coffincorvid-blog1 · 9 years
poysa replied to your post: A few of my feathers have been falling...
Have you been moisturizing properly? Dry skin could be the main culprit.
inkwinganddustmoth replied to your post: A few of my feathers have been falling...
Kyu: Maybe it’s a reaction to the desert heat? your body trying to develop a lighter, summer coat?
You may both be right. I am still readjusting to the desert climate. I’ll try to keep from drying out so much. I’d say I can’t wait for winter, but the desert is probably dry year round, isn’t it? Perhaps I’ll use some of the moisturizer from work. Even the dryest of skin can’t hold out against it, ohoho.
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coffincorvid-blog1 · 9 years
A few of my feathers have been falling out lately while I sleep. It seems awfully early in the year for that.
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coffincorvid-blog1 · 9 years
fountainortheshrine replied to your post:fountainortheshrine replied to your post:...
Do you sing them, then? You are a person of many talents!
I do! Often better off clients will have paid other singers, so it’s a treat for me when I get to sing the hymns. And thank you. You have to be a man with many hats to run a business like this, but it’s all things I enjoy!
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coffincorvid-blog1 · 9 years
fountainortheshrine replied to your post: fountainortheshrine replied to your po...
Make them beautiful? I suppose not everyone wants to see a body the way it is…but that’s always been a little strange to me. Is there a ritual that you find the easiest, or most interesting, or most connected to?
Oh I couldn’t give up the variety. It’s so fascinating, all of the different rituals. But I think my favorite traditions involve music. Whether it’s songs played for the dead or a song sang by a singular singer. Especially when they celebrate the person who is deceased. Even when sung in languages I do not understand, music is a universal, ohoho.
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coffincorvid-blog1 · 9 years
fountainortheshrine replied to your post: fountainortheshrine replied to your po...
Oh…I’ve only ever been to funerals and things outside! But that sounds very nice. Do you run it like a business? What do people pay you for? I’m sorry, I’m asking a lot of questions!
Oh it’s quite alright. I’m happy when people take an interest. It is a business but it’s my passion, so it’s not at all impersonal a service. A funeral director needs to be trusted by their clients. People pay me for many, many services. The coffins for burials are built here, flowers arranged and purchased, and of course the dead are dressed and prepared. I hire help when I need it, but I need to watch over everything, and for funerals where the dead need to be prepared for their passing, I take care of that personally. I can make them more beautiful than they even were in life, ohoho. But there’s so many rituals and types of funerals. I try to offer them all. Something for everyone so they and their family and friends can be content with their passing.
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coffincorvid-blog1 · 9 years
fountainortheshrine replied to your post:fountainortheshrine replied to your post: I have a...
What do you do at a funeral parlor? Is it where you put flowers for the dead? Do you sit in nice chairs like a normal parlor?
No, the flowers were just delivered here for the funeral that will be starting soon. We do have nice chairs though. There’s no reason for mourners to have to sit in a dank and dreary place with uncomfortable seats. When you go to a funeral parlour, you are usually saying goodbye to someone who has died and remembering them with others who knew them. If not, and you don’t work here, you’re probably not supposed to be lingering.
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coffincorvid-blog1 · 9 years
fountainortheshrine replied to your post: I have a client today who was either v...
Did I read that you own a funeral parlor? I’ve never actually been to one–but being full of flowers sounds very nice!
It’s really a nice place overall, but people have their reasons for not caring for it. It’s hard to imagine someone would think it was anything but beautiful right now.
oldladys replied to your post I have a client today who was either very...
Oh flowers are just so lovely don’t you think! Sunflowers and red roses are my favorite to look at… but snap dragons are my favorite to keep around the house and grow!
They most certainly are. Chrysanthemums are my favorite overall. Sunflowers and roses and snap dragons are all lovely too.
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coffincorvid-blog1 · 9 years
I have a client today who was either very important or very admired. There are so many flowers! Usually I would assist in selecting the flowers but their partner seems to have done a very good job handling that part themselves. They must have been very fond of spider lilies. They’re a popular choice elsewhere but I have yet to see them so much in this area.
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coffincorvid-blog1 · 9 years
veintea replied to your post: I’m trying to sleep but I can hear eve...
Music has quite the calming effect against the discord of the outside world. Have you partaken in any of the mirror world’s instrumental delicacies? They are quite delightful.
It has music as well? I’ll have to find something to play over the outside noise then. Thank you for telling me!
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coffincorvid-blog1 · 9 years
I’m trying to sleep but I can hear everything outside. The city is so busy, all the time.
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coffincorvid-blog1 · 9 years
roxtherocktotallyrocks replied to your post: amilkhart replied to your post:inkwing...
if you’re in the area you should check out Scales n Tales! its my family’s place. we have good food and entertainment n i think we have a really good atmosphere
I’m already out and about so I think I’ll stop by for lunch soon. Thank you for the recommendation.
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coffincorvid-blog1 · 9 years
amilkhart replied to your post:inkwinganddustmoth replied to your post “Curuso...
Topaz has a lot to offer on a cultural level. there are plenty of art galleries and theaters. Gypsum has several museums. Carnelian is a dirtier kind of entertainment, but you don’t strike me as the clubbing and gambling type.
Oh Carnelian really doesn’t sound like the place for me. Topaz and Gypsum are definitely places I’ll be look about though. I was planning on going for another look around Topaz today now that I’m not so busy.
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coffincorvid-blog1 · 9 years
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coffincorvid-blog1 · 9 years
inkwinganddustmoth replied to your post “Curuso has been touring the city and having a nice time, but I’m not...”
Kyu: Hello! when not on the clock I like to do calligraphy and various little enchanting projects. I know Ferr tends to play cards people-watch.
There are a lot of interesting people here to watch, isn’t there? 
fountainortheshrine replied to your post “Curuso has been touring the city and having a nice time, but I’m not...”
I like to explore sea caves, there are a lot of them in the cliffs! And it's cool when it gets very hot out, which is most of the time here.
Now that sounds adventurous! I didn’t even know about the caves. I might have to see them some time.
heymanshutup replied to your post “Curuso has been touring the city and having a nice time, but I’m not...”
drink, dance and sing! the streets are full of merriment more often than not in Topaz should you care to carouse around them. especially with all this excitement with the Wind Region!
.Now I have been there. I went to search for a nice floral shop who might be interested in doing business with me. It was all so very lively, but I didn’t take the time to see what all it has to offer. Maybe I should sometime soon.
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coffincorvid-blog1 · 9 years
Curuso has been touring the city and having a nice time, but I’m not sure what to do with myself on off days. What do people do for fun here?
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coffincorvid-blog1 · 9 years
inkwinganddustmoth replied to your post: fountainortheshrine replied to your po...
Kyu: It certainly is! I take it you’re new in town, yes? New to using the mirror at least! Welcome?
Yes, I’ve only just settled into my new home. Thank you!
fountainortheshrine replied to your post: fountainortheshrine replied to your po...
I’ve thought so so far! I’m Dweller, by the way. It is nice to meet you, in a sense!
I believe it counts, like meeting someone through delivered messages. It’s nice to meet you as well. I’m Mr. Arturo.
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coffincorvid-blog1 · 9 years
fountainortheshrine replied to your post:My my I’ve had a busy week. I’d been so set on...
Hello! It took me a little while to figure out the Pyxis, but I’ve never seen anything like it!
Hello! I haven’t either and I’ve seen a lot of odd devices. This one just takes the cake though, doesn’t it? It seems like it will be very useful too.
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