coffinfillers-blog · 10 years
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coffinfillers-blog · 10 years
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John Wayne Gacy's last meal
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coffinfillers-blog · 10 years
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ROW 1: Sara Aldrete, Juana Barraza, Elizabeth Bathory, Marie Alexandra Becker, Marie Besnard, Elfriede Blauensteiner, Mary Ann Cotton
ROW 2: Nanny Doss, Amelia Dyer, Kristin Gilbert, Delfina and Maria de Jesus Gonzalez, Dana Sue Gray, Belle Gunness
ROW 3: Anna Hahn, Myra Hindley, Karla Homolka, Hélène Jégado, Delphine LaLaurie, Enriqueta Martí, Dagmar Overbye
ROW 4: Dorothea Puente, Raya and Sakina, Darya Saltykova, Jane Toppan, Rosemary West, Aileen Wuornos
These women ran the whole gamut - some preyed on men, some on women, some on the elderly, some on children, and one of them even made victims out of war veterans. Some killed family members, while others killed complete strangers. Some killed with a partner, while some killed alone. Some of them were born into rich families and were well-educated, and others were born into poverty and lived rough lives of crime and prostitution. Some raped and tortured their victims before killing them, and others just made the deaths quick and painless. Some were driven by love, money, anger, or just the voices in their heads. One thing they all had in common? They got famous for killing multiple victims and showing no remorse.
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coffinfillers-blog · 10 years
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Last Words
Ted Bundy - “I’d like you to give my love to my family and friends.” Serial Killer Ted Bundy confessed to killing 30 women between 1974 and 1979 in Washington, Colorado, Florida and Utah. His total number of victims is unknown and is estimated to run over 100.
Aileen Wuornos - “I’d just like to say I’m sailing with the rock, and I’ll be back like Independence Day, with Jesus June 6. Like the movie, big mother ship and all, I’ll be back.” In 1989 and 1990, Wuornos robbed, shot and killed at least 6 men. 
John Wayne Gacy - “Kiss my ass.” John Wayne Gacy was convicted of the rape and murder of 33 men between 1972 and 1978. He was known as the Killer Clown.
James French - “Hey fellas! How about this for a headline for tomorrow’s paper? ‘French fries’!” French murdered his cellmate in order to be executed instead of serving a life sentence. 
Carl Panzram - “Hurry up, you Hoosier bastard, I could kill ten men while you’re fooling around!” Panzram confessed to killing 22 people and having sodomized over 1,000 males. 
Jeffrey Dahmer - “I don’t care if I live or die. Go ahead and kill me.” Dahmer murdered 17 males between 1978 and 1991. His murders included rape, dismemberment, necrophilia and cannibalism. (Was killed by another inmate).
Peter Kurten - “Tell me, after my head has been chopped off, will I still be able to hear, at least for a moment, the sound of my own blood gushing from the stump of my neck? That would be a pleasure to end all pleasures.” Kurten was convicted of killing 9 people but his estimated number of victims could be over 60. 
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coffinfillers-blog · 12 years
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A small glimpse inside James Holmes' apartment.
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coffinfillers-blog · 12 years
The full video: A science presentation done by James Holmes in 2006.
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coffinfillers-blog · 12 years
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coffinfillers-blog · 12 years
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Edmund Kemper (born December 18, 1948), also known as the "Co-ed Killer" is an American serial killer and necrophiliac who was active in California in the early 1970s. As a child he was extremely bright, but displayed sociopathic behavior from a young age, including cruelty to animals; he purposely fatally stabbed a pet cat at the age 13. He acted out in bizarre sexual rituals with his sisters' dolls and exhibited a dark fantasy life. Kemper who had a close relationship with his father was devastated when his parents divorced in 1957 and had to be raised by his mother in Helena, Montana. He had a horrible relationship with his mother Clarnell, a violent alcoholic who would constantly belittle and humiliate him. Clarnell often made Kemper sleep in a locked basemet because she feared that he would rape his younger sister. It is alleged that Clarnell had borderline personality disorder. On August 27, 1964, after being sent to live with his grandparents, his grandmother was sitting at the kitchen table working on her latest children's book when she and Kemper began to argue. Eventually he shot her in the head. When his grandfather came home from grocery shopping, Kemper went outside and fatally shot him in the driveway. When question he said that he "just wanted to see what it felt like to kill Grandma," and that he killed his grandfather because he new he would be angry at him for what he had done. At the age of 15, Kemper was committed to the Atascadero State Hospital. Kemper was released from prison in 1969 after serving less than five years. Against the wishes of several doctors, he was released into his mother's care. 
