coffeecup218 · 5 months
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Buff ladies,, whew
ft. Hunter and Luz admiring from afar
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coffeecup218 · 4 years
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Close-ups from the Shadowhunter Fairytales! 
Little Red Riding Hood
Beauty and the Beast
Puss in Boots
The Wild Swans
Snow White
Frog Prince
Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Little Mermaid
The Lion and the Mouse
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coffeecup218 · 5 years
Hot take
Riz Ahmed as the winter soldier
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coffeecup218 · 5 years
Merry Christmas from your Secret Santa! Hope you and your family have a lovely day :)
Oh hello there Secret Santa! Thank you for being so wonderful throughout this month and I hope you had a great Christmas
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coffeecup218 · 5 years
Enjoy your time with your family. Hope you have a great time in Orlando! Happy Christmas Eve. What are you hoping Santa brings?
I am having a good time! My family and I had a Christmas Eve lunch. And then chilled for the evening. We’re not super big on traditions.
I haven’t thought about what Santa is bringing me in a long while. I guess nothing? I have everything I want and need. Maybe acceptance and inner peace?
Have a great Christmas too
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coffeecup218 · 5 years
So sorry you had a sad week but I hope Orlando is treating you nice and you've got some time to relax. What have you been up to since you've been there? Glad you liked your story! I saw marshmallow launchers in a store last month and knew it would be something Castle and Alexis would play with hahaha. Beckett has to get one too so she can ambush him when he comes home from book signings!
Hey!! Sorry, I haven’t been replying at all 🙈
I’ve been spending quality time with my family and leaving technology behind. Marshmallow launchers? I can totally picture it.
How have you been doing, Secret Santa?
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coffeecup218 · 5 years
8. “I don’t think so kiddo, you’re outnumbered and you’re not dragging me into this,” Martha told him, sipping from her wine glass.“You win, Detective, daughter.” “Thanks Kate, these are fun,” Alexis told her, exchanging a high five after her father conceded defeat. Kate smiled, proud and beyond grateful to be with this new family she was in love with more and more each day. Kate pressed a kiss to his lips quickly, before they all returned to the living room to watch a movie together. - End. SS
Awwww! That was beautiful SS!!!
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coffeecup218 · 5 years
7. She sat on top of his thighs, looming over him. “Learn your lesson, babe?” Kate teased, looking down at him with mischief in her eyes. He grinned up at her, not entirely unhappy with this turn of events. “You’ll never defeat me,” he said as he managed to topple her off and jump to his feet. Kate gained control of his launcher and hit him square in the back of the head as he tried to make a break for the kitchen and use Martha as a shield.
This is getting cuter!
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coffeecup218 · 5 years
6. Kate moved across the room, a smirk gracing her lips as she raised an eyebrow at him, watching as he started to move away, attempting to keep distance between himself and his fiancee. “Beckett, come on. The trigger on this thing, it’s highly sensitive and… and… I would never…” She dove at him, tackling him onto the rug and wrestling with him as she pinned his arms, presenting him as a target for Alexis who took him down without mercy until all three of them were laughing.
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coffeecup218 · 5 years
I agree, Beckett is my favourite. She makes me feel that even at my worst, I can still do something good. As for favourite crime solved? I love the solve in 47 Seconds and Cops & Robbers. S4 probably has most of my favourite episodes actually. How's your weekend? When are finals over?
Omg! Hello! Oh I forgot cops and robbers. I live that episode. I loved season 4 too but what stands out the most to me about that season is the characters and their interaction. The palpable “We kinda live each other, but we’re waiting” tension they had going on.
My weekend was sad. It was the funeral and the burial, and then I flew to Orlando. At least I finished my finals last Friday.
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coffeecup218 · 5 years
5. They watched on amused, Kate rolling her eyes at the childish threats her fiance was making at his daughter. Kate watched on amused, as she chatted with Martha until a stray marshmallow struck her in the back. Castle stopped, not sure what she would do next as she turned to glare at him. “Now, Beckett, that - that was an accident. That would have hit Alexis had she not ducked,” he tried to explain.“Don’t blame me!” Alexis warned him.
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coffeecup218 · 5 years
4. Castle dropped behind the sofa as Alexis ducked behind a beam, diving in and out of their hiding spaces to take aim at the other. Martha tried to intervene but after years of laser tag, knew better than to get in the way. Kate tried a little more valiantly to tame the battle but she’d heard the tales of the wars these two had waged over the years and when Martha beat a hasty retreat to the kitchen, she joined her, pouring them each a glass of wine.
