking health guru during the week or if you’re a slacker like me, at least on the days you have class. Fruits? Hell yeah. Pack some of those. Mind wandering in class? Snack on some apple slices. Can’t stay awake? Keep eating some almonds or some shit, but don’t be that bitch with the potato chips. Just don’t.
5. Read. Yeah, you heard me. Read and I’m not just talking assigned reading. I bet my left butt cheek that your campus library has /something/ of interest to you. Commuting and don’t want to drive out there? Library databases bro. We’re in the digital age, motherfucker. I’d bet my other butt cheek that the shit you want is in a nice little PDF somewhere. But na man, you thinking maybe you want to go into computer science? Check out computer science books and eat them up bro. You don’t like reading them? Probably not the field for you. You a biology major in your second year? Yeah dumbass. Time to break out the bio books and not the ones your professor is shoving in your face. Amaze your friends and teachers with your out of class knowledge. Be a fucking star.
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coffeecodeblr · 3 years
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my education life
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coffeecodeblr · 3 years
Introducing :-
Fusing Dark + Punk + Chaotic + Goblin academia
Bastard Academia
Not making notes till the exam is like 2 days away
Typing in either caps or not using most abbreviations
Reading oscar wilde and edgar allen poe
Being the most dirty minded person in you group of gays but also the most philosophical and academic
Absolutely wanting to have punk or dark Academic outfits but end up doing the most weirdest
Being a gremlin rascal and disliking summer and preferring autumn
Having either chipped nails or absolutely perfectly painted ones their is no in between
Using humor as a coping mechanism
Pronouncing words wrong because you learned them through reading
Being called a commie by your relatives and accepting it
Not knowing the points to prove you argument but knowing you are right because the other person says people should not have rights or capitalism isn't bad
Either putting way to many commas or absolutely none
Learning everything from your syllabus from the text book instead of notes because you didn't make them and still passing
Feeling more anxious about texting people than calling and talking
Being mostly an extrovert with introvert tendencies
Folding your shirt sleeves even though your teacher said not to
Not using emojis instead using emoticons
Drinking Soda drinks with caffeine because you either have parents who don't like caffeine or you hate hot coffee without milk
Watching movies of Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn
Used to have an unhealthy obsession with greek mythology or transformers
Reading the works of the writers of your country to stay connected to your culture
Being a former gifted child who's now burned out but no one believes you so you have to, in the end, try to meet their expectations
Feel free to add more :)
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coffeecodeblr · 4 years
there is a fly stuck in the room with me while i am trying to study and it is making me feel homicidal 
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coffeecodeblr · 4 years
accept that you’ve made mistakes and allow them to inform your future decisions, but don’t let your fear of making more mistakes get in the way of your current life
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coffeecodeblr · 4 years
vaguely academic things to do to keep yourself entertained
go down a wikipedia research hole by clicking the first term you don’t understand
binge a crashcourse series end to end (personal recs: world history, history of science, big history, philosophy)
find free books on project gutenberg
download some western classics for free
borrow books and audiobooks from the libby app or borrowbox
start a commonplace book
take a khan academy course
browse MIT’s free online course materials
teach yourself to code
go on a google scholar essay dive
try the open access button to avoid some paywalls for academic media, or install unpaywall that does a similar thing
research the history of the place you where you live
tempt the wrath of the duolingo owl and learn a language
search for online streams of the local tv in your target language’s country and use as background noise for immersion points
print and scrapbook favourite poetry and literature quotes
improve your handwriting by doing handwriting exercises
learn philosophy with the philosophize this! podcast. actually just check out all the educational spotify podcasts there are many good ones
start a weekly club with friends to share new and interesting things you’ve learnt that week
clean and reorganise your study space, physical or digital
check out online museums
fave educational youtube channels that I adore: vsauce, crashcourse, smarter every day, kurzgesagt, school of life, tom scott, r. c. waldun, vsauce3, primer, mark rober, veritasium, asapSCIENCE, scishow, TED-ed
hopefully you’ll find something to enjoy! happy learning x
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coffeecodeblr · 4 years
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24.07.20 — some flower doodles ft. the consequences of not having blotting paper
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coffeecodeblr · 4 years
messy handwriting that’s a combination between cursive and print. books with folded down corners. clear tea cups with peppermint tea. coffee rings on book pages. rain stained windows. freshly started garden filled with poppys. the smell of coffee cake in the oven. an absurd amount of missed calls. late nights sprawled out in crisis on your bedroom floor. the tapping of a pen repeatedly on a desk. mismatched socks.