Between May 1972 and February 1973, Kemper embarked on a spree of murders, picking up eight female students hitchhiking, taking them to isolated rural areas and killing them. He would stab, shoot or smother the victims and afterwards take them back to his apartment where he would have sex with their decapitated heads and bodies and then dissect them. He killed five college girls (four students from UC Santa Cruz and one from Cabrillo College). He would often go hunting for victims after arguing with his mother. Kemper had managed to stay one step ahead of investigators by virtue of his being friends with many Santa Cruz County police officers. Edmund was a regular at a bar called The Jury Room, which was a popular hangout with local law enforcement officers. None of his friends had any suspicions and freely discussed the case with him.
On Good Friday of 1973, Kemper battered his sleeping mother to death with a claw hammer. He then decapitated her and used her severed head for oral sex before finally using it as a dart board. He also cut out her vocal cords, then put them in the garbage disposal. The garbage disposal could not break down the tough vocal cord tissue, then ejected the tissue back up into the sink. "That seemed appropriate," he said after his arrest, "as much as she'd bitched and screamed and yelled at me over so many years." He then invited his mother's best friend, 59-year-old Sally Hallett over to the house. When she entered the house, he strangled her to death, and then Kemper left the scene of his final crimes. Kemper started driving eastward in order to leave California, but when he heard news reports of the murders on the radio he became discouraged. He stopped the car and called the police to confess to murdering his mother and Hallett. At this time, he did not speak of his crimes as the "Co-ed killer", and waited inside his car until he was arrested.
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coffinfillers-blog · 12 years
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John Holmes (born December 13, 1987)--is the primary suspect for the Aurora Shooting or 'Batman' Massacre--was raised in San Diego, California. He graduated from San Diego-based Westview High School in 2006 and obtained an undergraduate degree in neuroscience from University of California, Riverside in 2012. Holmes had a difficult time finding a job after obtaining his masters. He later tried to obtain a PhD in neuroscience from the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora but dropped out in June 2012. On July 20, 2012 during a midnight showing of the film The Dark Knight Rises in a Aurora movie theater, he supposedly entered through an emergency door wearing a gas mask and bulletproof vest and deployed a tear gas canister before opening fire; using a AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, a 12 gauge Remington shotgun and a .40 caliber Glock handgun.
Public records indicate that Holmes lived with two roommates, also from California, in the Aurora building where police have found explosives, at 1690 Paris St., Apt. 10. The building is reserved for students, faculty and staff from the medical campus.The Denver Post newspaper reported that Holmes, in an apartment rental application he sent last year, described himself as “quiet and easy-going.” A pharmacy student who lives in the building told The Post he called 911 around 12:30 a.m. because there was a song blaring from the stereo inside apartment 10, where Holmes lived. The student, who wanted to be identified only as Ben, said he couldn’t make out the song but that it seemed to be the same one playing on repeat. He also said Holmes kept to himself and wouldn’t acknowledge people when they passed in the hall and said hello.“No one knew him. No one,” he told The Post.
He allegedly killed 12 people and left 59 injured.