Laser tag!
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coffeecup218 · 5 years
My sister-in-law is studying nursing. I see how tough it is. Kudos to you and I really hope its going well. You deserve to relax when you get to Florida! Oh I love musicals too! Though I've never seen Pitch Perfect. My favourite is Rent. I always wished we'd get a Castle musical. That would have been incredible! So I'm curious... favourite Castle character? Favourite crime they solved?
It is tough, but I love working with people and making a difference in their lives. It’s very rewarding.
I’ve never seen Rent, but I definitely should. Pitch Perfect is not everyone’s cup of tea, but I love the girl power in it, I definitely love the acapella world and I have a ridiculous crush on both Anna Kendrick and Brittany Snow.
A Castle musical would have been so fun. We know Stana can sing, Nathan too, not to mention Seamus and Jon... Wasted opportunity, I guess.
My favourite Castle character? I have to go with Kate Beckett. I started watching the show when I was about 14-15 and I was in awe. She was such a strong female character, well established in a man’s world and taking no crap from anyone and yet she was still very much vulnerable and beautiful. She became sort of this role model for me during my teenage years. 
I don’t really have a standout crime that I particularly enjoyed. Anything season 1 to 3 is pretty good crime solving to me. How about you?
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coffeecup218 · 5 years
Florida is awesome. What are you planning to do while you're there? What are you studying at uni? I love the sound of piano! Sometimes its just nice to play for yourself. I like playing rock and pop music. I like a tonne of really obsure, independent artists so I pretty much play whatever I'm in the mood to play. What are you listening to lately? Favourite artist?
Just relax. We’ll see what we feel up to. It’s not super warm in winter, but still better than where I’m from, so that’s good. I’ll take time to start running again, maybe go to Disney on Christmas Eve.
I’m studying nursing and I’m actually graduating this year. It’s both exhilarating and terrifying.
I... okay, it’s sounds weird, but I’m a huuuuge fan of musical. Like even my friends think I’m too much sometimes. So I guess the last few songs I put on repeat were song from the Pitch Perfect 3 album? (Acapella, musical, Anna Kendrick and Brittany Snow... does it get any better?) I don’t think I have a favourite artist, I’m more about the song and the lyrics than about any particular artist.
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coffeecup218 · 5 years
I play PoGo too. Play that with friends. We try to make a day out of it. I love playing Zelda and Tomb Raider too. I write and play music in my spare time. I like being creative. I've read a few of your stories before and really enjoyed them. Good luck with finals! I hope you can do something for yourself after all this has passed. Do you write music? Ever recorded yourself? What kind of things do you like to play? Classical? How long have you played piano?
Oh that’s awesome! I play with my mom, she actually got to level 40 before me. She’s awesome and it really makes for good mother-daughter bonding time. I’m flying to Florida when all is said and done so that’ll hopefully be relaxing enough to help with the grieving process.
I do not write music, I don’t think I’m very good at it, but I admire people who are. I have never recorded myself, although there are some videos of me singing at a few Christmas parties and perhaps at one of my recitals with my piano teacher. Nowadays I mostly play to accompany myself singing, but I did play mostly classical while I was learning and taking classes, which I started when I was 5. So.... 16 years ago.
Also, you’ve read my fanfics? Whoa. That’s kinda crazy. I usually assume no one does. I suddenly feel slightly self-conscious (even though I know it’s out there on the internet by my own choice, but listen, the brain isn’t always logical)
What kinda of music do you play?
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coffeecup218 · 5 years
Then Castle had talked Alexis into trying to shoot a marshmallow into his mouth from across the room. As it hit him in the chest Alexis dissolved into laughter and told him she knew it wouldn’t work.“You would think it would be hard to miss a target that’s always open,” Kate joked with Martha who laughed, nodding her agreement as she watched her son and granddaughter. Castle opened fire on Alexis when she turned to join in with the teasing and so began the battle.
So I’m guessing this is 3)?
This is fun.
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coffeecup218 · 5 years
2. But the marshmallow launchers she’d bought for both Castle and Alexis on a whim would be the most memorable part of Christmas that year. They’d both laughed when they’d opened the gift and looked at each other with glee. With the sweet tooth Big Castle and Little Castle had, she’d thought they’d get a kick out of them. It started out innocently enough. Plans to make cocoa, joking that whoever could land their marshmallows in from the living room got the bigger mug
Oh, I found 2).
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