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coffeecodeblr · 4 years
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24th July: What is your favorite vacation memory?
probably this past summer, in a time where i genuinely thought i would be stuck inside and wasn’t doing well with my mental health, and i had a family vacation at the beach, where every day was perfect and so great for writing time, but there was time to go to the beach and boogie board, and every night we played games and watched a movie. that trip really restored my mental health and i’m so thankful for it.
here’s today’s breakfast: brown sugar cinnamon homemade oatmeal with bananas and strawberries on top, and me freaking out while listening to folklore. miss taylor swift DELIVERED. this is such a good album.
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coffeecodeblr · 4 years
A comma splice walks into a bar, it has a drink and then leaves.
A question mark walks into a bar?
Two quotation marks “Walk into” a bar.
A gerund and an infinitive walk into a bar, drinking to drink.
The bar was walked into by a passive voice.
Three intransitive verbs walk into a bar. They sit. They drink. They leave.
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coffeecodeblr · 4 years
tips for college classes that nobody tells you
1. don’t load your hardest classes in one semester. find out which classes within your major are rumored to be tough and divide them out throughout your time in college.
2. don’t show up to class earlier than 10 mins early. the class before yours will likely still be in there finishing up, and you’ll either walk in in the middle of a lecture or have to stand outside for a long time. just get there 5-10 mins early and you’ll be fine!
3. create a group chat for all of your classes. find a few friends from class and make a group chat! this can be either on imessage, groupme, or whatever is most popular to use at your school. this can be your go-to place to ask questions about assignments, due dates, etc. before asking the professor!
4. as for class participation, quality>quantity. in most college classes (with the exception of huge lectures) participation accounts for a chunk of your grade, and some professors take that grade very seriously. however, this doesn’t mean you should raise your hand and talk whenever you find the opportunity- your professor (and your classmates, for that matter) will appreciate you much more if your comments and questions are less frequent and have more to add to the class. 
5. the readings listed under a date in a class are due for that class, they are not homework for the next class. this is one of the biggest issues college freshman have at the beginning of their first semester. unless the professor specifically says otherwise, if the syllabus is set up to list each class individually with the readings underneath/beside the class, they are due for that class, not the next one.
6. make yourself known to your professor! this is especially important for a large lecture, where they won’t get to know you otherwise. stop by their office hours or go up to them after class and introduce yourself- making a connection with your professor can open more doors than you may know!
7. rate my professor is not always accurate. professors can get better or worse, and different people have different experiences. though it’s a great tool and you can still use it to see what people think, if you’re stuck with a professor that is ranked low, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have a bad time in that class.
8. sometimes it’s okay to just skim your readings. you’ll find out soon enough if your professor basically goes over exactly what the reading says every class. if so, you only need to skim it over and take light notes. don’t spend hours closely reading a textbook that your professor is just going to go over word for word the next day (unless it helps you- if so, do it!)
9. the guy in class that answers every question isn’t smarter than you. that’s it.