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coffinfillers-blog · 12 years
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At seventeen, John Thomas Straffen had the mind of an 8-year-old. The youth, who had grown up in a school for mentally retarded children, assaulted a 13-year-old girl and the courts sent him to an institution. Released at age twenty-one, he lived in Bath until he strangled two girls, as he said, to annoy the police because he hated them. At his trial at the Taunton Assizes in October 1951, he was found unfit to plead and was commited to Broadmoor Asylum. Six months later he escaped. He was at large for only a few hours, but in that time he murdered another girl, Linda Bowyer. He told the police without being asked, “I did not kill the little girl on the bicycle.” His mental condition brought up several questions of how mentally incompetent defendants should be tried in capital cases. In his July 1952 trial for the third murder, he was found Guilty, but his death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.
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coffinfillers-blog · 13 years
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Paul John Knowles (April 17, 1946 - November 18, 1974) also known as The Casanova Killer, was an American spree killer tied to the deaths of eighteen people in 1974, though he claimed to have taken thirty-five lives. Born in Florida in 1946, he was first convicted at the age of nineteen, and in the years following he spent more time in prison. In 1974, he was granted parole and sought to marry Mrs. Angela Covic, with whom he had corresponded from prison. Allegedly because of something a psychic told her, she ended the relationship. After this rejection, Knowles went on a murderous spree across northern Florida. He was eventually caught in Georgia, but while he was claiming to assist officers in finding the officer's pistol he had used in his last two murders, he tried to escape and was shot dead by a police officer.
The Murders
Alice Curtis was a 65-year-old resident of Jacksonville, Florida. Knowles gagged her on July 26, 1974, while stealing her belongings. She choked to death on her gag.
Lillian and Mylette Anderson, aged eleven and seven respectively, were strangled early August 1974 and subsequently dumped in a nearby swamp.
Marjorie Howe lived in Atlantic Beach, Florida. She was strangled with a nylon stocking. The motive, apparently, was that Knowles stole her television.
Victim #5 remains unnamed. She was a hitchhiker, who Knowles raped and strangled.
Kathy Pierce was strangled with the cord of her telephone on August 23, 1974. Her three-year-old son, who was also present, remained unharmed.
William Bates met his fate on September 3, after having shared some drinks with Knowles in Lima, Ohio. His body was not discovered until October. His car, money and credit cards were all taken by Knowles.
Emmett and Lois Johnson were out camping in Ely, Nevada, where Knowles murdered both on September 18, 1974.
Charlynn Hicks was a woman whose motorcycle broke down in Sequin, Texas. Knowles raped her before strangling her and dragging her body through some barbed wire. This was on the 21st of September.
Ann Dawson, from Birmingham, Alabama, met Knowles on September 23. They travelled together for a while, until Knowles killed her on the September 29. Her body was never found.
Karen Wine and her 16 year old daughter, were killed on October 16, bound, raped, and strangled with a nylon stocking. They were discovered by Wine's older daughter Cheryl. A tape recorder was missing from their home.
Doris Hovey was fifty-three years old and lived in Woodford, Virginia. She was shot dead by Knowles with her husband's rifle on October 19, 1974.
Carswell Carr and his daughter met Knowles on November 6 in Macon, Georgia, and invited him over to his house. Subsequently, Knowles stabbed Carr but is said to have had a heart attack before Knowles strangled his fifteen-year-old daughter. He attempted to have sexual intercourse with her body, but failed.
Edward Hilliard and Debbie Griffin were hitchhiking near Milledgeville, Georgia, on November 2. Hilliard's body was found in nearby woods, but Griffin's remains were never discovered. Knowles was not proven to have murdered them, but he was under very strong suspicion.
Trooper Charles Eugene Campbell Trooper Campbell was abducted while on patrol and shot by Knowles in Pulaski County, Georgia.
James Meyer was a businessman who was taken hostage along with Trooper Campbell. Knowles handcuffed them to a tree and shot them with the trooper's gun.
After being the subject of a massive manhunt, Knowles was finally put into custody after crashing his stolen car while trying to avoid a roadblock shortly after the double murder in Pulaski. Knowles belatedly claim to over thirty murders almost immediately after being arrested, but the true total will never be known for sure. On November 18, he was shot and killed by an FBI agent after picking his handcuffs and going for an officers gun while being transferred to a maximum security facility.
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coffinfillers-blog · 13 years
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Jeffrey Dahmer committed his first murder in the summer of 1978, at the age of 18. His father was away on business and his mother had moved out, taking his brother with her; Dahmer was left behind, alone. That June, Dahmer picked up a hitchhiker named Steven Hicks and offered to drink beer with him back at his father’s house, planning to eventually have sex with him. When Hicks tried to leave, Dahmer bludgeoned Hicks to death with a 10 lb. dumbell, striking the back of his head, later saying he had committed the crime because “the guy wanted to leave and [he] didn’t want him to”.Dahmer buried the body in the backyard. Nine years passed before he killed again; in September 1987, Dahmer picked up 26-year-old Steven Tuomi at a bar and killed him on impulse; he later said he had no memory of committing the crime.After the Tuomi murder, Dahmer continued to kill sporadically: two more murders in 1988, and another in early 1989, usually picking up his victims in gay bars and having sex with them before killing them. He kept the skull of one of his victims, Anthony Sears, until he was caught.
In May 1990, he moved out of his grandmother’s house for the last time and into the apartment that later became infamous: Apartment 213, 924 North 25th Street, Milwaukee. Dahmer picked up the pace of his killing: four more murders before the end of 1990, two more in February and April 1991, and another in May 1991.
In the early morning hours of May 27, 1991, 14-year-old Konerak Sinthasomphone (by coincidence, the younger brother of the boy whom Dahmer had molested) was discovered on the street, wandering naked, heavily under the influence of drugs and bleeding from his rectum. Two young women from the neighborhood found the dazed boy and called 911. Dahmer chased his victim down and tried to take him away, but the women stopped him. Dahmer told police that Sinthasomphone was his 19-year-old boyfriend, and that they had an argument while drinking. Against the protests of the two women who had called 911, police turned him over to Dahmer. They later reported smelling a strange scent while inside Dahmer’s apartment, but did not investigate it. The smell was the body of Tony Hughes, Dahmer’s previous victim, decomposing in the bedroom. The two policemen did not make any attempt to verify Sinthasomphone’s age and failed to run a background check that would have revealed Dahmer was a convicted child molester still under probation. Later that night, Dahmer killed and dismembered Sinthasomphone, keeping his skull as a souvenir.
By summer 1991, Dahmer was murdering approximately one person each week. He killed Matt Turner on June 30, Jeremiah Weinberger on July 5, Oliver Lacy on July 12, and finally Joseph Brandehoft on July 19. Dahmer got the idea that he could turn his victims into “zombies” — completely submissive, eternally youthful sexual partners — and attempted to do so by drilling holes into their skulls and injecting hydrochloric acid or boiling water into the frontal lobe area of their brains with a large syringe, while the victim was usually still alive. Other residents of the Oxford Apartments complex noticed terrible smells coming from Apartment 213, as well as the thumps of falling objects and the occasional buzzing of a power saw. Unlike many serial killers, Dahmer killed victims from a variety of racial backgrounds.
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coffinfillers-blog · 13 years
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Phillip Carl Jablonski (January 3, 1949--) is an American serial killer convicted of killing five women in California and Utah between 1978 and 1991. He grew up with an alcoholic father who beat and sodomized Jablonski's mother and sisters. When he was 16, Jablonski attacked his 14-year-old sister by putting a rope around her neck and throwing her onto the bed. He had an erection and said, "I'm going to get some of that off of you." She thought he was going to rape her; however he suddenly stopped and started to cry. When she told their parents, his father beat him. Jablonski met his first wife, Alice McGowan, in high school. He joined the military after high school and was sent overseas. They married in 1968 when he returned to the U.S. While living in Texas, Jablonski became sexually violent. During sex he put a pillow over McGowan's face and attempted to suffocate her. On several occasions, he strangled her until she was unconscious. Jablonski met Jane Sanders in November of 1968 after McGowan left him. He raped her on their first date which she did not report. She became pregnant and they moved to California in July of 1969, after Jablonski left the military. On one occasion, while having sex, Sanders wanted to stop. Jablonski pulled out a gun and threated to shoot her if she did not continue. He hit her with the butt of the gun and she passed out. When she regained consciousness, he was having sex with her. She left him in 1972.