10. if you come from a lower income area or a worse school district than your peers, you may be playing the “catch up game” for a while. it’s okay! i personally go to a college where most students here come from wealthy families across the world and were sent to the best high schools possible. if you, like me, come from a mediocre public school, you may feel like you’re a beat behind your peers when it comes to background knowledge. don’t give up. work hard, you’ll catch up with them soon. (also- they aren’t smarter than you just because they had better opportunities than you did growing up. at the end of the day, you ended up at the same college)
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coffeecodeblr · 4 years
exam prep pt. 1
Start early. it may seem like it is waaayy to early to start. but here’s the thing: it is never too late to start studying for an exam, so start early and start now
Make a revision guide. List all the crucial things you absolutely have to revise for. If your teacher gives you a guide, ditch it. You know more than anyone what you need to work on.
Focus on what you don’t know. I know its more comfortable doing things you already know, it gives you a nice ego boost, but the other things won’t learn themselves. i repeat: focus on what you DON’T know.
Which means study by priority. Study what you need the most help on. Do not go in order. You will run out of time to study things you actually need help on. So please don’t.
Mindmaps. These are good for subjects like history and the sciences. It is much easier to see all your notes on one page. So do yourself a favor and convert your notes into mindmaps.
Flashcards. After mindmaps comes flashcards. How I study is by first taking notes, then making a mindmap, and then putting the information into flashcards (I might make a post ;)). They don’t always work for essay based subjects so beware. But remember: flashcards only work if you frequently review them.
Past papers. These are your friends. Seriously. If you do past papers, they will help a LOT. This gives you an idea of how the real exam will be. They will mostly come in the same format, so it will help you be familiar with the layout of the papers.
Specifications. Don’t just get all your info from study guides. Most of the time they leave out some information. See what exam board you’re doing and find the spec. Try to use that as a checklist.
Ask for help. Your teachers are there to help. If you’re struggling, ask for help. See if there are extra classes. Check if your teacher can tutor you if they have time (my teacher did). Seriously. Ask. Its for your benefit.
Avoid burnout. Don’t just focus on one topic/subject. Switch it up to avoid burnout and remember to take breaks. You can’t put all the information in your brain in one go. Take care of yourself.
You can do this. I believe in you, you can do anything if you put your mind to it. just remember to breathe and take care of your health. It’s more important than anything. Trust me, you can do this :) 
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coffeecodeblr · 4 years
you can continue scrolling now.
STEM vs. Humanities
I have nothing but respect and admiration for STEM and STEM majors, but I do not labor over hundreds of pages of academic articles every week, write multi-page essays, learn to combine academics and creativity, and experience uncomfortable self-reflection to be told that my major is not as hard as STEM, that I am not as intelligent as my STEM-major friends, that I don’t work as hard…just because I do different work doesn’t mean it’s any less difficult. I just want respect amongst majors, because I love what I study, but that’s really hard to do when my bio-major friends act like they know more than me about any subject just because they study science. We all need each other, and no major is complete without influence from other fields. Respect each others’ work and everything can only get better.
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coffeecodeblr · 4 years
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As most people are working and studying from home right now, I wanted to share some concrete, implementable ways you can help yourself feel better. Though I believe productivity and quantity of work done (or lack thereof) doesn’t/shouldn’t translate into your self-worth and how you view yourself, when you get work done, you actually do feel better in your own body. 
By the way, it’s the first time I’m formatting a tips/guide post like this, so I apologize that I couldn’t be more concise.
I’ve spoken to a licensed professional counsellor as well as to some professionals who have been working from home for a long time, and some of the advice above is from them. I’m also sharing from my own experience as someone who used to be very productive and an (ex-)overachiever, and still attach a lot of my self-worth to grades and other tangible accomplishments. I hope these slides can help you. In case it’s hard to read, I’ve included it (reworded) in text form if you’d like to read more. 
Keep reading
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coffeecodeblr · 4 years
‘eat the frog' method
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Hi all, it’s werelivingarts. I just stumbled across this method called ‘eat the frog’, which means you get the most difficult or important task out of your way first. I actually have been using this method for a long time, hope this post gives you a new way of managing your time and productivity! 😜 ❤️
“If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” – Mark Twain 
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