Crimes Jablonski was changed with the April 22, 1991 death of 38-year-old Fathyma Vann. Vann was a student at a local community college that Jablonski attended to satisfy conditions of his parole. Fathyma, a recently widowed mother of two teenage girls, was found shot in the head and sexually assaulted, lying naked in a shallow ditch in the Indio desert with the words "I Love Jesus" carved in her back. Her body had been subjected to other mutilations including removal of her eyes and ears.
Carol Spadoni met and married Jablonski in 1982 after answering a newspaper ad placed while Jablonski was serving time for having murdered his first wife, Alice McGowan in Palm Springs, California in 1978.
On April 23, 1991, Jablonski's wife, Carol and her mother, Eva Peterson, 72, were murdered at their home in Burlingame. Spadoni was shot, suffocated with duct tape then stabbed, while Peterson was sexually assaulted and shot. Jablonski was also changed with the robbery and subsequent murder of Margie Rogers, 58, in Grand Country, Utah on April 27, 1991. He was captured the following day in Kansas. He was found guilty of the murders and sentenced to death.
In January 2006, the California Supreme Court upheld Jablonski's death sentence on appeal. Jablonski spends his time now responding to dozens of letters sent to him monthly. He has not shown a hint of remorse for his crimes and often brags to pen pals about his crimes.
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coffinfillers-blog · 13 years
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coffinfillers-blog · 13 years
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Above: Anthonette Cayedito in 1986 (left) and an age-progressed image to 30, circa 2007 (right)
Anthonette Cayedito, a nine-year-old Navajo girl, was snatched from her family’s home in Gallup, New Mexico, in April 1986. According to Anthonette’s sister, a man claiming to be their uncle grabbed Anthonette, pulled her into his car, and drove away.
Several people reported sighting Anthonette in the days following the kidnapping. She also may have called 911 in 1987, in an attempt to escape her captors.
The most frustrating possible missed opportunity took place in Las Vegas, Nevada. A waitress there reported seeing a young girl traveling with an unkempt man and woman. The girl kept dropping her fork on the floor and grabbing the waitress’s hand when she brought fresh silverware to the table. After the group had left the restaurant, the waitress discovered a note written on a napkin, placed under the girl’s plate: “Help me. Call the police.” When shown a picture of Anthonette, the waitress said that the girl had strongly resembled her.
Anthonette has never been found. No one knows the identity of the girl, who might have been Anthonette, nor of the couple she was traveling with.
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coffinfillers-blog · 13 years
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John Wayne Gacy, Jr. (March 17, 1942--May 10, 1994) was an American serial killer. He was born and raised Catholic in Chicago and had a very distressed and distant relationship with his stern and abusive alcoholic father, John S. Gacy. He worked briefly in Las Vegas before returning to Illinois. He attended a business college and started a moderately successful career as a shoe salesman where he became a prominent member of the Jaycees. In 1964 he married and moved to Waterloo, Iowa where he managed a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant belonging to his wife's family.
However, Gacy's first marriage fell apart after he was convicted of child molestation in 1968. He was sent to prison for this crime but he was a model prisoner and was paroled in 1970 after serving only 18 months. After he was released, he moved back to Illinois. He successfully hid this criminal record until police began investigating him for his later murders. In 1971, he bought a house in an unincorporated area surrounded by the Chicago neighborhood of Norwood Park, lived there with his widowed mother and established his own construction business, PDM Contracting. He married a woman he had known since high school, and she and her two daughters moved in with him, and his mother moved out. He became a prominent and respected member of the community. In addition to his clown act, he became a committee member for the Democratic Party. In this capacity, he was even able to meet and be photographed with future-First Lady Rosalynn Carter.
It was also during this time that he claimed his first known victim, a teenage boy he picked up at a bus depot. His marriage fell apart and his wife divorced him in mid-1976. Gacy began a double life: respected member of the community by day, sexual predator and murderer by night.
No suspicion fell on him until December 12, 1978, when he was investigated following the disappearance of a teenage boy, 15-year-old Robert Piest, who was last seen with Gacy. A search of his house, by Des Plaines detective Joseph Kozenczak, revealed a number of incriminating items related to other disappearances. On December 22, 1978 Gacy went to his lawyers and confessed. He claimed he had first killed in January 1972. He confessed to 33 murders, indicating where the bodies were in 29 of the cases—buried under his house and on his property. The other four he said were thrown into the nearby Des Plaines River after he ran out of space beneath the crawlspace under his house. Most of the victims were young male prostitutes or teenage runaways. Some victims were also teenage boys whom Gacy had hired through his contracting firm. At least one of the victims was picked up at the bus station. The youngest victim was nine years old. The oldest was around 20. Nine of the victims' bodies were so badly decomposed that they were never identified. The bodies were uncovered from December 1978 to April 1979, when the last known victim was found downstream in the Illinois River.
Trial and Execution On February 6, 1980, Gacy's trial began in Chicago. During the trial, he made a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity. However, this plea was rejected outright—his lawyer made the claim that Gacy had moments of temporary insanity at the time of each individual murder, but before and afterwards, somehow regained his sanity to properly lure and dispose of victims. Also, Gacy had made an earlier confession to police, and was unable to have this pulled as evidence. He was found guilty on March 13 and sentenced to death.
On May 10, 1994, Gacy was executed in the State Penitentiary in Joliet, Illinois, by lethal injection, after finishing his last meal consisting of shrimp, fried chicken, fresh strawberries, and then fries. His execution was a minor media sensation, and large crowds of people gathered for "execution parties" outside the penitentiary, with numerous arrests for public intoxication, open intoxicants and disorderly conduct. In an unusual display of gallows humor, the so-called "Gacy's Day Parade" (a parody of the "Macy's Day Parade") ensued. Vendors sold T-shirts and Gacy merchandise, and the people cheered at the moment when Gacy was pronounced dead.
Gacy's execution also proved problematic when the chemicals used in the lethal injection were mixed in a way that caused them to solidify, and as a result, he reportedly took 27 minutes to die. As a result of this problem, Illinois adopted a different method of lethal injection.
According to reports, Gacy did not express remorse. His last words were to the effect that killing him would not bring anyone back, and it is reported his last words were "You can kiss my ass", which he said to the Chief Chaplain of the Illinois Department of Corrections, Dr. William Fontaine prior to Gacy being led into the execution chamber.
Some have pointed to his poor relationship with his abusive, alcoholic father, his head trauma and subsequent blackouts in his teenage years as some basis for his acts. There has also been some speculation that murdering men and boys — whom he called "worthless little queers and punks" — was Gacy's subconscious expression of self-hatred for his own homosexuality (Gacy claimed to hate gays and "gay-acting people," and that he was bisexual.)
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coffinfillers-blog · 13 years
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Paul Bernardo/Karla Homolka Video Tape Transcript
These tapes were to be played on two 30-inch video monitors at the front of the gallery, one on each side of the courtroom. The sets were on 6-foot-high platforms that were discreetly sheathed in a somber black cloth. There were also two huge television sets in front of the jurors, while Bernardo, the defense, and the prosecution lawyers, along with the judge, all had their own smaller screens.
Just before the tape was turned on that morning, Judge LeSage looked down at the gallery that was filled to capacity and issued a warning: "I want to caution the audience that what you are about to see next is explicit... if you wish to remain, you can."
Nobody moved.
"Play it, please," said Crown prosecutor Ray Houlahan.
The first scene had been taped in the basement recreation room of the Homolka house not long after Tammy Lyn's death. Karla Homolka was on her back, lying on a rug before the fireplace, naked, her legs spread wide apart while she masturbated for the camera, which was positioned a few feet away, at about knee level, and pointed directly at her vagina.
Gasps of surprise and disgust, perhaps even shock, along with plenty of embarrassed giggles, could be heard throughout the courtroom as the camera lingered on Homolka's exposed body for several minutes while she stimulated herself. To many in the courtroom, showing that particular video seemed an amazing way for the Crown to treat the woman who was scheduled to be their chief witness. For the previous two years, ever since her arrest, Homolka's face had been almost as well know as the prime minister's. She had been seen on television in footage taken at her wedding, with her friends, and at her trial. There had been countless photographs of her in newspapers and magazines around the world. But few people in the courtroom that day were expecting to see a triple-X-rated tape, a close study of the country's most infamous woman in a variety of sexually explicit positions.
The prosecutors, though, had their reasons for showing the video. On it, she and Bernardo talked about the death of Tammy Lyn. Although Bernardo's trial for her death might well follow his trial for first-degree murder, the Crown wanted to present evidence on Tammy's death as part of its general picture of the relationship between the two. Homolka's dialogue on the tape, Houlahan had said in his opening address, had been scripted by Bernardo. That is, Bernardo had told her what to say when she was on camera, and if she didn't obey him, she was punished with a beating.
But what the court saw was a seemingly relaxed Homolka pulling down her husband's pants, fondling his penis, which she called Snuggles, and then performing fellatio during most of the tape, stopping every now and then to talk about what had happeded to her dead sister.
"I loved it when you fucked my little sister," Homolka said to Bernardo, who was lying on his back beside the roaring hearth, moaning softly while she rubbed his penis.
"I loved it when you fucked Tammy. I loved it when you took her virginity. You're the king. I love licking your ass, Paul. I'll bet Tammy would have loved to lick your ass. I loved it when you put Snuggles up her ass."
Bernardo could be seen reaching for his drink while Homolka continued to fondle his penis. She did it for several minutes, but he never climaxed. He took a sip from his drink, glancing at the back of her head while she worked on him, and asked about her thoughts on the night Tammy died. "How did you feel?"
"I felt proud. I felt happy," she replied.
"What else?"
"I felt horny. It's my mission in life to make you feel good."
"This is why I'm gonna marry her," Bernardo said, looking at the camera and holding up his drink while Homolka continued performing fellatio. "Sköl to the king."
"I'm glad you made me lick her cunt," Homolka continued, after pausing to take a break from the oral sex.
"Are you a fully fledged dyke?" Bernardo asked, a reference to Homolka having sex with her sister.
"No, I'm not."
"You were having sex with your little sister."
"That was different. It was my little sister," she replied, stroking his penis.
"Love in the family," Bernardo said. "Do you believe in that concept?"
"You know I had fun doing it," Homolka said. "You know I liked it."
"What did it teach you?"
"Well... we like little girls, I like you to fuck them. If you're gonna fuck them, then I'm gonna lick them. All the little girls."
"What age should they be?"
"Because it will make you happy."
"But why 13?"
"That's a good age."
"Because why?" he persisted.
"Because they'll still be virgins."
"What are you saying?" Bernardo asked, looking down at Homolka's head. She stopped to look up at him.
"I'm saying I think you should fuck them and take their virginity. Break their hymens with Snuffles. They're all our children, and I think you should make them ours even more."
"You're right," Bernardo said. "You're absolutely right. That's a good idea. When did you come up with it?"
"Just now," she replied. She resumed the oral sex for a while longer, then stopped and told Bernardo she had a surprise for him. She walked past the camera to her bedroom, beside the rec room, came back with a paper bag a few minutes later, and sat down beside Bernardo. Inside the bag was a brassiere and a pair of panties.
"It's Tammy's," she said, handing him the bra. He smelled it while she began stroking his penis with the underwear, before resuming the fellatio. A few minutes later, when he still hadn't reached a climax, she stopped and continued talking about her dead sister.
"I want to rub Tammy's underwear all over your body," she said, and did so. "It will make you feel so good. I'm so glad you took her virginity, Paul. I wish we had four kids, Paul."
"So you could fuck each one of them. How does the king like that?" she asked, stroking his penis rapidly with her sister's underwear.
"Yeah," he replied, in obvious pleasure. She continued for serveral minutes, but when he never climaxed, she said, "I think the king should turn over." He did as he was instructed.
"Okay," he said.
"Because his little slave has some more things to say and do."
Bernardo rolled off his back and got down on his hands and knees while Homoka positioned herself behind him. Then she probed with one hand for his anus and began licking it while she stroked his penis with her other hand. She did this for several minutes, and he moaned in pleasure, at times calling her his "little asslicker." When he failed to reach a climax, they changed positions yet again.
Bernardo lay on his back again and rested his hands behind his head. Homolka took a long-stemmed rose from a nearby vase and dragged it slowly across his chest, and then up and down his errect penis.
"You know what we're gonna do with this?" she asked, holding up the rose. "We're gonna take this to Tammy's tomorrow, and put it on her grave."
"Because it will give you pleasure. You loved her. She loved you. You were her favorite, you know. The things that you did, you know I loved it. The way you fucked her in what, 60 seconds? She loved it. She loved it."
"Your titties are bigger than hers."
"I know."
"And they taste better," he said. "When Tammy was alive, what did you used to do?"
"You made me lick it," she replied, resuming the oral sex, "and suck it. And now I'm doing it on my own because I loved it, Paul. I loved everything you did with her. She was our little playtoy."
"And we both loved her so much."
"Yes," Homolka agreed, fondling his penis again. "Our little virgin. She loved us."
"What else?"
"I didn't give you my virginity, so I gave you Tammy's instead. I loved you enough to do that."
Homolka then talked about another time Bernardo had brought a young girl home and had sex with her in the basement of her parents' house while she watched. "You fucked her," Homolka said, "with this."
She gazed at his penis, tenderly stroking it. "You fucked her cunt," she said. "She sucked you. She sucked Snuffles. She put it in her mouth, like this." After more minutes of oral sex with no climax, she continued: "You put her on her knees. You fucked her. And I let you do that because I love you, because you're the king."
She rubbed his penis for several moments before saying, "I want you to do it again."
"This summer, because the weather is too bad in the winter. If we can do that then it's good."
"Good," he agreed.
"If you want to do it 50 more times, we can do it 50 more times," she said, a reference to him bringing home more young girls. "If you want to do it every weekend, we can do it every weekend. Whenever we can. Because I love you. Because you're the king. Because you deserve it."
"Virgin cunts for me," Bernardo chimed in.
"Virgins just for me. It'll make me happy... going from one cunt to another, from one ass to another. Will you help me get the virgins?"
"Yes, I'll go in the car with you if you want, if you think that's best. Or I'll stay here and clean up afterwards. I'll do everything I can because I want you to be happy. Because you're the king."
Bernardo still hadn't climaxed. Homolka shifted down toward his feet.
"Ooh, footsies," he said.
She started sucking on his toes, first one foot, then the other. "Got to treat the king like a king," she said.
"Good. And what else?"
"I'm your little cocksucker," she said. "My nipples are so hard. I'm your cunt. Your little slut. Your little asslicker. Your little virgin."
"It's good to be king," Bernardo said, looking at the camera and raising his glass again.
Homolka licked the soles of his feet. "I'm your cunt-licking slut," she said, "the keeper of your virgins. Your ass-licking bitch. And I love you. I want to marry you."
And there the tape ended, with Bernardo still unable to climax.
Crown prosecutor Ray Houlahan said the video would be played again, to enable the jurors to follow the dialogue on the second viewing with a transcript prepared by the police. But before the monitors were turned on, many in the public gallery got up and left. They had seen more than enough of the illustrious couple on the first playing of the tape.
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